PC Pierce

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Mrs. Vander Kooi November 3, 2014

FCS Academic

Dear Parents,

Thank you for providing the candy for our Trunk or Treat car at Friday night’s Homecoming. A special thank you to Mrs.Williams for making a one-of-a-kind Wreck-It-Ralph candy dispenser for the trunk and to Mrs. Sue for providing the balloons.


This is the 11th year that Fresno Christian has been involved with OCC. There are many programs that collect toys for children in need but OCC also connects these gifts with the gospel. These gift-filled shoeboxes are a powerful way to introduce children to God’s greatest gift, salvation through Jesus Christ. Each box that goes out helps connect local pastors and ministries with young people. For more information about OCC and how to pack boxes (and to see a great video with Si from Duck Dynasty) check out their link http://www.samaritanspurse.org/what-we-do/operation-christmas-child/. Shoeboxes will be collected at Fresno Christian until the end of this week. We want to reach our goal of 300 boxes. If everyone brings at least one box we can collect more than that!


Today, November 3, both 5th grade classes will set sail aboard the Hawaiian Chieftain out of Sacramento. Mrs. Garrett and Mrs. McCann were chosen by lottery to be the parent chaperones to board the ship with the students. Since several students in Mrs. Vander Kooi’s class will be absent, we have room for a few more chaperones on board. Mrs. Smoljan and Mrs. Hinton will also be boarding the ship.

Departure from Fresno

Students will report directly to the classroom as usual at 8:00 A.M. We will board the charter bus at 8:15 A.M.

Arrival in Sacramento

We will eat lunch upon arrival at the dock. We will be on board the ship from 12:30-3:30 P.M.

Return to Fresno

We will board the bus immediately after debarking the ship. We should arrive back in Fresno between 6:30 and 7:00 P.M.

What to Bring

We will be sailing for three hours, so students need to be protected from the weather (sun or rain, heat or cold). Students should bring:

  • Layered clothing
  • Raingear (depending on the forecast)
  • Sunscreen
  • Hat (well fitting)
  • Sneakers/rubber-soled shoes
  • Brown bag lunch and drink
  • Morning and late afternoon snacks
  • Water bottles

What Not to Bring:

  • any electronic devices including iPods, MP3 players, cell phones, or electronic games
  • Chewing gum
  • High-heeled or slip-on shoes
  • Umbrellas
  • Scarves or loose clothing


According to the Voyage of Discovery organizers, seasickness isn’t usually a problem. They want the children to be alert and able to participate in the program. Anti-seasickness medication can cause drowsiness, making it hard for the students to concentrate and participate in the program. For concerned families, they recommend checking with their doctor or a pharmacist for the best options. There are seasickness prevention alternatives available that may not cause the drowsiness that the standard remedies have been known to cause. Also, they recommend eating healthy, non-greasy foods moderately prior to the field trip.

Location of Dock

Old Sacramento

L St. and Front St.

Lower Dock – North of the Tower Bridge

Near Joe’s Crab Shack

http://L St & Front St, Sacramento, CA 95814

https://plus.google.com/Old Sacramento Parking L


Students will independently read a book from a different genre each month. Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum  of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.

The genre for the month of November is historical fiction. Students should show their selected historical fiction book to me for approval. As a response to this literature, students will make a book cube. The book cube will have six sides.Students will independently read a book from a different genre each month. Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum  of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.

Side 1: The title, the author, and the student’s name neatly labeled.

Side 2: The setting illustrated and a written one-sentence description.

Side 3: The protagonist illustrated and a written one-sentence description, including the name of the character.

Side 4: The antagonist illustrated and a written one-sentence description, including the name of the character.

Side 5: The conflict described in detail.

Side 6: A summary which includes what happens at the beginning, middle, and end of the story.


This week students will continue persuasive writing.


We are reading the book, “Sign of the Beaver,” by Elizabeth George Speare. This is a Newbery Honor Book which tells the story of 12 year old Matt as he faces challenges and dangers alone in the Maine wilderness of 1763. This literature study enhances our research of the North American Natives.


This week we continue our study of Chapter 4: Division.


This week we begin our study of plants, including photosynthesis and respiration.


This week we finish Unit 3: The Prophetic Writings.


Students will memorize scripture weekly and take a written test each Friday. The memory verse for this week John 15:4-5 and the test will be this Friday, November 7. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. 

John 15:4-5


Lesson 13 words will be tested this Friday, November 7.

Lesson 13

  1. actual
  2. beckon
  3. burden
  4. captain
  5. comparison
  6. example
  7. foreign
  8. people
  9. informal
  10. label
  11. medal
  12. peddle
  13. personal
  14. several
  15. special

Challenge Words

  1. reunion
  2. practical
  3. neutral
  4. physician
  5. typical


  • Voyage of Discovery Field Trip: November 3
  • NO SCHOOL Veterans’s Day: November 11
  • Happy Birthday to Owen McCann: November 25
  • NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break: November 26-28
  • End of First Semester: December 5
  • Elementary Drama “A Bag Full of Fables”: December 5
  • K-6 Christmas Program: December 12
  • NO SCHOOL Christmas Break: December 15-January 2
  • School Resumes: January 5
Mrs. Vander Kooi November 3, 20142016-11-16T22:17:59-08:00

Miss Nolte Oct. 27th, 2014

Nolte News

October 27th-31st


Weekly Wrap-up

Just wanted to share a few great things we did this past week:

*Everyone did well on their Ch. 2 Math test on Place Value, even/odd, and comparing numbers. Great Job!!

*We attended an inspirational speaking engagement by Joni Eareckson Tada.

*The class completed our second week of Literacy Centers.

*And we all had a blast with Pumpkin Fun. We bowled with pumpkins, tossed rings at them, painted with them, and then tore them apart for our Pumpkin Observation. Thanks again to the parents that came out to help. You made it possible and I really appreciate you!


Homework: Due Friday, Oct. 31st

*Reading Logs. Please read each day. Write all the titles and total # of pages. Then sign.


Lesson 11 Spelling Words

Test on Friday

long u:













high frequency words:



Bible Verse:

Test Fri. Oct. 31st

Share with God’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.

Romans 12:13

Character Trait:


This week in class:

Tuesday: Chapel and PE

Wednesday: Library

Friday: Music


Show and Tell: week of Oct. 27th

Children can bring something to share with the class after lunch.

They have all week to show and tell.






Oct. 31st

Harvest Party:

Harvest Party and Pumpkin Treat Taste-Testing

Nov. 7th

Reptile Ron visits the class

Nov. 11th

Tuesday, No school/Veteran’s Day

Nov. 25th

Thanksgiving Celebration, 10:45am

Dec. 9th

Christmas Program

Dec. 12th

Christmas Party: 8-9am

Ice Skating: 9:30-11:30am


I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?

Miss Nolte Oct. 27th, 20142016-11-16T22:18:00-08:00

Mrs. Witters October 27, 2014

Dear Parents,                                          October 27, 2014


We are ready for some fun filled weeks! We will be making Indian necklaces, dresses and vests to wear at our Thanksgiving Celebration. (thanks for bringing white pillowcases!)


Our character trait is Thankfulness. Our verse this week is “Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies.” Psalm 34:13. Also, remember to practice Psalm 100 for our Thanksgiving Celebration.


In class we are making a book called, “The Brave Little Indian”. Be sure to read it with your child. We will be talking about the way Native Americans lived, ate, dressed, and how their environment influences these things.


On Friday, November 7, is our trip to the Discovery Center. Please come at 8:00 –11:30. We will ride the bus. Wear your class t-shirt. We will provide a SNACK to eat at the Discovery Center. We’ll eat lunch when we get back to school.


On Tuesday, November 25, the Kindergarten Indians and the First Grade Pilgrims will be having their annual Thanksgiving Celebration. Kindergarten kids COME FROM 8:00 until NOON. All parents and grandparents are invited to come from 10:45 to noon to see our celebration! Bring your cameras!!!!! It will be somewhere at Peoples Church Campus. I’ll let you know soon!!!


                     PLEASE NOTE THESE DATES


November 7          Discovery Center Field Trip – (8:00 – 11:30)

November 11            Veteran’s Day ( NO school)


November 25        Our Thanksgiving Celebration – kids come to

school at 8:00 and are dismissed at 12:00.


November   26-28     THANKSGIVING VACATION


December 9             Christmas Program – EVENING


December 11             Christmas Party!!!! MORNING


December 12             1/2 Day – come 8:00 –12:00 (Vacation starts         at 12:01!!!!



What a blessing it is to teach your children! Thank you for all your support and encouragement!


In His Joy,

Mrs. Witters




Mrs. Witters October 27, 20142014-10-27T07:00:37-07:00

Mrs. Fraser, October 27, 2014

dogs-playing-in-leaves-thumbCHARACTER TRAIT: Generosity  

Reference:  Psalms 11:5

Verse:  Good will come to him who is generous and lends freely, who conducts his affairs with justice.

Definition:  Freely sharing with others from what God has allowed me to have

Opposite:  Selfishness or holding on to things instead of sharing

SPELLING:  Lesson 12  Review Lessons 7-11

We will have a Multiple Choice Test over Lessons 7-11 this coming Friday.  We will not be writing all 100 Spelling words but will be detectives hunting down misspelled words on a multiple choice Spelling Test. We will have 5 Dictation Sentences.

Lesson 7 Long o:  o, oa, oe, o_e, ow

1.  post

2.  coast

3.  toe

4.  cove

5.  below

6.  mold

7.  motor

8.  coach

9.  rope

10.  alone

11.  slowly

12.  throw

13.  chosen

14.  follow

15.  stroke

16.  rowboat

17.  tomorrow

18.  opening

High Frequency Words

19.  minutes

20.  pumpkin

Lesson 8 Long u:  ew, oo, u, ue, u_e, ui

1.  huge

2.  knew

3.  clue

4.  crew

5.  loose

6.  choose

7.  root

8.  fewer

9.  uniform

10.  usual

11.  cruise

12.  suit

13.  overdue

14.  tube

15.  foolish

16.  fruit

17.  useful

18.  truthful

High Frequency Words

19.  Mr.

20.  Mrs.

Lesson 9  Consonant Blend

1.  kept

2.  clasp

3.  craft

4.  asks

5. behind

6.  drifted

7.  risk

8.  interesting

9.  subtract

10.  gifts

11.  facts

12.  actor

13.  meant

14.  except

15.  speech

16. skipper

17.  present

18.  understand

High-Frequency Words

19.  toward

20.  finally

Lesson 10 Consonant Blends and Silent Letter

1.  calf

2.  silky

3.  built

4.  palm

5.  lamb

6.  fields

7.  world

8.  helper

9.  gulped

10.  crumb

11.  melted

12.  Psalms

13.  building

14.  climber

15.  calmed

16.  halftime

17.  yourself

18.  cornstalk

High-Frequency Words

19.  nothing

20.  machine

Lesson 11  Three-Letter Consonant Spelling Patterns
2. three
3. squall

4. spray

5. shrink

6. school

7. throat

8. strong

9. shrimp

10. thread

11. squeak

12. splinter

13. sprinkle

14. scratch

15. struggle

16. splashed

17. Christian

18. Christmas

High-Frequency Words

19. laugh

20. special



Jen Alberta is working on creating a class roster.  If you would like your contact information to be included, you may fill our the form attached to this week’s newsletter and leave it with Mrs. Fraser or email Jen Alberta at jenalberta@yahoo.com.  If you have any questions, you may reach Jen at (559) 273-6045.


Mrs. Ainley, our music teacher, is preparing all elementary classes for the beautiful Christmas program in December.  Our class will participate in two Christmas songs entitled Carol of the Bagpipers and Sing Halleluia.  Mrs. Ainley has provided a home copy of the lyrics to memorize as the holidays approach.  You will find  a copy in your Red Homework Folder this week.  Please help your child memorize the words in the weeks to come.  Thank you so very much!


You will find a flyer today with information about Operation Christmas Child.  The deadline for turning in shoeboxes is November 10.


This week we will study elapsed time, using calendars, and problem solving using schedules.  Next week we will have a math test over Chapter 2 Money and Time.


Just a reminder that every Friday is Box Top Drawing Day.
This week will be an exciting week at FCS!  Elementary classes are busy decorating their classroom doors with the theme for Fresno Christian’s Homecoming “Walking Down Hollywood Blvd: A Hollywood Homecoming.”
The High School Leadership class will be  scouting out the awesome school spirit elementary students display and will judge how well each class decorates their door.  Each door will combine elements of school spirit and this year’s homecoming theme.
Mr. Brown has invited each K-6 class to host a “Trunk of Treat!” at FCS Homecoming this coming Friday, October 31.  All classes are busy decorating cars and trunks to show school spirit and support FCS Homecoming.  The evening will be great fun and costumes are welcome (no scary ones, please.)
“Trunk or Treat” begins at 5:30 PM and will run until the football game begins.  Then you are welcome to come enjoy an exciting game and the crowning of Homecoming King and Queen at halftime.


All students and staff are invited to participate in the following dress-up days this week:

MONDAY: America Day, red-white-blue or cowboy clothes.

TUESDAY: Tacky Tourist, wear any travel related clothing.

WEDNESDAY: Pajama Day, wear your comfortable PJs.

THURSDAY: Twin Day, grab a friend and dress alike.

FRIDAY: Spirit Day, show your school spirit and go all out!

(On Wednesday’s Pajama Day, third graders may bring a pillow for Relaxed Reading/Silent Sustained Reading!!)


Our class will be having a Harvest Party on Friday, October 31 from 1:30-2:30 PM.  Activities planned will include making a harvest craft, making candied apples,  games, and activities centered around fall and harvest.  If you wish to help, you may contact Jen Alberta or Becky Covington.


When:  Next Monday, October 27th

Time:   1:00 – 4:30 pm

Where:  Parking lot behind the HS/JH -Bldg. 6

The Blood Drive is on the first day of Homecoming and each person that donates will give credit to the Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, or Seniors for class points. Please come out and support your favorite class! If you plan on coming, you can either emailrfoshee@fresnochristian.com to schedule a time, or you can just drop in during the available hours.

Following Max’s example of faith and determination we can donate to help others that are fighting health struggles. The Blood Center will be giving away T-shirts and coupons to each donor. For donation information, see the Blood Center website. See you there!



Friday, October 31 – Class Harvest Party

Friday, October 31 – FCS Homecoming Game/Trunk or Treat!



Thursday, November 6 – Biography/Autobiography Due

Saturday, November 8 – Eagles Shop-A-Lot Holiday Boutique

Monday, November 10 – Operation Christmas Child Boxes Due

Tuesday, November 11 – Veteran’s Holiday/No School

Wednesday, November 12 – HAPPY BIRTHDAY MCKENZIE SUE!



November 26-28 – Thanksgiving Vacation/No School















Mrs. Fraser, October 27, 20142016-11-16T22:18:01-08:00

Mr. Miranda October 27, 2014


Next Monday, November 3, both 5th grade classes will set sail aboard the Hawaiian Chieftain out of Sacramento. An information packet will be sent home today. U.S. Coast Guard regulations limit the Hawaiian Chieftain to 39 passengers. Individuals in excess of these numbers will not be allowed on board. Since we have 35 students and 2 teachers participating, only 2 parent chaperones (one from each class) may board the ship. Please let me know if you are interested in being the chaperone for our class by this Wednesday, October 29. We will select the chaperones by lottery on Wednesday.


Students will independently read a book from a different genre each month. Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum  of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.

The genre for the month of October is science fiction. Students should show their selected science fiction book to me for approval. As a response to this literature, students will make a shoebox diorama, with a description of the scene and the page number from the book glued or taped on one side of the box, and the title, author and summary of the book glued or taped on the other side of the box. The students have been given the grading rubric. The shoebox diorama is due this Friday, October 31. Check out the following websites for ideas on making a shoebox diorama.





This week students will continue persuasive writing.


This week we continue adding and subtracting positive and negative integers.

Social Studies:

We have begun student presentations on assigned American Indian tribes.

We will continue presentations throughout the rest of the week.



Students will memorize scripture weekly and take a written test each Friday. The memory verse for this week John 14:21 and the test will be this Friday, October 31. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.


Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them. 

John 14:21



Lesson 12 words will be tested this Friday, October 31.


Lesson 12: Suffixes –ous, -ious, -eous

  1. poisonous
  2. glamorous
  3. joyous
  4. adventurous
  5. disastrous
  6. miraculous
  7. prosperous
  8. courageous
  9. nauseous
  10. luxurious
  11. studious
  12. envious
  13. industrious
  14. infectious
  15. mysterious

 Challenge Words

  1. suspicious
  2. advantageous
  3. spacious
  4. nutritious
  5. outrageous



  • Homecoming: October 31
  • Voyage of Discovery Field Trip: November 3
  • NO SCHOOL Veterans’s Day: November 11
  • NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break: November 26-28
  • End of First Semester: December 5
  • Elementary Drama “A Bag Full of Fables”: December 5
  • K-6 Christmas Program: December 12
  • NO SCHOOL Christmas Break: December 15-January 2
  • School Resumes: January 5


Mr. Miranda October 27, 20142016-11-16T22:18:02-08:00

Mrs. Tally – October 27, 2014


Dear Families,

As we move into this very special season of the year, I trust you and your family will make many memories as we thank God for His many blessings. Our focus at school will be one of gratitude and thankfulness. His mercies are new every morning!!! 

Language Arts – We continue to work on inferential comprehension at school and trust you are doing the same at home as you read with your child. We are also reviewing the problem and the solution in the story. Continue to work faithfully on vocabulary and remembering to read out of the Anthology book and the books that come home on Friday.  It truly makes ALL the difference.

Writing – We will be working on writing about an expository place.

Math -We are working on Chapter 6 with adding and subtracting to 12. Please continue being faithful in doing a 4 minute Math Drill each night.

Social Science – We will be studying “We Love Our Country”. Also, we will be covering the immigrants who have come to America.

Bible – We will be covering  the Ten Commandments.

Eagles Shop-A-Lot- Holiday Boutique November 8, 2014 8AM -1PM FCS Gym We are excited to announce our first Holiday Boutique with Square Heart Shops. The gym will be packed with vendors selling handmade goods and many great items to make your Christmas shopping easy. Supporting our boutique, by shopping or being a vendor, will help raise funds for Fresno Christian and Square Heart Shops. Square Heart Shops is a non-profit organization that asks people to de-clutter their craft closets and donate items to be repurposed and sold to help people who want to adopt, go on mission trips or just need to learn a skill to earn an income. You can visit their website and learn more about their cause at www.squareheartshops.com. If you are interested in being a vendor or volunteering at the boutique, please contact Square Heart Shops directly at shopalot@squareheartshops.com. Vendor applications will be reviewed and accepted based on order received and items being sold.

Thanksgiving Celebration– Our Thanksgiving Blessing afternoon is Monday, November 24th. After lunch and recess we will be making a “Blessing Mix”, doing a craft and having dessert. The festivities will begin at 12:30 PM. There will be a sign-up on the door on Nov 3rd for the needed items for our Blessing Mix. It should be a wonderful time! Many Thanks!

Thanksgiving Unit- We have many activities planned for this unit of study. We will be learning about immigrants in Social Science and the contributions they have made to America. Among the immigrants we will study are the Pilgrims who sailed from England. We will culminate our studies with a Thanksgiving Program with the Kindergartners. First Graders are the Pilgrims and the Kindergartners are the Indians. Second Graders will be Americans.  The program will be on Tuesday, November 25th at 10:45 AM at SMC Main. A.M If you know your child will not be here for the program, please let me know, as that will be helpful in our preparation in assigning parts.. Thanks!

Absences – As we move into the Holiday Season, please e-mail any dates your child may be gone Some may be taking vacations  and I want to be sure your child has everything that is needed to keep up while he/she is gone.

Show and Tell – This week is Team A. Your child can bring something to share two times during the week.

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes are due November 10th. Please consider taking the opportunity to show your child the true spirit of giving at Christmas. Pack a shoe box with your child to send to needy children throughout the world. The children have lists of the suggested items, many of which can be purchased at a dollar store or at reasonable prices. Please be sure to put in only brand new items and include small toys ( no weapons), school supplies, stuffed animals and hygiene items. Most important is to pray over the box and for the child who will receive it. For more suggestions or to download a new form to go with the box, go to samaritanspurse.org. Also, include $7 in an envelope for shipping and handling.

Spirit Day is every Friday. Please wear your favorite FCS shirt.




10-30 – Happy 6th Birthday Meghan Creamier

11-8 – Holiday Boutique – FCS Gym – 8 AM – 1 PM

11-10 – Operation Christmas Child boxes due

11-11 – Veterans Day – No School

11-24 Blessing Afternoon – 12:30 PM

11-25 – Thanksiving Program  10:45 AM – SMC Main

11-26-28 – Thanksgiving Vacation

12-5 – Elementary Drama “A Bag Full of Fables” 7:00 PM

12-9 -K-6 Christmas Program 7 PM 

12-12 – 1st Semester ends

12-15-1-2 – Christmas Vacation – Happy Birthday Jesus

1-5 – School Resumes – Happy New Year

Bible Verse – Oct. 27 – Oct. 31

My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him.  Psalm 62: 1  14 pts.

Spelling – Lesson 16 – Oct. 27-Oct. 31















Mrs. Tally – October 27, 20142016-11-16T22:18:03-08:00

Mrs. Vander Kooi October 27, 2014


FCS Academic


This year’s homecoming theme is “Walking Down Hollywood Blvd: A Hollywood Homecoming.” Mr. Brown has invited our K-6 classes to host a “trunk or treat!” Our class theme is ‘Wreck It Ralph.’ This is a great opportunity for K-6 to show school spirit and support FCS Homecoming. If you are interested in providing a car or helping us decorate, please let our co-room mom, Ruth Williams, know (call/text 470-8425). We are also asking each student to bring a bag or two of candy to class. This Hallowe’en alternative event promises to be great fun and costumes are welcome (no scary ones, please.)


All students are invited to participate in the following dress-up days:

Monday: America Day, red-white-blue or cowboy clothes.

Tuesday: Tacky Tourist, wear any travel related clothing.

Wednesday: Pajama Day, wear your comfortable PJs.

Thursday: Twin Day, grab a friend and dress alike.

Friday: Spirit Day, show your school spirit and go all out!


Next Monday, November 3, both 5th grade classes will set sail aboard the Hawaiian Chieftain out of Sacramento. An information packet will be sent home today. U.S. Coast Guard regulations limit the Hawaiian Chieftain to 39 passengers. Individuals in excess of these numbers will not be allowed on board. Since we have 35 students and 2 teachers participating, only 2 parent chaperones (one from each class) may board the ship. Please let me know if you are interested in being the chaperone for our class by this Wednesday, October 29. We will select the chaperones by lottery on Wednesday.


Students will independently read a book from a different genre each month. Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum  of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.

The genre for the month of October is science fiction. Students should show their selected science fiction book to me for approval. As a response to this literature, students will make a shoebox diorama, with a description of the scene and the page number from the book glued or taped on one side of the box, and the title, author and summary of the book glued or taped on the other side of the box. The students have been given the grading rubric. The shoebox diorama is due this Friday, October 31. Check out the following websites for ideas on making a shoebox diorama.





This week students will continue persuasive writing.


We are currently reading the book, “Sign of the Beaver,” by Elizabeth George Speare. This is a Newbery Honor Book which tells the story of 12 year old Matt as he faces challenges and dangers alone in the Maine wilderness of 1763. This literature study enhances our research of the North American Natives.


This week we continue our study of Chapter 4: Division.


This week we conclude our study of the Native Americans and prepare for our field trip.


This week we continue Unit 3: The Prophetic Writings.


Students will memorize scripture weekly and take a written test each Friday. The memory verse for this week John 14:21 and the test will be this Friday, October 31. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them. 

John 14:21


Lesson 12 words will be tested this Friday, October 31.

Lesson 12: Suffixes –ous, -ious, -eous

  1. poisonous
  2. glamorous
  3. joyous
  4. adventurous
  5. disastrous
  6. miraculous
  7. prosperous
  8. courageous
  9. nauseous
  10. luxurious
  11. studious
  12. envious
  13. industrious
  14. infectious
  15. mysterious

 Challenge Words

  1. suspicious
  2. advantageous
  3. spacious
  4. nutritious
  5. outrageous


  • Homecoming: October 31
  • Voyage of Discovery Field Trip: November 3
  • NO SCHOOL Veterans’s Day: November 11
  • Happy Birthday to Owen McCann: November 25
  • NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break: November 26-28
  • End of First Semester: December 5
  • Elementary Drama “A Bag Full of Fables”: December 5
  • K-6 Christmas Program: December 12
  • NO SCHOOL Christmas Break: December 15-January 2
  • School Resumes: January 5
Mrs. Vander Kooi October 27, 20142016-11-16T22:18:04-08:00

Mrs. Witters October 20, 2014


Dear Parents,                                             October 20, 2014


What a DELICIOUS luncheon!!! ( and sooooo creative!!!) Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and the bottom of our soup bowls!!!! Yummy!


We are learning about health and good nutrition this week. It’s important to eat foods that are good for our bodies. We will learn about the fruit and vegetable groups, the bread and cereal group, the dairy group, and the meat/protein group. We also learn what junk food is!!!

We are thankful for all the things God has given to us. We are practicing Psalm 100 and learning to hide God’s word in our hearts. Please help your child with Psalm 100. This Psalm is part of our special program for the Thanksgiving Celebration.


Our character trait this week is Perseverance; never give up when you are doing what is right and good.   Our Bible verse is “Jesus answered, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6.

Ask your child about Operation Christmas Shoeboxes. The shoeboxes are due November 10th or earlier. This is a great project to do with your child.


Our DISCOVERY CENTER field trip will be November 7. We will meet at 8:00 A.M. and will be back at 11:30 A.M. We will be taking a bus. Siblings may come if you drive your car. WE WILL NOT EAT LUNCH THERE.



     On Tuesday, NOVEMBER 25th, the Kindergarten Indians and the First Grade Pilgrims will be having their annual Thanksgiving Celebration. COME FROM 8:00 until NOON. All parents and grandparents are invited to come from 10:45 to noon and bring your cameras. God has blessed us so much!


                 PLEASE NOTE THESE DATES

November 7           Discovery Center Field Trip (8-11:30)

November 11          Veteran’s Day ( NO school)


November 25         Our Thanksgiving Celebration – kids

come to school at 8:00 and are

dismissed at 12:00



December 9             Christmas Program – EVENING 7-8


December 11           Christmas Party!!!! MORNING


December 12           1/2 Day – come 8:00 –12:00 (Vacation

starts at 12:01 !!!!! )


Thanks in advance for all your help and support. Bless you.


With love,

Mrs. Witters and your “never give up” Kindergartner








Mrs. Witters October 20, 20142016-11-16T22:18:05-08:00

Mr. Miranda October 20, 2014

Reading Comprehension:

Students will continue citing evidence from the text to support their answers to comprehension questions.

SSR: Students will independently read a book from a different genre each month. Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum  of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.

The genre for the month of October is science fiction. Students should show their selected science fiction book to me for approval. As a response to this literature, students will make a shoebox diorama, with a description of the scene and the page number from the book glued or taped on one side of the box, and the title, author and summary of the book glued or taped on the other side of the box. The students have been given the grading rubric. Check out the following websites for ideas on making a shoebox diorama.





This week students will continue using a different strategy to begin a story. In addition, they will continue persuasive writing.



Students are reading about plant life.

Social Studies

Students have been placed in a study group and assigned a specific North American tribe to study. They may use powerpoint, keynote, or some other multimedia presentation software or a presentation board. Boards can be purchased at places like GW School Supply and Target. Using pictures and information they find online and print out, they will put together a presentation for Social Studies with their group. Groups will be given class time to do this, but should dedicate time at home as well. In their groups they will decide what parts of the presentation each member is responsible for.


We are studying the book of Psalms. Parents are encouraged to dialogue with their child about their favorite psalms and share the significance it holds for them.



Students will memorize scripture weekly and take a written test each Friday. The memory verse for this week 2 Corinthians 5:17 and the test will be this Friday, October 24. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

2 Corinthians 5:17


Lesson 11 words will be tested this Friday, October 24.

Words with ti, ci, si and xi

  1. discussion
  2. ancient
  3. anxious
  4. sufficient
  5. partial
  6. explosion
  7. association
  8. conscience
  9. distinction
  10. questionnaire
  11. potential
  12. beneficial
  13. sacrificial
  14. indication
  15. negotiation

Challenge Words 

  1. essential
  2. crucifixion
  3. cancellation
  4. especially
  5. omniscient




  • Joni and Friends Event: October 24
  • PST Movie Night: October 24
  • Homecoming: October 31
  • NO SCHOOL Veterans’s Day: November 11
  • NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break: November 26-28
  • End of First Semester: December 5
  • Elementary Drama “A Bag Full of Fables”: December 5
  • K-6 Christmas Program: December 12
  • NO SCHOOL Christmas Break: December 15-January 2 School Resumes: January 5
Mr. Miranda October 20, 20142016-11-16T22:18:06-08:00

Mrs. Fraser, October 20, 2014




Reference:  Ephesians 5:20

Verse:  Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Definition:  An attitude of being appreciative and grateful for all circumstances that happen to you.

Opposite:  Little appreciation for what God and others do for me.

SPELLING:  Lesson 11

Three-Letter Consonant Spelling Patterns

1. thrill

2. three

3. squall

4. spray

5. shrink

6. school

7. throat

8. strong

9. shrimp

10. thread

11. squeak

12. splinter

13. sprinkle

14. scratch

15. struggle

16. splashed

17. Christian

18. Christmas

High-Frequency Words

19. laugh

20. special

Challenge Words

* rancherias

* constitution



This week we will begin studying telling time by the hour, half hour, quarter hour, to 5 minutes, and to 1 minute.  We will also study how many minutes after the hour and how many minutes before the next hour.  Also covered will be elapsed time.


Our class will be having a Harvest Party on Friday, October 31 from 1:30-2:30 PM.  Activities planned will include making a harvest craft wreath, making candied apples,  games, and activities centered around fall and harvest.  If you wish to help, you may contact Jen Alberta or Becky Covington.


It is here!!  Friday, October 24th at 6:00 PM FCS will host an evening under the star!!  Our main feature will beMR. PEABODY AND SHERMAN shown on a jumbo-tron screen!!  Join us on the West Field for this ALL SCHOOL EVENT!  Free Food! & Free Entertainment!  Don’t forget your lawn chair & blankets!


It is with great pleasure that we announce a special guest speaker coming to FCS  on Friday, October 24.  Joni Eareckson Tada will be speaking to students and their families from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM in the People’s Church auditorium. This is a rare and priceless opportunity to hear an inspiring message from one of today’s most influential Christian speakers.

Each student is allowed to invite two adult guests. The free reservations adult guests must be made by emailing the Joni and Friends Central California office directly: jafcentralcal@gmail.com. Please provide your student’s name, grade, and the names and addresses of the guests. You will be sent an email confirmation. For questions about the event, call the Joni and Friends office directly at 559-227-5664. If you are planning on attending please let Mrs. Devereaux know. Thanks!


We are excited to announce our first Holiday Boutique with Square Heart Shop held at the FSC Gym on November 8, 2014 from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The gym will be packed with vendors selling handmade goods and many great items to make your Christmas shopping easy. Supporting our boutique, by shopping or being a vendor, will help raise funds for Fresno Christian and Square Heart Shops.

Square Heart Shops is a non-profit organization that asks people to de-clutter their craft closets and donate items to be repurposed and sold to help people who want to adopt, go on mission trips or just need to learn a skill to earn an income. You can visit their website and learn more about their cause at www.squareheartshops.com. If you are interested in being a vendor or volunteering at the boutique, please contact Square Heart Shops directly at shopalot@squareheartshops.com. Vendor applications will be reviewed and accepted based on order received and items being sold.


This is a wonderful opportunity to teach our children about giving.  Operation Christmas Child brought smiles to the faces of 100 million poor, sick and suffering children in more than 100 countries last year through shoeboxes filled with school supplies, hygiene items, toys, candy and other small gifts. But these boys and girls received something even more important than a Christmas present. They also leaned about the greatest gift of all—God’s son, Jesus Christ.

Each year, Operation Christmas Child delivers millions of shoebox gifts to children in desperate circumstances around the world. In addition to bringing happiness to boys and girls who other wise wouldn’t receive any presents, this exciting project of Samaritan’s Purse also opens doors for presenting the Good News of Jesus Christ. Through children’s literature and evangelistic programs, many lives are changed for eternity.

We would like to invite you to join us this year as we again reach out to boys and girls in the name of Jesus Christ for children who face a daily struggle against war, persecution, disease, natural disaster, poverty, illness, or neglect. Pray that God will meet their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. The boxes are due on November 7th.


Just a reminder that every Friday is Box Top Drawing Day.
Just a reminder that every Friday is Spirit Day!  Wear your favorite school spirit wear each Friday!  The class with the greatest participation each month keeps the Spirit Trophy and Baldwin the Eagle in their classroom for an entire month!!!  Go Fraser’s Praisers!!!  We can do it!!!!



October 22-24 – K-3 Vision Screening

Friday, October 24 – Joni Eareckson Tada Event at FCS!

Friday, October 24 – /All School Event/Mr. Peabody and Sherman/Night Under the Stars!

Saturday, October 25 – HAPPY BIRTHDAY VIDA DOTY!

Friday, October 31 – Class Harvest Party

Friday, October 31 – FCS Homecoming Game!


Thursday, November 6 – Biography/Autobiography Due

Friday, November 7 – Operation Christmas Child Boxes Due

Saturday, November 8 – Eagles Shop-A-Lot Holiday Boutique

Tuesday, November 11 – Veteran’s Holiday/No School

November 26-28 – Thanksgiving Vacation/No School








Mrs. Fraser, October 20, 20142014-10-19T17:12:19-07:00
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