PC Pierce

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Mrs. Fraser, November 10, 2014


CHARACTER TRAIT:  Thankfulness

Reference:  Psalm 100:4

Bible Verse:  Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name.

Definition:  Being glad for the goodness of God and others.
Opposite:  Little appreciation for what God and others do for me


Pattern Words-Consonant Digraphs- ch, ph, sh, tch, th, wh

1.  fifth

2.  then

3.  than

4.  which

5.  wheel

6.  shelter

7.  kitchen

8.  catcher

9.  children

10.  whether

11.  weather

12.  watched

13.  matches

14.  branches

15.  sandwich

16.  telephone

17.  dashboard

18.  photograph

High-Frequency Words

19.  recess

20.  subject

Challenge Words





We are still in need of P.E.S.T. (Parents Encouraging Staff and Teachers) to minister to staff this year.  There are 22 staff members and teachers who do not have someone to pray or love on them.  If you are interested in secretly blessing an FCS individual this year through small, uplifting ways with a card, cookie, thoughtful deed, verse, or prayer, you may email Amy Brooks at abrooks2610@gmail.com.

Most Sincerely,

Jen Alberta


Monday, November 10th is the deadline for turning in all Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes.  Thank you for all the generous donations of Christmas boxes!!  Let’s pray for all the children receiving them over the next few months.   Feel free to still bring one if you forgot yours!  We will let you know the final numbers for our school.


We will be having a class Thanksgiving feast on Friday, Nov. 21st, at 11:30 AM.  Parents are invited to join us.  Students and parents will participate in a Thanksgiving Reader’s Theater.

Stop by this week  and you are welcome to sign-up on the Thanksgiving Sheet on the wall adjacent to our front door of our classroom.  The following items are needed for 40 people:





Macaroni and Cheese

Green Beans

Cranberry Sauce

Rolls and Butter

Pumpkin Pie

Chocolate Pie


Sparkling Cider

Please also fill free to contact our Co-Head Room Mothers, Jen Alberta and Becky Covington.  After lunch and Friday’s P.E. from 12:30-1:15 PM.,  our class will have Thanksgiving crafts and activities between 1:30-2:30 PM.


Last week we began a new unit in Bible:  Unit 3 Jacob and Joseph.  Jacob was unworthy to inherit God’s promises.  He was a trickster, a schemer, and one who tried to live by his own devices.  Yet God chose him and worked through his schemes to eventually fulfill the covenant promises.

The things that happened to Joseph were unexpected.  Yet God used Joseph to preserve His chosen people during the famine.  The story of Jacob and his family is the story of God working out His plan for His people by turning their often sinful choices into ultimate blessings.

Through the varied events of their lives, God developed His covenant people into the beginnings of a great nation, and God’s promise to Abraham began to come true.  Here are the stories third graders will be studying:

Jacob and Esau:  The Birthright and Blessing

Jacob at Bethel and at the Well

Jacob Marries Leah and Rachel

Jacob’s Sons

Jacob Flees from Laban

God Wrestles with Jacob

Jacob Returns to Canaan

Joseph Sold into Slavery

Joseph in Potiphar’s House

More Dreams

Joseph:  A Ruler in Egypt

The Brothers’ First and Second Trips to Egypt

The Reunion

The Deaths of Jacob and Joseph


During the next few weeks our class will be learning about multiplication of whole numbers in Chapter 5.  You can expect to see work that provides practice in multiplying with  2, 5, 10, 3,  and 4.  We will also be learning about the special multiplication properties of 0 and 1.  We will learn how to represent multiplication sentences using arrays (objects arranged in equal rows and equal columns.  During this chapter students should continue to to practice and memorize  basic multiplication facts.

Next week we will also begin short factor family tests of 36 problems beginning with the factor family of 0, 1, and 2. We will progress through the factor family of 9 in sequence mastering each level with 100% proficiency until we have mastered each fact family.


We will be finishing Unit 2 study of Native Americans, California tribes, preserving culture, and Native American sovereign government today.  We will also focus the next two weeks on the arrival of the Pilgrims to the New World, their survival in search for religious freedom, the providence of Squanto’s life in their survival their very first winter, and the contribution of the Wampanoag Native tribe as we study the First Thanksgiving story.


Once again we have the privilege to help the families of Pinedale this Holiday season!  We will be collecting CANned food Nov. 17th thru Dec. 9th to distribute through the Pinedale Book Buddies program.  Our High School students are already volunteering as Book Buddies and we would like to continue our support for their programs.

Our delivery this year will help families by providing food for Christmas.  Pinedale resource leaders put together a list of items most used in the community  Please make sure to check this list before you shop.

There will be a prize awarded to the classes that bring the most items (1 prize for grades K-3, and 1 prize for grades 4-6).

If you are interested in making a financial donation, please send cash/check to the office and designate “Food – Pinedale.”  We have a program with Food Maxx where we use scrip & S.H.A.R.E.S. so FCS also benefits!

If you have any  questions, please contact Rob Foshee at rfoshee@fresnochristian.com .



Monday, November 10 – Operation Christmas Child Boxes Due
Tuesday, November 11 – Veteran’s Holiday/No School
Wednesday, November 12 – HAPPY BIRTHDAY MCKENZIE SUE!
Friday, November 21 – Thanksgiving Feast
November 26-28 – Thanksgiving Vacation
November 30 – Scholastic On-line Book Orders Due






Mrs. Fraser, November 10, 20142016-11-16T22:17:52-08:00

Mrs. Tally – November 10, 2014

thankfulDear Families,

It is wonderful to be back in the classroom with your beautiful children. I am getting to know them and that has been so fun. They are all such unique creations of God, all with varying gifts and abilities. Just two more weeks until we celebrate Thanksgiving with the Indians and Pilgrims!!! There will be lots of picture taking, for sure!!!! The program starts at 10:45 A.M. on Tuesday, Nov. 25th at Student Ministries Center. You might want to come a little early to get a good seat. It will be lots of fun. They are free to go after the program, however, I will be at school all afternoon to be with those who don’t go home.

We are also excited for our Blessing afternoon on Monday, Nov.24th. Please check the sign-up sheet outside our classroom door. Our hearts are full of thankfulness for God’s abundant blessings!!!

Work Envelopes – In the envelope on Monday will be lots of theme work from Oct. Your child does not need to return it if you choose for them to do it. There is such a spread of how fast each child completes tasks, that many have things they never got to. Part of this is due to LOTS of chattiness which we have been addressing. Any encouragement from home would be appreciated. If the paper has do and return, that is a requirement and needs to be completed and returned. 

Language Arts – I will be continuing to work with the children in all aspects of reading. In our Reading Groups I have introduced Leveled Readers. This will give much opportunity to apply the phonetic skills that they have been mastering up to this point. They will encounter words they must decode as well as words with the ed ( which has three different sounds – ed as in played, ed as in jumped, and ed as in wanted as well as ing endings. You will begin to see this in Copy and Dictation which is more challenging. Most of our seat work for November will be themed based activities. We are working hard on our program which you will so enjoy. There won’t be grass growing under our feet, that is for sure. It is a great group of little people.

Writing – We will be working on writing about an expository place for our benchmark the week of Dec 1-5, which is right after we get back from Thanksgiving vacation.

Math -We continue to work on Chapter 6 with adding and subtracting to 12. Please continue being faithful in doing a 4 minute Math Drill each night. It really pays off as we get into the bigger numbers. Our standard is facts to 18!!! We are also reviewing fact families which some are struggling with.We will take our chapter test on Thursday, November 13th. The chapter review will come home on November 6th and be due on November 13th.

Social Science – We will continue with “We Love Our Country” as well as talking about the contributions of our veterans. We will learn that freedom is NOT free. There was great sacrifice. Also, we will be covering the immigrants (Pilgrims) who have come to America.

Bible – We will be focusing on the theme of Thankfulness.

Thanksgiving Celebration Our Thanksgiving Blessing afternoon is Monday, November 24th.  We will have lunch together in our room. Please be on the watch for a sign-up from our room moms for the needed  lunch items.  After lunch we will go to recess and after recess at 12:30 PM we will be making a “Blessing Mix”, doing a craft and decorating a cookie..We will be doing stations for these activities. There will be a sign-up on the door on Nov 3rd for the needed items for our Blessing Mix. Many thanks for your help in making memories with these precious children.

Thanksgiving Unit– We have many activities planned for this unit of study. We will be learning about immigrants in Social Science and the contributions they have made to America. Among the immigrants we will study are the Pilgrims who sailed from England. We will culminate our studies with a Thanksgiving Program with the Kindergartners. First Graders are the Pilgrims and the Kindergartners are the Indians. Second Graders will be Americans. Please wear dark pants or skirt and a white shirt. The girls could wear a black dress as well. Please don’t go out and buy anything special, just wear what is the closest to what you have.  The program will be on Tuesday, November 25th at 10:45 AM at SMC Main. If you know your child will not be here for the program, please let me know, as that will be helpful in our preparation in assigning parts.. Thanks!  Children are free to go with their parents after the program. I will be there for those who need to stay.

Absences – As we move into the Holiday Season, please e-mail any dates your child may be gone Some may be taking vacations and I want to be sure your child has everything that is needed to keep up while he/she is gone.

Show and Tell – This week is Team A. Your child can bring something to share two times during the week.

Veteran’s Day Parade Tuesday, November 11 at 11:30 AM – Please join us as we participate in honoring our Veterans by marching in The Fresno Veterans Day Parade. Join with the Fresno Christian Percussion, Color Guard, Music Students, and Cheerleaders. This event is open to all Fresno Christian students and families. Meet downtown at Ventura on M St., south of Inyo St. at 11:30.

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes are due November 10th. Please consider taking the opportunity to show your child the true spirit of giving at Christmas. Pack a shoe box with your child to send to needy children throughout the world. The children have lists of the suggested items, many of which can be purchased at a dollar store or at reasonable prices. Please be sure to put in only brand new items and include small toys ( no weapons), school supplies, stuffed animals and hygiene items. Most important is to pray over the box and for the child who will receive it. For more suggestions or to download a new form to go with the box, go to samaritanspurse.org. Also, include $7 in an envelope for shipping and handling.

Book Orders –  Our November, December and Holiday book order will be in the Monday Envelopes.  I will place the order online on November  21st.  If you want to order books for your child as a Christmas gift, just let me know  and I will hold them aside and give them to you in private.

Together We CAN Food Drive: Once again (over the last 11 years; previously called Red Buckets) we have the privilege to help the families of Pinedale this holiday season! We will be collecting CANned foods Nov. 17th thru Dec. 9th to distribute through the Pinedale Book Buddies program. Our students are already volunteering as Book Buddies at Pinedale elementary school and we would like to continue our support for their programs. Our delivery this year will help families by providing food for Christmas.

Spirit Day is every Friday. Please wear your favorite FCS shirt.





11-10 – Operation Christmas Child boxes due

11-10 – Chipotle Fundraiser

11-11 – Veterans Day – No School

11-16 – Happy ? Birthday Mrs. Devereaux

11-23 – Happy 7th Birthday Chloe Serimian

11-24 – Blessing Afternoon – 12:30 PM -2:30 PM

11-25 Thanksiving Program 10:45 AM – SMC Main

11-26-28 – Thanksgiving Vacation

12-1 – Town Hall Meeting  6:30 PM- 8:00 PM – SMC Main

12-3 – Happy 7th Birthday Katherine Castiglione

12-5 – Elementary Drama “A Bag Full of Fables” 7:00 PM

12-9- K-6 Christmas Program 7 PM

12-11 – Secret Angel Party – 11:30 AM – 2:30 PM

12-12 – 1st Semester ends

12-12 – Skating Party at Cal-Skate – 9:30 AM-11:30 AM 

12-15-1-2 – Christmas Vacation – Happy Birthday Jesus!

12-24 – Happy 7th Birthday Ashley Skricka

1-5 – School Resumes – Happy New Year!!!  


Bible Verse – Nov. 10-14

I will give thanks to thee, oh Lord my God with all my heart. Psalm 86:12 17 pts.  

Spelling – Lesson 18- Nov.10-14













Indian thankskids3

Mrs. Tally – November 10, 20142016-11-16T22:17:53-08:00

Mr. Miranda November 10

Dear Parents,

Just a reminder that there is no school tomorrow, Tuesday, November 11, in observance of Veteran’s Day. School will resume on Wednesday, November 12.


Tuesday, November 11 at 11:30 am

Please join us as we participate in honoring our Veterans by marching in The Fresno Veterans Day Parade. Join with the Fresno Christian Percussion, Color Guard, Music Students, and Cheerleaders. This event is open to all Fresno Christian students and families. Meet downtown at Ventura on M St., south of Inyo St. at 11:30.


Once again (over the last 11 years; previously called Red Buckets) we have the privilege to help the families of Pinedale this holiday season! We will be collecting CANned foods Nov. 17th thru Dec. 9th to distribute through the Pinedale Book Buddies program. Our students are already volunteering as Book Buddies at Pinedale elementary school and we would like to continue our support for their programs. Our delivery this year will help families by providing food for Christmas.


Students will independently read a book from a different genre each month. Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum  of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.

The genre for the month of November is historical fiction. Students should show their selected historical fiction book to me for approval. As a response to this literature, students will make a book cube. Students may get the book cube manila tag material from me when they are finished reading their books.

Side 1: The title, the author, and the student’s name neatly labeled.

Side 2: The setting illustrated and a written one-sentence description.

Side 3: The protagonist illustrated and a written one-sentence description, including the name of the character.

Side 4: The antagonist illustrated and a written one-sentence description, including the name of the character.

Side 5: The conflict described in detail.

Side 6: A summary which includes what happens at the beginning, middle, and end of the story.


Please note that this week I will give students the pattern for the cube on manila tag to take home and use for their project. Students will be shown examples of a book cube.



This week students will continue persuasive writing.


This week we continue our study of Chapter 5: Measurement, Perimeter, and Area.


This week we continue our study of plants, including photosynthesis and transpiration.


This week we continue with the Prophetic Writings of Amos and Isaiah.


Students will memorize scripture weekly and take a written test each Friday. The memory verse for this week Romans 6:11 and the test will be this Friday, November 14. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. 

Romans 6:11


Lesson 14 words will be tested this Friday, November 14.

Lesson 14: Words from Spanish and French

  1. adobe
  2. barbecue
  3. barracuda
  4. embargo
  5. mosquito
  6. croissant
  7. rodeo
  8. sombrero
  9. tornado
  10. plateau
  11. ballet
  12. beret
  13. bouquet
  14. campaign
  15. envelope

Challenge Words

  1. chauffeur
  2. cuisine
  3. etiquette
  4. reservoir
  5. critique


  • Chipotle Fundraiser: November 10
  • NO SCHOOL Veterans’s Day: November 11
  • NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break: November 26-28
  • Town Hall Meeting: December 1 at 6:30 PM
  • Elementary Drama “A Bag Full of Fables”: December 5 at 7:00 PM
  • JH/HS Christmas Program: December 8 at 7:00 PM
  • K-6 Christmas Program: December 9 at 7:00 PM
  • Classroom Christmas Party: December 12 from 8:00-9:00 AM
  • Elementary Roller Skating: December 12 from 9:30-11:30 AM
  • NOON DISMISSAL: December 12
  • End of First Semester: December 12
  • NO SCHOOL Christmas Break: December 15-January 2
  • School Resumes: January 5


Mr. Miranda November 102016-11-16T22:17:54-08:00

Mrs. Witters November 10, 2014


Dear Kindergarten Parents,                                    November 10, 2014


What a fun time we had at the Discovery Center. Thanks for all your help!!

We are getting ready for our Thanksgiving Celebration!. This time of the year is so much fun, and your presence makes it even more enjoyable for everyone, especially your youngsters. If you can’t come any other time, do try to come for the Thanksgiving Celebration on Tuesday, Nov. 25 from 10:45-12.

Our verse this week is Psalm 8:1, “Majestic is your name in all the earth!” Our character trait continues to be Thankfulness.

It’s a good idea to have your child wear a turtleneck or long sleeve shirt under his/her Indian costume on the day of the
Thanksgiving Celebration. Have little girls wear leggings or pants – not dresses. We will be wearing our “pillowcase” costumes for the show!


Our Christmas Program is December 9 at 7:00. It will be in the Fresno Christian Gym. Bring your cameras!!!



                     PLEASE NOTE THESE DATES



November 25           Our Thanksgiving Celebration – kids come to

school at 8:00 and are dismissed at 12:00.


November   26-28     THANKSGIVING VACATION


December 9                Christmas Program – EVENING


December 11             Christmas Party!!!! MORNING


December 12             1/2 Day – come 8:00 –12:00 (Vacation starts         at 12:01!!!!


I am so thankful for you all,


Mrs. Witters









Mrs. Witters November 10, 20142014-11-08T07:00:48-08:00

Mrs. Vander Kooi November 10, 2014


FCS Academic

Dear Parents,

Just a reminder that there is no school tomorrow, Tuesday, November 11, in observance of Veteran’s Day. School will resume on Wednesday, November 12.


Tuesday, November 11 at 11:30 am

Please join us as we participate in honoring our Veterans by marching in The Fresno Veterans Day Parade. Join with the Fresno Christian Percussion, Color Guard, Music Students, and Cheerleaders. This event is open to all Fresno Christian students and families. Meet downtown at Ventura on M St., south of Inyo St. at 11:30.


Once again (over the last 11 years; previously called Red Buckets) we have the privilege to help the families of Pinedale this holiday season! We will be collecting CANned foods Nov. 17th thru Dec. 9th to distribute through the Pinedale Book Buddies program. Our students are already volunteering as Book Buddies at Pinedale elementary school and we would like to continue our support for their programs. Our delivery this year will help families by providing food for Christmas.


Students will independently read a book from a different genre each month. Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum  of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.

The genre for the month of November is historical fiction. Students should show their selected historical fiction book to me for approval. As a response to this literature, students will make a book cube. Students may get the book cube manila tag material from me when they are finished reading their books.

Side 1: The title, the author, and the student’s name neatly labeled.

Side 2: The setting illustrated and a written one-sentence description.

Side 3: The protagonist illustrated and a written one-sentence description, including the name of the character.

Side 4: The antagonist illustrated and a written one-sentence description, including the name of the character.

Side 5: The conflict described in detail.

Side 6: A summary which includes what happens at the beginning, middle, and end of the story.


This week students will continue persuasive writing.


This week we continue our study of Chapter 4: Division.


This week we continue our study of plants, including photosynthesis and transpiration.


This week we begin Unit 4 Gospel Writings: Jesus’ Birth and Early Ministry


Students will memorize scripture weekly and take a written test each Friday. The memory verse for this week Romans 6:11 and the test will be this Friday, November 14. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. 

Romans 6:11


Lesson 14 words will be tested this Friday, November 14.

Lesson 14: Words from Spanish and French

  1. adobe
  2. barbecue
  3. barracuda
  4. embargo
  5. mosquito
  6. croissant
  7. rodeo
  8. sombrero
  9. tornado
  10. plateau
  11. ballet
  12. beret
  13. bouquet
  14. campaign
  15. envelope

Challenge Words

  1. chauffeur
  2. cuisine
  3. etiquette
  4. reservoir
  5. critique


  • Chipotle Fundraiser: November 10
  • NO SCHOOL Veterans’s Day: November 11
  • Happy Birthday to Owen McCann: November 25
  • NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break: November 26-28
  • Town Hall Meeting: December 1 at 6:30 PM
  • Elementary Drama “A Bag Full of Fables”: December 5 at 7:00 PM
  • JH/HS Christmas Program: December 8 at 7:00 PM
  • K-6 Christmas Program: December 9 at 7:00 PM
  • Classroom Christmas Party: December 12 from 8:00-9:00 AM
  • Elementary Roller Skating: December 12 from 9:30-11:30 AM
  • NOON DISMISSAL: December 12
  • End of First Semester: December 12
  • NO SCHOOL Christmas Break: December 15-January 2
  • School Resumes: January 5
Mrs. Vander Kooi November 10, 20142016-11-16T22:17:55-08:00

Nov. 3rd, 2014 Miss Nolte

Nolte News

Click HERE  to see my Newsletter.

Spelling, Bible, and Upcoming Events are below

Spelling Words:

















Bible Verse:

Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5:18

Upcoming Dates:

Nov. 7th

Reptile Ron visits the class, 1pm

Nov. 11th

Tuesday, No school/

Veteran’s Day

Nov. 25th

Thanksgiving Celebration

@ 10:45am

Dec. 9th

Christmas Program

Dec. 12th

Christmas Party: 8-9am

Skating: 9:30-11:30am





Nov. 3rd, 2014 Miss Nolte2016-11-16T22:17:56-08:00

Mrs. Fraser, November 3, 2014


Reference:   I Thessalonians 5:16-18

Bible Verse:  Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Definition:  Being glad for the goodness of God and others.
Opposite:  Little appreciation for what God and others do for me.

SPELLING:  Lesson 13

Pattern Words-Words with Silent Letters

1.  sign

2.  slick

3.  gnat

4.  rack

5.  knife

6.  kneel

7.  wrist

8.  knock

9.  whole

10.  whom

11.  whose

12.  wrong

13.  writing

14.  knotted

15.  wrench

16.  wrecker

17.  unknown

18.  checking

High-Frequency Words

19.  object

20.  directions

Challenge Words

* cornucopia

* Massachusetts



Please note that graded work from last week will be sent home on Tuesday of this week.  Homework folders with math homework, re-dos for improved scores, late, or missing assignments will be due on Friday of this week.


Please note that Honor Roll and Merit List certificates will be issued in Grades 4-6.   If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Amy Deffenbacher, Dean of Students.


Thank you dear room parents for the fun, festive,  fall harvest party last Friday.  The third graders had such a wonderful time.  Your kind and creative activities were a joy for the children and a delight as adults to watch! You are all dearly appreciated!!  Thank you for all you do for our class to make our learning experiences extra special!!!


Thank you to all the parents who provided  candy for our Trunk or Treat cars at Friday night’s Homecoming. A special thank you to Jen Alberta and Becky Covington for creating the Transformers and Frozen themed cars.  The children had a wonderful time participating and being a part of the Homecoming celebrations.


Scholastic Holiday Book Orders will be sent home today.  All orders must be placed on-line.  You may order from more than one catalogue listing.  You may place your order online by November 30.  Use our One-Time Class Activation Code:  L9Nj4.


Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes are due Monday, November 10, 2014 for those families who would like to participate.


There will be a math test over Chapter 2 Money and Time on Thursday, November 6.  A pre-test will be sent home as a study guide to help review for the test.


We are excited to announce our first Holiday Boutique with Square Heart Shops on November 8, 2014 from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM in the FCS Gym.  The gym will be packed with vendors selling handmade goods and many great items to make your Christmas shopping easy.  Supporting our boutique, by shopping or being a vendor, will help raise funds for Fresno Christian and Square Heart Shops.

Square Heart Shops is a non-profit organization that asks people to de-clutter their craft closets and donate items to be repurposed and sold to help people who want to adopt, go on mission trips or just need to learn a skill to earn an income. You can visit their website and learn more about their cause at www.squareheartshops.com.

If you are interested in being a vendor or volunteering at the boutique, please contact Square Heart Shops directly at shopalot@squareheartshops.com. Vendor applications will be reviewed and accepted based on order received and items being sold.


Thursday, November 6 – Biography/Autobiography Timeline Book Report Due
Thursday, November 6 – Math Test
Saturday, November 8 – Eagles Shop-A-Lot Holiday Boutique
Monday, November 10 – Operation Christmas Child Boxes Due
Tuesday, November 11 – Veteran’s Holiday/No School
Wednesday, November 12 – HAPPY BIRTHDAY MCKENZIE SUE!
Friday, November 21 – Thanksgiving Feast
November 26-28 – Thanksgiving Vacation
November 30 – Scholastic On-line Book Orders Due
Mrs. Fraser, November 3, 20142016-11-16T22:17:57-08:00

Mr. Miranda Newsletter November 3, 2014



Today, November 3, both 5th grade classes will set sail aboard the Hawaiian Chieftain out of Sacramento. Mrs. Garrett and Mrs. McCann were chosen by lottery to be the parent chaperones to board the ship with the students. Since several students in Mrs. Vander Kooi’s class will be absent that day, we have room for a few more chaperones on board. Mrs. Smoljan and Mrs. Hinton will also be boarding the ship.

Departure from Fresno

Students will report directly to the classroom as usual at 8:00 A.M. We will board the charter bus at 8:15 A.M.

Arrival in Sacramento

We will eat lunch upon arrival at the dock. We will be on board the ship from 12:30-3:30 P.M.

Return to Fresno

We will board the bus immediately after debarking the ship. We should arrive back in Fresno between 6:30 and 7:00 P.M.

What to Bring

We will be sailing for three hours, so students need to be protected from the weather (sun or rain, heat or cold). Students should bring:

  • Layered clothing
  • Raingear (depending on the forecast)
  • Sunscreen
  • Hat (well fitting)
  • Sneakers/rubber-soled shoes
  • Brown bag lunch and drink
  • Morning and late afternoon snacks
  • Water bottles

What Not to Bring:

  • any electronic devices including iPods, MP3 players, cell phones, or electronic games
  • Chewing gum
  • High-heeled or slip-on shoes
  • Umbrellas
  • Scarves or loose clothing


According to the Voyage of Discovery organizers, seasickness isn’t usually a problem. They want the children to be alert and able to participate in the program. Anti-seasickness medication can cause drowsiness, making it hard for the students to concentrate and participate in the program. For concerned families, they recommend checking with their doctor or a pharmacist for the best options. There are seasickness prevention alternatives available that may not cause the drowsiness that the standard remedies have been known to cause. Also, they recommend eating healthy, non-greasy foods moderately prior to the field trip.

Location of Dock

Old Sacramento

L St. and Front St.

Lower Dock – North of the Tower Bridge

Near Joe’s Crab Shack

http://L St & Front St, Sacramento, CA 95814

https://plus.google.com/Old Sacramento Parking L


Students will independently read a book from a different genre each month. Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum  of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.

The genre for the month of November is historical fiction. Students should show their selected historical fiction book to me for approval. As a response to this literature, students will make a book cube. The book cube will have six sides.Students will independently read a book from a different genre each month. Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum  of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.

Side 1: The title, the author, and the student’s name neatly labeled.

Side 2: The setting illustrated and a written one-sentence description.

Side 3: The protagonist illustrated and a written one-sentence description, including the name of the character.

Side 4: The antagonist illustrated and a written one-sentence description, including the name of the character.

Side 5: The conflict described in detail.

Side 6: A summary which includes what happens at the beginning, middle, and end of the story.


This is a link to a long list of historical fiction titles:



This week students will continue persuasive writing.


This week we continue Chapter 5: Subtracting Integers and begin Measurement


This week we continue our study of plants, including photosynthesis and respiration.


This week we begin Unit 3: The Prophetic Writings.



Students will memorize scripture weekly and take a written test each Friday. The memory verse for this week John 15:4-5 and the test will be this Friday, November 7. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. 

John 15:4-5


Lesson 13 words will be tested this Friday, November 7.

Lesson 13

  1. actual
  2. beckon
  3. burden
  4. captain
  5. comparison
  6. example
  7. foreign
  8. people
  9. informal
  10. label
  11. medal
  12. peddle
  13. personal
  14. several
  15. special

Challenge Words

  1. reunion
  2. practical
  3. neutral
  4. physician
  5. typical


  • Voyage of Discovery Field Trip: November 3
  • NO SCHOOL Veterans’s Day: November 11
  • NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break: November 26-28
  • End of First Semester: December 5
  • Elementary Drama “A Bag Full of Fables”: December 5
  • K-6 Christmas Program: December 12
  • NO SCHOOL Christmas Break: December 15-January 2
  • School Resumes: January 5


Mr. Miranda Newsletter November 3, 20142016-11-16T22:17:57-08:00

Mrs. Witters November 3, 2014

Dear Parents,                                  November 3, 2014


This week we are very thankful for all God has done for us. Our Character trait is “Thankfulness”. Our Bible verse is Matthew 22:37, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” Continue to work on memorizing Psalm 100.


Remember next TUESDAY is Veteran’s Day. There is NO school that day.


This FRIDAY is our Discovery Center Trip. We will ride the bus. We’ll eat lunch when we return to school at 11:30. A SNACK will be provided at the Discovery Center. This is a great trip!


We continue to learn our songs and poems for the Thanksgiving Celebration. We are sooooo cute!!! Bring your cameras for some great pictures – November 25 at 10:45.


You are all a blessing to me!

Mrs. Witters


                     PLEASE NOTE THESE DATES


November 7       Discovery Center Trip


November 11            Veteran’s Day ( NO school)


November 25         Our Thanksgiving Celebration – kids come to

school at 8:00 and are dismissed at 12:00.


November   26-28     THANKSGIVING VACATION


December 9             Christmas Program – EVENING


December 11             Christmas Party!!!! MORNING


December 12             1/2 Day – come 8:00 –12:00 (Vacation starts         at 12:01!!!!)







Mrs. Witters November 3, 20142014-11-02T07:00:37-08:00

Mrs. Tally – November 3, 2014




Dear Families,

We had a wonderful conclusion to the month of October studying about harvest and pumpkins. Our Harvest Celebration on Friday was wonderful and it was so good to see everyone.  I am so grateful to be back in the classroom. We now turn our thoughts towards this beautiful season of the year…..Thanksgiving. Our focus at school will be one of thankfulness and counting our blessings. God is so good!!!! 

Language Arts – I will be working with the children and getting a feel for where they are at in all aspects of reading.  I will be doing reading groups and assessing long the way.  Most of our seat work for November will be themed based activities. They will be busy little people.

Writing – We will be working on writing about an expository place for our benchmark the week of Dec 1-5, which is right after we get back from Thanksgiving vacation.  Yikes!!!

Math -We continue to work on Chapter 6 with adding and subtracting to 12. Please continue being faithful in doing a 4 minute Math Drill each night. It really pays off as we get into the bigger numbers.  Our standard is facts to 18!!!

Social Science – We will continue with “We Love Our Country” as well as  talking about the contributions of our veterans.  We will learn that freedom is NOT free.  There was great sacrifice. Also, we will be covering the immigrants (Pilgrims) who have come to America.

Bible – We will be studying Joshua.

Eagles Shop-A-Lot- Holiday Boutique November 8, 2014 8AM -1PM FCS Gym – We are excited to announce our first Holiday Boutique with Square Heart Shops. The gym will be packed with vendors selling handmade goods and many great items to make your Christmas shopping easy. Supporting our boutique, by shopping or being a vendor, will help raise funds for Fresno Christian and Square Heart Shops. Square Heart Shops is a non-profit organization that asks people to de-clutter their craft closets and donate items to be repurposed and sold to help people who want to adopt, go on mission trips or just need to learn a skill to earn an income. You can visit their website and learn more about their cause at www.squareheartshops.com. If you are interested in being a vendor or volunteering at the boutique, please contact Square Heart Shops directly at shopalot@squareheartshops.com. Vendor applications will be reviewed and accepted based on order received and items being sold.

Thanksgiving Celebration Our Thanksgiving Blessing afternoon is Monday, November 24th. After lunch and recess we will be making a “Blessing Mix”, doing a craft and having dessert. The festivities will begin at 12:30 PM. There will be a sign-up on the door on Nov 3rd for the needed items for our Blessing Mix. Our room moms may also have some needs that you can help with. It should be a wonderful time! Many Thanks!

Thanksgiving Unit- We have many activities planned for this unit of study. We will be learning about immigrants in Social Science and the contributions they have made to America. Among the immigrants we will study are the Pilgrims who sailed from England. We will culminate our studies with a Thanksgiving Program with the Kindergartners. First Graders are the Pilgrims and the Kindergartners are the Indians. Second Graders will be Americans. Please wear dark pants or skirt and a white shirt. The girls could wear a black dress as well.  Please don’t go out and buy anything special, just wear what is the closest to what you have . The program will be on Tuesday, November 25th at 10:45 AM at SMC Main. If you know your child will not be here for the program, please let me know, as that will be helpful in our preparation in assigning parts.. Thanks!

Absences – As we move into the Holiday Season, please e-mail any dates your child may be gone Some may be taking vacations and I want to be sure your child has everything that is needed to keep up while he/she is gone.

Show and Tell – This week is Team B. Your child can bring something to share two times during the week.

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes are due November 10th. Please consider taking the opportunity to show your child the true spirit of giving at Christmas. Pack a shoe box with your child to send to needy children throughout the world. The children have lists of the suggested items, many of which can be purchased at a dollar store or at reasonable prices. Please be sure to put in only brand new items and include small toys ( no weapons), school supplies, stuffed animals and hygiene items. Most important is to pray over the box and for the child who will receive it. For more suggestions or to download a new form to go with the box, go to samaritanspurse.org. Also, include $7 in an envelope for shipping and handling.

Spirit Day is every Friday. Please wear your favorite FCS shirt.








11-8 – Holiday Boutique – FCS Gym – 8 AM – 1 PM

11-10 – Operation Christmas Child boxes due

11-11 – Veterans Day – No School

11-15 – Happy ? Birthday Mrs. Devereaux

11-23 – Happy 7th  Birthday  Chloe Serimian

11-24 – Blessing Afternoon – 12:30 PM

11-25 – Thanksiving Program 10:45 AM – SMC Main

11-26-28 – Thanksgiving Vacation

12-3 – Happy 7th Birthday Katherine Castiglione

12-5 – Elementary Drama “A Bag Full of Fables” 7:00 PM

12-9 -K-6 Christmas Program 7 PM

12-12 – 1st Semester ends

12-15-1-2 – Christmas Vacation – Happy Birthday Jesus!

12-24 – Happy 7th Birthday Ashley Skricka

1-5 – School Resumes – Happy New Year!!!


icon008sBible Verse – Nov. 3-7

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.  His love endures forever.    Psalm 118:1  16 pts.

Spelling – Lesson 17 – Nov. 3-7















Mrs. Tally – November 3, 20142016-11-16T22:17:58-08:00
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