PC Pierce

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Miss Nolte Sep. 2, 2014

Nolte Newsletter

September 2nd-5th, 2014


Parent Teacher Conferences are coming soon. Please check the scheduled time and date you have been given to make sure you can make it. Return the bottom portion to me no later than Sep. 9th.


A letter from our Room Mom is in your child’s Special Delivery Folder. Please read it, and contact Dawn Hinton if you have any questions.


I am doing a weekly Behavior Report for some students that are pulling yellow cards more often then I would like. Please check your child’s folder for one. If you have any questions please email me, and please help me remind them about classroom rules:

*Raise your hand before speaking and getting up.

*Show respect to the teacher and your peers.

*Try your hardest and do your best!!


Spelling words

Test on Friday, Sep. 5th













Please help your child study every night at home. Here are some ideas:

*SPELLING WEBSITE: www.spellingcity.com/kristinnolte this site has games, stories, and quizzes all using our words for the week.

*practice tests

*write 3x each

*dictate them orally to you

*cut up the letters and unscramble them


Bible Verse

“The wise in heart accept commands, but a chattering fool comes to ruin.”

Proverbs 10:8

This week’s test will be a fill in the blank. Try your best with spelling. Study at home:

*create hand motions

*word scramble

*write 3x

*oral practice every day


This week in class:

Tuesday: Music & PE

Wednesday: Library

Math: More practice with subtraction as well as Problem Solving and Number Sentences. We are starting timed tests this week. They will be given 8 minutes to complete 100 problems. When a child gets 100% correct they move on to the next test.

Lang. Arts and Reading Groups: First week went great. Working with the students one-on-one has been very beneficial in assessing their strengths and needs.

Science: We are charting our plant’s growth and continuing to talk about living things and what they need to survive.

Social Studies: “The Land Around Us.” We will be finishing this unit soon. The test will be on Tuesday, Sep. 9th. Attached is a list of vocabulary words and their definitions. The students should be studying at home. The test will be multiple choice and fill in the blank.

Bible: We will be talking about the great Flood this week.


Elementary Spirit Days

Fresno Christian Schools Spirit Days are here! Starting this Friday and every Friday after, wear your FCS Spirit Wear. At the end of each month the K-6 class with the highest percentage of Spirit Wear worn will be the keeper of the FCS Eagle Trophy for a month! So wear your Fresno Christian Spirit Wear with pride. Go Eagles!!!

Moms in Prayer

Any woman desiring to pray for our children and Fresno Christian School.

Join us for a powerful time of prayer!

Fridays from 8:00 – 9:00 am

Peoples Church, Room 204

Contact: Janet Moore 448-0947 or rjdamoore@att.net


Box Tops for Education

This year we will again be participating in the Box Tops for Education fundraiser. Each Box Top collected is worth cash for our school. As an incentive we will be having a class contest. The class bringing in the most Box Tops at the end of this promotion will receive a “prize”. We will post class totals monthly in the Elementary Office window.

Please hand in your trimmed Box Tops in a Ziploc bag or envelope, labeled with your child’s/teacher’s name and the amount of Box Tops to your teacher. Every Friday the student bringing in the most for the week from each class will get to choose something from the Treasure Box in the Elementary Office.

You can find a list of Box Tops online at: www.boxtops4education.com.


Upcoming Dates:

Labor Day, No school: Monday, September 1st

Picture Day: Tuesday, September 9th

Parent-Teacher Conferences: Sep 15-19th (Early Release all week)

Grandparents Day: Friday, October 3rd

September Birthdays:

Jack, Sep. 1st

Haiylee’, Sep. 9th

Joshua, Sep. 17th

Weekly Riddle:

What has to be broken before you can use it?

Miss Nolte Sep. 2, 20142014-09-03T07:39:58-07:00

Mr. Miranda September 1, 2014

Dear Parents,

I hope you had a relaxing long weekend with your families. Now it’s time to look ahead to parent conferences. Your child will bring home a conference sheet on Tuesday, September 2, listing the day and time of your conference with me. Please contact Kerry Roberts in the office to reschedule if the time allotted to you is inconvenient. Please note I will be out for my wedding/honeymoon September 12-17.


Your fundraising money AND order forms must be turned in on September 11th. Packets must be given to your teacher ASAP that morning. The PST Board will be counting as soon as the packets have been collected from each class. Delivery for items will be Thursday, October 9th behind Building 5.


Fresno Christian Schools Spirit Days are here! Starting this Friday and every Friday after, wear your FCS Spirit Wear. At the end of each month, the K-6 class with the highest percentage of Spirit Wear worn will be the keeper of the FCS Eagle Trophy for a month! So wear your Fresno Christian Spirit Wear with pride. Go Eagles!!!


Any woman desiring to pray for our children and Fresno Christian Schools is invited to join us for a powerful time of prayer!

Fridays from 8:00 – 9:00 A.M.

Peoples Church, Room 204

Contact: Janet Moore 448-0947 or rjdamoore@att.net


 Grades K-6 will be dismissed at 12 noon, Monday-Friday, September 15 – 19, 2014.

Please note I will be out for my wedding/honeymoon September 12-17. This means I will schedule conferences for the 18th and 19th as well as the following week if necessary.


This year we will again be participating in the Box Tops for Education fundraiser. Each Box Top collected is worth cash for our school. As an incentive, we will be having a class contest. The class bringing in the most Box Tops at the end of this promotion will receive a “prize.” We will post class totals monthly in the Elementary Office window.

Please hand in your trimmed Box Tops in a Ziploc bag or envelope, labeled with your child’s/teacher’s name and the amount of Box Tops to your teacher. Every Friday, the student bringing in the most for the week from each class will get to choose something from the Treasure Box in the Elementary Office.

You can find a list of Box Tops online at: www.boxtops4education.com.


Students will independently read a book from a different genre each month. Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum  of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework. The genre for the month of September is mystery. Students should show their selected mystery book to me for approval. Students will write a “Response to Literature” for this book, due at the end of September. Students should wait to write the “Response to Literature” until after I have finished teaching it in class. At that time, a grading rubric will be sent home and students may begin to work on the response.


This week students will continue to practice writing summaries and personal opinions of stories in preparation for the 1st Quarter writing assessment, Response to Literature.


Currently we are adding and subtracting whole numbers and decimals. Regrouping is sometimes necessary. Some problems have zero(s) in the regrouping process.

Social Science: 

This week we continue our study of the Olmec and Mayan Indians. Students will learn the meaning of the following words:

civilization, government, custom, tradition, hieroglyph, class, pueblo

We will have an open book test this Friday.


This week we continue our study of the Pentateuch.


SCRIPTURE MEMORY VERSE: Next week our verse will be the same as Mrs. Vanderkooi’s class.

Students will memorize scripture weekly and take a written test each Friday.

The test will be this Friday, September 5. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

       Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God— 2 the gospel he promised beforehand through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures 3 regarding his Son    Romans 1:1-3a


Lesson 4 words will be tested this Friday, September 5. The definitions test is matching words with their definitions.

Lesson 4

  1. decorate
  2. apply
  3. delay
  4. employ
  5. study
  6. suppose
  7. exciting
  8. married
  9. envy
  10. sturdy
  11. frighten
  12. panic
  13. relay
  14. prepare
  15. reply

Challenge Words

  1. paralyzing
  2. memorizing
  3. concentrating
  4. preferred
  5. quarreled


  • Elementary Pictures: September 9
  • Parent/Teacher Conferences: September 15-19 (DISMISSAL at 12 NOON)
  • Elementary Picture Retakes: October 7
  • NO SCHOOL Veterans’s Day: November 11



Mr. Miranda September 1, 20142016-11-16T22:19:23-08:00

Mrs. Witters September 2, 2014

Dear Parents,                                September 2, 2014


This week we will be learning about safety. Our character trait is Obedience. We are learning to do things the first time we are asked with a happy spirit. Please write a note if your child is exhibiting any of the character traits we have studied.


Our memory verse this week is, “Call to me and I will answer you.” Jeremiah 33:3


Our sight word this week is “my”. So far we have learned “the” and “can”.


We are enjoying our weekly music lesson. I know you are hearing lots of “Joyful Noise!!”


Please remember to read the books sent home in the plastic bag and sign their Reading Log. These books and Reading Log are due back on THURSDAY with their homework folder. Please be careful with these books. There will be a fee to replace them if they get lost. Thank you for your help and cooperation!


Please remember to go to our website weekly and check out all the new activities for the week. Our weekly newsletter is posted and the past weeks too.


Amy ( Max’s mom), Kristen (Tanner’s mom), Christine (Callie’s mom) and Melissa (Williams’ mom) are our room moms. They will be asking for help with lots of activities in the future.


Elementary Spirit Days

Fresno Christian Schools Spirit Days are here! Starting this Friday and every Friday after, wear your FCS Spirit Wear. At the end of each month the K-6 class with the highest percentage of Spirit Wear worn will be the keeper of the FCS Eagle Trophy for a month! So wear your Fresno Christian Spirit Wear with pride. Go Eagles!!!



Moms in Prayer

Any woman desiring to pray for our children and Fresno Christian School.

Join us for a powerful time of prayer!

Fridays from 8:00 – 9:00 am

Peoples Church, Room 204

Contact: Janet Moore 448-0947 or rjdamoore@att.net




September 9         Picture Day


September 15-19  Parent Conferences ( ALL kids

Leave at 12:00)


October 3             Grandparents Day

October 17           Pumpkin Patch (morning)


Mrs. Witters and your Obedient Kindergartner


P.S.   Remember homework is due on THURSDAY.



Mrs. Witters September 2, 20142014-09-01T07:00:42-07:00

Mrs. Fraser, September 2, 2014


Reference:  Ephesians 4:25

Verse:  Therefore, each of  you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body.

Definition:  Truthful words and ways

Opposite:  Misleading others through lying words or deceitful actions


LESSON 4 Sept. 2-5

Pattern Words: Long e-  e, ey, ie, y

1.  brownie

2.  monkey

3.  secret

4.  pieces

5.  honey

6.  equal

7.  grief

8.  yield

9.  only

10.  icy

11.  keys

12.  busy

13.  chief

14.  valley

15.  sleepy

16.  snowy

17.  beyond

18.  believes

High-Frequency Words

19.  favorite

20.  against

Challenge Words

*  plateau

*  landform



Due to the shortened week, Red Homework Folders with completed work or make up work will be due on Friday of this week.


Fresno Christian Schools Spirit Days are here! Starting this Friday and every Friday after, wear your FCS Spirit Wear. At the end of each month the K-6 class with the highest percentage of Spirit Wear worn will be the keeper of the FCS Eagle Trophy for a month!   So wear your Fresno Christian Spirit Wear with pride. Go Eagles!!!


Any woman desiring to pray for our children and Fresno Christian School is invited to join us for a powerful time of prayer!

Fridays from 8:00 – 9:00 am

Peoples Church, Room 204

Contact: Janet Moore 448-0947 or rjdamoore@att.net


Picture Day is coming soon! Elementary pictures will be taken on Tuesday, September 9th..  See attached order form. 


This year we will again be participating in the Box Tops for Education fundraiser. Each Box Top collected is worth cash for our school. As an incentive we will be having a class contest. The class bringing in the most Box Tops at the end of this promotion will receive a “prize”. We will post class totals monthly in the Elementary Office window.

Please hand in your trimmed Box Tops in a Ziploc bag or envelope, labeled with your child’s/teacher’s name and the amount of Box Tops to your teacher. Every Friday the student bringing in the most for the week from each class will get to choose something from the Treasure Box in the Elementary Office. You can find a list of Box Tops online at: www.boxtops4education.com.


Grades K-6 Parent conference forms will be coming home today with your child’s Homework  Folder.  Early dismissal will begin on Monday, September 15 at 12:00 through Friday, Sept. 19t  See attached form.


As the workload increases, please check your child’s folder for any incomplete assignments not finished in class.  Students should finish and return assignments for an improved score.  Students may also take any daily unfinished assignments home to complete and return the next day.  This is a developmental skill which needs to be encouraged and nourished on a weekly basis.  It is part of learning to use time wisely in class.  Thank you for helping our little ones grow in responsibility of assignments.


Your fundraising money AND order forms must be turned in on September 11th. Packets must be given to your teacher ASAP that morning. The PST Board will be counting as soon as the packets have been collected from each class. Delivery for items will be Thursday, October 9th behind Building 5.


Our class will begin an independent reading program.  Students will be involved in reading books covering several genres of literature including, fiction, biography, science, poetry, Bible/Christian themes, folk tales, fables, historical fiction, sports, travel, and hobbies. Students will be assigned a specific category of books to read for a book report.  Students should choose a book from the school, home, class, or public library that is age and ability appropriate.

After reading the book, students will participate in a variety of book report project styles as assigned by the teacher which may include:  mobiles, diorama, puppetry, book jackets, written or oral book reports, book boxes, book posters, 3D book reports, etc.  You will find attached to the newsletter specific directions for each project as assigned along with a due date.  Students will be marked down a full grade for reports turned in late.

Our first book report will be to read a fiction chapter book and then complete the FANCY FOLDER book project attached to your newsletter.     See attached grading rubric indicating expectations for total points possible.    The book report project is to be completed outside of class.  FANCY FOLDER Display fiction book report projects are due Thursday, October 2nd.


The Reading Counts Program is a school-wide incentive reading program to develop fluency and comprehension in reading.  Students are inspired to read literature books from their recommended LEXILE reading list.  The program is under a new host this year so teachers will let you know when the program is accessible and ready to launch.


It is time for our first book order of the year!  The opportunity to order books will be offered monthly.  Scholastic publishes excellent books  for children at a moderate price.  Purchases will be made ONLINE ONLY.  Today you will find a parent information letter for online ordering with details. To order online, sign in or register at:  scholastic.com/reading club.   For first time orders, enter our Class Activation Code:  L9NJ4.  I will not be accepting checks or cash.  You may order from several catalogues or reading levels.  Orders will need to be placed by Tuesday, September 30 3:00 PM.  Thank you!


Third graders will begin to write expository person paragraphs.   We will write descriptions of people, places, or objects.  We will learn to use concrete sensory details or descriptive words to present and support unified impressions of people, places, or objects.  Students will learn to use a rubric to analyze their writing.  Students will be tested on these writing skills through Benchmark Assessments at the end of the first quarter.


This week  third graders will be finishing up Chapter 1 in Place Value.  Math homework will focus on review concepts.   Our test will be on Friday, September 5.   Please look over your child’s math work together, correct errors, review, and return math work for possible improved scores.


All students who reach the third grade level goal of mastering  Form A and Form B of 100 facts in Addition and Subtraction Facts Sums Through 18 in 4 minutes will receive an ice cream party.  All third graders who reach the goal of mastering Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, and Mixed Facts of Form A and Form B in 4 minutes will become Lifetime Members and will be rewarded a pizza party.



Tuesday, September 9 – Elementary Pictures

Thursday, September 11 – Fall Fundraiser Ends


September 15-19 – Parent/Teacher Conferences (Dismissal at 12 Noon)





Mrs. Fraser, September 2, 20142016-11-16T22:19:24-08:00

Mrs. Tally – September 2, 2014




Dear Families, Welcome September!!!! I trust you had a wonderful and relaxing Labor Day weekend spending time with those you love. Now we are ready to jump back in the saddle in Room 524!!! It has been quite a ride these first few weeks. It has challenging for some, but the children are doing a good job adjusting to a new grade and accelerated expectations as well. So much progress has already been made. Our everyday routines are becoming more automatic and familiar which begins to build confidence. Thank you to our parent helpers who have helped facilitate this growth. I am grateful for your investment in the lives of Tally’s Treasures.

Dismissal Info – If you have children at different grades with different dismissal times, please pick up your child that is dismissed first and then wait for your older child. Many children are lingering, waiting for their parent to pick them up when the older sibling is ready. This ends up being a 20-25 min wait. If your child has permission to meet you in a different place other than the pirate ship or wait for a sibling, please send written permission with your signature and we will allow them to do this. Many thanks for your help in this matter. We just want to be sure our younger students are safe and secure.

Language Arts – Reading groups are going great, as is Spelling and Writing. Journal writing is a free write, using inventive spelling, and the high frequency words. I am stressing the components of a proper sentence using capital letters and punctuation with legible handwriting……. imagine that !!!! These are all standards based skills. They are encouraged to incorporate descriptive words in their journal entries. Your child will be binging a book bag home on Friday with some books to read.  These will be returned every Friday.  There will be a journal for you to write down all the books they have read, even those you read that weren’t assigned.

Writing – We began working on our Benchmarks for Quarter One.We are are working on an  Expository person.

Math – We have completed Contract 1. Most did an excellent job on their test.Remember to always turn in the Chapter Review on the day of the test because it is with 10 pts. in my grade book. The next chapter introduces subtraction..  The requirements for the First Grade club are facts to 10 in addition and subtraction, completing 100 in four minutes. Requirements for the Second Grade club are facts to +18, 100 in four minutes. Please be faithful in doing a 4 minute drill at home each night. Your consistency will really help your child be successful in this skill. Let me know when you need more drills at home . My goal for some of  them is to get to subtraction facts to 20 and for some multiplication.  Every year some do.

Science – We will study living and non-living things with a focus on Apples. We will make a theme book learning how an apple develops and grows, as well as learning all the things you can do with an apple.We culminate our unit at the end of the month by making applesauce and enjoying other apple treats and activities. Such fun!

Bible –  We will finish up Noah. Please be faithful in practicing the Bible Verse. We say it many times at school as well. 

Social Science – We are studying Land Around Us .

Show and Tell – Show and Tell is for Team A this week. Your child can bring two times during the week.

Portrait Day – Picture Day is coming soon! Elementary pictures will be taken on Tuesday, September 9. Watch for order envelopes in the near future.

Fall Fundraiser – Your fundraising money AND order forms must be turned in on September 11th. Packets must be given to your teacher ASAP that morning. The PST Board will be counting as soon as the packets have been collected from each class. Delivery for items will be Thursday, October 9th behind Building 5.

Elementary Spirit Days
Fresno Christian Schools Spirit Days are here! Starting this Friday and every Friday after, wear your FCS Spirit Wear. At the end of each month the K-6 class with the highest percentage of Spirit Wear worn will be the keeper of the FCS Eagle Trophy for a month! So wear your Fresno Christian Spirit Wear with pride. Go Eagles!!!

Moms in Prayer
Any woman desiring to pray for our children and Fresno Christian School.
Join us for a powerful time of prayer!
Fridays from 8:00 – 9:00 am
Peoples Church, Room 204
Contact: Janet Moore 448-0947 or rjdamoore@att.net

Sustained Silent Reading – As a way to wind down and cool off, we are having a Sustained Silent Reading time of 15 minutes after lunch recess. The children will need to bring a book from home to keep in their backpacks. Thank you!!


Grades K-6 will be dismissed at 12 noon, Monday-Friday, September 15 – 19, 2014.



Spirit Day every Friday!!!!


 9- 1 – Labor Day/No School

 9- 9 – Elementary School Pictures

9-11 – Fundraiser Due

9- 15-19 – Parent/Teacher Conferences (Dismissal at 12 Noon)

9-17 – Happy 6th Birthday Kiley Griffin

9-27 – Happy 7th Birthday Allison Inks

10-7 – Picture Retakes




Bible Verse – Sept.2- 5  

Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.  Psalm 136:1  13 pts

Spelling – Lesson 3 – Sept. 2-5













Mrs. Tally – September 2, 20142016-11-16T22:19:24-08:00

Mrs. Vander Kooi September 2, 2014

FCS Academic

Dear Parents,

I hope you had a relaxing long weekend with your families. Now it’s time to look ahead to parent conferences. Your child will bring home a conference sheet on Tuesday, September 2, listing the day and time of your conference with me. Please contact Kerry Roberts in the office to reschedule if the time allotted to you is inconvenient.


Your fundraising money AND order forms must be turned in on September 11th. Packets must be given to your teacher ASAP that morning. The PST Board will be counting as soon as the packets have been collected from each class. Delivery for items will be Thursday, October 9th behind Building 5.


Fresno Christian Schools Spirit Days are here! Starting this Friday and every Friday after, wear your FCS Spirit Wear. At the end of each month, the K-6 class with the highest percentage of Spirit Wear worn will be the keeper of the FCS Eagle Trophy for a month! So wear your Fresno Christian Spirit Wear with pride. Go Eagles!!!


Any woman desiring to pray for our children and Fresno Christian Schools is invited to join us for a powerful time of prayer!

Fridays from 8:00 – 9:00 A.M.

Peoples Church, Room 204

Contact: Janet Moore 448-0947 or rjdamoore@att.net


 Grades K-6 will be dismissed at 12 noon, Monday-Friday, September 15 – 19, 2014.


This year we will again be participating in the Box Tops for Education fundraiser. Each Box Top collected is worth cash for our school. As an incentive, we will be having a class contest. The class bringing in the most Box Tops at the end of this promotion will receive a “prize.” We will post class totals monthly in the Elementary Office window.

Please hand in your trimmed Box Tops in a Ziploc bag or envelope, labeled with your child’s/teacher’s name and the amount of Box Tops to your teacher. Every Friday, the student bringing in the most for the week from each class will get to choose something from the Treasure Box in the Elementary Office.

You can find a list of Box Tops online at: www.boxtops4education.com.


Dear Parents-

The Elementary choir is already sounding fantastic. What a great group of children; I can tell we are going to have a great time learning to sing. I am sending this document through your classroom teacher’s newsletter, but I am also posting it on Schoology.com. This is the format  for information I will use for all my groups this year. If you don’t know, I am teaching the HS Concert Choir and Ladies Ensemble this year, as well as elementary and JH choirs. So, if you are using schoology for your child’s class, here is the code to join my course: 83DK9-J3W9W

When you log on, you will see this document, plus links to songs we are learning. The children may listen to the songs at home if they like, to help them learn the words and melody. On the right hand side of the course page you will see concert dates. I will continue to add information as the year moves along. Of course, you may email me at sainley@fresnochristian.com or you can call/text me at 999-7064 anytime.

FALL CONCERT: Monday, October 6, 7:00 pm in the GL Johnson Chapel. The entire choral department will sing in a short (less than an hour) concert. All the students from elementary through high school choir will join together and sing two songs, plus their own selections. I look forward to seeing you there.

CHRISTMAS CONCERT: still being planned, but tentatively schedued for Tuesday, December 9. Will let you know ASAP.

CHORAL FESTIVAL: each year we participate in the Vocal Arts Choral Festival in the beautiful performing arts  center at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. I am sending in our registration form this week, asking for March 27. We are gone all day, singing in the morning, and playing at the beach in the afternoon.

CONCERT ATTIRE: we have (loaned)vests and bow ties for boys. They need black pants, shoes and socks, and a white long-sleeved shirt. This will be their concert attire for the whole year. The girls will be loaned a skirt. I usually ask each girl to provide a white blouse of their choice, but we are currently looking to purchase a uniform blouse that will be loaned out. (I’ll let you know if you need to get one or not).The girls need black, flat, closed toe shoes, no socks (flesh colored tights are ok, and so are bare legs) and a black headband, any style, to keep their hair out of their face.

Please do let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Mrs. Ainley


Students will independently read a book from a different genre each month. Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework. The genre for the month of September is mystery. Students should show their selected mystery book to me for approval. Students will write a “Response to Literature” for this book, due at the end of September. Students should wait to write the “Response to Literature” until after I have finished teaching it in class. At that time, a grading rubric will be sent home and students may begin to work on the response.


This week students will continue to practice writing summaries and personal opinions of stories in preparation for the 1st Quarter writing assessment, Response to Literature.


This week students will learn how to read and write decimals, compare and order decimals less than one, round decimals and compare and order decimals and whole numbers. There will be a test on these concepts next week.


This week we begin our study of weather.


This week we continue our study of the Pentateuch.



Students will memorize scripture weekly and take a written test each Friday. The memory verse for this week is Romans 6:23 and the test will be this Friday, September 5. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 6:23


Lesson 4 words will be tested this Friday, September 5.

Lesson 4

  1. decorate
  2. apply
  3. delay
  4. employ
  5. sturdy
  6. suppose
  7. exciting
  8. married
  9. envy
  10. study
  11. frighten
  12. panic
  13. relay
  14. prepare
  15. reply

Challenge Words

  1. paralyzing
  2. memorizing
  3. concentrating
  4. preferred
  5. quarreled


  • NO SCHOOL Labor Day: September 1
  • Happy Birthday to Joseph Veselsky
  • Elementary Pictures: September 9
  • Parent/Teacher Conferences: September 15-19 (DISMISSAL at 12 NOON)
  • Choir Fall Concert: October 6, 7:00 P.M.
  • Elementary Picture Retakes: October 7
  • NO SCHOOL Veterans’s Day: November 11


Mrs. Vander Kooi September 2, 20142016-11-16T22:19:25-08:00

Mr. Heinz Class Info

At any time you may go online to read our class newsletter at www.schoology.com. Once you are in Schoology click on Courses at the top and select 6th Grade. The newsletter will be updated MONTHLY and can be accessed online at any time.

Also, many of our assignments are completed and stored on your students Google Drive account. Your student has a separate login for their Google Drive account. They will need to share that login with you for you to access those assignments.

Grades are posted weekly on powerschool, if an assignment is missing it will show as a 0 in powerschool until the assignment is turned in and will be updated the next time grades are entered.


Thank you!

Mr. Heinz

Mr. Heinz Class Info2014-08-27T12:31:59-07:00

Mrs. Ferguson/Kight Newsletter Link

At any time you may go online to read our class newsletter at www.schoology.com. Click on the website link and then click Sign Up, then click on the word Parent and then type in our access code as follows: 6SF-3KX-8CR. Once you are in Schoology click on Courses at the top and select 4th Grade. The newsletter will be updated MONTHLY and can be accessed online at any time.

Mrs. Ferguson/Kight Newsletter Link2014-08-25T17:04:20-07:00

Mrs. Fraser, August 25, 2014


CHARACTER TRAIT:  Obedience                        

Reference:  Ephesians 6:1

Verse:  Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

Definition:  Doing what I am told with a happy spirit

Opposite:  Doing what I want to do


LESSON 3:  Long e:  ea, ee, ei

1.   leaf
2.   beat
3.   easy
4.   jeans
5.   steep
6.   really
7.   mean
8.   eager
9.   reach
10.  queen
11.  speed
12.  street
13.  please
14.  breeze
15.  receive
16.  deceive

17.  cleaned

18.  between


19.  said

20.  says

* carnivore
* herbivore



Our Elementary Newsletter Program experienced computer technical difficulties which prevented posting of newsletters.   Thank you for your patience in the delay of publishing Monday’s newsletter.  Your child will receive a printed newsletter on Tuesday of this week.


Thanks to all who were able to attend the Back to School Night last Tuesday.  If you were not able to come, a Back to School Night Packet was sent home with your child the following day with content on curriculum, schedules, dress code, field trips, and other items.  You may wish to take time to look through the packet when you have a quiet moment.  Thanks so much!


Our class wishes to thank Vida’s mom, Juliet Doty, for the incredible visit to our classroom on Friday as part of our study of the forest habitat.  Mrs. Doty volunteers with the Fresno Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation.  She is currently caring for two injured owls, a great horned owl and a pygmy owl, which are used for education throughout the greater Fresno area.  She brought these fascinating creatures along with her and the kids were dazzled!

Mrs. Doty shared with our third graders the owls’ feather patterning in relation to where the live, their camouflage, how they hunt, what they eat, the nature of their pellets and why they have them.   Juliet also taught students about the difference between nocturnal, diurnal, and crepuscular along with the nictitating membrane of the eye.  The children learned how amazing God made owls!!


Third graders will have a math test on Friday, September 29 over Chapter 1 Place Value.   A Pre-Test study guide along with math homework was sent home on Monday in the Red Homework Folder to prepare for the test.  You may return the completed work by Thursday or Friday of this week.


Only 2 weeks left to sell!  Students, be sure to get in on a LOT of GREAT prizes by selling as much as you can to your friends, family members, and neighbors. With so many choices like Signature gift catalog items, cookie dough, magazines and VIP cards, you’re bound to have something available to sell to everyone. Don’t forget to tell them that we are raising the money for our co-curricular actives like Music, Art, Drama, Spanish and PE. Without this money, those activities don’t exist!

Your fundraising money AND order forms must be turned in on September 11th. Packets must be given to your teacher ASAP that morning. The PST Board will be counting as soon as the packets have been collected from each class. Delivery for items will be Thursday, October 9th behind Building 5.


Please check your child’s grades on Powerschool weekly.  You will want to save your child’s work each quarter in a file at home and send in anything that doesn’t coincide with Powerschool so I can check for possible changes.

Your child may re-do any assignment below a 70% that comes home in Monday’s packet for a better grade.  If they are going to make changes, please return it to me by  Thursday of each week.  Thank you for your support and for helping your child succeed!!


Any work not completed in class, such as math, reading. language or spelling, is considered homework and needs to be returned the following day.    Please communicate with me if there was a valid reason as to why a child was not able to complete an assignment. Thank you for your partnership in this area.


Be sure to check with the office and obtain a visitors pass BEFORE entering the classroom.


Picture Day is coming soon!  Elementary pictures will be taken on Tuesday, September 9.  Watch for order envelopes in the near future.


Conferences are the week of September 15-19. Monday through Friday of that week will be minimum release days at 12:00 noon.


Show your school pride each Friday and wear your favorite FCS shirt!


Monday, September 1 – Labor Day/No School

Tuesday, September 9 – Elementary School Pictures

September 15-19 – Parent/Teacher Conferences (Dismissal at 12 Noon)























Mrs. Fraser, August 25, 20142016-11-16T22:19:26-08:00

Mrs. Tally August 25, 2014





Dear Families,

Our Newsletters experienced a corruption at the end of last week and everything was lost.   I will just add a few important details for this week since the other newsletter is gone.  

Reading – Your child will be bringing home a red book that matches the current vocab with a story to read. Also, review the ones already read.  

Tuesday  -Math Test – Chapter review due  

Bible  – Noah  

Social Science – Continuing Chap 1  

Bible Verse

Noah Did everything just as God commanded him.  Genesis 6:22  11 pts  

Spelling –















NO SCHOOL Labor Day: September 1

Elementary Pictures: September 9

Parent/Teacher Conferences: September 15-19 (DISMISSAL at 12 NOON)

Elementary Picture Retakes: October 7

NO SCHOOL Veterans’s Day: November 11

Mrs. Tally August 25, 20142016-11-16T22:19:27-08:00
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