imagesDear Families,

Happy Monday!!!! We are ready to rock and roll in Room 524. At the end of this week we will have been in school for one month. It hardly seems possible. The children are progressing nicely. Thank you so much parent helpers.  First grade is so different than Kindergarten, as in Kindergarten they always have someone with them to support them.    We begin to strive for independence in first grade and that is why we need helpers.  They need lots of guidance and encouragement.Most aren’t mature enough to go it alone.  Just following the job chart is a challenge.  But already  they have made strides. This is easier for some than others.  So please do not be discouraged, as most are right on track.  The longer we do it the easier it gets.  That is why we do the same things in the same order daily.  This gives them security and predicability. Do not become discouraged now when it seems too hard for them. You will be amazed with their progress as time marches on. By the end of the year they will hardly need your help they will be so independent. There has never been a year that this was not the case.

Conferences – Your conference schedule time has been sent home.  If you have not returned it, please do so NOW.  If the time does not work for you, please call Mrs. Roberts at 299-1695 ext 103. Conference week is Sept 15-19.  School is dismissed at 12:00 PM .

Power School – All the scores from Spelling, Bible Verse, Dictation and Conventions (periods, proper capitals, beginning of sentences and proper nouns).  With the scores separated in Dictation and Copy it is easy to see what your child is struggling with and who could  use some extra practice at home.Math Tests and Chapter Reviews are also recorded.  If you are unfamiliar with the Power School process just check in with Central Office and they can walk you through the steps and give you your password.

Character Building -We are working hard on first time obedience in our classroom. We are working together to encourage and support one another in becoming obedient followers of Jesus who use good self control.We are learning that we do not need to say everything our brain thinks!!!  It is just so different than Kindergartern.Any support and encouragement you can give at home in these areas will be much appreciated. Thanks! But, for first graders they are coming along. It’s a work in progress.

Picture Day – Tuesday, September 9th is Picture Day. The flyer went home last week.

Language Arts -Reading groups are going well. We are discussing the setting, main idea  of the stories we read. Journal writing is a  free write. It would be helpful if you talked about some ideas to write about on the way to school. After a weekend we write about what they did on Sat and Sun.Daily journal writing is new to many. Your child will be bringing a book bag home each Friday with several books and a  reading journal.Please read and return each Friday. If your bag has not been  returned new will books will not go home, as it is too easy to lose them.You can then send it on Monday and the new books will go home. As you read with your child, spend about 5 minutes going over word builders.  They will know which one they are on.  It is invaluable practice.

Writing – We are continuing on writing about an expository person, stressing the elements of a good sentence with capitals and periods and space between words.Oh, and by the way, it must also make sense.  We will introduce descriptive words this week as well which really dresses up our writing.

Math – We will continue with subtraction in our Math contracts.The chapter Test will be on Thursday, Sept. 11th.   The chapter review came home last week and is due the same day as the test. The children have counters they can use. Many are trying to get into the Math Club . Keep faithful in Math Drills at home. We have some very competitive spirits in here. Go Tally’s Treasures!!!!

Bible – We will be studying Abraham and Lot and what it means to walk by faith and trust God completely!!!

Social Science – We are continuing our study of Rules and Laws

Science – We will continue studying living and non-living things with a focus on Apples. We will make a theme book learning how an apple develops and grows, as well as learning all the things you can do with an apple. We culminate our unit at the end of the month enjoying other apple treats.  Such fun!

Show and Tell – Show and Tell is for Team B. Your child can bring two times during the week.

Fall Fundraiser –  Continue selling, selling, selling.  This raises money for Co-Corricular activities like Music, Art, Drama, Spanish and PE.  Your fundraising money AND order forms must be turned in on September 11th. Packets must be given to your teacher ASAP that morning. The PST Board will be counting as soon as the packets have been collected from each class. Delivery for items will be Thursday, October 9th behind Building 5.

Book Order – The first book order will come with in the work envelope on Monday.  Everything is online and there will be an activation code  which is J4ZNG.  When you log in that code will be readily visible.  I will submit the order on Sept. 15th.  That date is also on the page. The beauty of doing everything  online is you can order any book Scholastic publishes regardless of grade level.  You pay online with a credit card and it is very secure.

Field TripOn Wednesday,  September 24th we will be going to Lost Lake for a Science field trip.We will travel by bus, leaving at 9:00 AM and returning to school by 12:30PM. The trip is divided into four stations and the children are divided into 4 groups.The docent does one of the stations. We will need THREE volunteers to run a station.There will be a sign-up outside our door if you can help with a station or you are going with us. It is very easy as they have all the directions and materials you will need.  You will receive your station booklet before the trip.The kids have a wonderful time on this trip.  All are welcome to attend and parents will drive in their cars.There is no fee for parents.  The children have already paid.  They say there is a $5 fee when entering the park but there has NEVER been anybody at the gate to collect.  I doubt this year will be any different.  But, just a heads up.

Elementary Spirit Days
Fresno Christian Schools Spirit Days are here! Every Friday after, wear your FCS Spirit Wear. At the end of each month the K-6 class with the highest percentage of Spirit Wear worn will be the keeper of the FCS Eagle Trophy for a month! So wear your Fresno Christian Spirit Wear with pride. Go Eagles!!


Moms in Prayer
Any woman desiring to pray for our children and Fresno Christian School.
Join us for a powerful time of prayer!
Fridays from 8:00 – 9:00 am
Peoples Church, Room 204
Contact: Janet Moore 448-0947 or






9- 9 – Elementary School Pictures

9-11 – Fundraiser Due

9- 15-19 – Parent/Teacher Conferences (Dismissal at 12 Noon)

9-17 – Happy 6th Birthday Kiley Griffin

9-27 – Happy 7th Birthday Allison Inks

10-7 – Picture Retakes


Bible Verse – Sept. 8-12

Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.  Psalm 136:  13 pts.


Spelling – Lesson 9 – Sept. 8- 12












