PC Pierce

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So far PC Pierce has created 445 blog entries.

FCS Booster Club constructs new athletic training room

During the summer of 2016, the FCS Athletic Booster Club determined that a new athletic training room should be their No. 1 priority and began working alongside the FCS athletic department, sports medicine specialists, and local families to implement their vision.

“We are thrilled to unveil the construction of the Fresno Christian athletic training room,” Rufi V Alday, PT ATC, sports medicine specialist, said. “We are so blessed to engage our Fresno Christian community in offering their time, prayers, and resources in developing this contemporary facility for our athletes.”

Under the leadership of FCS Superintendent Jeremy Brown and Steve Villines, FCS director of special projects and athletic booster club board member, the prospect of constructing a dedicated athletic training room for the prevention and treatment of sports related injuries of student athletes was deemed an important and tangible project and approved to move forward. With vision and support of the FCS Athletic Booster Club, the project is in motion and under construction.

“We heard from different coaches that the athletes needed an updated training room,” FCS Athletic Booster Club President Dave Bynum, said. “We want to help get our athletic training program up to the latest standards.” The boosters believe a serious athletic program takes the health and well-being of athletes seriously and needs to provide a facility for the prevention and treatment of sports injuries.

Community sports medicine specialists and parents such as Kevin Brogan, physical therapist, MPT, CFMT, ATC, and co-owner of Cornerstone Physical Therapy, agree with the boosters, school and athletic department, and have donated their valuable time and resources. They collectively share the dream and passion to construct a contemporary facility.

The FCS Booster Club initiated and proceeded with their plan by repurposing a 340 square-foot storage room in the FCS gym.

The overall cost of constructing and outfitting a training room of this size is estimated at approximately $25-30,000; however, it is expected to be completed for less than half that cost due to generous donations and “gifts in kind” from several tradesmen from our school community.

The plumbing, electrical services, new air-conditioning/heating system, installation of the ice-maker, plus two state-of-the-art athletic training tables, were all donated to the FCS Athletic Booster Club by FCS families and community members.

“The Booster Club has invested about $5,000 in cash raised through sponsorships and cash donations and expects to spend another $5,000 to complete the project,” Villines said.

We are excited to complete our first booster’s capitol project and are looking to add to our ranks. And now that this room is built, I believe it can help attract other kids and athletes into our school. Plus, our community can see we are serious about supporting Fresno Christian athletics. — Dave Bynum, FCS Athletic Boosters president

Bynum remains optimistic other training room components will be added in the months to come.

“We want to continue this momentum and do our part to enhance the facilities at Fresno Christian,” Bynum continued. “Our final major piece to the training room is to acquire a whirlpool bath for the athletes and we are looking for someone to help us accomplish that.”

Athletic director and boys’ basketball coach Jon Penberthy views the upgraded facility as a positive step towards improving our athletic program.

“The athletic department is very excited about the training room,” Penberthy said. “This is one more piece to the puzzle needed to continue building on the success of our athletic department and facilities.”

Villines said they are looking for partners who would be interested in helping complete this project. The following items are still needed:

1. Design, create and install new cabinetry for the room
2. Acquire a whirlpool bath
3. Purchase an ultrasound unit and other therapy equipment

“We are excited to complete our first booster’s capitol project and are looking to add to our ranks,” Bynum said. “And now that this room is built, I believe it can help attract other kids and athletes into our school. Plus, our community can see we are serious about supporting Fresno Christian athletics.”

According to Alday, the team assembled to create the new athletic training facility will ensure first-rate care for the students.

“We envision a contemporary, modern medical facility which will employ our Christian values and offer our athletes personalized medical care by sports medicine specialists,” Alday said. “Fresno Christian is the ONLY high school in the Central Valley which employs a team of dual licensed physical therapists/certified athletic trainers on field for our championship varsity football team.”

Penberthy is excited to offer a full service facility to athletes in all Eagle sports.

“Over the past three years, our athletic teams have won multiple Valley championships, and league titles,” Penberthy said. “And now with this addition, we can take better care of our athletes.

“We are very thankful to Kevin Brogan and Rufi Alday for their time and commitment to the health and well-being of our student athletes, and generous donations to the athletic department via the FCS boosters,” Penberthy continued. “I also want to thank Steve Villines and his vision with this project.”

The boosters, medical staff and school expect construction to be finalized by fall 2017 and thank the FC community in advance for their future support and donations towards the Fresno Christian sports training facility.

“We not only want to finish the room, but also would love to have other community members join the athletic boosters for this and other important projects,” Bynum said.

For more information or if you would like to help support the completion of the athletic training room, reach out to Steve Villines via 559.916.5182 or email him at svillines@fresnochristian.com.

If you would like to donate towards the athletic training room, visit Fresno Christian Athletic Boosters. Be sure to enter your donation amount in the “Athletic Boosters” field.

FCS Booster Club constructs new athletic training room2017-08-17T12:24:23-07:00

August 15, 2016 Mrs. Vander Kooi

Dear Parents,

I’m thrilled to be teaching 5th grade again this year and am so thankful to God for this opportunity to get to know your child better. I’m looking forward to a fabulous year with Vander Kooi’s Joys!


Please join us on Monday, August 15 from 8:00-8:30 A.M. in Peoples Church sanctuary as we begin the year with an inspiring convocation led by Superintendent Jeremy Brown and our high school worship team. All students are expected to attend and parents, grandparents, etc. are more than welcome to join us.


I look forward to meeting each of you at Back to School Night on Tuesday, August 23, when I will share further details about our year.


Newsletters are posted online every Monday. Please take the time to read them as they contain information about class activities, areas of curricular study and upcoming special events.

Power School offers a variety of information including attendance, grades, assignments, assignment descriptions, special notes to parents and quarterly report cards. Please check Power School often and stop by our elementary office for help if you have trouble logging on.

Black Homework Folders will be taken home daily and returned in the morning with the homework that is due.

Student Planners are not provided by the school. Families are strongly encouraged to purchase a planner so that students can record daily assignments. 

Contact: If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at  jvanderkooi@fresnochristian.com. You may also send a note with your child. I will check emails after school each day and occasionally during the day, as time allows. In the event of an emergency, please call the elementary secretary, Kerry Roberts, at 299-1695 extension 103.


Beginning on Tuesday morning, students should go directly to the blacktop area north of Building 5 and east of Building 6.  After the 7:55 A.M. bell and whistle, they will line up with their classmates and I will escort them to class.

School begins at 8:00 A.M. sharp. Students who arrive between 8:00 and 8:15 will report directly to the classroom and will be marked tardy by me. Students who arrive after 8:15 A.M. must report directly to the elementary office and will be marked tardy by Mrs. Dooley.

School ends at 2:45 P.M. Please arrange pick up promptly. Children not picked up by 3:00 P.M. will be taken to the elementary office to call parents and wait. The pick-up location is at the pirate ship on the west side of Building 5. All children must wait with the teacher until an adult walks over to pick them up. They may not go and meet you at your car.


Please refer to the student handbook to familiarize yourself with dress code expectations.  Teachers have been asked to check daily for those who are not adhering to the dress code.


Milk and juice will be offered for K-6 students and are 40 cents each. You may purchase a milk or juice card for $8.00 each. Each card is good for 20 drinks. These are available in the Elementary Office. You will be notified when it is time to purchase a new one. This is offered as a convenience to you and is not mandatory.


Students will be given color-coded subject area folders, notebooks, lined paper, pens, pencils, a dry erase marker, a white board with its eraser. Colored pencils, felt pens, scissors and rulers are also available for use.


Electronic devices such as dictionaries, I-pads, notebooks, and computers may be utilized at school for learning only. This means electronic devices MAY NOT be out at school unless students are instructed to do so by me. No overnight storage is available  so students will need to take devices to and from school on a daily basis.


Birthdays are special to all of us and we want to celebrate your child’s birthday by singing to them and praying for them for the year and for their future. Parents may bring an easy-to-eat treat on the special day which will be served prior to morning recess. This week we will celebrate June, July and  August birthdays and I will provide the treat. Summer birthday wishes go to Michael Herrera, Pareesa Kashefi and Diego Vigil.


Please be sure to alert me as well as the elementary office of any allergies or health concerns you have about your child.


Recess is scheduled every day in the morning from 9:50 to 10:10 and after lunch from about 12:00-12:30. Snacks may be eaten during the morning recess. Because of various children’s food allergies, they are not allowed to share or trade food. We will have P.E. twice a week, on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Be sure to have your child wear clothes and shoes that are appropriate for workouts. Water bottles are required and should be brought to school and kept at your child’s desk.


Elective forms will be sent home on Monday and should be turned in by Wednesday, August 17 with a parent signature. Students will be given their first choice whenever possible, but should select 2nd and 3rd choices as well since some classes fill up.


Students should wear their FCS shirts on Fridays to show their school spirit.  Please be sure to have them wear their FCS class shirt, once it is printed, on field trips, too.


Students are required to read a book from an assigned genre each month and complete an activity for that book. This is to be done independently at home; specific class time will not be given to read the book or complete the activity. The required reading for August is a genre of the student’s choice. Students will create a book jacket for their selected book which is due on Wednesday, August 31. We will review how to make a book jacket in class and the grading rubric will be sent home.


This week we will discuss ways to show respect to one another and ways to handle conflict. Students will collaborate on “respect agreements” which will help them better understand what respect is and how to demonstrate this quality at all times.


Students will memorize scripture weekly and take a written test each Friday. The memory verse for this week is Zephaniah 3:17 and the test will be this Friday, August 19. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization and the scripture reference.

The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.     Zephaniah 3:17


Students will be given a word list each Monday along with activities for defining, dividing the words into syllables, and practicing the words. Students may take the Challenge Words for extra credit.

Spelling words are tested each Friday.  Lesson 1 words will be tested this Friday, August 16.

 Lesson 1

 Words with Short Vowels and Vowel Digraphs

  1. absence
  2. against
  3. album
  4. circuit
  5. bronze
  6. chess
  7. biscuit
  8. depth
  9. cabinet
  10. drench
  11. glimpse
  12. nozzle
  13. feather
  14. plastic
  15. publish


  1. adolescent
  2. convocation
  3. acknowledgement
  4. amended
  5. relegated


  • First Day of School: August 15
  • Back to School Night: August 23
  • Elementary Fall Pictures: September 2
  • NO SCHOOL (Labor Day): September 5
  • Parent/Teacher Conferences: September 12-16
  • Grandparents Day: September 30
  • NO SCHOOL (Teacher Inservice): October 10
  • End of 1st Quarter: October 14
  • NO SCHOOL (Veterans Day): November 11
  • NO SCHOOL (Thanksgiving Break): November 21-25
  • HALF DAY/End of 2nd Quarter: December 16


August 15, 2016 Mrs. Vander Kooi2016-11-16T22:15:57-08:00

Mr. Miranda August 17, 2015




Welcome to fifth grade at Fresno Christian Schools.   I am excited to meet this year’s incoming fifth graders. Some of you are familiar faces from last year. Parents, family, and friends are invited to join our school for our opening Convocation in Peoples Church Sanctuary at 7:55 AM on Monday, August 17, 2015.


Each week on Monday you may go on-line to read our class newsletter.  The newsletter will  contain our weekly areas of study in core subjects, scripture verse, spelling words, school wide information  and special activities like field trips.  Beginning this Monday students will be taking home a Yellow Homework Folder . Homework will be assigned M-Th.

BIBLE                             boy reading bible

The memory verses in the following weeks will be based on the theme of Grace. The Bible verse will be posted on Mondays and will be from the NIV version used at school.   Bible verse tests are  on Fridays every week.  Third grade students will be asked to write from memory the Character Trait, Reference, and Bible Verse.  You will want to help your child  practice writing the verse each week at home.   My hope this year is that each child will continue to grow to know Jesus in a deeper way and hide His Word in their hearts.  As we seek to know Him, we will do so by participating in daily class worship,  searching and reading God’s word, studying the powerful stories of Old Testament patriarchs, participating in chapel,  studying memory verses, and praying together. ( See bottom of page)


Grades 1-6 will meet every Monday morning for Chapel and Worship from 8:15-8:45 AM in the North Lobby Chapel.


Sign ups for Electives will be the first week of school. Students will be given specific information on the electives that are available and the days they take place on. They will take the information home to discuss the best choice with their parents and a parent signature will be required in order to process the selected choices. Electives will start the second week of school.


Each student will be given a homework folder sent home on Mondays.  Please look in this RED homework folder for your child’s graded work from the previous week.  It houses  a newsletter, possible flyers, and weekly math homework assignments.  Please take the opportunity to go through the work together and correct any mistakes.  Please return the folder with the math homework  each Thursday.  This is part of your child’s effort grade for responsibility. Also, any daily work not completed in class, such as math, reading or spelling, is considered homework.  Students will have a yellow folder for transporting daily work not finished in class.  Please return the completed work the following day.


Please help your child to succeed by limiting unnecessary clutter and distractions.  Some children bring so many things that they are burdened by their supplies and some use them as toys.  In this case they will be asked to take them home. Thank you!

**For hygiene purposes we are also in need of lots of tissue, unscented hand sanitizer,  and disinfectant wipes for the classroom.  We use these throughout the year to stay healthy as a class working closely together.  If you are able to donate any of these items, please send them to school with your child. Thank you!  


I look forward to seeing each of you at “Parent Back to School Night” Tuesday, August 25th. Together, here at FCS, we pledge our sincere effort to continually help your child grow spiritually and academically while under our care.   Thank you for your encouragement and prayers.


Morning recess is scheduled  from 10:20-10:50 AM daily.

Lunch and afternoon recess is from 11:45 AM-12:35 PM on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

On Thursdays lunch/recess will be from 12:40 PM-1:25 PM.


Tuesday 10:55-11:40

Thursday 9:30-10:15

Be sure to wear appropriate clothes and shoes that are for workouts.  Water bottles need be brought to school on a regular basis and kept in your child’s backpack. Please inform the office of any health concerns and notify me as well.   Students must have a written notice from parents or doctor to be excused from P.E. activities.


Please note that every Thursday is an early release day with dismissal at 2:05 PM due to Staff Professional Learning Communities.


Power School offers a variety of information including attendance, grades, and special notes to parents. This is a SECURE website and therefore you, as a parent, may access your child’s information confidentially.


School begins at 8:00 AM sharp.  Students who arrive later than 8:15 AM must report to the office for a tardy slip.   Students go directly to the play area north of building 5 in the mornings starting Tuesday, August 18.  After the 7:55 AM freeze bell and unfreeze whistle, they will line up on the playground with their teacher and classmates.  Children should only be upstairs before school in the hallway escorted with a  parent or with a restroom pass from the early morning yard duty teachers

School ends daily at 2:45 P.M.   Please arrange pick up promptly.  Children not picked up by 3:00 P.M. will be taken to the office to call parents and wait. The pick-up location at the People’s campus is between Building 5 and the Peoples Church preschool playground.   All children must wait with the teacher until an adult walks over to pick them up.  They may not go and meet you at your car.


Snacks may be eaten during the morning  recess only. (Special exceptions apply to students with medical reasons). Fruit, veggies, crackers, cheese, chips, yogurt, and fruit snacks are some suggestions.  We will save our dessert foods for lunch.  Because of various children’s food allergies, we are not allowed to share or trade food.


Milk and juice will be offered for K-6 students. Milk and juice are 40 cents each. You may purchase a Milk or juice card for $8.00 each. Each card is good for 20 drinks. These are available in the Elementary Office. You will be notified when it is time to purchase a new one. This is offered as a convenience to you and is not mandatory.


You may bring a treat and drink if you choose.  Your child and you may choose and there are no restrictions, whatever is a favorite to your child.  We  celebrate at 2:30-2:40 PM.  Just let me know a few days ahead of time if you want to celebrate at school.   If your child has a summer birthday, he/she will not be forgotten.  We will find a day for them.  It can be on their half birthday or any day that works for you.


If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at:  dmiranda@fresnochristian.com.      You may also send a note with a child.  I check emails  daily and I will return your email promptly.   In the event of an emergency, please call Lisa Dooley, elementary secretary in the Elementary  Office,  at 299-1695.


Please have your child bring a favorite literature book to read during “Silent Sustained Reading”  every day.   The book should be kept in his or her backpack at all times for easy access on a daily basis.  Once our library time is scheduled, students may choose a book from there as well.


Every Friday is SPIRIT DAY  at Fresno Christian.  So if you have a shirt that says “Fresno Christian, FCS, or has the FCS Eagle on iT , be sure to wear it on Friday.  Our whole class will be getting class t-shirts with Fresno Christian’s name for field trips in a few weeks.  It was included in your tuition.   If you wish to purchase other FCS Spirit Wear your children or adults, go to our school website.


This week we are learning about Place Value to Hundred Thousands, Writing Numbers in Standard Form, Written Form, and Expanded Form.


We begin with Early Americans and theories about why and how they migrated.


We will do lessons in grammar as we prepare to develop our writing in the genre of Personal Narrative.


I will be sending out a weekly list each Monday.   Start practicing your spelling words early to ensure good results on Fridays.

SPELLING: Spelling Lesson 1 words will be tested this Friday, August 21.

  1. expect
  2. o’clock
  3. electric
  4. 4. assembly
  5. chest
  6. suggest
  7. whisper
  8. attic
  9. industry
  10. umbrella
  11. sandwiches
  12. linen
  13. cabinet
  14. telegram
  15. catastrophe

Challenge Words

  1. coconut
  2. punished
  3. recently
  4. chilly
  5. ridiculous

Memory Verse:

2 Peter 1:1

“To those who through the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ have received a faith as precious as ours;”


  •       Happy Birthday Micah Friesen August 14     yellow-birthday-cake-thumb
    •       Convocation Peoples Church Sanctuary: Monday, August 17 @ 8:00 AM
    •       Back to School Grades 3-6: Tuesday, August 25 @ 7:00 PM
Mr. Miranda August 17, 20152016-11-16T22:15:59-08:00

Mrs. Fraser, Augus 17, 2015



Welcome to third grade at Fresno Christian Schools all new and returning students!  I have already met several of our new students and I know God has a great year of learning in store for all of us.   Parents, family, and friends are invited to join our school for our opening Convocation in Peoples Church Sanctuary at 7:55 AM on Monday, August 17, 2015.


Each week on Monday you may go on-line to read our class newsletter.  The newsletter will  contain our weekly character trait, scripture verse, spelling words,  homework assignments,  and special activities like field trips.  On Mondays you will want to look for a Red Homework Folder with your child’s graded work along with a copy of  the newsletter.  Please take the opportunity to go through the work together.


Each week we will focus on a specific character trait verse.  The Bible verse will be sent home on Mondays and will be from the NIV version used at school.   Bible verse tests are  on Fridays every week.  Third grade students will be asked to write from memory the Character Trait, Reference, and Bible Verse.  You will want to help your child  practice writing the verse each week at home.   My hope this year is that each child will continue to grow to know Jesus in a deeper way and hide His Word in their hearts.  As we seek to know Him, we will do so by participating in daily class worship,  searching and reading God’s word, studying the powerful stories of Old Testament patriarchs, participating in chapel,  studying memory verses, and praying together.


Character Trait:  Wisdom

Reference:  Proverbs 9:10

Verse:  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.


I will be sending out a weekly list each Monday.   Start practicing your spelling words early to ensure good results on Fridays.  Each week “BONUS” words will be given for those students who like an additional challenge.   These words are not mandatory.  The student may choose to do them or not.  Bonus words missed do not take away from the score of the 20 regular words, but do help a student if his quarterly grade is borderline.  Along with our weekly spelling test grades, students will have a Friday sentence dictation grade. This gives the students an opportunity to practice using their spelling words in context and improve writing skills needed for compositions.


Consonant & Short Vowel Sounds
1. led
2. legs
3. skill
4. sniff
5. stilts
6. stick
7. crush
8. never
9. block
10. jacket
11. tennis
12. gutter
13. yellow
14. pocket
15. matter
16. wobble
17. address
18. hundred

High-Frequency Words
19. eye
20 during

Bonus Words
* California
* Sacramento


Grades 1-6 will meet every Monday morning for Chapel and Worship from 8:15-8:45 AM in the North Lobby Chapel.


This year third graders will have instrumental recorder choir music on Thursdays from 8:45-9:15 AM as well as vocal choir music on Fridays from 8:05-8:45 AM.


I am sending home a STUDENT PROFILE concerning family, school, and religious experiences.  This gives you the opportunity to share areas and concerns you would like me to be aware of as I work with your child this year.  Please take time to fill out the profile this week and return it by this Friday, August 21.  At conference time we can focus on strengths and areas for future growth together.  Thanks for your insights.

Please let me know if your child has any kind of allergies I should be aware of.  I am asking that students and adult volunteers avoid wearing fragrances in the classroom due to allergic reactions.  I appreciate your support with this matter.

Apple with books


Each student will be given a homework folder sent home on Mondays.  Please look in this RED homework folder for your child’s graded work from the previous week.  It houses  a newsletter, possible flyers, and weekly math homework assignments.  Please take the opportunity to go through the work together and correct any mistakes.  Please return the folder with the math homework  each Thursday.  This is part of your child’s effort grade for responsibility. Also, any daily work not completed in class, such as math, reading or spelling, is considered homework.  Students will have a yellow folder for transporting daily work not finished in class.  Please return the completed work the following day.


1.  ONE medium sized pencil box (plastic, no larger than 6″ X 9″  X 3″)

2.  Highlighter (preferably yellow or lighter colors)

3.  Key chain for their new Bible & cover

4.  Set of felt pens (optional)

Please help your child to succeed by limiting unnecessary clutter and distractions.  Some children bring so many things that they are burdened by their supplies and some use them as toys.  In this case they will be asked to take them home. Thank you!

 **For hygiene purposes we are also in need of lots of tissue, unscented hand sanitizer,  and disinfectant wipes for the classroom.  We use these throughout the year to stay healthy as a class working closely together.  If you are able to donate any of these items, please send them to school with your child. Thank you!  🙂


I look forward to seeing each of you at “Parent Back to School Night” Tuesday, August 25th when I will share details about the “World of Third Grade.”  Together, here at FCS, we pledge our sincere effort to continually help your child grow spiritually and academically while under our care.   Thank you for your encouragement and prayers.

Morning recess is scheduled  from 9:45 AM-10:15 AM daily.

Lunch and afternoon recess is from 11:45 AM-12:25 PM on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

On Thursdays lunch/recess will be from 12:40 PM-1:25 PM.


Wednesdays 12:40 PM-1:25 PM

Fridays from 10:55 AM-11:40 AM

Be sure to wear appropriate clothes and shoes that are for workouts.  Water bottles need be brought to school on a regular basis and kept in your child’s backpack. Please inform the office of any health concerns and notify me as well.   Students must have a written notice from parents or doctor to be excused from P.E. activities.


Please note that every Thursday is an early release day with dismissal at 2:05 PM due to Staff Professional Learning Communities.


I am performing a variety of assessments in class this week in the areas of reading, writing, and math.   Ongoing assessments will be performed to assist in meeting your child’s instructional needs.


Power School offers a variety of information including attendance, grades, and special notes to parents. This is a SECURE website and therefore you, as a parent, may access your child’s information confidentially.



School begins at 8:00 AM sharp.  Students who arrive later than 8:15 AM must report to the office for a tardy slip.   Students go directly to the play area north of building 5 in the mornings starting Tuesday, August 18.  After the 7:55 AM freeze bell and unfreeze whistle, they will line up on the playground with their teacher and classmates.  Children should only be upstairs before school in the hallway escorted with a  parent or with a restroom pass from the early morning yard duty teachers

School ends daily at 2:45 P.M.   Please arrange pick up promptly.  Children not picked up by 3:00 P.M. will be taken to the office to call parents and wait. The pick-up location at the People’s campus is between Building 5 and the Peoples Church preschool playground.   All children must wait with the teacher until an adult walks over to pick them up.  They may not go and meet you at your car.


Snacks may be eaten during the morning  recess.  Fruit, veggies, crackers, cheese, chips, yogurt, and fruit snacks are some suggestions.  We will save our dessert foods for lunch.  Because of various children’s food allergies, we are not allowed to share or trade food.


Milk and juice will be offered for K-6 students. Milk and juice are 40 cents each. You may purchase a Milk or juice card for $8.00 each. Each card is good for 20 drinks. These are available in the Elementary Office. You will be notified when it is time to purchase a new one. This is offered as a convenience to you and is not mandatory.


Children will be honored individually on their birthdays.  You may bring a treat and drink if you choose.  Your child and you may choose and there are no restrictions, whatever is a favorite to your child.  We  celebrate at 2:30-2:40 PM.  Just let me know a few days ahead of time if you want to celebrate at school.   If your child has a summer birthday, he/she will not be forgotten.  We will find a day for them.  It can be on their half birthday or any day that works for you.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at: cfraser@fresnochristian.com.  You may also send a note with a child.  I check emails  each day and I will return your email within 24 hours.   In the event of an emergency, please call Lisa Dooley, elementary secretary in the Elementary  Office,  at 299-1695.

Also, I welcome parent helpers in the classroom from 8:00-10:15 AM.  If you would like to  help with paperwork, bulletin boards, assisting students, or other tasks, I would greatly appreciate it!  Sign-ups for morning classroom helpers and field trips will be at Back to School Night Tuesday, August 25th.


Online book orders are sent home monthly.  Scholastic publishes excellent books and software for children at a moderate price.  Please do not feel obligated to  purchase.


Please have your child bring a favorite literature book to read during “Silent Sustained Reading” after lunch each day.   The book should be kept in his or her backpack at all times for easy access on a daily basis.  There are also classroom library books.

fcs initials sm



Every Friday is SPIRIT DAY  at Fresno Christian.  So if you have a shirt that says “Fresno Christian, FCS, or has the FCS Eagle on iT , be sure to wear it on Friday.  Our whole class will be getting class t-shirts with Fresno Christian’s name for field trips in a few weeks.  It was included in your tuition.   If you wish to purchase other FCS Spirit Wear your children or adults, go to our school website.



Monday, August 17 — Convocation at Peoples Campus – 8:00 AM

Tuesday, August 25  — Back To School for grades 3-6, Tuesday, @ 7:00 PM


Mrs. Fraser, Augus 17, 20152016-11-16T22:16:00-08:00

Mrs. Witters May 18, 2015

May 18, 2015

Dear Parents,


Wow!!!! Tomorrow is Graduation!!!

Kids come at 8:00 ( regular time). The ceremony starts promptly at 10:30 in the G.L.Johnson Chapel. Bring your cameras and Kleenex! I told the kids to dress up – church clothes or whatever their mom tells them to wear!!!! We will have a cookie and punch reception after the ceremony. Girls CAN wear sandals to the Promotion.

Wednesday is our Swim Party from 11:30 – 2:30 at Camden’s pool. I still have lots of maps if you need one. Go directly to Camden’s house. There is NO school that day and it is the LAST DAY we are together!!


What a blessed year we have had. I can’t thank you enough for all your love, help and support!!


In His grip,

Mrs. Witters


P.S. Report card is attached.

Mrs. Witters May 18, 20152016-11-16T22:16:01-08:00

Mrs. Fraser, May 18, 2015




What a FANTASTIC year-end swim party out at Charlie and Jamie DeGroot’s country home!!!!  Our third graders had a fabulous time!!!!!  Thank you, Charlie and Jamie, for your tremendous, generous, and warm hospitality.   Charlie, awesome job at the barbecue pit!!  The heated pool, bounce house, and swing set play area were enjoyed by every third grader.  It was wonderful to watch them play and enjoy each other as they celebrated all their hard work this year!!!  It was delightful to hang out together with moms and dads visiting and relaxing!!  Mr. Deffenbacher, the kids had a hay-day pushing you into the pool!!  They looked like piranhas feasting on you in the water!!  We all enjoyed the food, fellowship and FUN!!!

THANK YOU DEAR, DEAR PARENTS AND STUDENTS for all of the amazing gift cards given to me, Mrs. Dansby, and Miss Harris for some summer fun!!  I join Mrs. Dansby and Miss Harris in sharing that we are SOOO  grateful for you and your beautiful expression of love.  Also, there will be many fun ways to enjoy this summer with your help as my husband, Wayne,  and I  celebrate our 25th Wedding Anniversary!!



Yes!  The last week of school has arrived!  Hard to believe?  This week is still an important one as we wrap up all the training and guidance.  It’s a time of reflection about  our year.  The activities we do are designed to bring closure to our experiences.  Thank you for stressing the academic importance of this week in staying focused.

As we reflect on our past year, our third grade class has experienced God’s faithfulness and bonding together as a family.  We have brought together our individual and unique personalities while the Lord has caused each of us to trust Him through the triumphs and challenges.  I praise God for His presence in the spirit of each student.  We will feel the heart-tugs as we part our ways for the summer.

The parent support and involvement through prayer, cards, notes, and volunteer work as room-parents, carpoolers, and chaperones has been a tremendous encouragement and blessing to me!!!  Your lives have deeply blessed mine.  Thank you for your generous spirit.  Blessings from above for a wonderful, relaxing summer!


Other than Monday, we will not be using any parent helpers this week.  Thank you for your tremendous help throughout the year in the classroom. We appreciate the extra attention you have given to our classroom. We couldn’t have done it without you!  You are amazing and it was wonderful to grow to know and love you dearly!!



There will be no spelling test or Bible Verse test, OR Math Homework packets this week!  We will continue to study spelling in our workbooks this week to improve our spelling skills.  We will learn about the Ten Commandments in Bible.  We will work on Reader’s Theater Plays this week.  In Social Studies we will continue to study state capitals and borders along with songs and words of liberty.  In science we will take a closer look at the planets in the solar system and learn all about sun and how it is responsible for our seasons and weather.


There will be an ice cream treat on Monday, May 18 at lunchtime in Mrs. Fraser’s classroom for those students who met their goal of 100 points in Reading Counts and/or became a member of the Third Grade Math Club.

Tuesday, May 19th students who met their goal of 500 points in Reading Counts or became a Lifetime Member of the Math Club will walk across the street with Mrs. Fraser for an off-campus pizza lunch at Me ‘N Eds.



Please return all hard bound textbooks by tomorrow including math books, social studies book, science, or language textbooks.  We are conducting textbook inventories.  These books are quite expensive and students will be charged for textbooks they do not return.  Thank you for helping your child be responsible for all school books needing to be returned.


Please continue to bring your backpack to school each day this week.  We will be bringing home several things each day.   Please keep your school box in your backpack.  You will need it for several activities this week.


Just a reminder that Thursday and Friday are MINIMUM days with release time at 12:00 PM.


Please look under your beds and in bookshelves at home for any books with Mrs. Fraser’s name or Miss Lepp’s name on the inside cover.  I would greatly appreciate all personal books returned to my own classroom library this week.  Thank you so much!

images books


We are receiving a library list each day from the librarian to let us know if our class has any more books out.  Let’s be diligent to in ALL LIBRARY BOOKS EARLY THIS WEEK!!  As we approach the end of the school year please note that there is a $25.00 fee for each item that is not returned by the last day of school. Please encourage your student to meet this responsibility.

Thanks, Lin Brown,



Fourth quarter grades will be finalized this Tuesday, May 19th.  Final report cards should be posted by the school the end of this week or early next week.



Parents are welcome to attend our last chapel of the year at the People’s Campus on Wednesday, May 2oth from 12:45-2:45 in the G.L.  Johnson Chapel for Grades 1-4. Parents will also be invited to join students in individual classrooms following the Awards Chapel for Character Trait Awards.



The children will receive their Memory Books on Thursday, May 21st.   Please send a special pen with your child  for autograph signing time. We will open up the doors and the children will be able to go to other classrooms as well Thursday.  The pages are glossy, so a marker pen does not work.  The children look forward to this time together and saying their summer farewells.

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Monday, May 18 – BMX Show 10:30 AM  Front of Peoples Church Parking Lot

Wednesday, May 20 – Grades 1-4 Awards Chapel 12:45 PM – 2:45 PM

Thursday, May 21 – HALF DAY / NOON RELEASE FOR GR. K-12

Thursday, May 21 – Memory Yearbook Signing

Thursday, May 21 – Miracle Neal’s Birthday!!!

Friday, May 22 – Memory Yearbook Signing

Friday, May 22 – Memory/Yearbook Signing/Bring Your Favorite Pen!!




Sunday, June 14 – Happy Birthday Mia Alberta!

Sunday, June 28 – Happy Birthday Michael Herrera!

Tuesday, July 21 – Happy Birthday Troy Covington!

Friday, July 31 – Happy Birthday Mrs. Fraser!

Wednesday, August 5 – Happy Birthday Mrs. Dansby!

Tuesday, August 11 – Happy Birthday Alex Fox!
















Mrs. Fraser, May 18, 20152016-11-16T22:16:02-08:00

Mrs. Tally – May 18, 2015

Dear Families,

We are winding down our school year this week. Fun activities are planned to bring our year to a close. It has been a wonderful year with these precious children. I pray blessings over you this summer as you spend time with friends and family and enjoy all God’s goodness….and before we know it,  August 17th will be here and you will have 2nd Graders!!!!!

We will not be using parent helpers this week.  We are working on Father’s Day surprises!!!

canstock6897536 bmxBMX SHOW – One of our fundraiser awards is the BMX Show.  NEW TIME –  It will be Monday, May 18th at 10:30 AM.  All are invited to attend.

canstock3916409 swimYEAR END SWIMMING PARTY – Our final celebration of the year will be a swim party on Tuesday, May 19th, from 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM at the DeGroots. All are welcome to attend. Please check outside our classroom to sign up for the needed items. You will meet at Jordyn’s house at 11:00 AM. You do not need to come to our campus first. If you will need a ride from school, please let me know, as we will not be organizing formal carpools. You will also need to pick up your child at the DeGroots after the party is over, or make arrangements for them to get home. We will not be going back to People’s Campus. Directions were sent home last Thursday.  The DeGroots address is 6939 W. Lincoln Ave. Fresno, 93706.  Should you need help or have a problem Charlie’s number is 647-5501.

images congratulationsAWARD’S CHAPEL We will have our Award’s Chapel on Wednesday, May 20th at 12:45 PM in the GL Johnson Chapel.  The children will be receiving their Character Trait and Physical Fitness Awards (for those who qualified). All are welcome to attend.

images booksBOOKS – Please return your red or blue Anthology book if you have not already done so,  and any little books from our Friday book bags.  Many thanks!

LARGE BAG – We will be cleaning out our cubbies and buckets this week.  Please send a large paper bag that can sit on the floor.  We will also be bringing home our Open House projects.

HALF DAYS – Thursday and Friday are both Early Dismissal Days school ending at 12:00 PM.

lostnfndLOST AND FOUND – Please check the Lost and Found this week for any items that may belong to your child.  Any remaining items will go to charity.



Mrs. Tally – May 18, 20152016-11-16T22:16:02-08:00

Mr. Miranda May 18, 2015


The BMX show will be on Monday, May 18 at 10:30 A.M.


Please plan on joining us for our awards assembly on Thursday, May 22 at 10:30 A.M. in the G.L Johnson Chapel. Character trait awards will be handed out in the classroom after the assembly. Parents are invited to attend both events.


 Thank you to Mason Beal’s parents for hosting our end of year swim party Friday, May 15. They blessed us with generous hospitality despite their own busy schedules. Thanks also to Mrs. Brooks for organizing the day. Several parents were able to join us. Despite the weather forecast, it was a great day of swimming and fun activities for our  students. It was also nice time to socialize with parents.

We conclude with a review of positive/negative integers and algebra functions. There will be no test.


We conclude our study of nutrition. There will be no test.

BIBLE: We conclude Unit 7: Luke Writes About the Early Church.



The memory verse for this week is Isaiah 40:31 and the test will be on Wednesday, May 20. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

SPELLING: Spelling Lesson 36 words will be tested this Wednesday, May 20.

Shortened  Spelling List Lesson 36 Star Wars


  1. Millenium Falcon
  2. Luke Skywalker
  3. Hans Solo
  4. Princess Leia Organa
  5. Death Star


Challenge Words

  1. Jedi
  2. C3PO
  3. R2D2
  4. Darth Vader
  5. Rebel Alliance


      • BMX show Monday, May 18 @ 10:30
      • Happy Birthday Ainsley Thompson May 19
      • Grades 5 and 6 Awards Assembly: Thursday, May 21 10:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
      • Half Day/Noon Dismissal: Thursday, May 21
      • Yearbook Signing/Last Day of School/Noon Dismissal: Friday, May 22
        • Happy Birthday Derek DeGroot June 2
        • Happy Birthday Olivia Tucker June 10
        • Happy Birthday Carlee Zamarripa June 11
        • Happy Birthday Jordan Ott June 17
        • Happy Birthday Selah Obenauf June 30


Mr. Miranda May 18, 20152016-11-16T22:16:03-08:00

Mrs. Vander Kooi May 18, 2015

fcs initials sm


The BMX show will be on Monday, May 18 at 10:30 A.M.


Please plan on joining us for our awards assembly on Thursday, May 22 at 10:30 A.M. in the G.L Johnson Chapel. Character trait awards will be handed out in the classroom after the assembly. Parents are invited to attend both events.


 Thank you to Rayleigh’s parents for hosting the year-end swim party on Friday, May 22, from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM. The address is 717 Goshen Avenue, Clovis, 93611. Mapquest directions will be sent home with the students on Wednesday. Parents are asked to contribute side dishes. Please let Ruth Williams know if you are willing to help. 

Students do not need to come to school first on that day. If your child will need a ride from school to the swim party, please let me know, as we will not be organizing formal carpools. You will also need to pick up your child after the party is over, or make arrangements for them to get home. We will not be going back to People’s Campus.  Again, if you need help with this, just let me know.


We conclude Chapter 10: Geometry and Measurement. There will be no test.


We conclude our study of nutrition. There will be no test.

BIBLE: We conclude Unit 7: Luke Writes About the Early Church.



The memory verse for this week is Isaiah 40:31 and the test will be on Wednesday, May 20. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Isaiah 40:31

SPELLING: Spelling Lesson 36 words will be tested this Wednesday, May 20. There are no challenge words.

Lesson 36: Students’ Choice

  1. lovable
  2. falconet
  3. luminous
  4. important
  5. elaborate
  6. broccoli
  7. continue
  8. computer
  9. simulate
  10. trinitrotoluene
  11. California
  12. united
  13. celery
  14. opening
  15. adenosine triphosphate


  • Grades 5 and 6 Awards Assembly: May 21 10:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
  • Half Day/Noon Dismissal: May 21
  • Swim Party/Last Day of School/Noon Dismissal: May 22
Mrs. Vander Kooi May 18, 20152016-11-16T22:16:04-08:00

Mrs. Eldridge, May 18th, 2015


Mrs. E’s Weekly

Click HERE for my newsletter.

Things to Remember:

BMX show: Mon. May 18th at 10:30am

Awards Assembly: Wed. May 20th at 12:45pm

Reed and Feed, & Early Release: Thurs. May 21st

Last Day of School (Yearbooks and Report Cards go home) Fri. May 22nd (Early Release)

Mrs. Eldridge, May 18th, 20152016-11-16T22:16:05-08:00
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