PC Pierce

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Mrs. Tally – December 8, 2014



Dear Families,

The children have been enjoying our Christmas devotions and studying the reason for the season…..JESUS!!! It has been a whirlwind since we came back from Thanksgiving vacation with benchmarks and all. We will NOT be using parent helpers this week during our Reading or Math times. We are busily working on our parent gifts.

thankTOGETHER WE CAN – Thank you for all who have given to our food drive for the Pinedale community. It has been wonderful to see the buckets fill up, knowing we are helping those in need, all in the name of JESUS!

We will be learning about Christmas Traditions in other countries of the world. In conjunction with this the children will make a poster of their family’s Christmas Traditions. We will share them on Dec. 10-11.Your child can bring them either of those days. Check the handout that comes home Monday

angelstockingSECRET ANGEL – On Friday, we read the story “The Last Straw.” It is about doing acts of kindness and sharing special secret surprises with those we love. We then drew names (boys drew boys and girls drew girls) and from Dec.8th until Dec. 11th, your child will be a secret angel to a special friend. He/she can draw a picture, write an encouraging note, bring a small sweet treat, pencil, sticker, eraser or any small token that says “I am thinking about you and praying for you.” The children should try to bring something every day. Then, on Dec.11th, when we have our Birthday Party for Jesus, they will bring a final gift (no more than $7.00) Above all, keep it a secret. They are very excited about this activity.

sing02CARRINGTON POINTE– We will be going to sing Christmas carols for the residents on Thurs, Dec. 11th at 10:00 AM. We will need several parent helpers to safely walk to their facility. This will bring great joy to these precious, often forgotten seniors. It will also be a wonderful lesson for our children that we are to serve and minister to others. It should be a special blessing for all.

nativity7HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS – Our class will have a special gift exchange and celebration honoring Jesus’ birthday on Thursday, Dec.11th . That is the day the children will reveal who they have been blessing as a secret angel.They will bring a gift ( no more than $7.00) Please do not put on the tag who the gift is for, just who it is from, which will be your child’s name. The festivities will begin at 11:30 PM. All are welcome to attend.

girl-standing-behind-stack-of-big-books-thumbLANGUAGE ARTS –We will be doing buddy reading and whole group reading this week with some of our holiday books.  We also will not be doing a Spelling Contract this week, thus, no test.  We will resume after vacation.

MATH – We will continue to work on our time and calendar contract,  however, we will not be having a test on this chapter. now. 

SOCIAL SCIENCE – We will be discussing Christmas Traditions in other countries of the world.

icon-christmas-religiousBIBLE – We will conclude our study of Christ’s birth. The children have so enjoyed this. We certainly have emphasized that the true meaning of Christmas is God’s gift in sending his Son, and not about all the gifts.We have discussed how truly blessed we are, not only at Christmas, but each and every day. We will say our Bible Verse together and it will not be entered on Power School, as Quarter 2 Report Cards are completed before this.

PEACH BLOSSOM – Please check the handout that came home on Dec. 1st which includes the requirements and the dates for this assignment.

report2REPORT CARDS – The 2nd quarter report cards will come home on Thursday, Dec. 11th.

SHOW AND TELL – This week will be both Team A and B. Your child may bring something to share ONE time during the week.

WORK ENVELOPE – Our work envelope WILL NOT come home on Monday as usual, rather I will send it on Thursday with all of our regular work as well as our Christmas theme projects. Also, all of our Christmas art projects will come home that day as well. Please send a large paper bag to take home all our “stuff”. We will also be cleaning out our buckets, so we will have neatly organized buckets when we return from Christmas vacation. Imagine that, neat and organized!!!!

BOOK BAGS – Books will not be going home today or next Friday. The books I send home are very expensive to replace and in the past some got put away with all the Christmas stuff or thrown out. They are good enough readers now that they can just choose books from home or the public library. We also will not be going to the library and picking a book today for the same reason. I will give them 3 books to read on the Monday we return, Jan. 5th which will be due on Jan. 9th. I would like you to send back the book bag if you have not already done so, and I will lock them up during vacation.

carolers05ELEMENTARY CHRISTMAS PROGRAM – The Elementary Christmas Program is  on Tuesday, December 9th in the Peoples Church Auditorium, starting at 7:00 PM. This will be a dress-up evening for the children in their Christmas Holiday Best! We look forward to a beautiful evening for all of your family and friends!! 

agskateSKATING PARTY – Our skating is on Dec. 12th and we will be leaving at 9:10AM. on a bus. Some parents will drive their own chid.  All skating fees for first grade students are pre-paid through our class account. Parents and siblings that skate will need to pay the $6.50 for each skating session at the door. Non-skating parents who would just like to come and watch kids skate will need to pay an entrance fee of $3.00 at the door. Parents that wish to be a spectator at one session and skate at the other session need to pay $9.50. Roller blades may been worn but they must have flush bolts, (no sharp exposed bolts/screws). If your skates have a heel brake it must be in good condition, no screw showing. Roller blades will be inspected by Cal Skate employees and if they do not meet the standards, you will need to use roller skates.Children are free to leave directly from Cal-Skate for Christmas vacation if that works best for you. School is dismissed at 12:00 PM.

lostnfndLOST AND FOUND – Please have your student check the Lost and Found rack. There are quite a few unclaimed items. Anything left after Dec. 12th will be donated to charity.





12-9- K-6 Christmas Program  – 7 PM – Peoples Auditorium

12-11 – Singing at Carrington Pointe – 10:00 AM

12-11 – Happy Birthday Jesus–  Secret Angel Party – 11:30 AM – 2:30 PM

12-12 – 1st Semester ends

12-12 – Skating Party at Cal-Skate – 9:30 AM-11:30 AM

12-15-1-2 – Christmas Vacation – Happy Birthday Jesus!

12-15 – Happy 7th Birthday TJ Weis

12-24 – Happy 7th Birthday Ashley Skricka

1-5 – School Resumes – Happy New Year!!!       




I pray you and your family have a JOYOUS Christmas making memories with those you love and celebrating the birth of our Savior, God’s greatest gift –JESUS!!!

Mrs. Tally – December 8, 20142016-11-16T22:17:35-08:00

Miss Nolte, December 8th, 2014


December 8-12, 2014

Click HERE to view my complete Newsletter

Spelling Words:

















Bible Verse:

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace to men on whom His favor rests.”

Luke 2:14

Miss Nolte, December 8th, 20142016-11-16T22:17:36-08:00

Mrs. Vander Kooi December 8, 2014

FCS Academic

Dear Families,

Friday, December 12 marks the end of the 2nd quarter. Please check Powerschool to see if there are any missing assignments. All missing assignments must be turned in ASAP. Be sure to check Powerschool on Tuesday, December 16 for 2nd Quarter final grades.


We will have a Christmas party this Friday morning, December 12, from 8:00-9:00 AM. We will leave for our annual Skating Party at 9:10 A.M.


We need to carpool to and from the Skating Party this Friday, December 12. Carpools will leave school at 9:10 A.M. and leave Cal Skate at 11:30 A.M. Please return the transportation forms that were sent home so that I know the transportation plans for your child. 


Once again (over the last 11 years; previously called Red Buckets) we have the privilege to help the families of Pinedale this holiday season! We will be collecting CANned foods thru Dec. 9th to distribute through the Pinedale Book Buddies program. Our students are already volunteering as Book Buddies at Pinedale elementary school and we would like to continue our support for their programs. Our delivery this year will help families by providing food for Christmas.

If you are interested in making a financial donation, please send cash/check to the office and designate “Food – Pinedale.” We have a program with Food Maxx where we use scrip and S.H.A.R.E.S. so FCS also benefits!

If you have any questions, please contact Rob Foshee at rfoshee@fresnochristian.com.


There are no independent reading requirements for the month of December. The required reading for January is a genre of the student’s choice and the activity will be to write a “Response to Literature.” We will review how to write a Response to Literature in January.


Students will write the persuasive writing 2nd Quarter assessment on Monday, December 8.


We continue Chapter 5: Measurement and Integers. Students will be tested on perimeter, area and converting units of length, weight and capacity on Tuesday, December 9.


This week we continue our time travel to the age of exploration.


This week we continue Unit 4 Gospel Writings: Jesus’ Birth and Early Ministry


The memory verse for this week is John 15:10 and the test will be this Thursday, December 11. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love.

John 15:10

SPELLING: Spelling Lesson 17 words will be tested this Thursday, December 11.

Lesson 17

 Words with prefixes over-, under-, sub-

  1. overbearing
  2. overcast
  3. overconfident
  4. overdevelop
  5. overdraft
  6. overhang
  7. overindulge
  8. overlay
  9. overpower
  10. undercarriage
  11. underdone
  12. underestimate
  13. underrate
  14. undertake
  15. submarine

 Challenge Words

  1. overwhelm
  2. substandard
  3. subcommittee
  4. overindulge
  5. subsequent


  • JH/HS Christmas Program: December 8 at 7:00 PM
  • K-6 Christmas Program: December 9 at 7:00 PM
  • Classroom Christmas Party: December 12 from 8:00-9:00 AM
  • Elementary Roller Skating: December 12 from 9:30-11:30 AM
  • NOON DISMISSAL – December 12
  • End of First Semester: December 12
  • Final Grades in Powerschool: December 16
  • NO SCHOOL – Christmas Break: December 15-January 2
  • School Resumes: January 5
  • NO SCHOOL – Martin Luther King Day: January 19
  • Oral Interpretation Assembly: January 26 from 1:30-2:45
  • NOON DISMISSAL – Parent Teacher Conferences: February 2 through February 6
  • Happy Birthday Kamdon Marquez: February 4
  • NO SCHOOL – Lincoln’s Birthday: February 9
  • Happy Birthday Gregory Tanaka: February 10
  • NO SCHOOL – President’s Day: February 16
  • Happy Birthday Max Hinton: February 16
Mrs. Vander Kooi December 8, 20142016-11-16T22:17:37-08:00

Miss Nolte, Dec. 1st, 2014

Nolte News

December 1st, 2014

Click HERE for complete Newsletter!

Spelling Words:

















Bible Verse:

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people.” Luke 2:10


Miss Nolte, Dec. 1st, 20142016-11-16T22:17:38-08:00

Mrs. Witters December 1, 2014

Dear Parents,                 December 1, 2014

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! Weren’t your little Indians the cutest !!!

We’re very busy making Christmas surprises for just about everyone.

This week our character trait is “Love”. There is no new bible verse this week – we will review all our verses.

We will be having a classroom Christmas party on Thursday, December 12th. All are invited to join in the fun!! The party goes on all morning!

We’re getting ready for our next special program. The Christmas celebration for our school will be the evening of Tuesday, December 9, 7:00, in the Peoples Church Santuary. Please dress your child in Church clothes. Thanks!!

December 12th is the last day of school before Christmas vacation. Come at 8:00 A.M. Dismissal is at 12:00. School resumes January 5th after Christmas vacation.

I appreciate your help, support, and prayers more than I can say. God Bless you and your terrific children.




Mrs. Witters


Dates to Remember


December 9         Christmas Program, 7:00 p.m. in the Peoples Church Sanctuary

December 11         Class Christmas Party – Regular Schedule


December 12         1/2 day- come from 8:00 – 12:00

Dec. 13 -Jan.4         CHRISTMAS VACATION!!!

January 5         School Resumes


Mrs. Witters December 1, 20142014-12-01T07:00:58-08:00

Mrs. Fraser, December 1, 2014


Reference:  Isaiah 9:6

Bible Verse:  For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.  And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.


Pattern Words-Words with the /ou/ sound

1.  count

2.  louder

3.  cloudy

4.  frown

5.  towels

6.  power

7.  drown

8.  crowd

9.  pounds

10.  browse

11.  sounded

12.  however

13.  outdoors

14.  surround

15.  household

16.  downtown

17.  playground

18.  outstanding

High-Frequency Words

19.  different

20.  probably

Challenge Words

* ornament

* Bethlehem



You are invited to our 2014 Fresno Christian Schools Town Hall meeting. Come and hear about FCS Finances, Enrollment, Future FCS Programs and about some exciting opportunities for our parents, sponsoring churches, and alumni to participate in the life of our school community.

When: December 2, 2014
Time: 6:30PM-8:00PM
Where: Peoples Church
Student Ministries Main Room

There will be coffee and water available.

Our class is looking forward to Christmas caroling to residents at the  Stephen Care sing02Homes.  
 The date is Friday. December 5th.  We currently have the following drivers:   Jen Alberta,  Patty Mynderup,  Brenda Rocha,  Jaime DeGroot,  and Christina Stephen.
We are still in need of  carpools.  If you are able to help with transportation, please respond by Tuesday.  There is a sign-up sheet outside our door.  I will need to send home a carpool permission form on Wednesday.  We will leave at 9:00 AM and conclude our trip with a picnic lunch in a nearby Clovis park returning about 1:30 PM.
Be sure to mark your calendars for the Elementary Christmas Program on Tuesday, December 9th in the Peoples Church Sanctuary starting at 7:00 PM.  This will be a dress-up evening for the children in their Christmas Holiday Best!  We look forward to a beautiful evening for all of your  family and friends!!  Watch for a flyer coming soon!!!


Our second quarter ends on December 12th.  Please check your child’s grades on Powerschool this week and send in any late work, missing assignments, re-do’s by this Friday, December 5th.


Thursday, December 4th, our class will have a math test over Chapter 5 Multiplication Concepts.  Please review the factor family of 3 and factor family of 4 in particular.  A math homework packet will be sent home as a well as a Chapter 5 Pre-Test to help review concepts studied.


During the next two weeks we will be completing our benchmark assessments in writing,  math, and reading inventories.


This our last week to bring in our contributions for the food drive. It will be benefiting the Pinedale community. Please bring your items to our classroom and we will have a big red bucket to put them in. It is a great opportunity for our children to share with those in need! The final day to bring items is Tuesday, Dec. 9th.


Mrs. Savage, a Fresno Christian Parent, does a project each year with student volunteers to make fleece blankets that will be shared with Women and Children in need in the Fresno area.  Students (3rd grade and up) who wish to participate need to bring 2 or 4 yards of fleece fabric by December 1.  Each blanket requires 4 yards. They can pair up with a friend and each bring 2 yards, or bring 4 yards on their own.
In the first 2 weeks of December there will be several time slots available for teachers to send these students to room 526 to assemble their blanket with Mrs. Savage.  Parents who wish to help Mrs. Savage prepare the materials (cutting, etc.) may call her 999-1957.


This week our class will read the story entitled “The Last Straw.”  This Christmas story is about doing acts of kindness and sharing special secret surprises with those we love.  We will then draw names and from Dec.8th until Dec. 11th, third graders will be a secret angel to a special friend. Your child can draw a picture, write an encouraging note, bring a small sweet treat, pencil, sticker, eraser or any small token that says “I am thinking about you and praying for you.” The children should try to bring something every day.

On Thursday, December 11,  third graders will bring a gift  (no more than $5.00) for their secret friend and reveal the person they have been blessing. Above all, keep it a secret.  Do not put the name of the child to whom the present goes, but put your own child’s name on the tag (who the gift is from.)


Please return your transportation request for our elementary Christmas skating party by this Friday, December 5.  The skating party will be  from 9:30-11:30 AM at Cal Skate on Friday, December 12th. We are taking carpools. I will have a sign-up outside my classroom door if you can help us with this. If you are going directly to Cal-Skate,  please let me know ahead of time as it will affect how I set up carpools. 

 All skating fees for the students are pre-paid through our class account. Parents and siblings that skate will need to pay the $6.00 for each skating session at the door. Non-skating parents who would just like to come and watch kids skate will need to pay an entrance fee of $3.00 at the door. Parents that wish to be a spectator at one session and skate at the other session need to pay $9.50.

Roller blades may been worn but they must have flush bolts, (no sharp exposed bolts/screws). If your skates have a heel brake it must be in good condition, no screw showing. Roller blades will be inspected by Cal Skate employees and if they do not meet the standards, you will need to use roller skates.Children are free to leave directly from Cal-Skate for Christmas vacation if that works best for you. School is dismissed at 12:00 PM.


Please check the handout that comes home on Dec 1st, which includes the requirements for participating in Fresno State’s Peach Blossom Festival.  This is a FCS requirement for all 1st-6th classes.  Parents may help third graders select a poem to memorize which is at least three to four stanzas (twelve to sixteen lines)  for presentation in a class Oral Interpretation Speech Meet on Friday, January 23rd. There are poems online, in our classroom, and poetry books in the library.  Finalists will be selected to complete in an elementary school-wide assembly on Monday, January 26th to determine FCS representatives for the Fresno State Speech Blossom Festival in spring.

Although this is not due until we come back from Christmas vacation, I strongly suggest you try and choose your poem before January.  Students should begin to memorize their poem at home with parental guidance.  A “Helpful Hints” guide sheet will be provided  for an effective presentation.  Please begin to work individually with your child on these 5 steps over Christmas vacation.  Judging is based on expression, platform presence, voice, and speech.

We will practice at school as well, after Christmas vacation. This is always a great experience for the children. You need to pick your poem and bring me a copy by Wed. Jan. 14th. Thanks for your help!


We will  study the story of Christ’s birth during the next two weeks beginning with God’s angel, Gabriel, visiting Mary to  share the good news of Jesus.  We will learn about Mary’s visit to see her cousin, Elizabeth and husband, Zacharias.  We will journey to Bethlehem with Joseph and Mary for Christ’s birth, relive the story of  the shepherds and Wise Men, along with the narrow escape to Egypt from King Herod’s plot.  We look forward to learning about the true meaning of the season and God’s greatest gift of all!!


This week we will be finishing Unit 2 American Indians. We will complete Chapter 4:  California Indians Today including A Changing Way of Life, Comparing History Maps,  Preserving the Culture, and Indians and Government.



Tuesday, December 2 – Town Hall Meeting / Student Ministries Center Main / 6:30-8:00 PM

Friday, December 5 – Elementary Drama “A Bag Full of Fables” 7:00 PM

Tuesday, December 9 – K-6 Christmas Program 7 PM/Peoples Church Sanctuary

Friday, December 12 – Second Quarter Ends

Friday, December 12 – Class Christmas Breakfast 8:00-9:00 AM

Friday, December 12 – Elementary Skating Party at Cal-Skate  9:30 AM-11:30 AM

Saturday, December 13 – HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUSTUS ROCHA!



December 12-January 2 – Christmas Vacation


January 5  – School Resumes/Happy New Year!!!











Mrs. Fraser, December 1, 20142016-11-16T22:17:39-08:00

Mr. Miranda December 1, 2014


Give Thanks:

We had a good Give Thanks time on Monday with the help of all the parents that brought or sent snacks, drinks, etc. for us to enjoy. Our prayer time was a good time to reflect on the Lord’s blessings and to make our requests known to Him.


We need to carpool to and from the Skating Party on Friday, December 12. Carpools will leave school at 9:10 A.M. and leave Cal Skate at 11:30 A.M. Please return the transportation forms that were sent home by this Friday, December 5, so that we can plan our carpools.


You are invited to our 2014 Fresno Christian Schools Town Hall meeting. Come and hear about FCS Finances, Enrollment, Future FCS Programs and about some exciting opportunities for our parents, sponsoring churches, and alumni to participate in the life of our school community.

When:  December 2, 2014
Time:   6:30PM-8:00PM
Where: Peoples Church
Student Ministries Main Room

There will be coffee and water available.


Mrs. Savage, a Fresno Christian Parent, does a project each year with student volunteers to make fleece blankets that will be shared with Women and Children in need in the Fresno area. Students (3rd grade and up) who wish to participate need to bring 2 or 4 yards of fleece fabric by December 1. Each blanket requires 4 yards. They can pair up with a friend and each bring 2 yards, or bring 4 yards on their own. In the first 2 weeks of December there will be several time slots available for teachers to send these students to room 526 to assemble their blankets with Mrs. Savage. Parents who wish to help Mrs. Savage prepare the materials (cutting, etc.) may call her at 999-1957.


Once again (over the last 11 years; previously called Red Buckets) we have the privilege to help the families of Pinedale this holiday season! We will be collecting CANned foods Nov. 17th thru Dec. 9th to distribute through the Pinedale Book Buddies program. Our students are already volunteering as Book Buddies at Pinedale elementary school and we would like to continue our support for their programs. Our delivery this year will help families by providing food for Christmas.

Pinedale resource leaders put together a list of items most used in the community and this information will come home today. Please check this list before you shop.

If you are interested in making a financial donation, please send cash/check to the office and designate “Food – Pinedale.” We have a program with Food Maxx where we use scrip and S.H.A.R.E.S. so FCS also benefits!

If you have any questions, please contact Rob Foshee at rfoshee@fresnochristian.com.


Students will independently read a book from a different genre each month. Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.

Note: There are no independent reading or project requirements for the month of December.

The genre for the month of November is historical fiction. Students should show their selected historical fiction book to me for approval. As a response to this literature, students will make a book cube. Students may get the book cube manila tag material and rubric from me when they are finished reading their books. The book cubes are due on Monday, December 1.

Side 1: The title, the author, and the student’s name neatly labeled.

Side 2: The setting illustrated and a written one-sentence description.

Side 3: The protagonist illustrated and a written one-sentence description, including the name of the character.

Side 4: The antagonist illustrated and a written one-sentence description, including the name of the character.

Side 5: The conflict described in detail.

Side 6: A summary which includes what happens at the beginning, middle, and end of the story.


This week students will continue persuasive writing in preparation for the 2nd Quarter Writing Assessment.


We will continue Chapter 6 Data, Statistics, and Probability.


This week we time travel to the age of exploration where we’ll meet fearless explorers to the New World.


This week we begin Unit 4 Gospel Writings: Jesus’ Birth and Early Ministry


Students will memorize scripture weekly and take a written test each Friday. The memory verse for this week Matthew 7: 7-8 and the test will be this Friday, December 5. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

Matthew 7: 7-8

SPELLING: Spelling Lesson 16 words will be tested this Friday, December 5.

Lesson 16: Words with suffixes –ant, -ent, -ist

  1. diligent
  2. contestant
  3. immigrant
  4. informant
  5. inhabitant
  6. significant
  7. irritant
  8. observant
  9. resident
  10. panelist
  11. participant
  12. scientist
  13. biologist
  14. columnist
  15. medalist

 Challenge Words

  1. idealist
  2. sufficient
  3. lieutenant
  4. persistent
  5. complainant


  • Town Hall Meeting: December 2 at 6:30 PM
  • Elementary Drama “A Bag Full of Fables”: December 5 at 7:00 PM
  • JH/HS Christmas Program: December 8 at 7:00 PM
  • K-6 Christmas Program: December 9 at 7:00 PM
  • Classroom Christmas Party: December 12 from 8:00-9:00 AM
  • Elementary Roller Skating: December 12 from 9:30-11:30 AM
  • NOON DISMISSAL: December 12
  • End of First Semester: December 12
  • NO SCHOOL Christmas Break: December 15-January 2
  • School Resumes: January 5
Mr. Miranda December 1, 20142016-11-16T22:17:40-08:00

Mrs. Tally – December 1, 2014


december 2


Dear Families,

Greetings to you! I trust you had a wonderful Thanksgiving celebrating with friends and family God’s abundant blessings!! Thanks for all your help in making our blessing afternoon very special. We couldn’t have done it without you, and the children loved it!!! The program was so fun also!!!

We are entering a wonderful season of the year, JESUS’ BIRTHDAY!!! We have many activities planned in honor of God’s greatest gift.

food driveTOGETHER WE CAN – This our last week to bring in our contributions for the food drive. It will be benefiting the Pinedale community. Please bring your items to our classroom and we will have a big red bucket to put them in. It is a great opportunity for our children to share with those in need!! The final day to bring items is Friday, Dec. 9th.

LANGUAGE ARTS – We will be working on Leveled Readers during these next two weeks and some will be reading a short chapter book. We continue to stress the who, what, why, when and where of our stories as well as using phonetic skills to blend unfamiliar words.

mathMATH – We continue to work on Time and Calendar.  It would be beneficial to practice telling time to the hour and half hour at home.The Math Chapter Review will come home on Tuesday, Dec. 2nd.We will have our test on Tues. Dec. 9th. The chapter review is due that day as well.

SOCIAL SCIENCE – We will be learning about Christmas Traditions in other countries of the world. In conjunction with this the children will make a poster of their family’s Christmas Traditions.  We will share them on Dec. 10-11.Your child can bring them either of those days.  Check the handout that comes home Monday.

angel16BIBLE Our study this week will be the angel appearing to Mary and how afraid she was because she was so young and not married, learning that God picked her from all the other women to be Jesus’ mother. She was favored in God’s eyes. We will also start our writing and illustrating “The Story of Christmas.”

SHOW AND TELL – This week will be Team A. Your child may bring something to share two times during the week.

sing02CARRINGTON POINTE– We will be going to sing Christmas carols for the residents on Thurs, Dec. 11th at 10:00 AM. We will need several parent helpers to safely walk to their facility. This will bring great joy to these precious, often forgotten seniors. It will also be a wonderful lesson for our children that we are to serve and minister to others. It should be a special blessing for all.

 angelstockingSECRET ANGEL – On Friday, we will read the story “The Last Straw.” It is about doing acts of kindness and sharing special secret surprises with those we love.We will then draw names and from Dec.8th until Dec. 11th, they will be a secret angel to a special friend. Your child can draw a picture, write an encouraging note, bring a small sweet treat, pencil, sticker, eraser or any small token that says “I am thinking about you and praying for you.” The children should try to bring something every day. Then, on Dec.11th, when we have our Birthday Party for Jesus, they will bring a gift (no more than $7.00), for their secret friend and reveal the person they have been blessing. Above all, keep it a secret. They are very excited about this activity.

cmskd1HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS – Our class will have a special gift exchange and celebration honoring Jesus’ birthday on Thursday, Dec.11th . That is the day the children will reveal who they have been blessing. Please do not put on the tag who the gift is for, just who it is from, which will be your child’s name. There will be a sign-up outside our door for the items needed for our celebration. All are welcome to attend.

carolers05ELEMENTARY CHRISTMAS PROGRAM -Be sure to mark your calendars for the Elementary Christmas Program on Tuesday, December 9th in the Peoples Church Sanctuary starting at 7:00 PM. This will be a dress-up evening for the children in their Christmas Holiday Best! We look forward to a beautiful evening for all of your family and friends!! Watch for a flyer coming soon!!!

TOWN HALL MEETING  – You are invited to our 2014 Fresno Christian Schools Town Hall meeting. Come and hear about FCS Finances, Enrollment, Future FCS Programs and about some exciting opportunities for our parents, sponsoring churches, and alumni to participate in the life of our school community.

When: December 2, 2014
Time: 6:30PM-8:00PM
Where: Peoples Church
Student Ministries Main Room

There will be coffee and water available.

agskateCHRISTMAS SKATING PARTY -Please return your transportation request for our elementary Christmas skating party from 9:30-11:30 AM at Cal Skate on Friday, December 12th. We are taking carpools. I will have a sign-up outside my classroom door if you can help us with this. If you are going directly to Cal-Skate,  please let me know ahead of time as it will affect how I set up carpools. All first graders must bring booster seats. All skating fees for the students are pre-paid through our class account. Parents and siblings that skate will need to pay the $6.00 for each skating session at the door. Non-skating parents who would just like to come and watch kids skate will need to pay an entrance fee of $3.00 at the door. Parents that wish to be a spectator at one session and skate at the other session need to pay $9.50. Roller blades may been worn but they must have flush bolts, (no sharp exposed bolts/screws). If your skates have a heel brake it must be in good condition, no screw showing. Roller blades will be inspected by Cal Skate employees and if they do not meet the standards, you will need to use roller skates.Children are free to leave directly from Cal-Skate for Christmas vacation if that works best for you. School is dismissed at 12:00 PM.

PEACH BLOSSOM -Please check the handout that comes home on Dec 1st, which includes the requirements for participating in Fresno State’s Peach Blossom Festival. This is a FCS requirement for all 1st-6th classes. Although this is not due until we come back from Christmas vacation, I strongly suggest you try and choose your poem before January. Your child should begin learning it with parental guidance. We will practice at school as well, after Christmas vacation. This is always a great experience for the children. You need to pick your poem and bring me a copy by Wed. Jan. 14th. Thanks for your help!


Spirit Day is every Friday. Please wear your favorite FCS shirt.







12-2 – Town Hall Meeting 6:30 PM- 8:00 PM – SMC Main

12-3 – Happy 7th Birthday Katherine Castiglione

12-5 – Elementary Drama “A Bag Full of Fables” 7:00 PM

12-9– K-6 Christmas Program 7 PM

12-11 – Singing at Carrington Pointe – 10:00 AM

12-11 – Secret Angel Party – 11:30 AM – 2:30 PM

12-12 – 1st Semester ends

12-12 – Skating Party at Cal-Skate – 9:30 AM-11:30 AM

12-15-1-2 – Christmas Vacation – Happy Birthday Jesus!

12-24 – Happy 7th Birthday Ashley Skricka

1-5 – School Resumes – Happy New Year!!!



icon-christmas-religiousBible Verse – Dec. 1-5

For to us a child is born, to us a Son is given…..and He will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6  27 pts.


Spelling – Lesson 20 – Dec. 1-5
















Mrs. Tally – December 1, 20142016-11-16T22:17:41-08:00

Mrs. Vander Kooi December 1, 2014

FCS Academic


Thank you to all the parents who organized, brought supplies for and helped at our Thanksgiving party last week. We appreciate all you do for us!


We need to carpool to and from the Skating Party on Friday, December 12. Carpools will leave school at 9:10 A.M. and leave Cal Skate at 11:30 A.M. Please return the transportation forms that were sent home by this Friday, December 5, so that we can plan our carpools.


You are invited to our 2014 Fresno Christian Schools Town Hall meeting. Come and hear about FCS Finances, Enrollment, Future FCS Programs and about some exciting opportunities for our parents, sponsoring churches, and alumni to participate in the life of our school community.

When:  December 2, 2014
Time:   6:30PM-8:00PM
Where: Peoples Church
Student Ministries Main Room

There will be coffee and water available.


Mrs. Savage, a Fresno Christian Parent, does a project each year with student volunteers to make fleece blankets that will be shared with Women and Children in need in the Fresno area. Students (3rd grade and up) who wish to participate need to bring 2 or 4 yards of fleece fabric by December 1. Each blanket requires 4 yards. They can pair up with a friend and each bring 2 yards, or bring 4 yards on their own. In the first 2 weeks of December there will be several time slots available for teachers to send these students to room 526 to assemble their blankets with Mrs. Savage. Parents who wish to help Mrs. Savage prepare the materials (cutting, etc.) may call her at 999-1957.


Once again (over the last 11 years; previously called Red Buckets) we have the privilege to help the families of Pinedale this holiday season! We will be collecting CANned foods Nov. 17th thru Dec. 9th to distribute through the Pinedale Book Buddies program. Our students are already volunteering as Book Buddies at Pinedale elementary school and we would like to continue our support for their programs. Our delivery this year will help families by providing food for Christmas.

Pinedale resource leaders put together a list of items most used in the community and this information will come home today. Please check this list before you shop.

If you are interested in making a financial donation, please send cash/check to the office and designate “Food – Pinedale.” We have a program with Food Maxx where we use scrip and S.H.A.R.E.S. so FCS also benefits!

If you have any questions, please contact Rob Foshee at rfoshee@fresnochristian.com.


Students will independently read a book from a different genre each month. Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.

Note: There are no independent reading or project requirements for the month of December.

The genre for the month of November is historical fiction. Students should show their selected historical fiction book to me for approval. As a response to this literature, students will make a book cube. Students may get the book cube manila tag material and rubric from me when they are finished reading their books. The book cubes are due on Monday, December 1.

Side 1: The title, the author, and the student’s name neatly labeled.

Side 2: The setting illustrated and a written one-sentence description.

Side 3: The protagonist illustrated and a written one-sentence description, including the name of the character.

Side 4: The antagonist illustrated and a written one-sentence description, including the name of the character.

Side 5: The conflict described in detail.

Side 6: A summary which includes what happens at the beginning, middle, and end of the story.


This week students will continue persuasive writing in preparation for the 2nd Quarter Writing Assessment.


We begin Chapter 5: Measurement and Integers.


This week we time travel to the age of exploration where we’ll meet fearless explorers to the New World.


This week we continue Unit 4 Gospel Writings: Jesus’ Birth and Early Ministry


Students will memorize scripture weekly and take a written test each Friday. The memory verse for this week Matthew 7: 7-8 and the test will be this Friday, December 5. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

Matthew 7: 7-8

SPELLING: Spelling Lesson 16 words will be tested this Friday, December 5.

Lesson 16: Words with suffixes –ant, -ent, -ist

  1. diligent
  2. contestant
  3. immigrant
  4. informant
  5. inhabitant
  6. significant
  7. irritant
  8. observant
  9. resident
  10. panelist
  11. participant
  12. scientist
  13. biologist
  14. columnist
  15. medalist

 Challenge Words

  1. idealist
  2. sufficient
  3. lieutenant
  4. persistent
  5. complainant


  • Town Hall Meeting: December 2 at 6:30 PM
  • Elementary Drama “A Bag Full of Fables”: December 5 at 7:00 PM
  • JH/HS Christmas Program: December 8 at 7:00 PM
  • K-6 Christmas Program: December 9 at 7:00 PM
  • Classroom Christmas Party: December 12 from 8:00-9:00 AM
  • Elementary Roller Skating: December 12 from 9:30-11:30 AM
  • NOON DISMISSAL: December 12
  • End of First Semester: December 12
  • NO SCHOOL Christmas Break: December 15-January 2
  • School Resumes: January 5
Mrs. Vander Kooi December 1, 20142016-11-16T22:17:42-08:00
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