

Dear Families,

The talent show was wonderful.  We had great representation from 2nd Grade and they all did   a magnificent job. Thanks to Mallory, Jenna, Paige, Adrianne, Tryphena and Isabelle for using your talents to glorify God and bless us.. It was a great evening.

eagleEND OF YEAR CONVOCATION– As the year draws to a close we would like to gather as a family to celebrate all that God has done for us. Thursday, May 1st is the National Day of Prayer and our School Community Council believes that would be the perfect day to come together as an entire school.All of you (parents, grandparents, family, and friends) are invited to join the teachers, students, administration, and staff as we gather together for this ending convocation held in the Peoples’ Church sanctuary. It is a time of celebration, worship, and prayer as we end our year with thanksgiving and praise.The service begins at 8:00 am and will end by 8:30. All students K-12 are to report directly to the sanctuary by 7:55 AM. Every class will be designated with a sign and balloons, making it easy to locate your child’s class.It is exactly the same as our opening convocation seating arrangement. You are welcome to sit with your student in their designated area or if you have more than one student attending Fresno Christian, choose where you would like to sit.I look forward to seeing all of you at this closing event as we end our year acknowledging God’s hand upon us through prayer, worship, and heartfelt celebration. 

Apple with booksLIBRARY INFO – Parents please note: As we come to the end of our school year would you please encourage your students to return all items checked out from the Library. The final due date for all items checked out is Friday, May 2. Reminders of items checked out will be sent to the students beginning the week of May 5. There is a fine of $25.00 for each item that is not returned. Many wonderful titles are lost each year because they are not returned. We greatly appreciate your assistance in getting books back in and onto the shelves so the collection is ready to go again in August. Please contact me if you have any questions.    Lin Brown, Librarian 299-1695 ext, 119 

fieldtrpTHE UGLY DUCKLING –  We will be going to the Tower Theatre to see this musical.  The date is Tuesday, May 13th.  We will be traveling in carpools, leaving at 10:15 AM with a show time of 11:00 AM. We will go to a park for lunch after the show. 

a_pencil_waving_0521-1004-3015-2929_SMULANGUAGE ARTS –   We will have their last Reading Log on May 9th which will be due May 16th. W will continue with our Reading groups until the last week of school.  All   anthology books (blue or brown) need to be returned by Friday, May 16th.

images-1MATH –   We are  are on Time and Calendar. We are learning to tell time to the quarter hour. Please practice at home with clocks. Emphasize starting with the hour hand and then move to the minute hand. We start with the one on the clock to start counting minutes and count by fives until we reach the minute hand. The Chapter Review will go home on Tuesday, April 29th.  The test will be on Tuesday, May 6th. The review will be due on that day as well. Our last chapter will be Measuring, but we will not have a chapter test  on this unit.

SOCIAL SCIENCE – We  are studying the Marketplace.  This chapter has some great concepts about resources and money.

BIBLE – We will be studying Stephen.

images booksBOOK PROJECT – Our final book project will be a diorama to display at Open House on May 6th.  It will not be due until the day of Open House. The rubric for this project came home in the Homework Folder  in March. This is a very fun project. Use your creativity!!!!! We will also do an Oral Presentation on our project after Open House for this project.

openhouseCOOKIES – We are asking that each family bring one dozen cookies for Open House, May 6th.  You can bring them that morning or in the afternoon when you pick up your child from school.

canstock6355973 swimYEAR END SWIMMING PARTY – Our final celebration of the year will be a swim party, Monday, May 19th, from 10:30 AM – 1:30 PM. at the  Poplins. All are welcome to attend. You will meet at Colby’s house at 10:30 AM. You do not need to come to our campus first. If you will need a ride from school, please let me know as we will not be organizing formal carpools. You will also need to pick up your child after the party is over, or make arrangements for them to get home. We will not be going back to People’s Campus.  Again, if you need help with this, just let me know.The Poplins have graciously offered to BBQ hamburgers and hot dogs. On April 28th there will be a sign-up outside our door for the rest of the items needed for our celebration. 

SHOW AND TELL – This week will be Team B. Your child can show twice during the week..



Calendar of events


5-1 – End of Year Convocation – 8:00 AM-9:00 AM -People’s Church Sanctuary
5-6 – Elementary Fine Arts Festival – 6:30-9:00 PM
5-7 – Teacher Inservice – School dismissed at 12:00 PM
5-9 – Happy 8th Birthday Kaiden Garcia
5-10 – Happy 8th Birthday Joshua Beckwith
5-19 – Year End Swim Party at the  Poplins – 10:30 AM – 1:30 PM
5-21 – Happy 8th Birthday Miracle Neal
5-21 – Awards Assembly for Grades 1-4 – 12:30 PM -2:00 PM
5-22 – Early Dismissal – School dismissed at 12:00 PM
5-23 -Last Day of School – School dismissed at 12:00 PM  – SUMMER BEGINS!!

Spirit Day is every Friday.  Please wear one of your favorite FCS shirts!






img_1221152621956_3221Bible Verse – April 28 – May 2 – 

God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that we might be made the righteousness of God.  II Corinthians 5:21  28 pts.


Second Grade Spelling – April 28 – May 2 – Lesson 35

















