PC Pierce

About PC Pierce

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So far PC Pierce has created 445 blog entries.

Mrs. Witters May 11, 2015

Dear Kindergarten Parents,                                             May 11, 2015


Can you believe this is our last week before promotion!! We will

be finishing up many projects in class this week. Our character trait is a Servants Heart. Also, we will be sending home report cards on Monday, May 18. Please check your child’s backpack that day.

Please look at the SWIM PARTY sign up sheet on our door. It will remind you what you signed up to bring!!!! Thank you sooo much!


I will not need mommy or daddy helpers this week. Thank you for all your help this year!!! Your check is in the mail ( TEE HEE!!!!!!!)


“K” Promotion is NEXT TUESDAY, May 19. Children come in the morning at 8:00. Promotion Ceremony begins at 10:15. All are welcome! We have the ceremony in the G.L.Johnson Chapel. Following will be a “cookie and punch” reception. Bring your camera and Kleenex!!


The videos will air on Tuesday, May 12 from 5-10 am.  They will be on our KMPH website kmph.com that afternoon for an entire month.  Go to kmph.com, click on Great Day, click on Ten Day Forecast and Great Day Faces and everyone can see them on line. Everyone can also share the videos.

Have a Great Day!




Dates To Remember


May 19                 Promotion – KIDS Come at 8:00. Ceremony begins at


May 20                   Swim Party at Camden’s House – Do NOT come to         school …we meet at Camden’s house from 11:30 – 2:30.

What an AWESOME year we have had!!! I LOVE my Critters!!!!


Mrs. Witters and your serving Kindergartener

























Mrs. Witters May 11, 20152015-05-12T19:21:44-07:00

Mrs. Witters May 4, 2015

Dear Parents,                                                 May 4, 2015



This week is a VERY special week in Kindergarten! On FRIDAY we will be honoring our moms with a Mother’s Tea! Please arrive at 10:15 sharp for a delightful morning of song, tea and “crumpets”, and gifts galore!!!


Our character trait is Politeness. We will be practicing our manners to do our best at the Tea!!


OPEN HOUSE is this Tuesday, May 5. This is a fun evening of looking at our classroom and visiting with one another! ALL are welcome! We love showing off our great school!!! We open at 6:30 and finish up at 7:10. Come visit any time. BBQ is from 5:30 – 6:30.


“K” Graduation is Tuesday, May 19. Kids come in the morning at 8:00. Promotion Ceremony begins at 10:15. All are welcome. A “cookies and punch” reception will follow. Bring your camera and Kleenex!!

Wednesday, May 20, is our Witters Critters End Of The Year Swim Party at Camden’s house from 11:30 – 2:30. I will give a map and more details at the Mother’s Tea.


Please note… May 20 is the LAST DAY of “K”. We do NOT come to school… we just go to the swim party.


This will be the last week for homework!!! I know you are soooooo sad!!! I am not sending books home – read books you have at home




Mrs. Witters and your polite Kindergartener!






May 5             Open House   7 – 8:30   All Welcome!

May 8             Mother’s Day Tea – Moms Come at 10:30

May 19           “K” Graduation – 10:15 a.m.

May 20           Swim Party at Camden’s House 11:30-2:30












Mrs. Witters May 4, 20152016-11-16T22:16:06-08:00

Mrs. Fraser, May 11, 2015

stustarCHARACTER TRAIT:  Accomplishment

Reference:  II Timothy 4:7

Bible Verse:  I have fought the good fight.  I have finished the race.  I have kept the faith.

Definition:  Successfully finishing what I set out to do

Opposite:  Doing a job carelessly or incompletely


Pattern Words – Homophones

1.  to

2.  too

3.  two

4.  wait

5.  weight

6.  rode

7.  road

8.  rowed

9.  piece

10.  peace

11.  cents

12.  sense

13. scents

14.  wear

15.  where

16.  their

17.  there

18.  they’re

High-Frequency Words

19.  once

20.  entire

Challenge Words





Thank you to all who were able to come out and join us for Open House and The Fine Arts Festival Night last Tuesday evening.  The third graders did  a fantastic job square dancing and looked terrific in their Fresno History costumes!  They enjoyed being your personal tour guide for the evening and showing you their hard work and accomplishments for the year.  I am so proud of them!  I also want to thank all of your parents who so diligently helped us prepare for Open House Night by giving of your time and love.  What a blessing you were to me!


I pray you had a beautiful Mother’s Day weekend with your family and felt loved and appreciated.  Mothers  play such an important Godly role in the development of our children and we thank you for all of your love, guidance, patience, and care extended. Thank you for your tremendous help in the classroom this year, field trips, and holiday celebrations.  You are amazing and dearly appreciated!


Amid the fun rewards and activities planned for the next two full weeks, we still will set our focus on finishing strong academically, behaviorally, and spiritually.  Please have your child arrive on time.   Academics will continue as we near the “Finish Line.”  We will run the race God has set before us and set our eyes on Jesus to do our very best!


Try this link recommended by Mr. Robert Hyatt, our technologist specialist, if you have not been able to access SCHOLASTIC READING COUNTS program this weekend:

Here is the link for student access:



This week we will complete our Benchmark Assessments with Scholastic Reading Inventories during i-pad Computer lab reading to measure growth in comprehension lexile scores along with  quarterly assessments in math, and writing.


The end of the 4th quarter is quickly approaching.  Please note that last day for students to turn in re-do assignments or re-take tests will be FRIDAY, MAY 15th.   Please check your child’s  RED HOMEWORK FOLDER for assignments along with grades on Powerschool and make sure they have turned in all assignments.


Please check your child’s weekly Reading Progress Report this Monday to note progress and help set personal goals.  The deadline for completion of the goals listed below is Friday, May 15th.

For a C in Reading:  Earn the Red Award – 50 Points

For a B in Reading:  Earn the Bronze Award – 100 Points

For an A in Reading:  Earn the Silver Award – 250 Points

For an A+ in Reading:  Earn the Gold Award – 500 Points

Twenty to thirty minutes is given daily for silent sustained reading as well as forty-five minutes in Library Experience each week.  Students may also use class time to read after all required daily board assignments are completed.  Students may take quizzes on Scholastic books or Red Star books each Monday during Computer Lab with Mr. Hyatt as well as take supervised quizzes at home each week.  



Ice Cream Party- Student must earn 100 points for Reading Counts OR master their Third Grade Level 4×4 Math facts in addition and subtraction.  (Monday, May 18, 2015 in classroom @ 11:35 AM)

Pizza Party- Students must earn 500 points for Reading Counts OR become a Lifetime Member in our 4 x 4 Math Club. (Tuesday, May 19, 2015 from 11:35 AM-12:25 PM.  Off-Campus/We will walk across the street to Me’N Eds.)

 Students have until Friday, May 15th to complete these goals.


The end of the 4th quarter is quickly approaching.  Friday, May 15th will be the last day for students to turn in re-do assignments.  Please check your child’s grades on Powerschool and make sure they have turned in all assignments.



Thursday, May 14th is our last visit to the library.  All books for our class are to be returned no later than THURSDAY, MAY 14TH.    A NOTICE OF UNRETURNED BOOKS WILL BE ISSUED TO STUDENTS.   There is a fine of $25.00 for each item that is not returned.

Many wonderful titles are lost each year because they are not returned. We greatly appreciate your assistance in getting books back in and onto the shelves so the collection is ready to go again in August.  Please contact me if you have any questions.

Lin Brown, Librarian


299-1695 ext 119


Please look under your beds and in bookshelves at home for any books with Mrs. Fraser’s name or Miss Lepp’s name on the inside cover.  I would greatly appreciate all personal books returned to my own classroom library this week.  Thank you so much!


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We look forward to celebrating the accomplishments of our third graders with a “Class Year-End Swim Party” held at the home of Charlie and Jaime DeGroot, Faith’s parents, on Friday, May 15th from 10:00 AM -2:00 PM.  All are welcome to attend.  There is a sign-up sheet in the hallway near our classroom for food and supplies. A certified lifeguard  will be on duty and is covered through your child’s tuition.

You do not need to come to our campus first.  If you will need a ride from school, please let me know, as we will not be organizing formal carpools. You will also need to pick up your child after the party is over, or make arrangements for them to get home. We will not be going back to People’s Campus.  Again, if you need help with this, just let me know.

Directions to the DeGroot home will be sent home in today’s RED FOLDER.  Please contact Jen Alberta, Becky Covington, OR Jaime DeGroot if you have have any questions.

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As a school reward for the outstanding participation in the FCS fundraisers this year, all elementary students will be invited to the BMX Show this Monday, May 18th from 2:00-2:45 PM on the front parking lot of Peoples Church Campus.  Parents are invited to join us if you would like.


The time to start signing up for FC’s elementary Fall 2015 soccer is almost here!  Sign ups will take place by the pick up area on May 8th, 13th, and 15th.  Flyers will be sent home with all the information on Monday, May 4th.


Thursday, May 14th Grades 1-6  are invited to the last dress rehearsal for this semester’s play, The Girl with the Golden Locks directed by Mr. Broersma, Elementary Drama Director and performed by the 5th and 5th Grades Drama Electives Class.  The performance will take place in the North Lobby Chapel from 8:00 AM-9:00 AM.  Be sure to be on time for school.  Mr. Broersma’s 5th and 6th Grade Drama Classes always deliver a highly entertaining production!!!!

We continue our study in Unit 5 of God’s Law in Exodus with our “Journey from Egypt to Canaan” Booklet.  We will focus on the Old Testament Exodus stories of Moses and Jethro,  The Giving of the Law,  The Ten Commandments:  Love God Above All, and The Ten Commandments:  Love Your Neighbor.


Students have explored an exposure to beginning fractions and this week will be introduced to two-digit and three-digit multiplication with regrouping in preparation for fourth grade.


We  continue practice prompts in personal letters focusing on organizing ideas to include all 5 parts of a personal letter:  date, greeting, body, closing, and signature. We will concentrate on using complete sentences, correct grammar, indentation, capitalization, and punctuation.  We will also complete our Scholastic Reading Inventories this week on Monday, May 11 during Computer Lab to measure our lexile level growth in comprehension.  We will review cursive handwriting techniques for connecting letters and writing fluently.


We will study an Earth Science unit on comparing the sun, moon, and Earth.  We will learn what the moon is like, what it is like to be on the moon, and what the sun is like.  We will study about the motions of Earth each day and throughout the year.  We will explore what causes seasons and eclipses.


We will begin Unit 5 Standing United with Chapter 9:  America’s Cherished Ideals which includes National and Local symbols, American Landmarks, Identifying State Capitals and Borders, Songs and Words of Liberty, Telling Fact from Fiction,  andFighting For Our Freedoms,


Be sure to bring a water bottle every day for the last two weeks of school to help your child stay hydrated during rising temperatures of recess and P.E.


Parents are welcome to attend our last chapel of the year at the People’s Campus on Wednesday, May 20th from 12:45-2:45 PM in the GL Johnson Chapel for Grades 1-4.


Please return all hard bound textbooks by tomorrow including math books, social studies book, science, or language textbooks.  We are conducting textbook inventories.  These books are quite expensive and students will be charged for textbooks they do not return.  Thank you for helping your child be responsible for all school books needing to be returned.


Please continue to bring your backpack to school each day this week.  We will be bringing home several things.


The children will receive their Memory Books on Friday, May 22nd after first recess.  Please send a ball point pen with your child  for an autograph signing time. The pages are glossy, so a marker pen does not work.  The children love this time together and look forward to saying their summer farewells.



Tuesday, May 12 – S.O.A.R. Chapel  8:05 AM- 8:45 AM North Lobby Chapel

Thursday, May 14 – The Girl With the Golden Locks (Assembly for Grades 1-6 8:00 AM-9:00 AM)

Friday, May 15 – The Girl With the Golden Locks/Elementary Drama for Public 7:00-8:00 PM

Friday, May 15 – Third Grade End-of-the-Year Class Swim Party

Monday, May 18 – BMX Show 2:00-2:45 PM

Wednesday, May 20 – Grades 1-4 Awards Chapel 12:45-2:45 PM

Thursday, May 21 – Happy Birthday Miracle Neal!

Thursday, May 21 – Half Day Release at 12:00 PM

Friday, May 22 – Memory/Yearbook Signing/Bring Your Favorite Pen!!

Friday, May 22 – Last Day of School/ Half Day Release at 12:00 PM


Sunday, June 14 – Happy Birthday Mia Alberta!

Sunday, June 28 – Happy Birthday Michael Herrera!

Tuesday, July 21 – Happy Birthday Troy Covington!

Friday, July 31 – Happy Birthday Mrs. Fraser!

Wednesday, August 5 – Happy Birthday Mrs. Dansby!

Tuesday, August 11 – Happy Birthday Alex Fox!

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Friday, May 23 – Memory Yearbook Signing






Mrs. Fraser, May 11, 20152016-11-16T22:16:07-08:00

Mr. Miranda May 11, 2015



Parents, please check PowerSchool for missing assignments, particularly in Math. All missing assignments are due this Friday, May 15th.

HAVE A GREAT DAY:  ???????????????????????????????????????????????????

Last week, Kopi visited our campus and filmed the K-6 students. The videos will air on Tuesday, May 12 from 5-10 am.  They will be on the KMPH website kmph.com that afternoon for an entire month.  Go to kmph.com, click on Great Day, click on Ten Day Forecast and Great Day Faces and everyone can see them on line. Everyone can also share the videos.

CHOIR UNIFORMS: children_choir

Parents, could you please send the choir uniform (skirt, vest, bow tie) to school in a ziplock bag with your child’s name on it? I am collecting them and only have about 10 returned. There is a $30 charge to replace the uniform. Thank you so much.
Mrs. Ainley

END OF YEAR SWIM PARTY:  canstock6355973 swim

 Thank you to Mason’s parents for hosting the year-end swim party on Friday, May 15, from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Mrs. Garrett is providing  subway sandwiches.

Students do not need to come to school first on that day. If your child will need a ride from school to the swim party, please let me know, as we will not be organizing formal carpools. You will also need to pick up your child after the party is over, or make arrangements for them to get back to People’s Church. We will be going back to People’s Campus.  We will have games, art, snacks, and a movie in the afternoon.

 LIBRARY BOOKS:   girl-standing-behind-stack-of-big-books-thumb
As we come to the end of our school year, would you please encourage your students to return all items checked out from the Library. The final due date for all items is Friday, May 1. Reminders of items checked out will be sent to the students the week of May 4. There is a $25.00 fine for each item not returned. Many wonderful titles are lost each year because they are not returned. We greatly appreciate your assistance in getting books back in and onto the shelves so the collection is ready to go again in August. Thank you for your help!
Lin Brown, Librarian
FALL SOCCER 2015 SIGN-UPS: flaming-soccer-ball
The time to start signing up for FC’s elementary Fall 2015 soccer is almost here!  Sign-ups will take place by the pick up area on May 13th, and 15th.

The required reading for the month of May is student’s choice. Since this is a very short and busy month, there will be no written response.


Review of Area of Complex Figures, Triangles.


We continue our study of the digestive system and nutrition.

BIBLE: We continue Unit 7: Luke Writes About the Early Church.



The memory verse for this week is James 1:19 and the test will be this Friday, May 15. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.

James 1:19

SPELLING: Spelling Lesson 35 words will be tested this Friday, May 15.

Lesson 35

  1. customary
  2. folklore
  3. wheelbarrow
  4. decadent
  5. distinguishable
  6. subscription
  7. technique
  8. divisible
  9. composite
  10. circumstantial
  11. cohesion
  12. spatial
  13. essential
  14. residential
  15. influential

Challenge Words

  1. capillaries
  2. tricuspid valve
  3. superior vena cava
  4. ventricle
  5. respiratory


  • Elementary Drama “The Girl with the Golden Locks:”  Friday, May 15
  • Swim Party Friday, May 15
  • BMX show Monday, May 18 @ 10:30
  • Happy Birthday Ainsley Thompson May 19
  • Grades 5 and 6 Awards Assembly: Thursday, May 21 10:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
  • Half Day/Noon Dismissal: Thursday, May 21
  • Yearbook Signing/Last Day of School/Noon Dismissal: Friday, May 22
    • Happy Birthday Derek DeGroot June 2
    • Happy Birthday Olivia Tucker June 10
    • Happy Birthday Carlee Zamarripa June 11
    • Happy Birthday Jordan Ott June 17
    • Happy Birthday Selah Obenauf June 30
Mr. Miranda May 11, 20152016-11-16T22:16:08-08:00

Mrs. Tally – May 11, 2015



Dear Families,

Happy Mother’s Day to our great moms.  You are loved.  I pray you had a wonderful day.

It was so great seeing all of you at Open House.  The children were so excited to share all of their projects.

We are winding down our school year and pulling together all our loose ends.  We will be doing lots of reviewing in Reading and Math. As the weather is warm, please be sure to send water with your child.

GREAT DAY – The videos we taped with Kopi will air on Tuesday, May 12, from 5-10 am.  They will be on the KMPH website kmph.com that afternoon for an entire month.  Go to kmph.com, click on Great Day, click on Ten Day Forecast and Great Day Faces and everyone can see them on line. Everyone can also share the videos.



LANGUAGE ARTS – Please return to school the Anthology books (red or blue).  Also, if you have located any other books that were in the book bags, please return.

Mathematics2MATH –  We are on our Measurement Chapter, however, we will not have a test on this chapter. We will spend a couple weeks reviewing all of our Math skills we have learned this year so the children are ready for 2nd Grade.

cartoon-park-train_~k2144613FIELD TRIP -Our  annual trip to Hanford on the train will be on  May 13th. We will leave at 9:15 AM and return by 1:00 PM. Thank you to all who have offered to drive.  We now have plenty of transportation. All children must be in a booster seat. If you have not returned your permission slip, please do so.  It is a requirement to go.  Please send your child’s booster seat on the morning of the field trip.

SHOW AND TELL – This week will be Team B.

Apple with booksLIBRARY INFOYEAH!!!!  Everyone in our room has returned all their books. Congrats on a job well done!

beach012YEAR END SWIMMING PARTY – Our final celebration of the year will be a swim party  on Tuesday, May 19th, from 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM at the DeGroots. All are welcome to attend. Please check outside our classroom to sign up for the needed items. You will meet at Jordyn’s house at 11:00 AM. You do not need to come to our campus first. If you will need a ride from school, please let me know, as we will not be organizing formal carpools. You will also need to pick up your child at the DeGroots after the party is over, or make arrangements for them to get home. We will not be going back to People’s Campus. I am including a Map Quest direction sheet in the envelope on Monday.

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BMX SHOWOne of our fundraiser awards is the BMX Show.  It will be in the afternoon on  May 18th at 2:00 PM.  All are invited to attend.


soccer-clip-art-5SOCCER SIGN-UPS – The time to start signing up for FC’s elementary Fall 2015 soccer is almost here!  Sign ups will take place by the pick up area on May 8th, 13th, and 15th.  Flyers will be sent home with all the information on Monday, May 4th.


5-13Hanford Field Trip –  9:15 Am – 1:00 PM

5-18 – BMX Show – 2:00 PM

5-19 –  End of Year Celebration – 11:00-2:00 at DeGroots

5-21 – Happy 7th Birthday Kennedy Schwab

5-21 – Early Dismissal at 12:00 PM

5-22 – Last day of school – Dismissal at 12:00 PM

6-4 – Happy 7th Birthday Brooklyn Medeiros 

6-21 – Happy 7th Birthday Arlyn Rylander

8-1 – Happy 8th Birthday Lala Briggs

Spirit Day is every Friday. Please wear one of your favorite FCS shirts!


SPELLING – LESSON 36 –  May 11-15














icon008sBIBLE VERSE – May 11-15

In everything you do put God first, and He will direct your path.  Proverbs 3:16  15 pts.


Mrs. Tally – May 11, 20152016-11-16T22:16:09-08:00

Mrs. Vander Kooi May 11, 2015

fcs initials sm


Parents, please check PowerSchool for missing assignments, particularly in Math. All missing assignments are due this Friday, May 15th.


Last week, Kopi visited our campus and filmed the K-6 students. The videos will air on Tuesday, May 12 from 5-10 am.  They will be on the KMPH website kmph.com that afternoon for an entire month.  Go to kmph.com, click on Great Day, click on Ten Day Forecast and Great Day Faces and everyone can see them on line. Everyone can also share the videos.


Parents, could you please send the choir uniform (skirt, vest, bow tie) to school in a ziplock bag with your child’s name on it? I am collecting them and only have about 10 returned. There is a $30 charge to replace the uniform. Thank you so much.
Mrs. Ainley


 Thank you to Rayleigh’s parents for hosting the year-end swim party on Friday, May 22, from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Our room moms will organize the side dishes. Please let Ruth Williams know if you are willing to help. 

Students do not need to come to school first on that day. If your child will need a ride from school to the swim party, please let me know, as we will not be organizing formal carpools. You will also need to pick up your child after the party is over, or make arrangements for them to get home. We will not be going back to People’s Campus.  Again, if you need help with this, just let me know.

As we come to the end of our school year, would you please encourage your students to return all items checked out from the Library. The final due date for all items is Friday, May 1. Reminders of items checked out will be sent to the students the week of May 4. There is a $25.00 fine for each item not returned. Many wonderful titles are lost each year because they are not returned. We greatly appreciate your assistance in getting books back in and onto the shelves so the collection is ready to go again in August. Thank you for your help!
Lin Brown, Librarian
The time to start signing up for FC’s elementary Fall 2015 soccer is almost here!  Sign-ups will take place by the pick up area on May 13th, and 15th.

The required reading for the month of May is student’s choice. Since this is a very short and busy month, there will be no written response.


W continue Chapter 10: Geometry and Measurement.


We continue our study of the digestive system and nutrition. There will be a test on the Digestive System this Thursday, May 10.

BIBLE: We continue Unit 7: Luke Writes About the Early Church.



The memory verse for this week is James 1:19 and the test will be this Friday, May 15. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.

James 1:19

SPELLING: Spelling Lesson 35 words will be tested this Friday, May 15.

Lesson 35

  1. customary
  2. folklore
  3. wheelbarrow
  4. decadent
  5. distinguishable
  6. subscription
  7. technique
  8. divisible
  9. composite
  10. circumstantial
  11. cohesion
  12. spatial
  13. essential
  14. residential
  15. influential

Challenge Words

  1. capillaries
  2. tricuspid valve
  3. superior vena cava
  4. ventricle
  5. respiratory


  • Happy Birthday Dev Gopal: May 13
  • Elementary Drama “The Girl with the Golden Locks:” May 15
  • Grades 5 and 6 Awards Assembly: May 21 10:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
  • Half Day/Noon Dismissal: May 21
  • Swim Party/Last Day of School/Noon Dismissal: May 22
Mrs. Vander Kooi May 11, 20152016-11-16T22:16:09-08:00

Mrs. E’s Weekly May 4-8th, 2015

Mrs. E’s Weekly, May 4-8th, 2015

That right!! New Name….Same 2nd grade teacher!!

 I got married on April 25th to a fabulous man, and therefore have officially become Mrs. Eldridge.

Click HERE for my complete newsletter.


















high frequency words:



Bible Verse:

And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

Matthew 28:20

Mrs. E’s Weekly May 4-8th, 20152016-11-16T22:16:11-08:00

Mr. Miranda May 4, 2015


FINE ARTS FESTIVAL AND CLASSROOM OPEN HOUSE:         painting-musee-national-beaux-arts-fine-dining-package-hotel-chateau-laurier_2

Come and join us for a fabulous evening of Fine Arts, Music, and Open House on Tuesday, May 5.

5:30-6:30 pm

  • BBQ in courtyard between Building 5 & PC Gym ($2 suggested donation).
  • FC Art display in courtyard.
  • HS Cheerleaders will be selling dessert.

6:30-7:10 pm

  • Classrooms Open

6:30-7:00 pm 

  • Mr. Brown will be hosting a meet & greet for families considering enrollment at Fresno Christian- invite people to attend!!

7:15 pm

  • Square Dancing in Courtyard

7:30 pm

  • Recorders, Choir, & Band performances in PC Gym.

END OF YEAR SWIM PARTY:                         canstock6355973 swim

Thank you to Mason’s Mom, Shauna Garrett, for hosting the swim party on Friday, May 15, from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Students will bring a sack lunch. Mrs. Brooks will be sending out more information.

Students do not need to come to school first on that day. If your child will need a ride from school to the swim party, please let me know, as we will not be organizing formal carpools. You will also need to pick up your child after the party is over, or make arrangements for them to get back to school. We will be going back to People’s Campus and enjoy snacks, movies, and games.  Again, if you need help with transportation, just let me know.

LIBRARY BOOKS:              images books

As we come to the end of our school year, would you please encourage your students to return all items checked out from the Library. The final due date for all items is Friday, May 1. Reminders of items checked out will be sent to the students beginning the week of May 4. There is a $25.00 fine for each item not returned. Many wonderful titles are lost each year because they are not returned. We greatly appreciate your assistance in getting books back in and onto the shelves so the collection is ready to go again in August. Thank you for your help!

Lin Brown, Librarian

ELEMENTARY PICK UP AND DROP OFF:                car_riders

Parents, please remember not to use the parking lots at the east end of building 5. They are reserved, per our agreement with People’s church, for Kids Inc. drop off and pick up. Many families are not following this policy and it jeopardizes our relationship with the organizations we share the campus with.


The required reading for the month of April is student’s choice and the written response is a poster illustrating the protagonist and the antagonist, with a memorable quote from each, due Friday, May 1. Students will be given the poster paper in class. Please put the name of the book and the author’s name on the back of the poster.

The required reading for the month of May is student’s choice. Since this is a very short and busy month, there will be no written response.

Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum  of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.


This week we review volume, area, and perimeter.


This week we continue our study of the circulatory and digestive systems.


BIBLE: We continue Unit 7: Luke Writes About the Early Church.


The memory verse for this week is  and the test will be this Friday, May 8. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:19

Spelling Lesson 34

  1. possibility
  2. sheepish
  3. defendant
  4. alternative
  5. irritant
  6. assistant
  7. brilliant
  8. compliant
  9. extravagant
  10. ignorant
  11. migration
  12. agriculture
  13. breakable
  14. tolerable
  15. notable

Challenge Words

  1. circulatory
  2. aorta
  3. cardiovascular
  4. chamber
  5. pulmonary

SPELLING: Spelling Lesson 34 words will be tested this Friday, May 8.


  • Spring Open House: May 5
  • Year-end Convocation/Day of Prayer: May 7
  • Swim Party May 15
  • Elementary Drama “The Girl with the Golden Locks:” May 15
  • Happy Birthday Ainsley Thompson May 19
  • Grades 5 and 6 Awards Assembly: May 21 10:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
  • Half Day/Noon Dismissal: May 21
  • Happy Birthday Derek DeGroot June 2
  • Happy Birthday Olivia Tucker June 10
  • Happy Birthday Carlee Zamarripa June 11
  • Happy Birthday Jordan Ott June 17
  • Happy Birthday Selah Obenauf June 30


Mr. Miranda May 4, 20152016-11-16T22:16:12-08:00

Mrs. Vander Kooi May 4, 2015

fcs initials sm


Join us for a fabulous evening of Fine Arts, Music, and Open House on Tuesday, May 5.

5:30-6:30 pm
  • BBQ in courtyard between Building 5 & PC Gym ($2 suggested donation).
  • FC Art display in courtyard.
  • HS Cheerleaders will be selling dessert.
6:30-7:10 pm
  • Classrooms Open
6:30-7:00 pm 
  • Mr. Brown will be hosting a meet & greet for families considering enrollment at Fresno Christian- invite people to attend!!
7:15 pm
  • Square Dancing in Courtyard
7:30 pm
  • Recorders, Choir, & Band performances


This Thursday, May 7, is the National Day of Prayer.  We will once again be joining believers around the country to pray for the Lord to do a work among us.  The National Day of Prayer is an annual observance inviting people to pray for our nation.
We will spend time together (K-12) worshipping, seeking the Lord, and agreeing together for our leaders both locally and nationally.  All parents and families are invited to join K-12 classes to corporately give praise to the Lord. At the end of the event, students will be dismissed to class to resume their regular schedules for the day.
Thank you to Rayleigh’s parents for hosting the year-end swim party on Friday, May 22, from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Our room moms will organize the food and drinks. Please let Ruth Williams know if you are willing to help. 

Students do not need to come to school first on that day. If your child will need a ride from school to the swim party, please let me know, as we will not be organizing formal carpools. You will also need to pick up your child after the party is over, or make arrangements for them to get home. We will not be going back to People’s Campus.  Again, if you need help with this, just let me know.


Congratulations to our Young Authors finalists: Max Hinton (first place), Micah Sue (second place) and Sophia Reynoso (third place). Be sure to buy a copy of Max’s book ($1) at the Open House on Tuesday! All proceeds from the book sales go towards supporting our library.

As we come to the end of our school year, would you please encourage your students to return all items checked out from the Library. The final due date for all items is Friday, May 1. Reminders of items checked out will be sent to the students the week of May 4. There is a $25.00 fine for each item not returned. Many wonderful titles are lost each year because they are not returned. We greatly appreciate your assistance in getting books back in and onto the shelves so the collection is ready to go again in August. Thank you for your help!
Lin Brown, Librarian
The time to start signing up for FC’s elementary Fall 2015 soccer is almost here!  Sign-ups will take place by the pick up area on May 8th, 13th, and 15th.  Flyers will be sent home with all the information on Monday, May 4th.

The required reading for the month of May is student’s choice. Since this is a very short and busy month, there will be no written response.

Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum  of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.


There will be a test on Chapter 9: Multiplication and Division of Decimals this Tuesday, May 5. Then we begin Chapter 10: Geometry and Measurement.


There will be a test on the circulatory system this Thursday, May 7. Students should use their packet and answered questions as a study guide.

BIBLE: We continue Unit 7: Luke Writes About the Early Church.



The memory verse for this week is Philippians 4:19 and the test will be this Friday, May 8. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:19

SPELLING: Spelling Lesson 34 words will be tested this Friday, May 8.

Lesson 34

  1. possibility
  2. sheepish
  3. defendant
  4. alternative
  5. irritant
  6. assistant
  7. brilliant
  8. compliant
  9. extravagant
  10. ignorant
  11. migration
  12. agriculture
  13. breakable
  14. tolerable
  15. notable

Challenge Words

  1. circulatory
  2. aorta
  3. cardiovascular
  4. chamber
  5. pulmonary


  • Spring Open House: May 5
  • Year-end Convocation/Day of Prayer: May 7
  • Happy Birthday Dev Gopal: May 13
  • Elementary Drama “The Girl with the Golden Locks:” May 15
  • Grades 5 and 6 Awards Assembly: May 21 10:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
  • Half Day/Noon Dismissal: May 21
  • Swim Party/Last Day of School/Noon Dismissal: May 22
Mrs. Vander Kooi May 4, 20152016-11-16T22:16:13-08:00
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