PC Pierce

About PC Pierce

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So far PC Pierce has created 445 blog entries.

Mr. Miranda January 20, 2014


Students should now have their poems memorized with voice expressions and hand gestures included. Students will recite their poems in class this Thursday, January 22  (no parents allowed). Finalists will present their poems in the Grades 4-6 Oral Interpretation Assembly on January 26th from 1:30-2:45 in the Peoples Church North Lobby Chapel (families invited).

All students are expected to memorize a poem as part of their oral language grade for third quarter in language. Grades will be based on rubric scores and advancements made by outside judges based on presentations and scoring. The top three students will advance to our school oral presentation assembly on January 26 and, if chosen, will then represent our school at the Peach Blossom Festival in early spring.


Students will write fictional narratives during the third quarter, focusing on story elements such as characters, setting, villain, conflict, rising action, climax and resolution.


The required reading for January will be a genre of the student’s choice. Students will write a Response to Literature which is due on Friday, January 30. We will review how to write a Response to Literature in class this week. Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum  of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.


This week we continue Chapter 7: Fractions, Decimals, Mixed Numbers.


This week we continue Chapter 4 the settlement of the early colonies.


This week we continue Unit 4 Gospel Writings: Jesus’ Birth and Early Ministry


The memory verse for this week is 1 John 1:9 and the test will be this Friday, January 23. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

1 John 1:9

SPELLING: Spelling Lesson 20 words will be tested this Friday, January 23.

Lesson 20

Words from Greek and Latin 

  1. biology
  2. biography
  3. biome
  4. democracy
  5. epidemic
  6. demonstrate
  7. geology
  8. geography
  9. geometry
  10. archaic
  11. microwave
  12. psychology
  13. archaeology
  14. microscopic
  15. political

Challenge Words

  1. demographic
  2. biodegradable
  3. zoology
  4. antibiotic
  5. hemisphere


  • NO SCHOOL – Martin Luther King Day: January 19
  • Oral Interpretation Assembly: January 26 from 1:30-2:45
  • NOON DISMISSAL – Parent Teacher Conferences: February 2 through February 6
  • NO SCHOOL – Lincoln’s Birthday: February 9
  • NO SCHOOL – President’s Day: February 16
  • Elementary Spring Pictures: March 3
  • End of 3rd Quarter: March 13
  • SAT 10 Testing: March 23 through March 27
  • NO SCHOOL – Easter Break: March 30 through April 6
  • School Resumes: April 7


Mr. Miranda January 20, 20142015-01-19T12:54:01-08:00

Mrs. Witters January 19, 2015

Dear Kindergarten Parents,                           January 19, 2015


Thanks to all who helped to make our Cowboy Cookout a Texas-sized success. We had a rip-roaring time lassoing, barrel-racing, and making horses-in-the-blanket.


This week our verse is “In Quietness and trust is your strength”- Isaiah 30:15. Our character trait is Wisdom-seeing situations the way God does and making decisions which would please Him. We are trying to review and reinforce former character traits, so if you observe your child exhibiting one of them, please write me a note. We will read it to the class. The children are so excited to have their good qualities recognized by their parents and friends.

I am sending home your child’s part for the Red, White and Blue Review. Please practice it at home ! It is a VERY fun filled day!!! (February 13 at 9:00 a.m.)


This Friday is the 100th day of school!! We will celebrate by making 100 Day Soup! Please read the attached flyer to learn all the details!



February 9      Lincoln’s Birthday (NO school)


February 13     RED, WHITE, and BLUE REVIEW (9:00a.m.) and Valentine Party ( 10:15)

February 16     President’s Day (No school)



God Bless you all.

Mrs. Witters and your wise Kindergartner









Mrs. Witters January 19, 20152015-01-19T07:00:40-08:00

Mrs. Tally – January 20, 2015


Dear Families,

I trust you enjoyed a great three day weekend.  This week we gear up for our Peach Blossom poems.  We will be practicing at school in preparation for Friday when the classroom participants will be chosen. This is always enjoyed by the children.

LANGUAGE ARTS – We are making great progress with our Reading skills and some groups are moving very quickly through curriculum.. We will be working out of our Anthology book as well as leveled readers. The children acquire vocabulary very fast now so just a little language_arts_clipartreview at home will be necessary. There will now be assignments out of this book as well as vocabulary.  These will be in the work envelope each Monday. We also are working on the theme comprehension and soon to be comprehension from their anthology book. WRITING – We are focusing on writing a narrative about oneself.  They LOVE to write about themselves!!!  We are starting to incorporate “dress up”  words, or better known as adjectives in our piece. We will learn this week what an adjective is and when you use it.  We have covered noun and verbs up to this point. 

mathMATH – We are working on Number patterns to 100. This is the foundation for regrouping in 2nd Grade.  We talk about the last number on the right is the one’s column and the next column is the ten’s column. It is beginning to make sense to them.  Each column has its value. Remember to faithfully do a 4 minute math drills at home.

SOCIAL SCIENCE -We  continue on Families Now and Long Ago. Beginning this quarter, there will be an assessment at the end of each chapter. A chapter review will go home about a week before the test. We will also review at school. This will begin to prepare them for 2nd grade Social Science where grades are given for tests.

BIBLE – We will be finish up Samson, learning how God used him in spite of his sins.

SCIENCE – We will continue our unit on Weather and Seasons and Health and Nutrition. We are studying the four food groups and what constitutes healthy eating.Please send magazines, (if you have any to spare) so the kids can cut out pictures and put them in the correct food category. 

Dr. Rylander has graciously offered to come and share about her work as a Primary Care Physician on Tuesday, Jan. 26th.  We would welcome anyone else who would like to share. Please send magazines, (if you have any to spare) so the kids can cut out pictures and put them in the correct food category.

LEARNING RESPONSIBILITY – We have had many  forgetting work envelopes and book bags, which are due every Friday. We have spent a great deal of time talking about this and coming up with ways to help us become more responsible. Again, this is to help prepare them for the higher grades where a lower score may be given for a late assignment.  Any support you can give in this area would be greatly appreciated. Getting prepared for the things  that are due Friday should be part of your child’s routine.

WORLD’S FINEST CHOCOLATES FUNDRAISER – The children are doing a wonderful job selling chocolates!! Check out your World’s Finest Chocolate boxes.All money is due on Friday, January 30th. Please turn in your money in the envelopes enclosed in your boxes to the campus secretary, Mrs. Roberts, not your teachers, (student’s name and teacher need to be written on them).

POETRY CLASS SPEECH MEET – First graders are enjoying the experience of sharing their poems in class. They are all doing a great job! All students should have their poems memorized by Thursday and should be putting on their finishing touches with hand motions, facial expressions, or gestures.Classroom participants will be selected for on Friday, Jan. 23rd. No parents will attend on this day. Keep practicing at home, as there are only a few days left before our classroom participants are chosen.

PEACH BLOSSOM ASSEMBLY – Parents are invited to the Finalist Round of the Peach Blossom Assembly, Monday. Jan. 26th at 12:30 PM in the North Lobby Chapel.

conferencesPARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES – Elementary conferences are scheduled for the week of Feb. 3-7. School is dismissed at 12:00 PM each day during that week. Your scheduled appointment time will be included in your child’s Work Envelope on Tuesday, Jan. 20th. Please sign and return by Friday, Jan. 30th. If you need to change your time, please call Mrs. Roberts at 299 1695, ext. 103.

KID’S CLUB – Parent volunteers are needed to lead Kids’ Clubs this spring. Kids’ Clubs are fun activities like arts & crafts, sports and games, and food creations that the kids participate in during the second half of lunch recess. PST is looking for parents who want to volunteer 25 minutes of their time to lead a club this spring. We’ll give you an idea if you don’t have one and even supply the materials. You don’t need to be crafty or have teaching experience, just a desire to spend a little time with children. A flyer will be coming home with your child this week. Flyers are due back by Friday, January 23rd. Please contact PST’s Kids’ Club Coordinator, Jennifer Dansby, at 681-4605 or jenniferdansby@sbcglobal.net.

SHOW AND TELL – This week will be Team A



 1-21 – Happy 7th Birthday Brody Escobar

1-22 – Happy 7th Birthday Austin Kinzle

1-24- Classroom Peach Blossom Presentations

1-26 – Peach Blossom Assembly – 12:30 PM – North Lobby Chapel ( All Invited)

2-2 – 2-6 – Parent Teacher Conferences -School dismissed at 12:00 PM

2-9 – Lincoln’s Birthday – No School

2-12 – Happy 7th Birthday James Emerian

2-13- Happy Valentine’s Day!! Party 1:00 – 2:40 PM

2-16 – President’s Day – No School

2-20 – Happy 7th Birthday Lincoln Williams

2-20 – PST Elementary Talent Show

2-26 Happy 7th Birthday Jordyn DeGroot

3-22   Happy 7th Birthday Braeden Oneida

3-23- 3-27 – SAT Testing

330 – 4-6 – Spring Break

4-5 – He Is Risen….HALLELUJAH!!

4-7 – School Resumes


Spirit Day is every Friday. Please wear your favorite FCS shirt.


Bible Verse – Jan. 20-23

Help me to do your will, for you are my God.  Lead me in good paths  Psalm 143:10  16 pts.                

Spelling – Jan. 20-23 – Lesson 22














Mrs. Tally – January 20, 20152016-11-16T22:17:21-08:00

Miss Nolte, January 20-23rd, 2015

Nolte News

January 20-23rd, 2015

Click for HERE for my Newsletter

Spelling Words:

















challenge words



Bible Verse:

And this is my prayer that your love may abound…so that you might be able to discern what is best. Philippians 1:9-10a


natural resource: something found in nature that people can use to meet their needs.

market: a place where people buy and sell goods.

Miss Nolte, January 20-23rd, 20152016-11-16T22:17:22-08:00

Mrs. Vander Kooi January 20, 2015

FCS Academic


What a wonderful surprise and treat to have the class celebrate my half birthday last week! Thank you for the cards and gifts and cupcakes and balloons and flowers and food and fun!! I feel very blessed by all of you. Also, thank you to the parents who generously provided the staff luncheon last Tuesday. It was delicious and appreciated by all!


Students should now have their poems memorized with voice expressions and hand gestures included. Students will recite their poems in class this Thursday, January 22  (no parents allowed). Finalists will present their poems in the Grades 4-6 Oral Interpretation Assembly on January 26th from 1:30-2:45 in the Peoples Church North Lobby Chapel (families invited).

All students are expected to memorize a poem as part of their oral language grade for third quarter in language. Grades will be based on rubric scores and advancements made by outside judges based on presentations and scoring. The top three students will advance to our school oral presentation assembly on January 26 and, if chosen, will then represent our school at the Peach Blossom Festival in early spring.


Students will write fictional narratives during the third quarter, focusing on story elements such as characters, setting, villain, conflict, rising action, climax and resolution. We begin first draft writing this week.


The required reading for January will be a genre of the student’s choice. Students will write a Response to Literature which is due on Friday, January 30. We will review how to write a Response to Literature in class this week. Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum  of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.


This week we begin Chapter 6: Data, Statistics, and Probability.


This week we transition to the settlement of the early colonies.


This week we conclude Unit 4 Gospel Writings: Jesus’ Birth and Early Ministry


The memory verse for this week is 1 John 1:9 and the test will be this Friday, January 23. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

1 John 1:9

SPELLING: Spelling Lesson 20 words will be tested this Friday, January 23.

Lesson 20

Words from Greek and Latin 

  1. biology
  2. biography
  3. biome
  4. democracy
  5. epidemic
  6. demonstrate
  7. geology
  8. geography
  9. geometry
  10. archaic
  11. microwave
  12. psychology
  13. archaeology
  14. microscopic
  15. political

Challenge Words

  1. demographic
  2. biodegradable
  3. zoology
  4. antibiotic
  5. hemisphere


  • NO SCHOOL – Martin Luther King Day: January 19
  • Oral Interpretation Assembly: January 26 from 1:30-2:45
  • NOON DISMISSAL – Parent Teacher Conferences: February 2 through February 6
  • Happy Birthday Kamdon Marquez: February 4
  • NO SCHOOL – Lincoln’s Birthday: February 9
  • Happy Birthday Gregory Tanaka: February 10
  • NO SCHOOL – President’s Day: February 16
  • Happy Birthday Max Hinton: February 16
  • Elementary Spring Pictures: March 3
  • Happy Birthday Christian Swiridoff – March 4
  • Happy Birthday Rayleigh Gong: March 7
  • End of 3rd Quarter: March 13
  • Happy Birthday Jenna Smoljan: March 14
  • Happy Birthday Azlynn Lipe: March 16
  • Happy Birthday Joseph Igot: March 25
  • SAT 10 Testing: March 23 through March 27
  • NO SCHOOL – Easter Break: March 30 through April 6
  • Happy Birthday Robert Williams: April 6
  • School Resumes: April 7
  • Happy Birthday Dev Gopal: May 13
Mrs. Vander Kooi January 20, 20152016-11-16T22:17:22-08:00

Miss Nolte, January 12th, 2015

Nolte News

January 12th, 2015

Click HERE for my Newsletter

Spelling Words:

















challenge words



Bible Verse:

He saved us, not because of righteous things we have done, but because of his mercy.

Titus 3:5

Miss Nolte, January 12th, 20152016-11-16T22:17:23-08:00

Mrs. Fraser, January 12, 2014



Character Trait:  Generosity

Reference:  Psalms 11:5

Verse:  Good will come to him who is generous and lends freely, who conducts his affairs with justice.

Definition:  Freely sharing with others from what God has allowed me to have

Opposite:  Selfishness or holding on to things instead of sharing


This week is a review week.  Please review all words from Lessons 13-17.  You will find a study list of words attached to your newsletter on Monday.  There will be a multiple choice test this Friday.  Next week in Lesson 19 we will continue to write 5 more words in cursive as we study our weekly 20 words and 2 challenge words.  This will make 10 words to practice writing in cursive.



Our World’s Finest Chocolate candy bar FUNdraiser began this Friday, January 9th and will run through Friday, January 30th.

LAST FRIDAY we began checking out cases of candy (containing 60 bars each) next to the pick up point, (PC Pirate Ship), from 2:30 until about 3:30. You may pick up chocolate boxes to sell every MondayWednesday and Friday, (same times) until the FUNdraiser ends.

Parents must sign the chocolate out for the students to sell. Students will be responsible for selling all 60 bars. Once candy is issued, no returns will be accepted. You do not pay up front for the chocolate boxes.

Please use the small envelope provided in each case to turn in your money once each case is sold. Any checks should be made to Fresno Christian PST. A prize sheet will be posted in the elementary office window, and on the checkout table.


Please mark your calendars to come fellowship and support FCS at our FUNdinner coming up on January 15th at Applebee’s on Herndon and Cedar! Bring the attached flyer so FCS will receive 15% of the proceeds.

Thank you for supporting our school through these successful FUNdraisers!

Fresno Christian PST Board

Attention Parents! Spring Kids’ Clubs are fun lunchtime activities led by parent volunteers. PST is looking for volunteers to lead a club or help lead a club during the spring season.   A Kid’s Club flyer  is coming home today with details. Please contact PST Kid’s Club coordinator, Jennifer Dansby, at 681-4605 or jenniferdansby@sbcglobal.net, if you have questions or would like to volunteer. Volunteer sign-ups are due by Friday, January 23th.
Thank you!
Jennifer Dansby


All poems should be selected by this Wednesday, January 14th.  Students will have an opportunity to recite their poems in class daily for next Friday’s class speech meet on January 23rd.   Begin to think about what facial expressions and hand gestures you would like to add to make your poem story come alive!  Sorry, no props are allowed per oral interpretation rules.


On Monday, January 13 Mr. Robert Hyatt, our computer technologist, will be visiting our classroom to orientate third graders with the Scholastic Reading Inventory and Reading Counts program on our new i-pads and traveling computer lab cart shared with elementary classes.

Once third graders have taken their Scholastic Reading Inventory to determine their reading comprehension lexile level, a recommended reading list can be generated to help students select books at their individual reading level.   Students will then be required to read  a minimum of 1 Red Star Book a week and take at least 1Reading Counts quiz WEEKLY with a passing score of 70% or above for credit as part of the reading grade.  Students are given daily Sustained Silent Reading Time to read their books.


Please note that every THURSDAY is Library Day from 12:30-1:15 PM for our third grade class.  Students should be returning their books two weeks or sooner.  They are required to check out 3 Red Star Books from the recommended reading list in the library each week.  They may keep their library books up to TWO weeks before they are overdue.

Please keep library books stored in student backpacks while at home so that their Red Star Books go back and forth to school every day.  Children have a routine to pull Red Star Books out  of their backpacks after lunch for daily Sustained Silent Reading.   Much reading time is wasted when children do not have their reading books to complete their independent reading assignments to be prepared for READING COUNTS.  Students are required to read a minimum of 1 Red Star Book per week and take a quiz with a passing score of 70% or above.


As students read RED STAR BOOKs and take quizzes on the computer, each book is assigned a point value.  Students will earn points toward award certificate levels:

Special Reading Certificates

 Year-End Awards

100 points- Ice Cream Party

500 points- Pizza Party Lunch


All students who reach the third grade level goal of mastering  Form A and Form B of 100 facts in Addition and Subtraction Facts in 4 minutes will receive an ice cream party.  All third graders who reach the goal of mastering Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, and Mixed Facts of Form A and Form B in 4 minutes will become Lifetime Members and will be rewarded a pizza party.


Remember that every Friday is Spirit Day!  So be sure to wear your favorite FCS spirit wear on Fridays!!




Wednesday, January 14 – Peach Blossom Poem Due

Thursday, January 15 – Applebee’s Fellowship and Fundraiser  Night/Cedar and Herndon

Monday, January 19 – Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday – No School

Friday, January 23 – Classroom Peach Blossom Presentations

Monday, January 26 – Finalist Round Peach Blossom Assembly – 12:30 PM – North Lobby Chapel (All Invited)




Mrs. Fraser, January 12, 20142016-11-16T22:17:24-08:00

Mrs. Witters January 12, 2015

Dear Parents,                                           January 12, 2015


Yee Haw! This week is Cowboy Week in Kindergarten! All week long we will be learning about Cowboys and the Lone Prairie. This Friday, (January 16) we will high-tail it to the “Kindergarten Corral” for a “Cowboy Cook-Out”. You are ALL invited to join us for Cattle ropin’, barrel racing, a sing a-long and Cowboy Vittles! Bring your cameras! If your child has cowboy boots or a cowboy hat, he/she can wear it on Friday. We will be making vests and bandanas. PLEASE send a SOUP SIZE TIN CAN for your “cowpoke” to drink out of at the cookout. We will be making cowboy grub to eat!!! PLEASE read the attached note about COWBOY DAY!!!!


Our Bible verse is Psalm 147:1, “Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to our God”. Our character trait is Perseverance; never give up when you are doing what is right and good.


Thank you for returning the Homework folders on Thursday. It is essential to your child’s progress. It helps to establish habits for the future school years.





On Friday, February 13th we will be presenting our Patriotic Show ( RED, WHITE and BLUE REVIEW). There will be songs, flags, and each child has a special poem or saying to recite. BRING YOUR CAMERAS!! I will be sending home your child’s poem next week for you to practice at home. SHOWTIME will be at 9:00 a.m. After a recess we will have our Valentine Party! Please have your child send valentines to everyone in his/her class. This will avoid hurt feelings. DO NOT have your child write any names on the outside of the envelopes. Sorting mail for so many children can be a nightmare for the teachers!!!! Encourage your child to write his or her name on their cards. It’s great practice!


WOW! This is a lot of info at one time!! Time is going sooo quickly so I like to keep you informed!



January 15     Applebee’s Fundraiser/Fellowship Dinner


January 16     Cowboy Day


January 19     Martin Luther King Day – NO School


February 9     Lincoln’s Birthday (NO school)


February 13     RED, WHITE, and BLUE REVIEW and

Valentines Day PARTY

February 16     President’s Day (No school)




With love and appreciation,

Mrs. Witters and your Persevering Kindergartner





Mrs. Witters January 12, 20152016-11-16T22:17:25-08:00

Mrs. Tally – January 12, 2015



Dear Families,

We have had a VERY busy, but WONDERFUL beginning to our 2015 school year.We have added three new friends to our midst.  They are Brianna Wyman, Sienna Lee and Braeden Oneida. The children have made a smooth transition from a long vacation, back to working in the classroom. I am so proud of them!!! Our second half of the year will be great!!!

LANGUAGE ARTS – We are making great progress with our Reading skills. We will be working out of our Anthology book as well as leveled readers. The children  acquire vocabulary very fast now so just a little review at home will be necessary. If your child is struggling, I will let you know so you can work on it.

MATH – We are working on Number patterns to 100.. This has proven to be challenging for some, however, it will continue to be reviewed in upcoming chapters. Remember to faithfully do a 4 minute math drills at home.

SOCIAL SCIENCE -We began Unit , Families Now and Long Ago. Beginning this quarter, there will be an assessment at the end of each chapter. A chapter review will go home about a week before the test. We will also review at school. This will begin to prepare them for 2nd grade Social Science where grades are given for tests.

BIBLE – We will be studying Samson.

SCIENCE – We will continue our unit on Weather and Seasons. We will also start a unit on Health and Nutrition. We will be studying the four food groups and what constitutes healthy eating. I would also like to invite any parent who is in the health or medical field to come and share with the children about their professions. Let me know if you would be willing to come and share with us.

LEARNING RESPONSIBILITY – We have had many boys and girls forgetting work envelopes and book bags, which are due every Friday. We have spent a great deal of time talking about this and coming up with ways to help us become more responsible. Beginning the week of Jan 19th, there will be a thinking bench time at recess where your child will come up with a way that will help them remember to bring what is due. Again, this is to help prepare them for the higher grades where a lower score may be given for a late assignment. Since life happens,grace will be given the first time work is not turned in on time. We have discussed this at school and they know that they are not in trouble if they have to be on the thinking bench. Any support you can give in this area would be greatly appreciated.

PEACH BLOSSOM – Please continue working on your poem selection.  You need to have chosen your poem by Jan.14th and remember to send me a copy of it as well.We will be practicing at school as well. Please note the handout for tips on learning and presenting the poems. The children will enjoy listening to everyone’s poem.

SHOW AND TELL – This week will be Team A.

WORLD’S FINEST CHOCOLATE FUNDRAISER – Our World’s Finest Chocolate candy bar FUNdraiser began last Friday, January 9th and will run through Friday, January 30th. We will be checking out cases of candy (containing 60 bars each) next to the pick up point, (PC Pirate Ship), from 2:30 until about 3:30. Then we will be out there every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, (same times) until the FUNdraiser ends.Parents must sign the chocolate out for the students to sell. Students will be responsible for selling all 60 bars. Once candy is issued, no returns will be accepted. You do not pay up front for the chocolate boxes.Please use the small envelope provided in each case to turn in your money once each case is sold. Any checks should be made to Fresno Christian PST. A prize sheet will be posted in the elementary office window, and on the checkout table.

KID’S  CLUB – Parent volunteers are needed to lead Kids’ Clubs this spring. Kids’ Clubs are fun activities like arts & crafts, sports and games, and food creations that the kids participate in during the second half of lunch recess. PST is looking for parents who want to volunteer 25 minutes of their time to lead a club this spring. We’ll give you an idea if you don’t have one and even supply the materials. You don’t need to be crafty or have teaching experience, just a desire to spend a little time with children. A flyer will be coming home with your child this week. Flyers are due back by Friday, January 23rd. Please contact PST’s Kids’ Club Coordinator, Jennifer Dansby, at 681-4605 or jenniferdansby@sbcglobal.net.





1-22Happy 7th Birthday Austin Kinzle

1-24- Classroom Peach Blossom Presentations

1-26 – Peach Blossom Assembly – 12:30 PM – North Lobby Chapel ( All Invited)

2-2 – 2-6 – Parent Teacher Conferences -School dismissed at 12:00 PM

2-9 – Lincoln’s Birthday – No School

2-12Happy 7th Birthday James Emerian

2-13- Happy Valentine’s Day!! Party 1:20 – 2:40 PM

2-16 – President’s Day – No School

2-20 – Happy 7th Birthday Lincoln Williams

2-20 – PST Elementary Talent Show

2-26Happy 7th Birthday Jordyn DeGroot


Spirit Day is every Friday. Please wear your favorite FCS shirt.





img_62cBible Verse – Jan. 20-23

I will sing to the Lord because He has blessed me so richly. Psalm 13:6 16 pts.


Spelling – Jan. 20-23 – Lesson 22














Mrs. Tally – January 12, 20152016-11-16T22:17:26-08:00

January 12, 2015 Mr. Miranda

January 12, 2015 Newsletter



Our World’s Finest Chocolate candy bar FUNdraiser kicks off this Friday, January 9th and will run through Friday, January 30th. We will be checking out cases of candy (containing 60 bars each) next to the pick up point, (PC Pirate Ship), from 2:30 until about 3:30. Then we will be out there every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, (same times) until the FUNdraiser ends.

Parents must sign the chocolate out for the students to sell. Students will be responsible for selling all 60 bars. Once candy is issued, no returns will be accepted. You do not pay up front for the chocolate boxes.

Please use the small envelope provided in each case to turn in your money once each case is sold. Any checks should be made to Fresno Christian PST. A prize sheet will be posted in the elementary office window, and on the checkout table.


Please mark your calendars to come fellowship and support FCS at our FUNdinner coming up on January 15th at Applebee’s on Herndon and Cedar! Bring the attached flyer so FCS will receive 15% of the proceeds.

Thank you for supporting our school through these successful FUNdraisers!

Fresno Christian PST Board



Parent volunteers are needed to lead Kids’ Clubs this spring. Kids’ Clubs are fun activities like arts & crafts, sports and games, and food creations that the kids participate in during the second half of lunch recess. PST is looking for parents who want to volunteer 25 minutes of their time to lead a club this spring. We’ll give you an idea if you don’t have one and even supply the materials. You don’t need to be crafty or have teaching experience, just a desire to spend a little time with children. A flyer will be coming home with your child this week. Flyers are due back by Friday, January 23rd.  Please contact PST’s Kids’ Club Coordinator, Jennifer Dansby, at 681-4605 or jenniferdansby@sbcglobal.net.



By now all students should have their poems selected and handed in a copy to me. Students should have their poems memorized by this Friday, January 16.  Begin to think about what voice expressions and hand gestures you would like to add to make your poem story come alive!  No props are allowed per oral interpretation rules.

All students are expected to memorize a poem as part of their oral language grade for third quarter in language. Grades will be based on rubric scores and advancements made by outside judges based on presentations and scoring. The top three students will advance to our school oral presentation assembly on January 26 and, if chosen, will then represent our school at the Peach Blossom Festival in early spring.

Requirements include:

A minimum of one minute in length

Choose selections that allow children to “bring to life” their pieces through their voice and and gestures

Poem of integrity and value

Humorous or serious

Appropriate selection for age

Identify the title and author at the beginning of the selection

Vocal variety in volume, rate, pitch

Expression of voice and face

Hand and/or Body Movements

Eye Contact

Creativity Utilized

Meaning and Emotion

Naturalness and Sincerity


Students will write fictional narratives during the third quarter, focusing on story elements such as characters, setting, villain, conflict, rising action, climax and resolution. Students will review and practice writing dialogue by writing a dialogue story between two famous people or characters (dead or alive, fictitious or real) who share something in common. The final draft of the dialogue story is due this Friday, January 14.


The required reading for January will be a genre of the student’s choice. Students will write a Response to Literature which is due on Friday, January 30. We will review how to write a Response to Literature in class. Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum  of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.


This week we finish Chapter 7: Fractions. There will be a test on fractions this Friday, January 16.


We continue Chapter 4 The Colonies. Students are using study guides in class for each lessonand will have an open book test this Friday, January 16.


This week we continue Unit 4 Gospel Writings: Jesus’ Birth and Early Ministry


The memory verse for this week is Philippians 4:6-7 and the test will be this Friday, January 16. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7

SPELLING: Spelling Lesson 19 words will be tested this Friday, January 16.

Lesson 19

Words from Greek and Latin

  1. pedal
  2. peddler
  3. pedestrian
  4. pedestal
  5. dental
  6. dentist
  7. dentures
  8. vocalize
  9. manual
  10. manuscript
  11. manipulate
  12. manufacture
  13. vocalist
  14. memoir
  15. memorial

 Challenge Words

  1. impede
  2. pediatrician
  3. pedometer
  4. mannequin
  5. memorabilia


  • NO SCHOOL – Martin Luther King Day: January 19
  • Oral Interpretation Assembly: January 26 from 1:30-2:45
  • NOON DISMISSAL – Parent Teacher Conferences: February 2 through February 6
  • Happy Birthday Ian Benggon: January 10
  • NO SCHOOL – Lincoln’s Birthday: February 9
  • NO SCHOOL – President’s Day: February 16
  • Elementary Spring Pictures: March 3
  • End of 3rd Quarter: March 13
  • SAT 10 Testing: March 23 through March 27
  • NO SCHOOL – Easter Break: March 30 through April 6
  • School Resumes: April 7



January 12, 2015 Mr. Miranda2016-11-16T22:17:27-08:00
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