Dear Parents,                               September 15, 2014


Apples, apples, apples!!!! We all love apples! This week we will learn all we can about APPLES!! We’ll make apple wreaths, apple turnovers and learn about Johnny Appleseed. We will enjoy the story about his life and how the Lord led him to plant apple seeds throughout our new country. We hope your child will read his/her apple books to you.

This week I will be having parent/teacher conferences. Please try to be prompt since the conferences are tightly scheduled and are only 20 minutes each. Thank you. If you are unsure of your conference day and time, please ask me. Conferences are held in my classroom.


.   Our Bible verse this week is James 1:19, “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.” Our sight word is “and”.


We are going to the Pumpkin Patch the morning of October 17 from 8:00 -12:00. This is a delightful time of learning about harvest and the fall season. We take a hike, have a hayride, choose a pumpkin, and eat our lunch. Please tell me if you can chaperone for this trip. See attached flyer.


Our Bible study this week is Missions. We will be learning the importance of telling others about our wonderful Lord. We are sending home a “Mission Book” today, and would like the children to fill it with coins that they earn by doing work. We’ll send the money we collect to Samaritan’s Purse. Thank you for helping your little ones sense the excitement of participating in sharing with others–especially sharing the Gospel.






October 17       Pumpkin Patch Field Trip (8:00 -12:00)


November 7     Discovery Center Field Trip (8:00 -11.30)


November 11     Veterans Day – NO SCHOOL




Have a happy week!!!!!


