
Dear Families,

I pray that you will have a  blessed vacation next week Spending time with friends and family, remembering the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ!!

LANGUAGE ARTS  In READING, we will continue to work on remembering our reading strategies. We will also be focusing on main characters and the setting of a story. We will also look at problem and solution.

 WRITING – We will begin reviewing  for our 4th quarter benchmark and practicing keyword outline

MATH – This week we will finish up our unit on 2-digit addition and subtraction.  We will test on Chapter 12 this Friday. When we return We will then get into Chapter 8 on Geometry, Fractions, & Probability!

Rainforest: Our kids have been busy learning all about the different layers of the rainforest! They have had a chance to learn about various animals and plants that live in the rainforest as well!

BIBLE – We will be studying the Easter story, focusing on the death and resurrection of Jesus.

images-5EASTER CELEBRATION –  We will be having an Easter Celebration on April 11th,  from 1:20-2:40 PM. Our time will begin with an Easter egg hunt that will take place on the North field grass. Following that the kids will come inside and take part in a few Easter craft activities! Please be sure to bring 1 bag of candy filled eggs for the kids hunt. If you are able to donate items for food, please see the sign up email sent out last week.

openhouseOPEN HOUSE –  The Fine Arts Festival will take place May 6th from 6:30-9:00pm! The kids can not wait for you to see our room transformed into a rainforest jungle!

talent_showTALENT SHOW – We would love to have many of our 1st graders share at the yearly Talent Show on April 25th. Please be on the lookout for the form to fill out if you are interested. This is always a fun evening to showcase the talents God has given our students. 

FCSlogoEND OF YEAR CONVOCATION– As the year draws to a close we would like to gather as a family to celebrate all that God has done for us. Thursday, May 1st is the National Day of Prayer and our School Community Council believes that would be the perfect day to come together as an entire school. All of you (parents, grandparents, family, and friends) are invited to join the teachers, students, administration, and staff as we gather together for this ending convocation held in the Peoples’ Church sanctuary. It is a time of celebration, worship, and prayer as we end our year with thanksgiving and praise.The service begins at 8:00 am and will end by 8:30. All students K-12 are to report directly to the sanctuary by 7:55 AM. Every class will be designated with a sign and balloons, making it easy to locate your child’s class.It is exactly the same as our opening convocation seating arrangement. You are welcome to sit with your student in their designated area or if you have more than one student attending Fresno Christian, choose where you would like to sit.I look forward to seeing all of you at this closing event as we end our year acknowledging God’s hand upon us through prayer, worship, and heartfelt celebration. 


lostnfndLOST AND FOUND – Before you go home for Easter vacation, be sure and check the Lost and Found up in the hallway of Building 5.  We have a LOT of unclaimed clothes, umbrellas, lunch boxes, backpacks, etc.  Any items left on Friday, April 11th will be donated to charity.



4-11 – Easter Celebration – 1:20 PM
4-14 – 4-21 – Easter Vacation – He Is Risen! Hallelujah for the Cross!!!
4-25 – PTF Talent Show 
5-1 – End of Year Convocation – 8:00 AM-9:00 AM -People’s Church Sanctuary
5-6 – Open House/Elementary Fine Arts Festival – 6:30-9:00 PM
5-7 – Teacher Inservice – School dismissed at 12:00 PM
5-21 – Awards Assembly for Grades 1-4 – 12:30 PM -2:00 PM
5-22 – Early Dismissal – School dismissed at 12:00 PM
5-23 -Last Day of School – School dismissed at 12:00 PM  – SUMMER BEGINS!!


Spirit Day is every Friday.  Please wear one of your favorite FCS shirts!



Bible Verse – April 7-11

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.    1 Timothy 2:15 (32pts)


 Spelling  – April 7-11 – Lesson 33














Sight Words April 7-11