CHARACTER TRAIT:  Diligence    

Reference:  Colossians 3:23

Bible Verse:  Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.   It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Definition:  Working hard to accomplish a task in a way that pleases my Lord

Opposite:  Laziness or slothfulness


Lesson 8

Long u:  ew, oo, u, ue, u-e, ui

1.  suit

2.  clue

3.  fruit

4.  root

5.  tube

6.  huge

7.  usual

8.  loose

9.  crew

10.  knew

11.  useful

12.  cruise

13.  fewer

14.  foolish

15.  choose

16.  truthful

17.  uniform

18.  overdue

High-Frequency Words

19.  Mr.

20.  Mrs.

Challenge Words




This year, we will be using in our classroom.  VocabularySpellingCity is a website that helps students learn their weekly spelling and vocabulary words while having fun at the same time.

As a teacher, I will put up my weekly spelling lists on VocabularySpelling City and your children can review the words, and play spelling and vocabulary games with their words to reinforce the learning process.

Here is how to help your child master his or her spelling and vocabulary words:

Simply go to to see how the site works.  To get started, click on “Sample Lists” and choose any list your like.  Then try the Teach MeTest Me, or Play a Game link.

You can find our class’ spelling lists by using the Find A List feature and searching for my name, Mrs. Fraser, or you can go directly to my VocabularySpellingCity homepage at  You can bookmark this URL on your computer to make it easy for your child to access the class’ word lists each week!

Many kids enjoy building their spelling skills with Spelling City.  Please encourage your children to spend about twenty minutes, two nights in a row before their weekly test.  Let’s work together as a team to ensure that your child becomes an independent, lifelong learner.



Thank you for supporting our efforts to keep your child safe by picking them up from their lines at the end of the day.  Please remember to use only the Cedar or Alluvial Avenue entrances to FCS Campus rather than the east side of Building 5 accessed by Fir Street.


We are happy to announce that Jen Alberta, Mia’s mom,  has volunteered to be our Head Room Mother for our third grade class this year.  Her phone number is 273-6045 and her email address is  
Jen would like to ask parents to text or email her with your info so that she may have it when up and coming holiday parties are being planned or special events in class.  Thank you so very much in supporting our activities this year to make experiences extra special for our third graders.


All adult visitors to campus, including volunteers, must sign in with the office and receive a lanyard with a name tag before going into the classroom.  Volunteers are required to complete a Volunteer Application Form, as well as read and sign the Volunteer Policy.  See Mrs. Roberts for more information.


If you plan on driving FCS students on field trips, athletic events, or school business, you are required to have a Driver’s Clearance Form and required insurance documents on file.  These forms are located on our website or in the school office.  As stated in our Volunteer Policy, when driving or chaperoning, we expect your full attention for the children you are supervising.  Volunteers may not bring other children with them.


Next week Thursday, October 9th, our class will be going to THE BIG FRESNO FAIR!  Admission to the fair is free for all third graders.  We will have a drawing for the carpoolers the morning of the trip.  There are 6 free admission tickets!!  The remaining 6 parents will need to pay $5.00 at the Butler Entrance gate.

*Students, wear your Class T-Shirt with Fraser’s Praisers, bring a sack lunch, clearly labeled with your first and last name, grade, teacher, and school.  You may bring no more than $10.00 for spending money.  Remember, you are responsible for your own money.

The following parents have volunteered to serve as carpooling chaperones:

1.  Jenn Alberta

2.  Kim Castiglione

3.  Becky Covington

4.  Marcos Fierro

5.  Paul Loeffler

6.  Patty Manderup

7.  Kara Marquez

8.  Brenda Rocha

9.  Desiree Rocha

10.  Hannah Serimian

We will also add two non-carpooling chaperones for supervision purposes:

Deanna Hazelton

Vivian Paderna


Please email me at with the number of students you can transport in your vehicle.  We are not allowed to transport students in the front seat due to air bag regulations.

Parents, please join us in our room at 8:00 AM for parent guideline packets, carpool arrangements, and instructions for the day.  St We will leave school at 8:30 AM and and return around 1:30.   Be sure to wear comfortable walking shoes.  Please have your child wear their class t-shirt.


Attached to today’s newsletter you will find a Field Trip Carpool Permission Form listing the driver chaperones for THE BIG FRESNO FAIR field trip.  Please sign the authorization form and return it by Friday, October 3.


The first quarter concludes Friday, Oct. 10th.  Grades will be finalized and posted the following week on Tuesday, October 14th for your printing purposes.

Please check your child’s grades on Powerschool this week.  Please check your child’s homework folder this week for any assignments that need to be turned in.  If you have missing assignments or assignments that you want your child to re-correct, please send those in NO LATER THAN THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2nd.   Assignments and grades for the week of October 6-10 will roll over into Second Quarter.Thank you for your help!!


This fall the California-Hawaii Elks organization will bless our school family with a free vision screening for all K-3rd grade children.  This service is conducted by a certified pediatric vision screener.  Screening is scheduled to take place October 22, 23, and 24.  If the screening determines that your child might have a problem with their vision, you will be notified in writing and be advised to make an appointment with an eye doctor.  Please see the form attached to Monday’s newsletter and return by Friday, October 10.


On Friday, October 24, Joni Eareckson Tada will be speaking to students and their families from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM in the People’s Church Auditorium.  Please see the purple attached letter that shares details of this rare event.  Each student is allowed to invite two adult guests, and reservations for this FREE event can be made by emailing the Joni and Friends Central California office directly:  Please provide your student’s name, grade, and the names and addresses of the guests.  You will be sent an email confirmation.  For questions about the event, call the Joni and Friends office directly at 559-227-5664.

This is the ONLY elementary-middle-high school Joni is speaking at this year, so it really is quite a privilege to have her at FCS.  Please plan to take advantage of this extraordinary opportunity with your child.


FCS would like to invite you to join us this year as we again reach out to boys and girls in the name of Jesus Christ.  Last year Fresno Christian collected 275 shoeboxes.  This year our goal is to collect 300 shoeboxes.  See the flier attached to Monday’s newsletter along with the brochure explaining this outreach and how to put together an Operation Christmas Child shoebox.  If you have any questions you may contact Rob Foshee or Kerry Roberts.  The deadline is November 10.


Thursday, October 2 our class will have a math test over Chapter 3 Addition and Subtraction.  Students will bring home a Chapter 3 Pre-Test as their math homework packet this week to review concepts for Thursday’s test.  Students may also bring home their math textbook to help them study for the test.


Third graders will soon be assessed on writing an expository paragraph about a person for Benchmark assessments.  I am so proud of the growth they have shown this quarter in adding more details and descriptive words to their stories!


Just a reminder that we will be placing monthly book orders ONLINE ONLY this year. You may place your order online by September 30 at 3:00 PM.  Go to  Enter our One-Time Class Activation Code:  L9Nj4.  Search by item number, add to cart, and pay by credit card.  You may order from more than one advertisement catalogue depending upon reading level or interest.


Friday, October 3rd  is Grandparent’s Day. This is always a very fun time for the children. If you do not have grandparents that can attend, please feel free to invite a senior friend. We will also share grandparents for those who have none when we do our special activities. No one will be left out.

9:30-9:50 AM — K-12 Pick-up Schedules in Peoples Courtyard

9:50-11:40 AM — K-12 Visit Classrooms on Peoples Campus

11:40-12:25 PM — K-12 Lunch on Peoples Campus

12:25 PM — K-12 Say Goodbye to Grandchild

**Lunch provided for you and your grandchild.

Shuttle service will be available from parking lots “A” and “F”.

For maps and further information, visit


Please note that Elementary Picture Re-Take Day will be Tuesday, October 7.


This year we will again be participating in the Box Tops for Education fundraiser. Each Box Top collected is worth cash for our school. As an incentive, we will be having a class contest. The class bringing in the most Box Tops at the end of this promotion will receive a “prize.” We will post class totals monthly in the Office window and on our Campus News located on our website: Please hand in your trimmed Box Tops in a Ziploc bag or envelope, labeled with your child’s/teacher’s name and the amount of Box Tops, to your teacher or school office. You can find a list of Box Tops online at: Thank you for your support.




Tuesday, September 30 – Scholastic Book Club Online Orders Due


Thursday, October 2 – Fancy Folder Fiction Book Reports Due

Friday, October 3 – Grandparent’s Day

Tuesday, October 7 – Elementary Picture Re-Take Day

Thursday, October 9 – THE BIG FRESNO FAIR FIELD TRIP!!

Friday, October 10 – End of the First Quarter

October 22-24 – K-3 Vision Screening

Friday, October 24 – Joni Eareckson Tada Event at FCS!

Saturday, October 25 – HAPPY BIRTHDAY VIDA DOTY!