PC Pierce

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Mrs. Hancox April 22, 2014


Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome back from Easter Vacation. I trust you and your family had a blessed Easter.

This week is a short week. We will continue with subjects where we left off. These subjects are as follows:

READING: County Reports

This week, students will begin to assemble their project boards. Be sure your child has brought to school their project board and any desired border. The completed research project is due the last week in April and will be displayed during Open House on May 6th.

MATH:  We will continue our studies in coordinates and graphing and incorporate it into our studies of Science: Water, Weather, Solar System

SOCIAL STUDIES: This Tuesday, the remaining 2 polis groups will perform their Greek play!

BIBLE: We continue Unit 6 which focuses on Gospel Writings: Jesus’ Death, Resurrection and Ascension.

BIBLE MEMORY VERSE: Hebrews 11:1  

11 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

SPELLING and VOCABULARY: Science Terms (students need to be able to spell and define the 10 words)

1.  evaporation-the process by which liquid changes to vapor

2.  condensation-the process by which water vapor is changed to liquid

3.  precipitation-the process by which water from clouds falls back to earth

4.  saturated-full of moisture

5.  reservoirs-a man made structure to hold wate

6.  aqueducts-man made structures to carry or transport water

7.  recycle-to process waste in order to regain materials for use

8.  matter-something that occupies space, has mass, and can exist

ordinarily as a solid, liquid, or gas

9.  temperature-the relative hotness or coldness of a body or an environment

10. pesticide-a poison used to kill pests



  • PTF Talent Show, Friday, April 25, 7:00-8:00 P.M.
  • End of Year Convocation: Monday, May 1 at 8:00 A.M.
  • Elementary Fine Arts Open House, Tuesday, May 6, 6:30 – 9:00 P.M.
  • Half Day: Wednesday, May 7 – Dismissal at 12:00 noon
  • Chapel: Tuesday, May 13, 8-8:45 A.M.
  • Elementary Drama “The Bible in 30 Minutes or Less,” Friday, May 16, 7:00 P.M.
  • Grades 1-4 Awards Assembly: Wednesday, May 21 at 12:30 P.M.
  • Grades 5-6 Awards Assembly: Thursday, May 22, 10:30 A.M. – Dismissal at 12:00 noon
  • High School Graduation: Thursday, May 22, 7:00 P.M.
  • Last Day of School: Friday, May 23, Hancox Class Swim Party at Copper River County Club 9am-12pm
Mrs. Hancox April 22, 20142016-11-16T22:19:53-08:00

Mrs. Fraser, April 22, 2014



Reference:  I Timothy 4:12

Bible Verse:  Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity.  

Definition:  Keeping clean motives and desires by allowing the Holy Spirit to have control of my life

Opposite: Impure thoughts and ways


Pattern Words-Plural Nouns

1.  mice

2.  sheep

3.  knives

4.  geese

5.  moose

6.  shelves

7.  heroes

8.  glasses

9.  indexes

10.  pennies

11.  women

12.  rockets

13.  waltzes

14.  brushes

15.  galaxies

16.  switches

17.  potatoes

18.  telescopes

High-Frequency Words

19.  chapel

20.  famous

Challenge Words





I pray you had a wonderful Easter vacation together as a family celebrating Christ’s Resurrection.  The stone was rolled away and we can live eternally with Jesus forever!!  In Chapel this Tuesday morning, April 22  at 8:05 AM our third grade class will share some Easter Resurrection songs we have been learning this spring with elementary students in the North Lobby Chapel.

Andi Bull, Zoe’s mom, will be coming to share as our guest speaker.  There will also be a special prayer time for Micah Friesen and his family as we approach Micah’s surgery on May 16. You received a beautiful email from Kori about Micah’s journey and we invite you to join the FCS family in prayer as we lift their family up to our Heavenly Father.


We have a wonderful surprise in store!  The Fresno Philharmonic Youth Concert was not offered as planned this year as scheduled.  So instead, we will be taking a field trip adventure to the Coke Hallowell Center for River Studies on the San Joaquin River Friday, May 2, 2014.  Included will be:

1)  Tour of the historical Riverview Ranch and hands-on interactive exhibits

2)  Hike along Hidden Homes Nature Trail and Pond with binoculars

3)  Games that encourage students to learn about the local wildlife and migration habits

4)  Activities and games teaching students about the river and history of water in our valley

5)  Visit to the River Gift Shop

6)  Picnic Lunch on the beautiful garden grounds

Students’ admission is prepaid in their tuition cost.  Chaperoning, carpooling parents receive free admission.  Bring a sack lunch and drink.  Midmorning snacks will be provided by our room mothers.  We will leave at 8:30 AM on Friday, May 2 and return at 1:00 PM.  Travel will be by carpool.  If you would like to serve as a carpooling chaperone, please fill out the form which will go home on Wednesday, April 23 and return it no later than FRIDAY, APRIL 25.   If you prefer, you may email me at cfraser@fresnochristian.com.  Please let me know the number of students you can transport.  Also, check the guidelines for driver verification on our school website and make sure your information is current.  Thank you so much!!


The Cornology Popcorn orders for our Spring Fundraiser will be delivered to students in our classrooms on Wednesday, April 23.  Students will bring them home with them tomorrow for delivery to customers who ordered.  Thank you so very much for participating in helping FCS!!!


As a school reward for the outstanding participation in the FCS fundraisers this year, all elementary students will be invited to the BMX Show this Thursday, April 24 from 10:30-11:30 AM on the front parking lot of Peoples Church Campus.  Parents are invited to join us if you would like.


We are concluding Unit 4  The Exodus with the Passover, Exodus, and Israel’s Celebration.  We will begin our journey booklets entitled “The Journey From Egypt to Canaan.”  We will study how God brings the Israelites out of slavery  into the wilderness wanderings where He teaches them about justice, forgiveness, trusting, love, and compassion throughout their grumblings and complaining at Mount Sinai.  We will learn how God gives His people the Ten Commandments as laws to guide them and lead them through the desert.  We will learn how God gives us the Ten Commandments to help us grow spiritually.


Today you will find the May Scholastic Book Order in your child’s GREEN Homework Folder.  This will be our last book order for the school year.  Included are 3 choices including:  May 2014 Lucky/ More Choice for Elementary Grades, May 2014 Lucky Scholastic Reading Club for Third Graders, and May 2014 Camp Read-A-Lot for Grades 3-6.  

You can also browse an expanded collection of carefully selected titles for your child online.  When you place your order online, you’ll help earn FREE books for our class!  It’s fast and easy.  Register at www.scholastic.com/bookclubs.  Use our one-time Class Activation Code when you register:  L9NJ4  Submit your online order to me.  Your checkout is secure and you pay with a credit or debit card.  The deadline for May orders will be Friday, May 10.  (Online orders only).  I will submit orders that day at 3:30 PM and they will arrive the following Friday, May 16.


This week we will continue our study of pronouns including subject nouns, object nouns, possessive nouns, and noun pronoun agreement.  We will also be writing our final drafts of our short Fresno History Pioneer Reports for our Fresno History Boards. After Open House, we will focus on the 5 elements of  letter writing.   Students need to faithfully continue reading their Scholastic Red Star Books for weekly computer quizzes.   A minimum of 1 Reading Counts quiz is required per week with opportunities on Wednesdays and Fridays to take quizzes in Computer Lab.  Students may also take quizzes at home with adult supervision.


We are preparing our Fresno History Boards for Open House in class.  They include famous Fresno pioneer leaders including Martin Theo Kearney, Dr. Richard Meux, George Roeding, and Dr. Chester Rowell as well as  landmarks and symbols of Fresno.  We wish to personalize our boards.  Students may bring a 4″ x 6″  (or smaller) picture of themselves in and around Fresno possibly at a field trip or another place of interest.   For example, it could be a photo with an activity  such as visiting “The Big Fresno Fair”  and panning for gold or in the Fresno Fort.  It might be your child at the Meux Home Museum or at one of the landmarks on the Historic Walking Tour of Fresno.  We are writing our final draft short reports this week and will be getting ready to assemble our shared boards.  So think about a small touch you might like to add whether it is a postcard or item to add to make it extra fun and special.  These are due on Friday, April 25.


This week we dive into division concepts and will discover how multiplication and division are related.  We will divide by 2, 5,  and learn division rules.  Continue to practice your multiplication facts along with addition and subtraction facts.


As we continue to learn about the early beginnings of Fresno up near Millerton (once a boomtown  for the during the Gold Rush of 1849), we are also learning about Life on the San Joaquin River and the critters that inhabit our local area.

After Open House, we will learn about electrical safety outdoors including:  electricity from power lines, looking for hazards, and safe places to play.


We are expecting to enjoy a wonderful evening of talent this coming Friday, April 25 from 7:00-8:00 PM.  There will be singers, dancers, poets, instrumentalists, and actors!   Throughout the evening we will partake of the rich variety of special desserts provided by FCS families.  Admission for the evening will be a donation of your family’s favorite cookies  (only cookies please.)  We ask that you guide your child as they plan their presentation.  Children need to be sure that their selections are suitable for an audience of Christian parents and children.  A PTF Talent Show sign-up form was sent home on Thursday, April 3 and is due by Tuesday, April 22.


Come and join us for a fabulous evening of Fine Arts, Music, and Open House on Tuesday, May 6 at 6:30 P.M. We will begin in our classroom and then head out to the Chapel of People’s Church for the Fine Arts Festival.

As part of “Fresno History Day” third graders will dress up as Fresno pioneers for the square dancing performance planned by Mrs. Ainley, our music teacher that evening.  Students may come dressed in any of the following ways:  Yokut Native American, fur trapper, gold miner Fresno pioneer, cowboy, or cowgirl.


Parents please note: As we come to the end of our school year would you please encourage your students to return all items checked out from the Library. The final due date for all items checked out is Friday, May 2.  Reminders of items checked out will be sent to the students beginning the week of May 5. There is a fine of $25.00 for each item that is not returned.

Many wonderful titles are lost each year because they are not returned. We greatly appreciate your assistance in getting books back in and onto the shelves so the collection is ready to go again in August. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Lin Brown, Librarian 299-1695 ext, 119


At Back to School night I addressed our class Math & Reading Counts Goals. They were as follows:  ICE CREAM PARTY- Student must earn 100 points for Reading Counts OR master their Grade Level 4×4 Math facts.  PIZZA PARTY- Students must earn 500 points for Reading Counts OR become a Lifetime Member in our 4x 4 Math ClubStudents have until Friday, May 9th to complete these goals.


As the year draws to a close, we would like to gather as a family to celebrate all that God has done for us.  Thursday, May 1st is the National Day of Prayer and our School Community Council believes that would be the perfect day to come together as an entire school.  All of you (parents, grandparents, family, and friends) are invited to join the teachers, students, administration, and staff as we gather together for this ending convocation held in the Peoples’s Church sanctuary.  It is a time of celebration, worship, and prayer as we end our year with thanksgiving and praise.

The service begins at 8:00 AM and will end by 8:30 AM.  All students K-12 are to report directly to the sanctuary by 7:55 AM.  Every class will be designated with a sign and balloons, making it easy to locate your child’s class.  It is exactly the same as our opening convocation seating arrangement.  You are welcome to sit with your child in their designated area or if you have more than one student attending Fresno Christian, choose where you would like to sit.  I look forward to seeing all of you at this closing event as we end our year acknowledging God’s hand upon us through prayer, worship, and heartfelt celebration.


Our final celebration of the year will be Thursday, May 22th, from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM. at Micah Friesen’s house.   This is a Half Day.  All are welcome to attend.  We will meet at Preston and Kori Friesen’s house at 10:00 AM.  You do not need to come to our campus first.

If you will need a ride from school, please let me know, as we will not be organizing formal carpools. You will also need to pick up your child after the party is over, or make arrangements for them to get home. We will not be going back to People’s Campus.  Again, if you need help with this, just let me know.

Directions to the Friesen home will be sent home in May.  Please contact Patty Steele and Emily Phillips if you would like to help with food or activities.



Thursday, April 24 – BMX Show

Friday, April 25 – PTF Talent Show 7:00-8:00 PM




Thursday, May 1 – Year End Convocation 8:00 AM

Friday, May 2 – Coke Hallowell Center River Studies Field Trip

Tuesday, May 6 – Open House at People’s Campus & Fine Arts Festival 6:30-9:00 PM

Wednesday, May 7 – Teacher In-Service – School dismissed at 12:00 PM



Wednesday, May 21 – Grades 1-4 Awards Chapel 12:30-2:00 PM

Thursday, May 22 – HALF DAY / NOON RELEASE FOR GR. K-12

Thursday, May 22 – Class Swim Party @ Micah Friesen’s House 10:00 AM -1:00 PM





Mrs. Fraser, April 22, 20142016-11-16T22:19:54-08:00

Mrs. Tally – April 22, 2014


Dear Families,

HE HAS RISEN INDEED!!!!!! Welcome back to school!!!!  I trust you had a wonderful vacation, relaxing with friends and family, celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We are ready to dig right in and finish strong as our year begins to wind down, but there is still lots of learning and fun to enjoy!!!

cat-sleeping-on-stack-of-books-thumbLANGUAGE ARTS  In  READING, we will continue with our Literature series Andi’s Pony. They are enjoying the sequels in this study very much. We will also continue to do other comprehension that focuses on drawing inferences from text in preparation for 3rd grade. WRITING – We will begin reviewing from last year the Key Word Outline for our 4th Quarter Benchmark.  Since it was also a First Grade benchmark, this should come pretty easily to them.

Math imagesMATH – We will begin a unit on Time and Calendar as well as continuing to review tripe digit adding and subtraction as well as other previously taught skills.

SOCIAL SCIENCE– We will continue with our unit on the Marketplace.

CrossBIBLE – We will be studying the Ascension and Jesus’ promise that He would be with us always.

fieldtrpTHE UGLY DUCKLING –  We will be going to the Tower Theatre to see this musical.  The date is Tuesday, May 13th.  We will be traveling in carpools, leaving at 10:15 AM with a show time of 11:00 AM. 

WORK ENVELOPE – Please send back the envelope that went home before vacation by Friday, April 25th.

violin_clipartTALENT SHOW – We would love to have many of Tally’s Treasures share at the yearly Talent Show on April 25th. The form that came home last week is due April 22nd. This is always a fun evening to showcase the talents God has given our students.

eagleEND OF YEAR CONVOCATION– As the year draws to a close we would like to gather as a family to celebrate all that God has done for us. Thursday, May 1st is the National Day of Prayer and our School Community Council believes that would be the perfect day to come together as an entire school. All of you (parents, grandparents, family, and friends) are invited to join the teachers, students, administration, and staff as we gather together for this ending convocation held in the Peoples’ Church sanctuary. It is a time of celebration, worship, and prayer as we end our year with thanksgiving and praise.The service begins at 8:00 am and will end by 8:30. All students K-12 are to report directly to the sanctuary by 7:55 AM. Every class will be designated with a sign and balloons, making it easy to locate your child’s class.It is exactly the same as our opening convocation seating arrangement. You are welcome to sit with your student in their designated area or if you have more than one student attending Fresno Christian, choose where you would like to sit.I look forward to seeing all of you at this closing event as we end our year acknowledging God’s hand upon us through prayer, worship, and heartfelt celebration.

openhouseOPEN HOUSE –  The Fine Arts Festival is coming up in May. Our final book project will be a diorama to display at Open House on May 6th.  It will not be due until the morning of Open House. The rubric for this assignment came home in the Homework Folder on March 14th. This is a very fun project. Use your creativity!!!!! We will also do an Oral Presentation on our project .

SHOW AND TELL – This week will be Team A.  

images booksLIBRARY INFO – Parents please note: As we come to the end of our school year would you please encourage your students to return all items checked out from the Library. The final due date for all items checked out is Friday, May 2. Reminders of items checked out will be sent to the students beginning the week of May 5. There is a fine of $25.00 for each item that is not returned. Many wonderful titles are lost each year because they are not returned. We greatly appreciate your assistance in getting books back in and onto the shelves so the collection is ready to go again in August. Please contact me if you have any questions.    Lin Brown, Librarian 299-1695 ext, 119  

10042372-kids-in-swimming-poolYEAR END SWIMMING PARTY – Our final celebration of the year will be Monday, May 19th, from 10:30 AM – 1:30 PM. at the Poplin home. All are welcome to attend. You will meet at Colby’s house at 10:30 AM. You do not need to come to our campus first. If you will need a ride from school, please let me know, as we will not be organizing formal carpools. You will also need to pick up your child after the party is over, or make arrangements for them to get home. We will not be going back to People’s Campus.  Again, if you need help with this, just let me know. Directions to the Poplins will be sent home in May. The Poplins have graciously offered to fix hamburgers and hot dogs.  In May there will be a sign-up sheet outside our classroom door for the other items needed for our party.


4-22 Last day of Easter Vacation – He Is Risen! Hallelujah for the Cross!!!
4-25 – PTF Talent Show 
5-1 – End of Year Convocation – 8:00 AM-9:00 AM -People’s Church Sanctuary
5-6 – Elementary Fine Arts Festival – 6:30-9:00 PM
5-7 – Teacher Inservice – School dismissed at 12:00 PM
5-9 – Happy 8th Birthday Kaiden Garcia
5-10 – Happy 8th Birthday Joshua Beckwith
5-19 – Year End Swim Party at the  Poplins – 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
5-21 – Happy 8th Birthday Miracle Neal
5-21 – Awards Assembly for Grades 1-4 – 12:30 PM -2:00 PM
5-22 – Early Dismissal – School dismissed at 12:00 PM
5-23 -Last Day of School – School dismissed at 12:00 PM  – SUMMER BEGINS!!


Spirit Day is every Friday.  Please wear one of your favorite FCS shirts!



Bible Verse – April 22-25

Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Ephesians 6:1  14 pts

Spelling  –  April 22-25 -Lesson 34





















Mrs. Tally – April 22, 20142016-11-16T22:19:55-08:00

Mrs. Witters April 7, 2014

Dear Parents,                       April 7, 2014


We will be talking about Easter and it’s meaning this week.  Praise God for our school where we can talk freely about Jesus!  Our character trait is forgiveness. NO HOMEWORK THIS WEEK! READ BOOKS YOU HAVE AT HOME!


This Friday is our Easter Party and Fresno State Farm trip.  We are having a picnic and party with our tour.  Be at school by 8:00.  We will ride the bus.  We’ll be back to school by 12:00.  DON’T FORGET TO BRING A SACK LUNCH! We will provide an Easter dessert and have an Easter Egg Hunt!!!!  Wear your Witters Critters shirt.


Remember Easter vacation begins April 12  and ends April 21.  We return to school on TUESDAY, April 22..


Have a wonderful vacation!  I’ll miss my Critters!!!!


Bless you,

Mrs. Witters





April 11                  F.S.U Farm Tour and Easter Party – A.M.

April 12-22           EASTER VACATION

May 6                    OPEN HOUSE – 7-8 (Drop in anytime)

May 7                    Teacher Inservice – come 8:00-12:00

May  9                   Mother’s Tea Party- 10:30 a.m.

May 20                 Promotion – A.M.


May 21                  “K” Swim Party and LAST DAY OF “K”






Mrs. Witters April 7, 20142014-04-07T07:00:05-07:00

Mrs. Tally – April 7, 2014

easter-lettering1 Dear Families,

I pray you will have a wonderful, blessed vacation next week, enjoying time with family and friends as we celebrate our RISEN SAVIOR!!!  He Lives!!!!

musicFIELD TRIP – We will be singing at the Stephen Care Homes for Easter on Tuesday, April 8th, from 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM.  If you have not returned your permission slip, please do so ASAP.  It is a requirement in order to ride in a carpool.  The Stephens will graciously provide the kids with a pizza lunch at Gettysburg Park.  Fruit, veggies, chips, dessert and water are being provided by Tonia Loeffler, Desiree Rocha, Judy Williams, Sharon Karraker, Hannah Serimian, Jen Alberta and Kelly Mynderup.  You will NOT need to send a lunch with your child on this day. We are BLESSED!!!!

eagleKMPH – Grades K-6  have the opportunity to promote FCS by a visit from Kopi Sotiropulos of Great Day. We will meet out on the field on the bleachers for the 10 day forecast. After the field event, Grades 2&3 will meet with Kopi for a weather presentation.  It should be a great time.  So be sure and check KMPH 26 for pictures!!!! Please wear Spirit Wear!!!!

School_Clip_Art_151LANGUAGE ARTS  In READING, we will continue with our Literature series Andi’s Pony. They are enjoying the sequels in this study very much. We will also continue to do other comprehension that focuses on drawing inferences from text in preparation for 3rd grade. WRITING – We will begin reviewing from last year the Key Word Outline for our 4th Quarter Benchmark.  Since it was also a First Grade benchmark, this should come pretty easily to them.

mathMATH – We will have our Chapter 12 Test on Thursday morning.  The Chapter Review is also due on that day. We will start the Time and Calendar Chapter after vacation.

fieldtrpTHE UGLY DUCKLING –  We will be going to the Tower Theatre to see this musical.  The date is Tuesday, May 13th.  We will be traveling in carpools, leaving at 10:15 AM with a show time of 11:00AM. Parents are eligible for the group rate of $5.50, but this will need to be paid by the time we leave for vacation on April 11th.  Originally, we had until April 23rd, however, they now want our payment by April 13th. If you can help with transportation, please sign up outside our classroom door.

SOCIAL SCIENCE – We will be studying the Marketplace.  This chapter has some great concepts about resources and money.  We will also discuss what God says about our needs and our wants. alleluia-easter-draped-cros

BIBLE – We will be studying the Easter story, focusing on the death and resurrection of Jesus.

WORK ENVELOPE – We WILL NOT bring our work envelope home on Monday, April 7th, but we will bring it home on Thursday, April 10thwhich will include the Easter curriculum. Please return by April 25th.

SHOW AND TELL – This week will be Team B. Your child can show twice during the week.. images-5

EASTER CELEBRATION –  We will be having an Easter Celebration on April 11th,  from 1:00-2:40 PM. Our time will begin with the Stations of the Cross.  I will be reading scripture and we will also be “nailing” our names to the cross. This will be a very meaningful time for the children.  After we have had this activity, we will celebrate our Risen Lord.  Each child is to bring 12 filled, plastic Easter eggs for our egg hunt. Otherwise, we have everything we need  for our party.  Many thanks!!! openhouse

OPEN HOUSE –  The Fine Arts Festival is coming up in May. Our final book project will be a diorama to display at Open House on May 6th.  It will not be due until the morning of Open House. The rubric for this assignment came home in the Homework Folder on March 14th. This is a very fun project. Use your creativity!!!!! We will also do an Oral Presentation on our project .

SHOW AND TELL – This week will be Team B.

talent_showTALENT SHOW – We would love to have many of Tally’s Treasures share at the yearly Talent Show on April 25th. The form that came home last week is due April 22nd. This is always a fun evening to showcase the talents God has given our students. 

FCSlogoEND OF YEAR CONVOCATION– As the year draws to a close we would like to gather as a family to celebrate all that God has done for us. Thursday, May 1st is the National Day of Prayer and our School Community Council believes that would be the perfect day to come together as an entire school. All of you (parents, grandparents, family, and friends) are invited to join the teachers, students, administration, and staff as we gather together for this ending convocation held in the Peoples’ Church sanctuary. It is a time of celebration, worship, and prayer as we end our year with thanksgiving and praise.The service begins at 8:00 am and will end by 8:30. All students K-12 are to report directly to the sanctuary by 7:55 AM. Every class will be designated with a sign and balloons, making it easy to locate your child’s class.It is exactly the same as our opening convocation seating arrangement. You are welcome to sit with your student in their designated area or if you have more than one student attending Fresno Christian, choose where you would like to sit.I look forward to seeing all of you at this closing event as we end our year acknowledging God’s hand upon us through prayer, worship, and heartfelt celebration. 

 books-rowLIBRARY INFO – Parents please note: As we come to the end of our school year would you please encourage your students to return all items checked out from the Library. The final due date for all items checked out is Friday, May 2. Reminders of items checked out will be sent to the students beginning the week of May 5. There is a fine of $25.00 for each item that is not returned. Many wonderful titles are lost each year because they are not returned. We greatly appreciate your assistance in getting books back in and onto the shelves so the collection is ready to go again in August. Please contact me if you have any questions.    Lin Brown, Librarian 299-1695 ext, 119

lostnfndLOST AND FOUNDBefore you go home for Easter vacation, be sure and check the Lost and Found up in the hallway of Building 5.  We have a LOT of unclaimed clothes, umbrellas, lunch boxes, backpacks, etc.  Any items left on Friday, April 11th will be donated to charity.



4-11 – Easter Celebration – 1:20 PM
4-14 – 4-21 – Easter Vacation – He Is Risen! Hallelujah for the Cross!!!
4-25 – PTF Talent Show 
5-1 – End of Year Convocation – 8:00 AM-9:00 AM -People’s Church Sanctuary
5-6 – Elementary Fine Arts Festival – 6:30-9:00 PM
5-7 – Teacher Inservice – School dismissed at 12:00 PM
5-9 – Happy 8th Birthday Kaiden Garcia
5-10 – Happy 8th Birthday Joshua Beckwith
5-19 – Year End Swim Party at the  Poplins – 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
5-21 – Happy 8th Birthday Miracle Neal
5-21 – Awards Assembly for Grades 1-4 – 12:30 PM -2:00 PM
5-22 – Early Dismissal – School dismissed at 12:00 PM
5-23 -Last Day of School – School dismissed at 12:00 PM  – SUMMER BEGINS!!


Spirit Day is every Friday.  Please wear one of your favorite FCS shirts!



images-7Bible Verse – April 7-11

He is not here, for He is risen, just as He said.  Matthew 28:6  15 pts.


 Spelling  – April 7-11 – Lesson 33





















Mrs. Tally – April 7, 20142016-11-16T22:19:56-08:00

Mrs. Fraser, April 7, 2014


Easter:  Christ’s Resurrection

Reference:  John 11:25

Bible Verse:  Jesus said to her, “I am the Resurrection and the life.  He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies.”


Pattern Words:  Suffixes -ful, -less, -ly, -ness, -y

1.  wavy

2.  shaky

3.  windy

4.  lazily

5.  quickly

6.  mostly

7.  friendly

8.  suddenly

9.  spotless

10.  careless

11.  penniless

12.  beautiful

13.  graceful

14.  peaceful

15.  forgetful

16.  darkness

17.  happiness

18.  fearlessness

High-Frequency Words

19.  away

20.  soldiers

Challenge Words

* chateau

*  M. Theo Kearney



Please note that due to a FCS Track and Field sporting event on Friday, April 11 involving several  3rd grade students, our class Easter Celebration has been changed to Thursday, April 10 from 1:20-2:30 PM.  Celebration activities will take place on the athletic field.

Thank you for all the wonderful help in planning and preparing for this special experience for our third graders.  We appreciate your thoughtful kindness to our class and an opportunity to fellowship together as we enter the Easter season and celebrate Christ’s Resurrection and our Hope of Glory with Him!!!!


This Thursday, April 10, 2014  elementary students have an opportunity to promote FCS for free!  Kopi Sotiropulos from KMPH News Channel 26 will be coming to FCS to film the TEN DAY WEATHER FORECAST AND GREAT DAY FACES!!!  Students are encouraged to wear FCS spirit wear!

Grades 1-6 will meet Kopi on the athletic field bleachers at 11:00 AM. Kopi will do the TEN DAY WEATHER FORECAST first.  Students will sit by class.  It is recommended that classes arrive early at 10:50 AM.   After the forecast, Kopi would like each class to gather on the grass in their own group and he will film the GREAT DAY FACES in class order.  This event will last 30 minutes from start to finish and students will be released back to class at 11:30 AM.

At 11:30 AM Kopi will then do a 30 minute weather presentation for the 2nd & 3rd graders in Mrs. Fraser’s classroom.


Before you go home for Easter vacation, be sure and check the Lost and Found up in the hallway of Building 5.  We have a LOT of unclaimed clothes, umbrellas, lunch boxes, backpacks, etc.  Any items left on Friday, April 11th will be donated to charity.


There will be a math test on Wednesday, April 9 over Chapter 7 Geometry and Measurement.  A pre-test will be sent home as homework to review concepts covered.

We will begin Chapter 8 and learn more about division of whole numbers.  You can expect to see work that provides practice with dividing 2-digit numbers by 2, 5, 3, and 4 and with finding unit cost.

Math Vocabulary Words:

Dividend – The number that is divided in a division problem

Divisor – The number by which a number is divided in a division problem

Unit Cost – The price of one item

During this chapter, students should continue to memorize basic multiplication and division facts.


I am writing to remind you that Fresno Christian families are NOT allowed to use the Kid’s Inc drop-off area.  FCS families are NOT to enter the campus from Fir Ave.  FCS families must enter from Alluvial or Cedar Ave., by the FCS tennis courts.  The busses for Kid’s Inc. must be able to come and go without interference from FCS families.  We share this campus with Kid’s Inc., Peoples Church Pre-School, as well as a variety of other Peoples Church programs.  It is critical that we ALL use the facility as directed.  Please see the attached map and make sure that you follow the correct procedures.


Todd Bennett, Principal


The PTF and Mr. Bennett are looking for children to participate in the talent show on Friday, April 25, 2014 from 7:00-9:00 PM in the Student Activity Center, formerly known as Ground Zero.  We are expecting to enjoy a wonderful evening of talent:  singers, dancers, poets, instrumentalists, and actors!  Be creative and have fun.  Throughout the evening we will partake of the rich variety of special desserts provided by FCS families.

Admission for the evening will be a donation of your family’s favorite cookies  (Only cookies please.)  We ask that you guide your child as they plan their presentation.  Children need to be sure that their selections are suitable for an audience of Christian parents and children.

A PTF Talent Show sign-up form was sent home on Thursday, April 3 and is due by Tuesday, April 22.


Come and join us for a fabulous evening of Fine Arts, Music, and Open House on Tuesday, May 6 at 6:30 P.M. We will begin in our classroom and then head out to the Chapel of People’s Church for the Fine Arts Festival.

As part of “Fresno History Day” third graders will dress up as Fresno pioneers for the square dancing performance planned by Mrs. Ainley, our music teacher that evening.  Students may come dressed in any of the following ways:  Yokut Native American Indian, fur trapper, gold miner Fresno pioneer, cowboy, or cowgirl.


Parents please note: As we come to the end of our school year would you please encourage your students to return all items checked out from the Library. The final due date for all items checked out is Friday, May 2.  Reminders of items checked out will be sent to the students beginning the week of May 5. There is a fine of $25.00 for each item that is not returned.

Many wonderful titles are lost each year because they are not returned. We greatly appreciate your assistance in getting books back in and onto the shelves so the collection is ready to go again in August. Please contact me if you have any questions.

 Lin Brown, Librarian 299-1695 ext, 119


At Back to School night I addressed our class Math & Reading Counts Goals. They were as follows:

ICE CREAM PARTY Student must earn 100 points for Reading Counts OR master their Grade Level 4×4 Math facts.

 PIZZA PARTY- Students must earn 500 points for Reading Counts OR become a Lifetime Member in our 4x 4 Math Club

 Students have until Friday, May 9th to complete these goals.


As the year draws to a close, we would like to gather as a family to celebrate all that God has done for us.  Thursday, May 1st is the National Day of Prayer and our School Community Council believes that would be the perfect day to come together as an entire school.  All of you (parents, grandparents, family, and friends) are invited to join the teachers, students, administration, and staff as we gather together for this ending convocation held in the Peoples’s Church sanctuary.  It is a time of celebration, worship, and prayer as we end our year with thanksgiving and praise.

The service begins at 8:00 AM and will end by 8:30 AM.  All students K-12 are to report directly to the sanctuary by 7:55 AM.  Every class will be designated with a sign and balloons, making it easy to locate your child’s class.  It is exactly the same as our opening convocation seating arrangement.  You are welcome to sit with your child in their designated area or if you have more than one student attending Fresno Christian, choose where you would like to sit.  I look forward to seeing all of you at this closing event as we end our year acknowledging God’s hand upon us through prayer, worship, and heartfelt celebration.



Tuesday, April 8 – Easter Chapel


Thursday, April 10 – Easter Celebration – 1:20 PM

April 14-21 – Easter Vacation – His is Risen!



Tuesday, April 22 – Resume School

Friday, April 25 – PTF Talent Show




Thursday, May 1 – Year End Convocation 8:00 AM

Tuesday, May 6 – Open House at People’s Campus & Fine Arts Festival 6:30-9:00 PM

Wednesday, May 7 – Teacher In-Service – School dismissed at 12:00 PM



Wednesday, May 21 – Grades 1-4 Awards Chapel 12:30-2:00 PM

Thursday, May 22 – Class Swim Party @ Micah Friesen’s House 10:00-1:00 PM





Mrs. Fraser, April 7, 20142016-11-16T22:19:57-08:00

Mrs. Hancox April 7, 2014




This Friday we will celebrate Easter! Yes, at FCS we can celebrate the risen Christ! Praise God. Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. Webb will be hosting a brunch and Christian Trivia game for the kids. Also, students will prepare a friendly letter of encouragement to a soldier. We will write the final copy during our Language Arts as part of our Christ like examples of love to our servicemen.


CHOIR STUDENTS HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO REPRESENT FCS AND JESUS AT CAL-POLY LAST FRIDAY! Praise the Lord for our students who love to sing. A special thank you to all who participated and Mrs. Ainley for her dedication as a music teacher. 

READING: County Reports

Page 2, the typed copy, (Ancient History or Family History) is due Monday. On Tuesday, students will read and research their country’s current history (see rubric for details). This is page 3 and the typed copy is due Friday.  After Easter Vacation, students will assemble their project boards. The completed research project is due the last week in April.

MATH:  We will continue our studies in coordinates and graphing.


This Monday, the polis groups will perform their Greek play!

BIBLE: We continue Unit 6 which focuses on Gospel Writings: Jesus’ Death, Resurrection and Ascension.

BIBLE MEMORY VERSE: Students were introduced to the verse below last week. This Friday, students will need to write out the verse as their assessment.

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.  1 Peter 3:15

SPELLING: synonyms and antonyms

  1. adequate
  2. admitted
  3. approval
  4. backward
  5. conceal
  6. conclusion
  7. confessed
  8. criticism
  9. disguise
  10. exceptional
  11. foe
  12. forward
  13. generous
  14. introduction
  15. permanent
  16. rival
  17. stingy
  18. sufficient
  19. temporary
  20. typical

Vocabulary-roots:  mob, mot, mov=move

  1. automobile
  2. demote
  3. locomotion
  4. mobile
  5. mobility
  6. mobilize
  7. motion
  8. motivate
  9. promote
  10. removal


  • Chapel: Tuesday, April 8, 8-8:45 A.M.
  • Easter Vacation – No School: Monday, April 14 through Monday, April 21
  • Happy Birthday Sydney!
  • End of Year Convocation: Monday, May 1 at 8:00 A.M.
  • Half Day: Wednesday, May 7 – Dismissal at 12:00 noon
  • Chapel: Tuesday, May 13, 8-8:45 A.M.
  • Grades 1-4 Awards Assembly: Wednesday, May 21 at 12:30 P.M.
  • Grades 5-6 Awards Assembly: Thursday, May 22, 10:30 A.M. – Dismissal at 12:00 noon
  • High School Graduation: Thursday, May 22, 7:00 P.M.
Mrs. Hancox April 7, 20142016-11-16T22:19:58-08:00

Mrs. R’s Super Stars April 7th, 2014


Dear Families,

I pray that you will have a  blessed vacation next week Spending time with friends and family, remembering the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ!!

LANGUAGE ARTS  In READING, we will continue to work on remembering our reading strategies. We will also be focusing on main characters and the setting of a story. We will also look at problem and solution.

 WRITING – We will begin reviewing  for our 4th quarter benchmark and practicing keyword outline

MATH – This week we will finish up our unit on 2-digit addition and subtraction.  We will test on Chapter 12 this Friday. When we return We will then get into Chapter 8 on Geometry, Fractions, & Probability!

Rainforest: Our kids have been busy learning all about the different layers of the rainforest! They have had a chance to learn about various animals and plants that live in the rainforest as well!

BIBLE – We will be studying the Easter story, focusing on the death and resurrection of Jesus.

images-5EASTER CELEBRATION –  We will be having an Easter Celebration on April 11th,  from 1:20-2:40 PM. Our time will begin with an Easter egg hunt that will take place on the North field grass. Following that the kids will come inside and take part in a few Easter craft activities! Please be sure to bring 1 bag of candy filled eggs for the kids hunt. If you are able to donate items for food, please see the sign up email sent out last week.

openhouseOPEN HOUSE –  The Fine Arts Festival will take place May 6th from 6:30-9:00pm! The kids can not wait for you to see our room transformed into a rainforest jungle!

talent_showTALENT SHOW – We would love to have many of our 1st graders share at the yearly Talent Show on April 25th. Please be on the lookout for the form to fill out if you are interested. This is always a fun evening to showcase the talents God has given our students. 

FCSlogoEND OF YEAR CONVOCATION– As the year draws to a close we would like to gather as a family to celebrate all that God has done for us. Thursday, May 1st is the National Day of Prayer and our School Community Council believes that would be the perfect day to come together as an entire school. All of you (parents, grandparents, family, and friends) are invited to join the teachers, students, administration, and staff as we gather together for this ending convocation held in the Peoples’ Church sanctuary. It is a time of celebration, worship, and prayer as we end our year with thanksgiving and praise.The service begins at 8:00 am and will end by 8:30. All students K-12 are to report directly to the sanctuary by 7:55 AM. Every class will be designated with a sign and balloons, making it easy to locate your child’s class.It is exactly the same as our opening convocation seating arrangement. You are welcome to sit with your student in their designated area or if you have more than one student attending Fresno Christian, choose where you would like to sit.I look forward to seeing all of you at this closing event as we end our year acknowledging God’s hand upon us through prayer, worship, and heartfelt celebration. 


lostnfndLOST AND FOUND – Before you go home for Easter vacation, be sure and check the Lost and Found up in the hallway of Building 5.  We have a LOT of unclaimed clothes, umbrellas, lunch boxes, backpacks, etc.  Any items left on Friday, April 11th will be donated to charity.



4-11 – Easter Celebration – 1:20 PM
4-14 – 4-21 – Easter Vacation – He Is Risen! Hallelujah for the Cross!!!
4-25 – PTF Talent Show 
5-1 – End of Year Convocation – 8:00 AM-9:00 AM -People’s Church Sanctuary
5-6 – Open House/Elementary Fine Arts Festival – 6:30-9:00 PM
5-7 – Teacher Inservice – School dismissed at 12:00 PM
5-21 – Awards Assembly for Grades 1-4 – 12:30 PM -2:00 PM
5-22 – Early Dismissal – School dismissed at 12:00 PM
5-23 -Last Day of School – School dismissed at 12:00 PM  – SUMMER BEGINS!!


Spirit Day is every Friday.  Please wear one of your favorite FCS shirts!



Bible Verse – April 7-11

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.    1 Timothy 2:15 (32pts)


 Spelling  – April 7-11 – Lesson 33














Sight Words April 7-11



Mrs. R’s Super Stars April 7th, 20142016-11-16T22:19:58-08:00

Mrs. Vander Kooi April 7, 2014

We Are One: Growing in Christ

FCS Academic


Congratulations to the following Young Authors finalists. The 1st place winners will sell their published books at our open house in May!

5th Grade:   1st Place – Mitchell Mar    2nd Place – Hannah Villines    3rd Place – Vijay Stephen

6th Grade:   1st Place – Kylie Arioto     2nd Place – Janae Shew    3rd Place – Shauna Howard


The required reading for the month of April is student’s choice. Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum  of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.


The 5th grade continues Chapter 7 with Addition and Subtraction of Fractions. The 6th grade will finish Chapter 6: Expressions and Equations and the test will be on Friday, April 11.


This week we conclude the Theater Phase with each polis performing a Greek play.

BIBLE: We continue Unit 6 which focuses on Gospel Writings: Jesus’ Death, Resurrection and Ascension.


The memory verse for this week is Colossians 4:5-6 and the test will be Friday, April 11. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, grammar, punctuation and the scripture reference.

Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

Colossians 4:5-6

SPELLING: Lesson 29 test will be on Friday, April 11.

Lesson 29

All Students

  1. multiple
  2. multitude
  3. universal
  4. transfer
  5. interfere
  6. interstate
  7. quartet
  8. octagon
  9. circumference
  10. semiannual
  11. pentagon
  12. binoculars
  13. transparent
  14. monorail
  15. mural

6th Grade Only

  1. counterclockwise
  2. trinity
  3. introspect
  4. retrospect
  5. conspicuous

Challenge Words for All

  1. miscellaneous
  2. jealousy
  3. occasionally
  4. exceptionally
  5. misconception


  • Chapel: Tuesday, April 8, 8-8:45 A.M.
  • Easter Vacation – No School: Monday, April 14 through Monday, April 21
  • Happy Birthday Anjeli Macaranas: Monday, May 1
  • End of Year Convocation: Monday, May 1 at 8:00 A.M.
  • Half Day: Wednesday, May 7 – Dismissal at 12:00 noon
  • Chapel: Tuesday, May 13, 8-8:45 A.M.
  • Grades 1-4 Awards Assembly: Wednesday, May 21 at 12:30 P.M.
  • Grades 5-6 Awards Assembly: Thursday, May 22, 10:30 A.M. – Dismissal at 12:00 noon
  • High School Graduation: Thursday, May 22, 7:00 P.M.
  • Last Day of School: Friday, May 23 – Dismissal at 12:00 noon
  • Happy Birthday Lorenzo Fierro: Monday, May 26
Mrs. Vander Kooi April 7, 20142016-11-16T22:19:59-08:00

Mrs. R’s Super Stars March 31st, 2014


Dear Parents

We had a great week last week finishing up some work and learning new skills. 

This Week in Mrs. R’s Super Stars:

Homework: Due to our achievement testing we will have no homework this week.

Spelling: Due to our achievement testing we will have no spelling words.

Bible: We will begin learning about the Easter story

Memory Verse:  For by grace you are saved through faith, and this is not from yourself, it is a gift from God.           Ephesians 2:8 (23pts)

Stanford Achievement Testing:

This week the students will be busy taking their achievement testing. It is extremely important that everyone shows up to school on time! We will begin promptly at 8:15 each morning. Please make sure your child goes to bed at a decent time each night. They will need plenty of rest. Feed them a healthy breakfast each morning. They will need healthy foods to help fuel their body and brain. We will be doing testing each morning and Rainforest work in the afternoons. We will also be doing Bible and worship in the afternoons as well. WE WILL HAVE NO PARENT HELPERS THIS WEEK!

Rain Forest:

Last week the kids started to learn all about the rainforest! I am so excited for you to see our room transformed for open house!!



3-31 – 4-4 – SAT Testing

4-11 – 1st Grade Easter Celebration!! @ 1:00PM

4-14 – 4-21 – Easter Vacation – He Is Risen! Hallelujah for the Cross!!!

4-25 – PTF Talent Show (Tentative)

5-6 – Elementary Fine Arts Festival – 6:30-9:00 PM

5-7 – Teacher Inservice – School dismissed at 12:00 PM



Mrs. R’s Super Stars March 31st, 20142016-11-16T22:20:00-08:00
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