PC Pierce

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Mrs. Vander Kooi January 12, 2015

FCS Academic


Our World’s Finest Chocolate candy bar FUNdraiser kicks off this Friday, January 9th and will run through Friday, January 30th. We will be checking out cases of candy (containing 60 bars each) next to the pick up point, (PC Pirate Ship), from 2:30 until about 3:30. Then we will be out there every MondayWednesday and Friday, (same times) until the FUNdraiser ends.

Parents must sign the chocolate out for the students to sell. Students will be responsible for selling all 60 bars. Once candy is issued, no returns will be accepted. You do not pay up front for the chocolate boxes.

Please use the small envelope provided in each case to turn in your money once each case is sold. Any checks should be made to Fresno Christian PST. A prize sheet will be posted in the elementary office window, and on the checkout table.


Please mark your calendars to come fellowship and support FCS at our FUNdinner coming up on January 15th at Applebee’s on Herndon and Cedar! Bring the attached flyer so FCS will receive 15% of the proceeds.

Thank you for supporting our school through these successful FUNdraisers!

Fresno Christian PST Board

Parent volunteers are needed to lead Kids’ Clubs this spring. Kids’ Clubs are fun activities like arts & crafts, sports and games, and food creations that the kids participate in during the second half of lunch recess. PST is looking for parents who want to volunteer 25 minutes of their time to lead a club this spring. We’ll give you an idea if you don’t have one and even supply the materials. You don’t need to be crafty or have teaching experience, just a desire to spend a little time with children. A flyer will be coming home with your child this week. Flyers are due back by Friday, January 23rd.  Please contact PST’s Kids’ Club Coordinator, Jennifer Dansby, at 681-4605 or jenniferdansby@sbcglobal.net.

By now all students should have their poems selected and handed in a copy to me. Students should have their poems memorized by this Friday, January 16.  Begin to think about what voice expressions and hand gestures you would like to add to make your poem story come alive!  No props are allowed per oral interpretation rules.

All students are expected to memorize a poem as part of their oral language grade for third quarter in language. Grades will be based on rubric scores and advancements made by outside judges based on presentations and scoring. The top three students will advance to our school oral presentation assembly on January 26 and, if chosen, will then represent our school at the Peach Blossom Festival in early spring.

Requirements include:

A minimum of one minute in length

Choose selections that allow children to “bring to life” their pieces through their voice and and gestures

Poem of integrity and value

Humorous or serious

Appropriate selection for age

Identify the title and author at the beginning of the selection

Vocal variety in volume, rate, pitch

Expression of voice and face

Hand and/or Body Movements

Eye Contact

Creativity Utilized

Meaning and Emotion

Naturalness and Sincerity


Students will write fictional narratives during the third quarter, focusing on story elements such as characters, setting, villain, conflict, rising action, climax and resolution. Students will review and practice writing dialogue by writing a dialogue story between two famous people or characters (dead or alive, fictitious or real) who share something in common. The final draft of the dialogue story is due this Wednesday, January 14.


The required reading for January will be a genre of the student’s choice. Students will write a Response to Literature which is due on Friday, January 30. We will review how to write a Response to Literature in class. Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum  of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.


This week we finish Chapter 5: Measurement and Integers. There will be a test on adding and subtracting integers this Friday, January 16,


Students will write a report on a particular explorer to the New World. The three-paragraph report will include the explorer’s early life, voyages and accomplishments, and later life. Students may include an optional fourth paragraph on interesting facts. Students will also include a map in the report showing the route(s) of the voyage(s). The research notecards are to be completed for Monday, January 12. The first draft is due Wednesday, January 14  and the final draft is due Friday, January 16.


This week we continue Unit 4 Gospel Writings: Jesus’ Birth and Early Ministry


The memory verse for this week is Philippians 4:6-7 and the test will be this Friday, January 16. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7

SPELLING: Spelling Lesson 19 words will be tested this Friday, January 16.

Lesson 19

Words from Greek and Latin

  1. pedal
  2. peddler
  3. pedestrian
  4. pedestal
  5. dental
  6. dentist
  7. dentures
  8. vocalize
  9. manual
  10. manuscript
  11. manipulate
  12. manufacture
  13. vocalist
  14. memoir
  15. memorial

 Challenge Words

  1. impede
  2. pediatrician
  3. pedometer
  4. mannequin
  5. memorabilia


  • NO SCHOOL – Martin Luther King Day: January 19
  • Oral Interpretation Assembly: January 26 from 1:30-2:45
  • NOON DISMISSAL – Parent Teacher Conferences: February 2 through February 6
  • Happy Birthday Kamdon Marquez: February 4
  • NO SCHOOL – Lincoln’s Birthday: February 9
  • Happy Birthday Gregory Tanaka: February 10
  • NO SCHOOL – President’s Day: February 16
  • Happy Birthday Max Hinton: February 16
  • Elementary Spring Pictures: March 3
  • Happy Birthday Christian Swiridoff – March 4
  • Happy Birthday Rayleigh Gong: March 7
  • End of 3rd Quarter: March 13
  • Happy Birthday Jenna Smoljan: March 14
  • Happy Birthday Azlynn Lipe: March 16
  • Happy Birthday Joseph Igot: March 25
  • SAT 10 Testing: March 23 through March 27
  • NO SCHOOL – Easter Break: March 30 through April 6
  • Happy Birthday Robert Williams: April 6
  • School Resumes: April 7
  • Happy Birthday Dev Gopal: May 13



Mrs. Vander Kooi January 12, 20152016-11-16T22:17:28-08:00

Miss Nolte, January 5th, 2015

Happy New Year!!

January 5-9th, 2015

Welcome back to school

Click HERE for my complete Newsletter

Spelling Words:

















challenge words



Bible Verse:

The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all He has made.

Psalm 145:13b

Miss Nolte, January 5th, 20152016-11-16T22:17:29-08:00

Mrs. Witters January 5, 2015


Dear Parents,                                    January 5, 2015


We’re so glad to be back in school. What fun it is to learn so many different things!! For the next few months we will be learning quickly so ask lots of questions to see what we are learning!!

Our verse this week is, “O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise.” Psalm 51:15. Our character trait is courage.


We are studying snow/winter this week. If you have a book to share or any winter items, we would love to have them!


Please remember that January 19 is Martin Luther King Day, and there is NO school.


Friday, January 16, is Cowboy Day! All week long we will be learning about cowboys and cowgirls! Friday morning we will dress up like cowboys and have a Rip-roaring time!!!!!


We think you are all brrrrry wonderful!! We love you!


Mrs. Witters,

and your Courageous Kindergartner


P.S. Homework folders are coming home today! Let’s get back in the swing of it!!!




Dates To Remember


January 19     Martin Luther King Day (NO school)


January 16   Cowboy Day (Morning)


February 9   Lincoln’s Birthday (NO school)


February 13   Valentines Day Party and Red, White, Blue Show


February 16 President’s Day (NO school)


Mrs. Witters January 5, 20152015-01-05T07:00:41-08:00

Mrs. Fraser, January 5, 2015

CHARACTER TRAIT:  Encouragement

Reference:  Romans 15:2

Bible Verse:  Each of us should please his neighbor for his good, to build him up.

Definition:   Supporting others in ways that inspire hope, courage, or confidence in others 

Opposite:  Gossiping


Lesson 17:  Pattern Words–Words with the (o) Sound

1.  loss

2.  also

3.  stall

4. haul

5.  fault

6.  often

7.  rainfall

8.  almost

9.  always

10.  caught

11.  bought

12.  lawyer

13.  authors

14.  naughty

15.  yawned

16.  daughter

17.  awesome

18.  thoughtful

High Frequency Words

19.  beside

20.  distance

Challenge Words



Cursive:  Beginning third quarter, students will start to take their spelling tests in printing and cursive.  Third graders will be graded for spelling credit in printing and progress will be observed in cursive for handwriting.  This week the first 5 spelling words will be required in printing and cursive.  We will add 5 more words each week until we reach the required 20 words plus challenge words.  After several weeks, the training wheels of printing will be removed and spelling tests will be in cursive only.  You will be informed in a future newsletter which week the cursive-only requirement starts for spelling.



What a peaceful and restful Christmas with family and dear friends!  I trust all of you had a wonderful Christmas vacation enjoying the holidays together with your loved ones.  May the presence of Jesus be our guiding light!  Happy New Year!


I wish to deeply thank all of the FCS families  for the beautiful expression of love given to all Fresno Christian teachers and staff in receiving a Christmas donation gift check.  We appreciate your generosity in making our family Christmas special.  May God’s peace dwell in your hearts.  All of the teachers and staff also wish to to thank the Parents Serving Together Board for the festive Christmas bag filled with wonderful, thoughtful holiday delights! What a special  gift of that was!  May God’s blessing you rest upon you as serve our school.

I also wanted to thank all of you third graders along with your moms and dads for the goodness of the Lord.  Your thoughtful, individual holiday gifts made Christmas so special to me.  Thank you for your cards of encouragement.  My heart was moved by your giving spirit at this time of year.  The Christmas Class Gift Basket was absolutely wonderful!!!  I thank God for each one of you and your presence in my life.  He is exceedingly great and you have been the light of His love.


In January Unit 3 focuses on the start of the great nation of Israel, begins with the story of Jacob’s 12 sons and God’s blessings on Jacob with many sons. We will read the story of how Jacob flees from Laban to return to Canaan, the land God had promised to his family.  God wrestles with Jacob at the Jabbok River  as angels meet Jacob as he sets out on the final leg of his trip back to Canaan.  It is here that Jacob receives his new identity–Israel (he who strives with God.) This week we will see how God heals broken hearts and Esau is able to embrace and forgive his brother, Jacob for stealing his birthright and blessing.


During the next few weeks our class will be learning more about multiplication of whole numbers.  You can expect to see work that provides practice in multiplying with 6, 7, 8, and 9.  We will learn about the Associative Property which means that the way factors are grouped does not change the product.  We will be introducing the variable n in this chapter.  N is just a symbol to show a missing number.


Third grade students were instructed to begin selecting poems before Christmas to memorize for the Peach Blossom Festival.  Requirements for third grade include:

A minimum of 12-16 lines (3-4 stanzas)

Identify the title and author at the beginning of the selection

Choose selections that allow children to “bring to life” their pieces through their voice and and gestures

Poem of integrity and value

Appropriate selection for age

Vocal variety in volume, rate, pitch

Hand and/or Body Movements

Eye Contact

Creativity Utilized

Meaning and Emotion

Naturalness and Sincerity

We will read poems together in class.  Students should each choose a different poem.  Once selected, students should begin to memorize their poem on a daily basis at home with parental guidance.   A “Helpful Hints” guide sheet for memorizing and presenting the poem will be sent home with the newsletter to assist parents on tips for a great, effective presentation.  Please continue to work individually with your child on these steps.  We look forward to sharing our favorite poems with our classmates.  Thank you for your cooperation in helping your children learn their poems.

Your child needs to choose a poem and send a copy of it to school by Wednesday, January 14th.  Students may select from a variety of sources.  The school has a grade level resource book with Associated Christian Schools International collection of poems  and elementary speech materials for third grade including classic poets and more contemporary poets like Robert Louis Stevenson, A. A. Milne, Helen Steiner Rice, David McCord.  There are many poetry books at school in our classroom and in the library.  Parents are welcome to look on-line for poems and have your child submit a copy for approval.

All students are expected to memorize a poem as part of their oral language grade for third quarter in language.  Our class oral interpretation speech meet for evaluations will be Friday, January 23rd.  This will be for students only.  On Monday, January 26th, those chosen will advance to the finalist round in our Peach Blossom Assembly at 12:30 PM in North Lobby Chapel.  All are invited to attend for this Assembly.  Judges will select students to represent our school at the California State University, Fresno Peach Blossom Festival in early spring.


There will be no book report project assigned this month as students will be busy memorizing poems for the oral presentation in Oral Language.  Students will have the next 3 weeks to practice and prepare the presentations of their oral poetry.  We will continue our leveled reading adventures in reading groups.


This third quarter we will focus on learning to write fictional narratives or stories.  We will study about story elements including characters (imaginary people, animals, or creatures), the setting (time and place), the plot (sequence of events), the villain (someone or something that causes a problem), the conflict (a problem), and the resolution (how the problem is solved).

Third graders will learn how to creatively develop a plot with a beginning, middle, and end.  They will develop the characters and setting by using strategies like dress-ups, action, descriptive detail, and dialogue to make their stories interesting.  We will also focus on correct grammar, capitalization, and punctuation.


Scholastic HAPPY NEW YEAR Book Orders will be sent home today.  All orders must be placed on-line.  You may order from more than one catalogue listing.  You may place your order online by  January 30.  Use our One-Time Class Activation Code:  L9Nj4


We will begin Unit 3 Community History this week with Chapter 5 How Communities Began.  Lesson 1 will include Exploring California and rulers who sent Spanish, English, and Russian explorers to California.  We will follow routes on a map.  We will learn about early communities including Spanish missions, presidios, and pueblos.  We study how to  read a time line.


Our class is starting a program to learn more about nutritional, healthy eating and physical-activity choices called “Shaping Up My Choices.”  We will discover how to build balanced meals using a food grouping system, name the nutrients of each food group, balance breakfast, lunch, and snacks with healthy choices, read the Nutrition Facts label on food packages.  We will also learn about serving sizes of foods, learn about the benefits of being physically active, and learn about healthy beverage choices.

*After some of the lessons, students will bring activities home that you as parents can do together.  I would also like to invite a parent who is in the health or medical field to come and share with the children about their profession. Let me know if you would be willing to come and share with us. The children are so proud when  mom or dad or grandma or grandpa come to our classroom and share. 


PST will start distributing boxes of THE WORLD’S FINEST CHOCOLATE on Wednesday,  January 7th for our New Year’s Fundraiser. Easy to sell and still only $1.00 each!  Parents MUST sign for the boxes of chocolate. Students cannot sign them out on their own.  (Once opened, the boxes CANNOT be returned.)  More details will be given to the students this week. Have fun selling lots of chocolate!!!!!


PST has scheduled a Fellowship FUNdinner on Thursday, January 15th at our local Applebee’s from 3:00pm until closing, which is 12:00am.  The attached flyer must be presented in order for our school to collect 15% of the proceeds, of which will also be in the elementary boxes to go home…today :0).
You may not know that their facility has been remodeled and has NEW updated pictures of our athletes!


Just a reminder that this Friday, January 9th is a Box Top Collection Day so be sure to bring in your pre-counted boxtops on Friday.


Remember that every Friday is Spirit Day!  So be sure to wear your favorite FCS spirit wear on Fridays!!



Monday, January 5 – Happy New Year!  School resumes



Wednesday, January 7 – World’s Finest Chocolate Kick-Off Fundraiser Begins



Wednesday, January 14 – Peach Blossom Poem Due

Monday, January 19 – Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday – No School

Friday, January 23 – Classroom Peach Blossom Presentations

Monday, January 26 – Finalist Round Peach Blossom Assembly – 12:30 PM – North Lobby Chapel (All Invited)







Mrs. Fraser, January 5, 20152016-11-16T22:17:30-08:00

Mrs. Tally – January 5, 2015


Dear Families,

Happy New Year to You and Those You Love!!! I trust you had a very relaxing vacation with wonderful, memory making moments. I pray 2015 will be a great year of rich blessings for you and your family. We are very excited to begin the second half of our year. Lots of curriculum and many standards will be covered in the next few months and you will see incredible growth in your child.

thankTHANK YOU – With a grateful heart, I want to thank all of the FCS families for the beautiful expression of love given to all Fresno Christian teachers and staff in a Christmas donation gift check. We appreciate your generosity in making our Christmas time with family and friends special. All of the teachers and staff also wish to to thank the Parents Supporting Teachers Board for the beautiful Christmas bag filled with festive, holiday delights! What a special gift that was. May God return to you ten fold the blessing you have been to us.

girl-standing-behind-stack-of-big-books-thumbLANGUAGE ARTS – We will continue working in our Anthology book, as well as using our leveled readers which give great practice in applying our phonetic skills.  When reading at home, be asking the questions who, what, when and where questions.  We will also be focusing on the problem and the solution in our stories.

thWRITING – We will be focusing on a “Narrative About Oneself”.

Mathematics2MATH – We will will beginNumbers and Patterns to 100.  This is the foundation of place value where regrouping begins in second grade. Remember to faithfully do 4 minute math drills at home. 

health-colorHEALTH AND NUTRITION -We will be starting a unit on Health and Nutrition. We will be studying the four food groups and what constitutes healthy eating. If you have any magazines with pictures of food items in them that we could use to cut out and categorize, please send with your child. Many thanks! I would also like to invite any parent who is in the health or medical field to come and share with the children about their professions. Let me know if you would be willing to come and share with us. The children are so proud when someone they love comes and shares.

SOCIAL SCIENCE – We will will start Unit 5  which is entitled  All About People and will also focus on the contributions of Martin Luther King Jr. and what God’s Word says about discrimination.

BIBLE – We will be studying Gideon. Beginning Friday, Jan. 9th,  First Graders will be writing their Bible Verses on the back of their Spelling Test, below Dictation. Practice at least once or twice at home writing the verse. No points are taken off for spelling, however, sometimes I will throw out a challenge for those who can write the verse perfectly with correct spelling and punctuation.  There will be a surprise for that accomplishment. They will know ahead of time when the “Challenge Friday” will be. This is great practice in learning how to edit our writing.

pencil-homeworkPEACH BLOSSOM – You have received the requirements for Peach Blossom before Christmas break. I have also included the handout in Monday’s take home packet, as well as tips for learning your selection.. Your child needs to choose a poem, and send it to school by Wed., Jan.14th. I received several before Christmas vacation. Your child should practice his/her poem a few minutes each day. Classroom evaluations will be Friday, January 23rd.This  will be for students only. On Monday, January 26th, those chosen will participate in our Peach Blossom Assembly at 12:30 PM in North Lobby Chapel.  All are invited to attend for this Assembly.

SHOW AND TELL – This week will be Team A.

school_fund_raisersWORLD’S FINEST CHOCOLATES – PST will start distributing boxes of THE WORLD’S FINEST CHOCOLATE this week for our New Year’s Fundraiser. You will get a flyer on Monday with more info.. Easy to sell and still only $1.00 each! Parents MUST sign for the boxes of chocolate. Students cannot sign them out on their own. (Once opened, the boxes CANNOT be returned.) More details will be given to the students this week. Have fun selling lots of chocolate!!!!!






1-5– School resumes – Happy New Year!!!

1-11 – Happy 7th Birthday Sienna Lee

1-14 -Peach Blossom Poem Due

1-19- Martin Luther King Holiday – No School

1-22 Happy 7th Birthday Austin Kinzle

1-24- Classroom Peach Blossom Presentations

1-26 – Peach Blossom Assembly – 12:30 PM – North Lobby Chapel ( All Invited)

2-2 – 2-6 – Parent Teacher Conferences -School dismissed at 12:00 PM

2-9 – Lincoln’s Birthday – No School 

2-12 – Happy 7th Birthday James Emerian

2-13- Happy Valentine’s Day!! Party 1:20 – 2:40 PM

2-16 – President’s Day – No School

2-20 – Happy 7th Birthday Lincoln Williams

2-20 – PST Elementary Talent Show

2-26 – Happy 7th Birthday Jordyn DeGroot


Spirit Day is every Friday. Please wear your favorite FCS shirt.



Spelling – Jan. 5-9-  Lesson 20
















img_62cBible Verse – Jan. 5-9

The Lord’s blessing is our greatest strength.  Proverbs 10:22  10 pts. 










Mrs. Tally – January 5, 20152016-11-16T22:17:30-08:00

Mr. Miranda January 5, 2014

Dear Families,

Happy New Year and welcome back! I’m looking forward to a fun and productive 3rd quarter with my awesome students. Thank you so much for the many Christmas gifts I received. You truly blessed my family and me with your thoughtfulness and generosity.


This week students will select poems to memorize for the class oral interpretation speech meet which will be held on January 26. Students may select poems from a variety of sources. There are many poetry books at school in the library and poems are also available on-line. Students should submit a copy of their poem for approval by this Friday, January 9. Once selected, students should begin to memorize their poems on a daily basis at home with parental guidance. Thank you for your cooperation in helping your children learn their poems.

All students are expected to memorize a poem as part of their oral language grade for third quarter in language. Grades will be based on rubric scores and advancements will be made based on presentations and scoring. The top three students will advance to our school oral presentation chapel on January 26 and, if chosen, will then represent our school at the Peach Blossom Festival in early spring.

Requirements include:

1 1/2 to 2 minutes in length

Choose selections that allow children to “bring to life” their pieces through their voice and and gestures

Poem of integrity and value

Humorous or serious

Appropriate selection for age

Identify the title and author at the beginning of the selection

Vocal variety in volume, rate, pitch

Expression of voice and face

Hand and/or Body Movements

Eye Contact

Creativity Utilized

Meaning and Emotion

Naturalness and Sincerity


Students will write fictional narratives during the third quarter, focusing on story elements such as characters, setting, villain, conflict, rising action, climax and resolution. We will begin with reviewing and practicing writing dialogue.


The required reading for January will be a genre of the student’s choice. Students will write a Response to Literature which is due on Friday, January 30. We will review how to write a Response to Literature in class. Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum  of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.


This week we will begin Chapter 7 Fractions.


This week we continue our time travel to the age of exploration.


This week we continue Unit 4 Gospel Writings: Jesus’ Birth and Early Ministry


The memory verse for this week is 1 John 5:14 and the test will be this Friday, January 9. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.

1 John 5:14

SPELLING: Spelling Lesson 18 words will be tested this Friday, January 9

Lesson 18

Words with –ation, -ition, -ion

  1. accusation
  2. adaptation
  3. animation
  4. application
  5. conversation
  6. transportation
  7. destination
  8. preparation
  9. emotion
  10. variation
  11. definition
  12. rejection
  13. ignition
  14. opposition
  15. recognition

Challenge Words

  1. estimation
  2. excavation
  3. exhibition
  4. occasion
  5. procession


  • School Resumes: January 5
  • Happy Birthday, Ian Benggon!  January 10
  • NO SCHOOL – Martin Luther King Day: January 19
  • Oral Interpretation Assembly: January 26 from 1:30-2:45
  • NOON DISMISSAL – Parent Teacher Conferences: February 2 through February 6
  • NO SCHOOL – Lincoln’s Birthday: February
  • NO SCHOOL – President’s Day: February 16
  • Elementary Spring Pictures: March 3
  • End of 3rd Quarter: March 13
  • SAT 10 Testing: March 23 through March 27
  • NO SCHOOL – Easter Break: March 30 through April 6
  • School Resumes: April 7


Mr. Miranda January 5, 20142016-11-16T22:17:31-08:00

Mrs. Vander Kooi January 5, 2015

FCS Academic

Dear Families,

Happy New Year and welcome back! I’m looking forward to a fun and productive 3rd quarter with my awesome students. Thank you so much for the many Christmas gifts I received. You truly blessed my family and me with your thoughtfulness and generosity.


This week students will select poems to memorize for the class oral interpretation speech meet which will be held on January 26. Students may select poems from a variety of sources. There are many poetry books at school in the library and poems are also available on-line. Students should submit a copy of their poem for approval by this Friday, January 9. Once selected, students should begin to memorize their poems on a daily basis at home with parental guidance. Thank you for your cooperation in helping your children learn their poems.

All students are expected to memorize a poem as part of their oral language grade for third quarter in language. Grades will be based on rubric scores and advancements will be made based on presentations and scoring. The top three students will advance to our school oral presentation chapel on January 26 and, if chosen, will then represent our school at the Peach Blossom Festival in early spring.

Requirements include:

1 1/2 to 2 minutes in length

Choose selections that allow children to “bring to life” their pieces through their voice and and gestures

Poem of integrity and value

Humorous or serious

Appropriate selection for age

Identify the title and author at the beginning of the selection

Vocal variety in volume, rate, pitch

Expression of voice and face

Hand and/or Body Movements

Eye Contact

Creativity Utilized

Meaning and Emotion

Naturalness and Sincerity


Students will write fictional narratives during the third quarter, focusing on story elements such as characters, setting, villain, conflict, rising action, climax and resolution. We will begin with reviewing and practicing writing dialogue.


The required reading for January will be a genre of the student’s choice. Students will write a Response to Literature which is due on Friday, January 30. We will review how to write a Response to Literature in class. Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum  of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.


This week we continue Chapter 5: Measurement and Integers.


This week we continue our time travel to the age of exploration.


This week we continue Unit 4 Gospel Writings: Jesus’ Birth and Early Ministry


The memory verse for this week is 1 John 5:14 and the test will be this Friday, January 9. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.

1 John 5:14

SPELLING: Spelling Lesson 18 words will be tested this Friday, January 9

Lesson 18

Words with –ation, -ition, -ion

  1. accusation
  2. adaptation
  3. animation
  4. application
  5. conversation
  6. transportation
  7. destination
  8. preparation
  9. emotion
  10. variation
  11. definition
  12. rejection
  13. ignition
  14. opposition
  15. recognition

Challenge Words

  1. estimation
  2. excavation
  3. exhibition
  4. occasion
  5. procession


  • School Resumes: January 5
  • NO SCHOOL – Martin Luther King Day: January 19
  • Oral Interpretation Assembly: January 26 from 1:30-2:45
  • NOON DISMISSAL – Parent Teacher Conferences: February 2 through February 6
  • Happy Birthday Kamdon Marquez: February 4
  • NO SCHOOL – Lincoln’s Birthday: February 9
  • Happy Birthday Gregory Tanaka: February 10
  • NO SCHOOL – President’s Day: February 16
  • Happy Birthday Max Hinton: February 16
  • Elementary Spring Pictures: March 3
  • Happy Birthday Christian Swiridoff – March 4
  • Happy Birthday Rayleigh Gong: March 7
  • End of 3rd Quarter: March 13
  • Happy Birthday Jenna Smoljan: March 14
  • Happy Birthday Azlynn Lipe: March 16
  • Happy Birthday Joseph Igot: March 25
  • SAT 10 Testing: March 23 through March 27
  • NO SCHOOL – Easter Break: March 30 through April 6
  • Happy Birthday Robert Williams: April 6
  • School Resumes: April 7
  • Happy Birthday Dev Gopal: May 13
Mrs. Vander Kooi January 5, 20152016-11-16T22:17:32-08:00

Mrs. Witters December 8, 2014

Merry Christmas Everyone,                December 8, 2014


We are soooo excited!!! Christmas is almost here!!! I Do Not need parent helpers this week (except on Thursday when you are ALL invited to our party).


There is no verse or homework this week. (YEAH!) Report cards will be sent home Thursday. Look for a brown envelope in your child’s backpack.


Thursday is the day of our Christmas party. If you would like to come to the party, YOU ARE WELCOME!! It goes pretty much all morning!


Friday, come in the morning from 8:00 –12:00. Christmas vacation begins at 12:00 SHARP!!!


School resumes on January 5. We will be observing Martin Luther King Day on January 19.


January 16th is Cowboy Day in the morning! Be ready to Hee Haw!!!


I pray you all have a blessed, restful Christmas vacation. I love you all and will MISS you!!!!!!!!!!!



NEW YEAR!!!!!!

Mrs. Witters December 8, 20142014-12-08T07:00:06-08:00

Mrs. Fraser, December 8, 2014





Thank you dear parents for such a wonderful Friday Christmas caroling with our class!!  WOW!!  What blessing for the residents, children and for all of us!  The picnic lunch and beautiful playground was wonderful!  The time together was precious!! Thank you for all your help in the classroom and provisions of food and supplies throughout this semester.  God has been so good and we now enter the most beautiful season of the year.  Jesus is the reason for this magnificent season!!  My heart is full of gratitude and I pray your families will enjoy this time of celebration in honoring Christ’s birth as you spend time together with your family and close friends.  May God’s peace rest upon you. . . .


There will be no new Bible verse or Spelling Test this week.  Merry Christmas!!


Come celebrate a very special holiday tradition tomorrow evening, Tuesday, December 9th in the Peoples Church Auditorium.  The Elementary Christmas Program will start at 7:00 PM.  Children will sit by class.  This will be a dress-up evening for the children in their Christmas Holiday Best! We look forward to a beautiful evening for all of your family and friends!!


Thank you for all who have given so generously to the food drive for the Pinedale community during this Christmas  season.  It has been wonderful to see the buckets fill up, knowing we are helping those in need, all in the name of JESUS!


What a tremendous response we received for the fleece fabric to make and tie soft, warm blankets for the homeless and for women and children in shelters for the abused!!  WOW!!   Monday, December 8th Mrs. Mary Lou Savage will come to our classroom at 12:30 PM right after lunch to teach the 3rd graders  how to tie blanket knots and complete them. When they are finished, Mrs. Savage will lead us in a  prayer to bless the blankets that will go out to serve and minister to those in need.  If you would to join us and lend a helping hand with the children tying knots, you are very welcome!!  


This week  we will be complete our benchmark assessments in writing,  math, and reading.  


Last Friday our class exchanged names and will be blessing classmates with kind notes and thoughtful deeds this week.  On Thursday, December 11th   third graders will bring a gift  (no more than $5.00) for their secret friend and reveal the person they have been blessing. Above all, keep it a secret.  Do not put the name of the child to whom the present goes, but put your own child’s name on the tag (who the gift is from.)  We will exchange gifts the last hour of the day at 1:30 PM and have a Happy Birthday Cake for Jesus.   Students should be prepared to share Christ-like traits about their Secret Angel before they reveal the name of the student they have been praying for and blessing.


Parents and students, you are welcome to please check the Lost and Found rack. Lots of nice items will be going to charity if not claimed by Friday the 12th. Thank you!


Our second quarter ends on December 12th.  Please check your child’s grades on Powerschool and send in any late work, missing assignments, re-do’s NO LATER THAN THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11th.  Grades will be finalized and posted online in PowerSchool on Tuesday, December 16.


Friday, December 12th, third graders will have a pancake and sausage breakfast  at 8:00 AM sharp.  At 9:10 AM we will load up and head to Cal Skate for our elementary Christmas Skating Party beginning at 9:30-11:30 AM.


All skating fees for third grade students are pre-paid through our class account. Parents and siblings that skate will need to pay the $6.50 for each skating session at the door. Non-skating parents who would just like to come and watch kids skate will need to pay an entrance fee of $3.00 at the door. Parents that wish to be a spectator at one session and skate at the other session need to pay $9.50. Roller blades may been worn but they must have flush bolts, (no sharp exposed bolts/screws). If your skates have a heel brake it must be in good condition, no screw showing. Roller blades will be inspected by Cal Skate employees and if they do not meet the standards, you will need to use roller skates. Children are free to leave directly from Cal-Skate for Christmas vacation if that works best for you. School is dismissed at 12:00 PM.


Monday, December 8 – Tying and Blessing of the Fleece Blankets for the Homeless 12:30 PM
Tuesday, December 9  –  Christmas Chapel 8:10 AM

Tuesday, December 9 – K-6 Christmas Program @ 7:00  PM Peoples Church Sanctuary

Friday, December 12 – Second Quarter Ends
Friday, December 12 – Class Christmas Breakfast 8:00-9:00 AM
Friday, December 12 – Elementary Skating Party at Cal-Skate  9:10 AM-11:30 AM
Saturday, December 13 – HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUSTUS ROCHA!
December 13-January 4 – Christmas Vacation


January 5 – School Resumes/Happy New Year!!! 



Mrs. Fraser, December 8, 20142016-11-16T22:17:33-08:00

Mr. Miranda December 7, 2014




Dear Families,

Friday, December 12 marks the end of the 2nd quarter. Please check Powerschool to see if there are any missing assignments. All missing assignments must be turned in ASAP. Be sure to check Powerschool on Tuesday, December 16 for 2nd Quarter final grades.



Christmas Craft: 

Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. Thompson will be leading a Christmas craft time with our students Tuesday afternoon. We’re looking forward to a fun creative time!



We will have a Christmas party this Friday morning, December 12, from 8:00-9:00 AM. We will leave for our annual Skating Party at 9:10 A.M.




We need to carpool to and from the Skating Party this Friday, December 12. Carpools will leave school at 9:10 A.M. and leave Cal Skate at 11:30 A.M. Please return the transportation forms that were sent home so that I know the transportation plans for your child. 


Once again (over the last 11 years; previously called Red Buckets) we have the privilege to help the families of Pinedale this holiday season! We will be collecting CANned foods thru Dec. 9th to distribute through the Pinedale Book Buddies program. Our students are already volunteering as Book Buddies at Pinedale elementary school and we would like to continue our support for their programs. Our delivery this year will help families by providing food for Christmas.

If you are interested in making a financial donation, please send cash/check to the office and designate “Food – Pinedale.” We have a program with Food Maxx where we use scrip and S.H.A.R.E.S. so FCS also benefits!

If you have any questions, please contact Rob Foshee at rfoshee@fresnochristian.com.


There are no independent reading requirements for the month of December. The required reading for January is a genre of the student’s choice and the activity will be to write a “Response to Literature.” We will review how to write a Response to Literature in January.


Students will write the persuasive writing 2nd Quarter assessment on Monday, December 8.


We continue Chapter 6:Data,Statistics and Probability. Students will be tested on probability on Tuesday, December 9.


This week we continue Chapter 3 The Age of Exploration. Students are using study guides to extract details from informative text.

girl reading bible


This week we continue Unit 4 Gospel Writings: Jesus’ Birth and Early Ministry


The memory verse for this week is John 15:10 and the test will be this Thursday, December 11. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love.

John 15:10

SPELLING: Spelling Lesson 17 words will be tested this Thursday, December 11.

Lesson 17

 Words with prefixes over-, under-, sub-

  1. overbearing
  2. overcast
  3. overconfident
  4. overdevelop
  5. overdraft
  6. overhang
  7. overindulge
  8. overlay
  9. overpower
  10. undercarriage
  11. underdone
  12. underestimate
  13. underrate
  14. undertake
  15. submarine

 Challenge Words

  1. overwhelm
  2. substandard
  3. subcommittee
  4. overindulge
  5. subsequent


  • JH/HS Christmas Program: December 8 at 7:00 PM
  • K-6 Christmas Program: December 9 at 7:00 PM
  • Classroom Christmas Party: December 12 from 8:00-9:00 AM
  • Elementary Roller Skating: December 12 from 9:30-11:30 AM
  • NOON DISMISSAL – December 12
  • End of First Semester: December 12
  • Final Grades in Powerschool: December 16
  • NO SCHOOL – Christmas Break: December 15-January 2
  • School Resumes: January 5
  • NO SCHOOL – Martin Luther King Day: January 19


Mr. Miranda December 7, 20142016-11-16T22:17:34-08:00
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