PC Pierce

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Mr. Miranda April 20, 2015



We had a wonderful time visiting the Railroad Museum in Sacramento last week. Thank you to our grandparent- and parent-chaperones for helping: Mrs. Davidson, Mr. Loeffler, Mrs. DeGroot, Mrs. Aguirre, and Mr. French.


Hosting a swim party is a lot of work, as I’m sure you are all aware.  If any parent is willing to provide a pool for our 18 students, please let me know. You have all been a tremendous blessing to my class and me this year. I am thankful for your generosity expressed through cards, pumpkin bread, movies, gift cards, coffee and coffee mugs and on and on. My hope is to speak words of encouragement to each student as we wrap up a great year of growing in “loving one another.”


ELEMENTARY PICK UP AND DROP OFF:          car_riders

Parents please remember that, per the school’s agreement with People’s Church, we are to use only the Alluvial Driveway and the parking lot behind Building 5. If you are currently using the east side driveways and parking lot, please adjust your routine to be in compliance with this policy.



Fresno Christian Drama students present the musical Music Man April 21-23. Please support our talented students with your attendance. Tickets are $10 General/ $5 Students and Seniors. See the link below for more information.




The required reading for the month of April is student’s choice and the written response is a poster illustrating the protagonist and the antagonist, with a memorable quote from each, due Friday, May 1. Students will be given the poster paper in class. Please put the name of the book and the author’s name on the back of the poster.

Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum  of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.


This week we review multiplication and division of fractions.


This week we begin our study of the circulatory and digestive systems.

BIBLE: We begin Unit 7: Luke Writes About the Early Church.


The memory verse for this week is Galatians 6:10 and the test will be this Friday, April 24. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

Galatians 6:10

SPELLING: Spelling Lesson 32 words will be tested this Friday, April 24.

Lesson 32

  1. certificate
  2. attractive
  3. affectionate
  4. fertile
  5. genuine
  6. objective
  7. ineffective
  8. submarine
  9. trampoline
  10. adequate
  11. separate
  12. discourage
  13. accurate
  14. versatile
  15. determine

Challenge Words

  1. centimeter
  2. millimeter
  3. numeral
  4. numerator
  5. denominator


Music Man musical April 21-23

  • Happy Birthday Paul Cross April 19
  • Happy Birthday Avery Loefler April 19
  • Happy Birthday Luke Evans April 20
  • Open House: May 5
  • Year-end Convocation/Day of Prayer: May 7
  • Elementary Drama “The Girl with the Golden Locks:” May 15
  • Grades 5 and 6 Awards Assembly: May 21 10:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
  • Half Day/Noon Dismissal: May 21
  • Swim Party/Last Day of School/Noon Dismissal: May 22


Mr. Miranda April 20, 20152016-11-16T22:16:22-08:00

Miss Nolte, April 20-24, 2015


Nolte News

April 20-24th, 2o15

Click HERE for my complete newsletter.



















high frequency words:



Bible Verse

You too, be patient and firm, because the Lord’s coming is near.

James 5:8

Character Trait


Miss Nolte, April 20-24, 20152016-11-16T22:16:23-08:00

April 20, 2015 Mrs. Vander Kooi

fcs initials sm
We had a wonderful time visiting the Railroad Museum in Sacramento last week. Thank you to our grandparent- and parent-chaperones for helping: Mr. Wright, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Reynoso, Mr. Igot, Mr. and Mrs. McCann, and Mr. and Mrs. Smoljan.
Parents please remember that, per the school’s agreement with People’s Church, we are to use only the Alluvial Driveway and the parking lot behind Building 5. If you are currently using the east side driveways and parking lot, please adjust your routine to be in compliance with this policy.


The required reading for the month of April is student’s choice and the written response is a poster illustrating the protagonist and the antagonist, with a memorable quote from each, due Friday, May 1. Students will be given the poster paper in class. Please put the name of the book and the author’s name on the back of the poster.

Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum  of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.


We continue reading “Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad” by Ann Petry. This ties in with our Social Studies curriculum.


This week we begin Chapter 9: Multiplication and Division of Decimals.


This week we begin our study of the circulatory and digestive systems.

BIBLE: We begin Unit 7: Luke Writes About the Early Church.



The memory verse for this week is Galatians 6:10 and the test will be this Friday, April 24. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

Galatians 6:10

SPELLING: Spelling Lesson 32 words will be tested this Friday, April 24.

Lesson 32

  1. certificate
  2. attractive
  3. affectionate
  4. fertile
  5. genuine
  6. objective
  7. ineffective
  8. submarine
  9. trampoline
  10. adequate
  11. separate
  12. discourage
  13. accurate
  14. versatile
  15. determine

Challenge Words

  1. centimeter
  2. millimeter
  3. numeral
  4. numerator
  5. denominator


  • Spring Open House: May 5
  • Year-end Convocation/Day of Prayer: May 7
  • Happy Birthday Dev Gopal: May 13
  • Elementary Drama “The Girl with the Golden Locks:” May 15
  • Grades 5 and 6 Awards Assembly: May 21 10:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
  • Half Day/Noon Dismissal: May 21
  • Swim Party/Last Day of School/Noon Dismissal: May 22
April 20, 2015 Mrs. Vander Kooi2016-11-16T22:16:24-08:00

Mrs. Witters April 7, 2015

Dear Parents,                                               April 7, 2015


Can you believe your “little” critter is almost a “big” first grader?!! This week we will be learning about ZOO animals. We’re making a Zoo Book for you to read at home. Our character trait is JOY. Our Bible verse is “You are my God and I will give You thanks.” Psalm 118:28.


Our Zoo trip is Friday, April 17th. We will ride the bus. Please be at school by 8:00. We’ll visit the Zoo from 9 – 10:45 then ride back to school and have a picnic lunch. PLEASE BRING A LUNCH! I will provide the blankets, ants (tee hee!) and popsicles for dessert!


Tuesday, May 5 is Open House. This is a fun evening of looking at our classroom, eating cookies and playing on the playground for a long recess! ALL are welcome! We love “showing off” our great school!!!! We open at 7:00 and finish up at 8:00. Drop in anytime!


Friday, May 8 is our Mother’s Day Tea. Please arrive at 10:15 sharp for a delightful morning of songs, tea and “crumpets”, and gifts galore!!!!! If you can’t come a grandma is welcome!


“K” Graduation is Tuesday, May 19. Come in the morning at 8:00. Graduation Ceremony begins at 10:00. All are welcome! We have the ceremony at the G.L. Johnson Chapel and then enjoy a “cookies and punch” reception. BRING YOUR CAMERA!!!!


Wednesday, May 20, is our Witters Critters End Of The Year Swim Party at Camden’s house from 11:30 – 2:30. I will send a map and more details later.


I know this is a lot of info!!!! Please ask me any questions about these events. They will be here before you know it!!!!



Mrs. Witters and your Joyful Kindergartener






April 17               Zoo Trip

May 8                 Mother’s Tea Party

May 6                   OPEN HOUSE – 7- 8 (drop in anytime)

May 19                 Graduation – A.M. at church across the St.

May 20                 “K” Swim Party and LAST DAY OF “K”



Mrs. Witters April 7, 20152016-11-16T22:16:25-08:00

Mrs. Witters April 13, 2015

Dear Parents,                                                         April 13, 2015


This has really been a wonderful year!!!! This week we continue learning about Zoo animals. We’re making a Zoo Book for you to read at home. Our character trait is Patience. Our Bible verse is “Zion hears and rejoices because of your judgments, O Lord.” Psalm 97:8.


Our Zoo trip is THIS Friday, April 17th. We will ride the bus. Please be at school by 8:00. We’ll visit the Zoo from 9 – 10:45 then ride back to school and have a picnic lunch. PLEASE BRING A LUNCH! I will provide the blankets, ants (tee hee!) and popsicles for dessert!


May 5th is Open House. This is a fun evening of looking at our classroom, eating cookies, and playing on the playground for a long recess!!!!! ALL are welcome! We love “showing off” our great school!!! We open at 7:00 and finish up at 8:00. Drop in anytime!


Friday, May 8th is our Mother’s Day Tea. Please arrive at 10:15 sharp for a delightful time of songs, tea and “crumpets”, and gifts galore!!!!! If you can’t come a grandma or friend is welcome!!


“K” Graduation is Tuesday, May 19. The kids come in the morning at 8:00. Graduation Ceremony begins at 10:00. All are welcome. We have the ceremony at the G.L.Johnson Chapel and then enjoy a “cookies and punch” reception. BRING YOUR CAMERA!!!!


Wednesday, May 20, is our Witters Critters End Of The Year Swim Party at Camden’s house from 11:30 – 2:30. I will send a map and more details later.

( OVER )

I know this is a lot of info!!!!!! Please ask me any questions about these events. They will be here before you know it!!!!!


Mrs. Witters and your Patient Kindergartener



April 17               Zoo Trip

May 5                   OPEN HOUSE – 7- 8:00 (drop in anytime)

May 8                   Mothers Day Tea

May 19                 Graduation – A.M. at church across the St.

May 20                 “K” Swim Party and LAST DAY OF “K”







Mrs. Witters April 13, 20152016-11-16T22:16:26-08:00

Mrs. Tally – April 20, 2015


Dear Families,

Thank you for such  a wonderful celebration on my birthday.  You and your children blessed me so richly with your generosity and I am grateful. I will so enjoy using all my gift cards. The special book the children made will always be a TREASURE.

language_arts_clipartLANGUAGE ARTS – In READING, the children are enjoying the books from our Leveled Readers! We continue to talk about the main idea, setting, characters and the problem and resolution.. We continue to work on our phonic skills as well, applying them in new text. WRITING – In journal writing we are reading back what we have written and checking to see if we have the appropriate punctuation mark.

– We will take Chapter 12 test on double digits, Tuesday, April 21st.  The review for that chapter came home last Monday.  It is due on the day of the test. The chapter contract will come home in the work envelope on Monday.  Some have not finished, however, I am not requiring that they complete and return. It would be great to save it and finish up and review during the hot days of summer.  Second grade math moves into double digit very quickly. Our last two chapters will be Geometry and Fractions and Measurement.We will have a chapter test on our Geometry and Fraction chapter, but not our Measurement chapter.

images rainforestSCIENCE
We continue with our unit on the Rainforest. The children are so enjoying this unit of study.

SOCIAL SCIENCE– We are on the Marketplace which will take us through the end of the year. We will be learning what makes a good steward of what God gives us.

BIBLE – We will be studying Philip.

FIELD TRIP -Our  annual trip to Hanford on the train will be on  May 13th. We will leave at 9:15 AM and return by 1:00 PM. We will need drivers to take us to the train station and back from Hanford. Please check the sign up sheet outside ocartoon-park-train_~k2144613ur classroom door if you can help with transportation. – HELP!!!! As of now we only have transportation for 18 children. Please check your calendars and see if there is anyway you could help us with transportation. Many Thanks!

FCSlogoEND OF YEAR CONVOCATION– As the year draws to a close we would like to gather as a family to celebrate all that God has done for us on Thursday, May 7th.  All of you (parents, grandparents, family, and friends) are invited to join the teachers, students, administration, and staff as we gather together for this ending convocation held in the Peoples’ Church sanctuary. It is a time of celebration, worship, and prayer as we end our year with thanksgiving and praise.The service begins at 8:00 am and will end by 8:30. All students K-12 are to report directly to the sanctuary by 7:55 AM. Every class will be designated with a sign and balloons, making it easy to locate your child’s class.It is exactly the same as our opening convocation seating arrangement. You are welcome to sit with your student in their designated area or if you have more than one student attending Fresno Christian, choose where you would like to sit. I look forward to seeing all of you at this closing event as we end our year acknowledging God’s hand upon us through prayer, worship, and heartfelt celebration.

Parents please remember that, per our agreement with People’s Church, we are to use only the Alluvial Driveway and the parking lot behind Building 5. If you are currently using the east side driveways and parking lot, please adjust your routine to be in compliance with this policy.
Better Together,
Amy Deffenbacher

openhs2OPEN HOUSE The Fine Arts Festival is coming up on May 5th. The children are doing a Diorama which will be due on the morning of May 5th.  Please do not send it sooner, as there is no place to store them as we share space with the church. This is a very fun project.  Be creative and have fun!!! A handout came home last week explaining this assignment which will be on a book or movie that the children have experienced. You can also google the word “diorama” and come up with lots of ideas.  

SHOW AND TELL – This week will be Team A.

cat-sleeping-on-stack-of-books-thumbLIBRARY INFO – Parents please note: As we come to the end of our school year would you please encourage your students to return all items checked out from the Library. The final due date for all items checked out is Friday, May 1st. Reminders of items checked out will be sent to the students beginning the week of May 4th. There is a fine of $25.00 for each item that is not returned. Many wonderful titles are lost each year because they are not returned. We greatly appreciate your assistance in getting books back in and onto the shelves so the collection is ready to go again in August. Please contact me if you have any questions. Lin Brown, Librarian 299-1695 ext, 119

The Music Man – April 21, 22, and 23 – 7:00 pm

The People’s Church Auditorium 7172 N. Cedar Ave.

Tickets at the door: $10 General, $5 Students/Seniors

canstock6355973 swimYEAR END SWIMMING PARTY
– There is a CHANGE in our final celebration of the year at the  DeGroots. Because of the BMX show on Monday afternoon, it was necessary to reschedule.. It will now be will be Tuesday, May 19th, from 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM.  All are welcome to attend. You will meet at Jordyn’s house at 11:00 AM. You do not need to come to our campus first. If you will need a ride from school, please let me know, as we will not be organizing formal carpools. You will also need to pick up your child at the DeGroots after the party is over, or make arrangements for them to get home. We will not be going back to People’s Campus.  In May there will be a sign-up sheet outside our classroom door for the items needed for our party.

canstock6897536 bmxBMX SHOWOne of our fundraiser awards is the BMX Show.  It will be in the afternoon on  May 18th at 2:00 PM.  All are invited to attend.




4-24 – Happy 8th Birthday Joshua Mirea

5 -5 – Spring Open House

5-5 – Happy 7th Birthday Kyleigh Bacca

5-7 – Year-End Convocation – 8:00 AM Peoples Sanctuary

5-13Hanford Field Trip –  9:15 Am – 1:00 PM

5-18 – BMX Show – 2:00 PM

5-19 –  End of Year Celebration – 11:00-2:00 at DeGroots

5-21 – Happy 7th Birthday Kennedy Schwab

5-21 – Early Dismissal at 12:00 PM

5-22 – Last day of school – Dismissal at 12:00 PM

6-4 – Happy 7th Birthday Brooklyn Medeiros 

6-21 – Happy 7th Birthday Arlyn Rylander

8-1 – Happy 8th Birthday Lala Briggs

Spirit Day is every Friday. Please wear one of your favorite FCS shirts!


SPELLING – LESSON 33 –  April 20-24















img_62cBIBLE VERSE – April 20-24

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.   I Timothy 2:15  32 pts.

Mrs. Tally – April 20, 20152016-11-16T22:16:27-08:00

Mr. Miranda, April 13


railroad museum


ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14th Mr. Miranda’s and Mrs. Vander Kooi’s fifth grade classes will visit the California State Railroad Museum in Old Town Sacramento. This is a change from the original date of Thursday, April 16th. We were unable to secure a bus reservation for Thursday and so had to change the date of the field trip.


Thank you to Mrs. Ott, Mr. Loeffler, Mr. Castiglione, Mrs. Degroot and  Mr. French who have volunteered to chaperone students. If you would also like to be a parent-chaperone, you will have to take your own vehicle as the bus is now full. Just a reminder that parent-chaperones must pay $9.00 upon entrance to the museum. Teachers will not collect this money ahead of time.

Departure from Fresno

Students will report directly to the fountain in front of Peoples Church at 6:45 A.M. The bus will leave promptly at 7:00 A.M.

Arrival in Sacramento

We will visit the Railroad Museum from 10:00 A.M. – 12:00 noon. Students will be assigned a parent-chaperone during this time.

Lunch and Exploration

Students will eat sack lunches at the tables located outside the museum and then explore Old Town Sacramento with their parent-chaperone until 1:45 P.M.

Return to Fresno

We will board the bus at 2:00 P.M. and arrive back in Fresno at approximately 5:00 P.M.

What to Bring

Students should bring:

  • walking shoes
  • appropriate clothing depending on the weather forecast
  • brown bag lunch and drink
  • morning and late afternoon snacks for the bus
  • water bottles
  • spending money if desired

What Not to Bring:

  • any electronic devices including iPods, MP3 players, cell phones, or electronic games
  • chewing gum

Location of Railroad Museum:

The California State Railroad Museum is located at the corner of Second and “I” Streets in Old Sacramento.

A small number of limited-term, metered parking spaces are available on the streets of Old Sacramento. However, these spaces are not suitable for guests visiting longer than 90 minutes. All-day parking is available in the large public garage at the I Street entrance to Old Sacramento, for a nominal fee.

Fresno Christian High School Drama Presents:

Meredith Wilson’s “MUSIC MAN”

April 21, 22, and 23 at 7:00 pm

Peoples Church Auditorium, 7172 N. Cedar Ave.

Tickets at the door: $10 General, $5 Students/Seniors


The required reading for the month of April is student’s choice and the written response will be a poster illustrating the protagonist and the antagonist, with a memorable quote from each, due Friday, May 1. Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum  of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.


This week we review Division of Whole Numbers. There will be a test on multiplying and dividing fractions/mixed numbers this Thursday, April 16.


This week we conclude our study of the American Revolution.

BIBLE: We continue Unit 6 which focuses on Gospel Writings: Jesus’ Death, Resurrection and Ascension.

boy reading bible


The memory verse for this week is Ephesians 6:19 and the test will be this Friday, April 17. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel.

Ephesians 6:19

SPELLING: Spelling Lesson 31 words will be tested this Friday, April 17.

Lesson 31

  1. absence
  2. mischief
  3. antisocial
  4. unpleasant
  5. antibiotic
  6. uncommon
  7. uncomfortable
  8. irregular
  9. irrelevant
  10. abnormal
  11. unfortunate
  12. mistreat
  13. nonpoisonous
  14. exercise
  15. misrepresent

Challenge Words

  1. commence
  2. committee
  3. community
  4. commute
  5. condemn


  • Happy Birthday Evan Miller April 7
  • Sacramento Field Trip: April 14
  • Happy Birthday Paul Cross April 19
  • Happy Birthday Avery Loefler April 19
  • Happy Birthday Luke Evans April 20
  • Open House: May 5
  • Year-end Convocation/Day of Prayer: May 7
  • Elementary Drama “The Girl with the Golden Locks:” May 15
  • Grades 5 and 6 Awards Assembly: May 21 10:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
  • Half Day/Noon Dismissal: May 21
  • Swim Party/Last Day of School/Noon Dismissal: May 22


Mr. Miranda, April 132016-11-16T22:16:28-08:00

Mrs. Tally – April 13, 2015



Dear Families,

We made a great transition from vacation and lots of playing in the sunshine to working hard and staying inside on a rainy Tuesday!! It was good to be back. Thank you to those who went with us on our Field Trip last Thursday. It was great fun. 

We are deep into the Rainforest curriculum and the children are enjoying it very much.  Our Kapok tree is up and we will be adding animals to it very soon.

images booksLANGUAGE ARTS – In READING, we will continue with our higher level comprehension questions that dig into the meanings in the story. We continue to work on our phonic skills as well, applying them in new text. They will encounter much of this in 2nd Grade. WRITING – We are learning how to do Key Word Outline which is also reviewed in 2nd grade.

mathMATH – We will finish with our Math Contract of Adding and Subtracting to 20.  We will have a test on this chapter on April 14th. A chapter review came home on Wednesday, April 8th. After we have completed this chapter we will go ahead and finish our Contract on double digit addition and subtraction and take that chapter test on Tuesday, April 21st.  The review for that chapter will be in the Work Envelopes on Monday, April 13th.  It is due on the day of the test.Our last two chapters will be Geometry and Fractions and Measurement.We will have a chapter test on our Geometry and Fraction chapter, but not our Measurement chapter.

images birdSCIENCE We began a unit on the Rainforest and our room will be transformed into a rainforest with a Kapok tree and all!

SOCIAL SCIENCE– We are on the Marketplace which will take us through the end of the year.

BIBLE – We will be studying Stephen.

cartoon-park-train_~k2144613FIELD TRIP -Our  annual trip to Hanford on the train will be on  May 13th. We will leave at 9:15 AM and return by 1:00 PM. We will need drivers to take us to the train station and back from Hanford. Please check the sign up sheet outside our classroom door if you can help with transportation.

– As the year draws to a close we would like to gather as a family to celebrate all that God has done for us on Thursday, May 7th.  All of you (parents, grandparents, family, and friends) are invited to join the teachers, students, administration, and staff as we gather together for this ending convocation held in the Peoples’ Church sanctuary. It is a time of celebration, worship, and prayer as we end our year with thanksgiving and praise.The service begins at 8:00 am and will end by 8:30. All students K-12 are to report directly to the sanctuary by 7:55 AM. Every class will be designated with a sign and balloons, making it easy to locate your child’s class.It is exactly the same as our opening convocation seating arrangement. You are welcome to sit with your student in their designated area or if you have more than one student attending Fresno Christian, choose where you would like to sit. I look forward to seeing all of you at this closing event as we end our year acknowledging God’s hand upon us through prayer, worship, and heartfelt celebration.

openhs2OPEN HOUSE The Fine Arts Festival is coming up on May 5th. The children are doing a Diorama which will be due on the morning of May 5th.  Please do not send it sooner, as there is no place to store them as we share space with the church. This is a very fun project.  Be creative and have fun!!! A handout came home last week explaining this assignment which will be on a book or movie that the children have experienced. You can also google the word “diorama” and come up with lots of ideas.  

SHOW AND TELL – This week will be Team B.

cat-sleeping-on-stack-of-books-thumbLIBRARY INFO – Parents please note: As we come to the end of our school year would you please encourage your students to return all items checked out from the Library. The final due date for all items checked out is Friday, May 1st. Reminders of items checked out will be sent to the students beginning the week of May 4th. There is a fine of $25.00 for each item that is not returned. Many wonderful titles are lost each year because they are not returned. We greatly appreciate your assistance in getting books back in and onto the shelves so the collection is ready to go again in August. Please contact me if you have any questions. Lin Brown, Librarian 299-1695 ext, 119

The Music Man – April 21, 22, and 23 – 7:00 pm

The People’s Church Auditorium 7172 N. Cedar Ave.

Tickets at the door: $10 General, $5 Students/Seniors

canstock3916409 swimYEAR END SWIMMING PARTY – Our final celebration of the year will be Monday, May 18th, from 10:30 AM – 1:30 PM. at the DeGroot home. All are welcome to attend. You will meet at Jordyn’s house at 10:30 AM. You do not need to come to our campus first. If you will need a ride from school, please let me know, as we will not be organizing formal carpools. You will also need to pick up your child after the party is over, or make arrangements for them to get home. We will not be going back to People’s Campus.  In May there will be a sign-up sheet outside our classroom door for the items needed for our party.




4-24 – Happy 8th Birthday Joshua Mirea

5 -5 – Spring Open House

5-5 – Happy 7th Birthday Kyleigh Bacca

5-7 – Year-End Convocation – 8:00 AM Peoples Sanctuary

5-13Hanford Field Trip –  9:15 Am – 1:00 PM

5-18 – End of Year Celebration – 10:30-1:30 at DeGroots

5-21 – Happy 7th Birthday Kennedy Schwab

5-21 – Early Dismissal at 12:00 PM

5-22 – Last day of school – Dismissal at 12:00 PM

6-4 – Happy 7th Birthday Brooklyn Medeiros 

6-21 – Happy 7th Birthday Arlyn Rylander

8-1 – Happy 8th Birthday Lala Briggs

Spirit Day is every Friday. Please wear one of your favorite FCS shirts!


SPELLING – LESSON 32 –  April 13-17














icon008sBIBLE VERSE – APRIL 13-17

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from yourself, it is a gift of God.  Ephesians 2:8  24 pts.

Mrs. Tally – April 13, 20152016-11-16T22:16:29-08:00

Mrs. Fraser April 13, 2015



Reference:  Colossians 3:15

Verse:  Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace.  And be thankful.

Definition:  Resting with satisfaction, in the truth that God knows and will provide for my every need

Opposite:  Restfulness, hurry, or worry

(Due to the field trip on Friday, we will have our Bible Verse Test on Thursday of this week.)



Pattern Words:  Suffixes -ful, -less, -ly, -ness, -y

1.  wavy

2.  shaky

3.  windy

4.  lazily

5.  quickly

6.  mostly

7.  friendly

8.  suddenly

9.  spotless

10.  careless

11.  penniless

12.  beautiful

13.  graceful

14.  peaceful

15.  forgetful

16.  darkness

17.  happiness

18.  fearlessness

High-Frequency Words

19.  away

20.  soldiers

Challenge Words

* chateau

*  M. Theo Kearney

(Due to the field trip on Friday, we will have a Spelling test on Thursday of this week.)  

boy reading bible


(1)  Coke Hallowell Center For River Studies Field Trip

Here is the latest on this Friday’s trip.  Students’ admission is prepaid in their tuition cost.  Chaperoning, carpooling parents receive free admission.  Bring a sack lunch and drink.  Midmorning snacks will be provided by our room mothers.  Please join us in our room at 8:30 AM for instructions  We will leave at 8:45 AM on Friday, April 17th and between at 1:30 and 1:45 PM.  Travel will be by carpool.  Students may bring $10.00 for The River Gift Shop.  Remember to wear your class field trip t-shirt.

**We are still in need of carpooling chaperones for 5 students.   If you would like to help, please email me at cfraser@fresnochristian.com by Tuesday, APRIL 14th.   Please let me know the number of students you can transport.  A Carpool Permission Form will be sent home on Wednesday authorizing your child to ride in carpools provided.  The following parents have emailed me to volunteer as carpooling chaperones:

Jen Alberta (Can transport 3 students)

Jaime DeGroot (Can transport 5 students)

Paul Loeffler  (Can transport 3 students)

Patricia Mynderup (Caleb’s grandmother/Can transport 3 students)

Desiree Rocha (Can transport 3 students)

Tina Stephen (Can transport 5 students?)

All parent chaperones will need to complete the New Volunteer Policy form before attending, if you haven’t already done so. These forms are available in the office and can be turned into Mrs. Roberts when completed. She will let me know who has been cleared to attend the field trip.  Also, check the guidelines for driver verification on our school website and make sure your information is current.  Thank you so much!!

(2)  End of the Year Swim Party

It is a tradition in third grade that we celebrate the accomplishments of our class with a swim party at the close of the school year.  We are tentatively planning our class swim party for Friday, May 15th from 10:00 AM tp 2:00 PM.  This would include a lunch for students and parents.  We would have a sign-up sheet on the wall near our classroom door for lunch and party items needed.  The cost of a certified lifeguard is paid for by student tuition.

**If you are interested in providing a location for the year-end swim party, you are welcome to contact Mrs. Fraser at cfraser@fresnochristian.com this week.

(3)  Math Test

There will be a math test over Chapter 9 Division Facts on Thursday, April 16th.  A pre-test will be sent home as homework to review in preparation for Thursday’s test.

(4)   Reading Counts

Fourth Quarter expectations for Scholastic Reading Counts:

For a C in Reading:  Earn the Red Award – 50 Points

For a B in Reading:  Earn the Bronze Award – 100 Points

For an A in Reading:  Earn the Silver Award – 250 Points

For an A+ in Reading:  Earn the Gold Award – 500 Points

Twenty to thirty minutes is given daily for silent sustained reading as well as forty-five minutes in Library Experience each week.  Students may also use class time to read after all required daily board assignments are completed.  Students may take quizzes on Scholastic books or Red Star books each Monday during Computer Lab with Mr. Hyatt as well as take supervised quizzes at home each week.  The deadline for completion of the above goals is Friday, May 15.

(5)  Year End Class Rewards

Ice Cream Party- Student must earn 100 points for Reading Counts OR master their Third Grade Level 4×4 Math facts in addition and subtraction.

 Pizza Party- Students must earn 500 points for Reading Counts OR become a Lifetime Member in our 4 x 4 Math Club.

 Students have until Friday, May 15th to complete these goals.

(6)  Social Studies Project

All 3rd grade students have been assigned a partner to work on their Fresno History Board  Project during class time to display at Open House.  Tri-fold project presentation boards have been purchased through student tuition and have been delivered to our classroom.  Student partners have already chosen the color of their presentation board.  Students will need to plan to purchase a bright, colorful border to trim the border for the project. These can be purchased at GW School Supply House where there are many wonderful choices or at an office supply store.  Please bring your border trim in as soon as possible if you missed the deadline last Friday, April 10th.  Students should also be looking for postcards advertising Fresno, its agriculture, landmarks, historical museums, or famous places.  Students will be adding their personal touches to their Fresno History boards.  These should be brought in by Friday, April 17th.

 (7)  Scholastic ON-LINE Book Orders

April spring issues are being offered this month.  The deadline for the April on-line book orders is Thursday, April 30th.  You may register at:  www.scholastic.com/bookclubs.  Use our one-time Class Activation Code when you register:  L9NJ4.

beach012(8)  The Music Man

Fresno Christian High School Drama presents Meredith Wilson’s The Music Man on April 21st, 22nd, & 23rd at 7:00 PM located in the People’s Church Auditorium 7172 North Cedar Avenue.  Tickets at the door:  $10.00 General and $5.00 Students/Seniors.

(9)  Fine Arts Festival and Classroom Open House

Come and join us for a fabulous evening of Fine Arts, Music, and Open House on Tuesday, May 5  6:30-9:00 P.M. We will begin in our classroom where students will give their parents a tour of our Fresno history themed classroom and share their work.  Then we will all head out to the Chapel of People’s Church for third grade square dancing and the Fine Arts Festival.  As part of “Fresno History Day” third graders will dress up as Fresno pioneers for the square dancing performance planned by Mrs. Ainley, our music teacher OPEN HOUSE EVENING.  Students may come dressed in any of the following ways:  Yokut Native American Indian, fur trapper, gold miner, Fresno pioneer, cowboy, or cowgirl.  Students may want to start planning their attire for the May 5th event.


Our third grade class met or exceeded all of our class goals for donations with our FCS Spring Auction!  We have already enjoyed a FREE private recess for just our class.  You may have wondered why your child came home with the uneaten lunch you packed last Friday.  Last Friday we also enjoyed a FREE private pizza lunch with fresh strawberries and grapes along with cookies and a drink.  Thank you dear PARENTS SERVING TOGETHER!  The children enjoyed it immensely!!  In the coming weeks we will also enjoy a cool popsicle on a hot day and a special movie with popcorn and treat on separate days.  Thank you parents and students for all your hard work in helping our school continue to grow and be a light for Jesus in our community!!!!!



Monday, April 13 – Happy Birthday Hunter Castiglione!

Friday, April 17 – Coke Hallowell Center for River Studies Field Trip

April 21, 22, & 23 – The Music Man/Fresno Christian High School Drama 7:00 PM at Peoples Church Auditorium


Tuesday, May 5 – Cinco de Mayo Celebration 12:45-1:15 PM

Tuesday, May 5 – Open House and Fine Arts Festival 6:30-9:00 PM

Thursday, May 7 – Year End Convocation 8:00-9:00 AM

Saturday, May 9 – Happy Birthday Kaiden Garcia!

Friday, May 15 – The Girl With the Golden Locks/Elementary Drama 7:00-8:00 PM

Friday, May 15 – End of the Year Class Swim Party

Monday, May 18 – BMX Show 2:00-2:45 PM

Wednesday, May 20 – Grades 1-4 Awards Chapel 12:45-2:45 PM

Thursday, May 21 – Happy Birthday Miracle Neal!

Thursday, May 21 – Half Day Release at 12:00 PM

Friday, May 22 – Last Day of School/ Half Day Release at 12:00 PM


Sunday, June 14 – Happy Birthday Mia Alberta!

Sunday, June 28 – Happy Birthday Michael Herrera!

Tuesday, July 21 – Happy Birthday Troy Covington!

Friday, July 31 – Happy Birthday Mrs. Fraser!

Wednesday, August 5 – Happy Birthday Mrs. Dansby!

Tuesday, August 11 – Happy Birthday Alex Fox!





Mrs. Fraser April 13, 20152016-11-16T22:16:29-08:00

Miss Nolte, April 13-17, 2015


Nolte News

Click HERE for my complete Newsletter



















high frequency words:




Commit your way to the Lord; trust also in Him and He will do this.

Psalm 37:5

Miss Nolte, April 13-17, 20152016-11-16T22:16:30-08:00
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