PC Pierce

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So far PC Pierce has created 445 blog entries.

Mrs. Tally – March 9, 2015


Dear Families,

Daylight Savings has arrived! Hooray, for more daylight hours to enjoy time outside. We had a wonderful time last week turning our bulletin boards into Spring themes.That means we are more than ready for the new season, which is just around the corner. Bye, bye winter! YEAH!!!! As the warmer weather arrives, please send a water bottle with your child each day. We will take drinks many times throughout the day in order to stay hydrated. Thanks! This is benchmark assessment week. The children will have assessments in Math, Writing and Reading.

language_arts_clipartLANGUAGE ARTS – All groups are nearing completion of our Theme Comprehension Packets.  Some have started  Second Gr packets. They are enjoying the comprehension packets because they are much easier than what they have previously done. But alas, I continue to throw in the more challenging packets, just to keep them on the tips of their toes. By now they should all be good ballet dancers!!! Our personal narrative benchmark assessment will also take place this week.

mathMATH –  We continue with Adding and Subtracting to 20.  In order to be familiar with many of the SAT Math problems, we will introduce 2 digit adding and subtracting. We will complete both of these chapters after Spring Break and take our tests on these chapters.

FIVE – A DAY – We will make verbal corrections at school, but please go over at home the kinds of mistakes your child is making. You will know they made a mistake if the number beside the problem is circled in red. You do not need to send it back.

SOCIAL SCIENCE – In our book we are on ,”People Make a Difference”. We will continue on this unit through the month of March as well.

– We will begin our study of the Easter Story.

PEPHYSICAL FITNESS TESTING – We have completed part of the activities last week. The activities left are: 3/9 ((Sit and Reach), 3/16 (Mile Run), 3/17 (Pull, Push -Ups, Hang) 19th Shuttle Run). It will be in the afternoons.  Also, please have your child in appropriate clothing and footwear (tennis shoes) for these activities.

Easter-egg-newsletter-headeEASTER CELEBRATION – We will have a celebration on Friday, March 27th at 12:30 PM. There will be a sign-up March 9th on the wall outside our classroom for the items needed at our party. 

NEATNESS – We are focusing on making our work neat. I am pointing out to the children samples of neat work. We are doing lots of encouragement in this area. I appreciate your support in this area as we together emphasize how important neat and careful work is. Many thanks!

FCSlogoFCS AUCTION– The FCS auction is underway! The dinner/silent and live auction will take place on Saturday, March 14th from 5:00 to 9:00 P.M. in the FCS Gym. Our class project is a Swim Gift Basket.  You can check the ” Thermometer” in the hallway of Building 5 to see how we are doing with donations. We are doing well, but we sure could use some more contributions from our class. Many Thanks!

SHOW AND TELL – This week will be Team B.

POWER GRADE – We are experiencing a great deal of difficulty with Power Grade.  That being said, scores may not be entered right away.  It will only work if you are at school, not from home.  Power School is working on the problem, but they don’t have a up and running fix date.




3-14 – FCS Auction

3-22 – Happy 7th Birthday Braeden Oneida

3-23- 3-27 – SAT 10 Testing

3-30 – 4-6 – Spring Break

4-5 – He Is Risen….HALLELUJAH!!

4-7 – School Resumes 4-10 – Happy 7th Birthday Sydney Hazelton

4-24 – Happy 8th Birthday Joshua Mirea

5 -5 – Spring Open House       images

Spirit Day is every Friday. Please wear one of your favorite FCS shirts!

Bible Verse – March 9-13

But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  Isaiah 40:31a  14 pts.

Spelling – March 9-13 – Lesson 29














Mrs. Tally – March 9, 20152016-11-16T22:16:43-08:00

Mr. Miranda March 9, 2015


Dear Parents,


It is almost time for our annual Fundraising Auction, which will be held this Saturday, March 14th in the FCS gym.  If you haven’t thought about going, please do!  It is so much fun, and such a great time of community for our school! Tickets are available in the Central Office. Each year the classrooms contribute some sort of project or themed basket to the auction.  This is an item that will be auctioned off. Our class will be making a basket with a BBQ theme.


Any and all donations are appreciated! Your child will get credit for any donation you bring. We will need all items to be delivered by Wednesday 3/11 at 10:00 am so we can get the baskets assembled.  If you have any questions, please contact room mom Amy Brooks, Dawn Thompson, or Mr. Miranda.


 Thank you for participating in this years Box Top for Education Fundraiser. We are excited to announce that our school has collected 11,039 box tops. We will be receiving a check from General Mills for $1,103.90! A special thanks goes to Miss Nolte’s class who brought in the most box tops. Miss Nolte’s students will receive a special prize for their outstanding effort. Here are the final results:

Mr. Broersma…1418                                           Miss Nolte…2577

Mrs. Ferguson…1594                                          Mrs. Tally…1315

Mrs. Fraser…1205                                              Mrs. VanderKooi…402

Mr. Heinz…25                                                    Mrs. Witters…847

Mr. Miranda…764                                               Extras…892 Total…11,039

Please continue to collect Box Tops now and throughout the year. This fundraiser will begin again in the new school year. Thank you for supporting Fresno Christian Schools!



The required reading for the month of March is autobiography or biography. Students will dress up as their person and give a first person oral report on Wednesday, March 25 and Thursday, March 26. Students have the instructions for the oral report and a grading rubric in their writing folders.

Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum  of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.


Students will be given the Third Quarter Writing Assessment this Wednesday: Fictional Narrative.


This week we begin Chapter 10: Geometry


This week we begin our study of the Thirteen Colonies.


This week we conclude Unit 5 Gospel Writings: Jesus’ Ministry.

girl reading bible


The memory verse for this week is Romans 8:28 and the test will be this Friday, March 13. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, whohave been called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28

SPELLING: Spelling Lesson 27 words will be tested this Friday, March 13.

Lesson 27

  1. career
  2. bookkeeper
  3. preference
  4. architect
  5. achievement
  6. professor
  7. receptionist
  8. principal
  9. therapist
  10. administrator
  11. programmer
  12. specialist
  13. orthodontist
  14. evangelist
  15. manufacturer

Challenge Words

  1. crucifixion
  2. burial
  3. resurrection
  4. ascension
  5. hallelujah

Important Note: I’ve had connection issues with Powerschool/Gradebook at home. As the end of the third quarter draws near I will be making updates through this week at FCS during school hours.



  • End of 3rd Quarter: March 13
  • School Auction/Dinner: March 14
  • Happy Birthday Hayden Trevino March 2
  • SAT 10 Testing: March 23 through March 27
  • Cal Poly Choir Festival: March 27
  • NO SCHOOL – Easter Break: March 30 through April 6
  • SCHOOL RESUMES – Tuesday, April 7
  • School Resumes: April 7
  • Spring Open House: May 5


Mr. Miranda March 9, 20152016-11-16T22:16:44-08:00

Mrs. Vander Kooi March 9, 2015

FCS Academic
Dear Parents,
It is almost time for our annual Fundraising Auction, which will be held this Saturday, March 14th in the FCS gym.  If you haven’t thought about going, please do!  It is so much fun, and such a great time of community for our school! Tickets are available in the Central Office.Each year the classrooms contribute some sort of project or themed basket to the auction.  This is an item that will be auctioned off. Our class will be making a basket with a spa theme.  Here is a list of the kind of things that have been found in spa baskets in the past:
Bath salts
Massage Gift Certificate 
Facial certificate
Do it yourself facial items
Anti aging cream
Shower scrub
French soap
Manicure items
Pedicure items
Any and all donations are appreciated! Your child will get credit for any donation you bring. We will need all items to be delivered by Wednesday 3/11 at 10:00 am so we can get the baskets assembled.  If you have any questions, please contact room mom Ruth Williams or Mrs. Vander Kooi.


 Thank you for participating in this years Box Top for Education Fundraiser. We are excited to announce that our school has collected 11,039 box tops. We will be receiving a check from General Mills for $1,103.90! A special thanks goes to Miss Nolte’s class who brought in the most box tops. Miss Nolte’s students will receive a special prize for their outstanding effort. Here are the final results:

Mr. Broersma…1418                                           Miss Nolte…2577

Mrs. Ferguson…1594                                          Mrs. Tally…1315

Mrs. Fraser…1205                                              Mrs. VanderKooi…402

Mr. Heinz…25                                                    Mrs. Witters…847

Mr. Miranda…764                                               Extras…892 Total…11,039

Please continue to collect Box Tops now and throughout the year. This fundraiser will begin again in the new school year. Thank you for supporting Fresno Christian Schools!


The required reading for the month of March is autobiography or biography. Students will dress up as their person and give a first person oral report on Wednesday, March 25 and Thursday, March 26. Instructions for the oral report and a grading rubric were sent home last week.

Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum  of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.


We continue to read this true story about an Indian girl who lived alone for years on San Nicolas island, just off the coast of Santa Barabara. This ties in with our Social Studies curriculum.


Students will be given the Third Quarter Writing Assessment this Wednesday: Fictional Narrative.


This week we continue Chapter 7: Number Theory and Addition and Subtraction of Fractions.


This week we begin our study of the Thirteen Colonies.


This week we conclude Unit 5 Gospel Writings: Jesus’ Ministry.


The memory verse for this week is Romans 8:28 and the test will be this Friday, March 13. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, whohave been called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28

SPELLING: Spelling Lesson 27 words will be tested this Friday, March 13.

Lesson 27

  1. career
  2. bookkeeper
  3. preference
  4. architect
  5. achievement
  6. professor
  7. receptionist
  8. principal
  9. therapist
  10. administrator
  11. programmer
  12. specialist
  13. orthodontist
  14. evangelist
  15. manufacturer

Challenge Words

  1. crucifixion
  2. burial
  3. resurrection
  4. ascension
  5. hallelujah


  • End of 3rd Quarter: March 13
  • School Auction/Dinner: March 14
  • Happy Birthday Jenna Smoljan: March 14
  • Happy Birthday Azlynn Lipe: March 16
  • Happy Birthday Joseph Igot: March 25
  • SAT 10 Testing: March 23 through March 27
  • Cal Poly Choir Festival: March 27
  • NO SCHOOL – Easter Break: March 30 through April 6
  • SCHOOL RESUMES – Tuesday, April 7
  • Happy Birthday Robert Williams: April 6
  • School Resumes: April 7
  • Spring Open House: May 5
  • Happy Birthday Dev Gopal: May 13
Mrs. Vander Kooi March 9, 20152016-11-16T22:16:45-08:00

Miss Nolte, March 9th, 2015


Nolte Newsletter

March 9-13th, 2015

Click HERE for my complete newsletter

Spelling Words

















high frequency words:



Character Trait:


Bible Verse:

Bear with each other and forgive…forgive as the Lord forgave you.

Colossians 3:1

Miss Nolte, March 9th, 20152016-11-16T22:16:46-08:00

Mrs. Witters March 2, 2015

Dear Parents,                                             March 2, 2015


I hope you had a great weekend! Thank you dads, grandpas, uncles and friends for a fantastic “Dad’s Day.” Our character trait is Kindness. We continue our Smilebringer each day.   Our Bible verse is, “When I am afraid, I will trust in You”, Psalm 56:3.This verse can be a comfort to all of us throughout our lives.


Don’t forget the Auction on Saturday, March 14. Our class quilt will be on sale!


Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled for the week of March 9-13. We will be on regular schedule. PLEASE send back the bottom of the paper telling if you can come. THANKS !!!!


Our Easter Party and field trip to Fresno State’s Farm will be combined on Friday, March 27. We are having a picnic and Easter party with our tour of the farm. Come from 8:00 – 12:00. We will ride the bus. Bring a sack lunch and dessert will be provided. We’ll have an Easter Egg Hunt too!!! PLEASE see sign up sheet by the front door of our classroom, for items needed for this fun party!!!


Our Zoo Trip is Friday, April 17. We will ride the bus. Please be at school at 8:00. We’ll visit the Zoo from 9:00 – 10:45 then ride back to school and have a picnic lunch. Please bring a lunch…I will provide the blankets and popsicles for dessert!!


Thanks so much for your support! We feel so loved!!


God Bless You,

Mrs. Witters








March 14               F.C.S. Auction ( our class quilt is for sale)

March 9-13         “K” Parent Teacher Conferences

March 27              F.S.U Farm Tour and Easter Party – A.M.

March 30-April 6   EASTER VACATION

April 17                 Zoo Trip

May 5                     OPEN HOUSE

May 8                   Mother’s Tea Party – 10:15

May 19                  Graduation – A.M.

May 20                 “K” Swim Party and LAST DAY OF “K”



Mrs. Witters March 2, 20152015-03-02T07:00:46-08:00

Mrs. Fraser, March 2, 2015

CHARACTER TRAIT:  Courtesy                                                  

Reference:  Colossians 4:6

Bible Verse Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

Definition:  Respectful words and ways

Opposite:  Rudeness

SPELLING:  Lesson 25

Pattern Words-Hard and Soft C

1.  icicle

2.  cycle

3.  cities

4.  close

5.  scale

6.  cabin

7.  place

8.  circle

9.  pencil

10.  score

11.  notice

12.  advice

13.  clothes

14.  service

15.  ascend

16.  colorful

17.  balance

18.  descend

High-Frequency Words

19.  airplane

20.  modern

Challenge Words

*  Meux

*  entrepreneur

Due to the field trip on Friday to the Meux Home Museum, we will take our Spelling Test and Bible Verse Test on Thursday of this week.



During the past 3 weeks we have   experienced network outages which caused teachers to encounter Power Grade challenges.  Thank you for your patience as these issues are being addressed near the end of the third quarter.  I will be sending home graded work in Red Folders on Monday. Please note that the grades may not show up in Power Grade on Monday but are stored on class lists until they can be safely inputted.  You will want to turn in any missing work, re-dos, or absent work you find in your Red Folder by this Friday.  There may be other assignments to address after Power Grade is up and running again.  The end of the quarter is next Friday, March 13 we will do the best we can to remedy the situation and close the quarter with all assignments turned in.


On Tuesday, March 3, 2014 all students will be photographed with an exciting spring background.  No money is needed on Spring Picture Day.  A proof picture and order instructions will be sent home for purchase if desired.  Sorry, a “Retake Day” will not be scheduled.


Just a reminder that the end of the third quarter is Friday, March 13.  All re-do assignments available may be turned in by this Friday, March 6.   Thank you!


There will be a math test over Chapter 7 Geometry and Measurement this Thursday, March 5.  A pre-test will be sent home as a guideline to study and prepare the test on Thursday.  It will be the math homework for the week.  Please return the study guide on Thursday with your Red Homework Folder.


As part of our Unit 3 Community History study in Social Studies, our 3rd graders will take a private tour of the Meux Home Museum on Friday, March 6th.  We will also take a “Historic Walking Tour of Fresno” as we relive Fresno’s early pioneer beginnings by visiting such sites as St. John’s Cathedral, Sheriff Collin’s home and stables, Santa Fe Railroad Station, Fresno Water Tower, and Brix Mansion.  Student admission has been prepaid through tuition fees.

The following parents have e-mailed to  volunteer to serve as carpooling chaperones:
1)  Patricia  Mynderup (Caleb’s grandmother) – Can transport 3 students
2)  Brenda Rocha – Can transport 3 students
3)  Jen Alberta – Can transport 3 students
4)  Nancy Flores – Can transport 3 students
5)  Jaime DeGroot – Can transport 6 students
6)  Tonia Loeffler – Can transport 2 students
***Thanks to the following parents who volunteered today on Monday!  We now have sufficient drivers for Friday’s trip.
7)  Marlon Serimian – Can transport 5 students
8)  Desiree Rocha – Can transport 3 students
I will send a carpool permission form home on Tuesday, March 3 for all parents to sign and return by Thursday, March 5.
Chaperones need to pre-pay $5.00 admission fee by Tuesday, March 3rd  in the Central Office to our Third Grade Account.  No siblings are allowed on this particular field trip.  We will meet in our classroom at 8:00 AM on Friday, March 6th and return around 12:15 PM for lunch on campus.  
All parent chaperones will need to complete the New Volunteer Policy form before attending, if you haven’t already done so. These forms are available in the office and can be turned into Mrs. Roberts when completed. She will let me know who has been cleared to attend the field trip.
The following parents are encouraged to  pickup  their $17.00 cash/ checks refund for admission fee waived to the Tech Museum this week if you have not already done so:
Becky Covington
Tina Stephen
Kevin Sue
Jaime DeGroot
Judy Williams
Deanna Hazelton
Martha Fierro
Vincent Neal
Nancy Flores
Griselda Chavez
Monique Mason
Tonia Loeffler
Rene Cavazos
Patricia Gonzales
Susan Lee, Central Office


The FCS auction is underway!  This is our largest fundraising event each year.  The auction is a great way to donate to our school.  Your donations will bless the lives of many children at Fresno Christian Schools.  Our third grade class has been asked by the Auction Committee  to create a “Garden” themed basket.   Begin thinking about an item you might like to purchase and add to our garden  spring theme.  

There is a list of suggested items outside our classroom door as well as a letter than went home with the list last week.  However, you can bring anything that fits the theme of our basket.  If there is too much for one basket, the items will be auctioned  separatelyYou may contact Jen Alberta at 273-6045 for any questions you might have regarding our Auction Class Basket.

Due to fiscal reasons for individual tax deductions, we have been asked to send all items for our “Garden” theme third grade basket directly the Central Office where they will be registered and parents will receive a tax donation receipt.

We are asking each child’s family to contact family, friends, neighbors, and merchants to make a donation to our auction.  Students will be given a ticket for every 10 points they earn in donations.  I am hoping that each family will find that special something to donate to the auction.  I would like to encourage you to support this event by giving or getting donations of services, trips, items, desserts, and/or dinner tickets.  You may send donated items to the Central Office.  Non-refrigerated desserts may be delivered on Friday, March 13.  Please deliver all desserts requiring refrigeration on the day of the auction.  The dinner/silent and live auction will take place Saturday, March 14th, from 5:00 to 9:00 P.M. in the FCS Gym.


Here is the schedule for the third grade Physical Fitness Testing:

Shuttle Run – Wednesday, March 4 @ 12:30 PM

Partial Curl-Ups – Friday, March 6 @ 12:30 PM (To be rescheduled to due field trip!)

Sit & Reach – Wednesday, March 11 @ 12:30 PM

Pull/Push/Hang – Friday, March 13 @ 12:30 PM

Mile Run – Friday, March 18 @ 12:30 PM

Please note you will find in your Red Homework Folder a the Third Grade Physical Fitness President’s Challenge for Qualifying Standards pertaining to 8 & 9 year old Presidential and National Award Scores provided by Mrs. Whipple.


Just a friendly reminder that all students need to have a pass from the yard duty teacher to be in Building 5 before school.  Students should report directly to the playground between 7:30-7:55 AM unless accompanied by an adult.


Be sure to look for a “GET-A-WAY LUNCH WITH MRS. FRASER AND A FRIEND” at the FCS Auction Dinner Night!  This is for a current third grader and friend at FCS.  It will be listed in the Silent Auction section and will go to the highest bidder!


The month of March features 3 different themed exciting book orders including:

Grades K-6:  Spring Gift Themes

Lucky 3rd Grade:  Favorite series, early chapter books, sports, nonfiction animal books with photos and facts, science, and spring selections

Lucky Grades 2-3 Books:  Best-selling series, humor, true-life survival accounts,  space, fairy tales, spring themes

You may order from any or all book orders.

Remember On-Line orders only at scholastic.com/readingclub.  Use our one-time Class Activation Code when you register:  L9NJ4  Orders are due Monday, March 31.


Tuesday, March 3 —  Elementary Spring Portrait Day
Friday, March 6 – Meux Museum  and Historic Walking Tour of Fresno (8:00 AM to 12:30 PM)
Friday, March 13 — End of 3rd Quarter
Saturday, March 14 — FCS Auction Dinner Night
March 23-27 – Stanford Achievement Testing
Friday, March 27 – Easter Resurrection Party (1:20-2:40 PM)


Friday, April 17 – Coke Hallowell Center for River Studies Field Trip (8:00 AM -2:00 PM)



Mrs. Fraser, March 2, 20152016-11-16T22:16:47-08:00

Mrs. Tally – March 2, 2015




Dear Families,

Welcome March!  Spring is sneaking up!!!!! Tally’s Treasures can’t wait!!! We are being spoiled by some beautiful weather and are loving it. We were also so thankful for the rain God sent. Please send a water bottle with your child each day as they are warm and thirsty when recess is over!!!!

cat-sleeping-on-stack-of-books-thumbLANGUAGE ARTS – The children are improving on their comprehension packets and getting more accurate with first time answers. Some are on their last packet of Word Builders, however, we will be reviewing throughout the remainder of First Grade and practice with application of these sounds in text. 

Mathematics2MATH – The Money Contract will be in the Monday Work Envelope.  Not all students have completed it.  It does not need to be completed and returned, however, it would be helpful if you continue to practice counting coins.  This is not mastered yet for everybody.  We have now begun Adding and Subtracting to 20.

FIVE – A DAY – We make the corrections at school, but please go over at home the kinds of mistakes your child is making. You will know they made a mistake if the number beside the problem is circled in a colored pencil or crayon. You do not need to send it back. The first week we did it all together. 

SOCIAL SCIENCE – We are also are continuing to review what country we live in, the state, and the city, as well as the seven continents. In our book we are on ,”People Make a Difference”. We will continue on these units through the month of March as well.

bible_king_davidBIBLE – We will continue with David and learn how God used him in spite of his sin.

PEPHYSICAL FITNESS TESTING –  This will take place on 3/2 (Shuttle Run), 3/3 (Curl-Ups), 3/9 ((Sit and Reach), 3/16 (Mile Run), 3/17 (Pull, Push -Ups, Hang)

NEATNESS – We are focusing on making our work neat. I am showing samples of neat work. We are doing lots of encouragement in this area.  I appreciate your support as we together emphasize how important neat and careful work is. Many thanks!

class-picture-day-color-150x150SPRING PICTURES – All children will be photographed on Tuesday, March 3rd. You do not need to send any money on Portrait Day.  A proof will go home and if you so desire, you may order pictures at that time. There will not be retakes offered.

auctionFCS AUCTION- The FCS auction is underway! This is our largest fundraising event each year. We are excited about setting our goals even higher than last year. The auction is a great way to donate to our school. Your donations will bless the lives of others. Our class will be doing a Swim Basket.There is a list of needed items outside our classroom door.  However, you can bring anything that fits the theme of our basket.  If there is too much for one basket, the items will be auctioned  separately.  I am hoping that each family will find that special something to donate to the auction. I would like to encourage you to support this event by giving or getting donations of services, trips, items, desserts, and/or dinner tickets. The dinner/silent and live auction will take place on Saturday, March 14th, from 5:00 to 9:00 P.M. in the FCS Gym.

SHOW AND TELL – This week will be Team A.





3-3 – Elementary Spring Pictures

3-22 – Happy 7th Birthday Braeden Oneida

3-23- 3-27 – SAT 10 Testing

3-30 – 4-6 – Spring Break

4-5 – He Is Risen….HALLELUJAH!!

4-7 – School Resumes

4-10 – Happy 7th Birthday Sydney Hazelton

4-24 – Happy 8th Birthday Joshua Mirea

5 -5 – Spring Open House





Spirit Day is every Friday. Please wear one of your favorite FCS shirts!



Bible Verse – March 2-6

Jesus answered , “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6 24 pts.

Spelling – March 2-6 – Lesson 28

















Mrs. Tally – March 2, 20152016-11-16T22:16:48-08:00

Mr. Miranda March 2, 2015


Dear Parents,                    Grilling-BBQ-Marinating-Cooking-Gift-Basket-Premium_small

It is almost time for our annual Fundraising Auction, which is held on Saturday, March 14th in the FCS gym.  If you haven’t thought about going, please do!  It is so much fun, and such a great time of community for our school! Tickets are available in the Central Office.Each year the classrooms contribute some sort of project or themed basket to the auction.  This is an item that will be auctioned off.    Our class will be making a basket BBQ theme.  Mrs. Brooks sent out an email with information about items we want to include.


Any and all donations are appreciated! Your child will get credit for any donation you bring. We will need all items to be delivered by Wednesday 3/11 at 10:00 am so we can get the baskets assembled.  If you have any questions, please contact room mom Amy Brooks or Dawn Thompson.

SPRING PORTRAIT DAY:                      ???????????????????????????????????????????????????

All students will be photographed Tuesday, March 3, with an exciting spring background. No money is needed on picture day. A proof picture and order instructions will be sent home for purchase. A “Retake Day” will not be scheduled.


Congratulations to our Young Author finalists: Selah Obenauf,  Paul Cross , and Mason Beal . Their stories will advance to the next judging level with the AP Honors English high school class which will determine 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. The 1st place winners will sign their published stories at a Young Authors table at our spring open house in May.


The required reading for the month of March is autobiography or biography. Students will dress up as their person and give a first person oral report on Wednesday, March 25 and Thursday, March 26. Instructions for the oral report and a grading rubric will be sent home this week.

Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum  of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.



This week we continue Chapter 9: Multiplying and Dividing Decimals


This week we conclude our study of the solar system.


This week we continue Unit 5 Gospel Writings: Jesus’ Ministry.


The memory verse for this week is Ephesians 2:10 and the test will be this Friday, March 6. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Ephesians 2:10


SPELLING: Spelling Lesson 26 words will be tested this Friday, March 6.

Lesson 26

  1. column
  2. whether
  3. banquet
  4. scissors
  5. debt
  6. echo
  7. phrase
  8. pneumonia
  9. castle
  10. equipment
  11. wholesale
  12. knives
  13. straighten
  14. receipt
  15. liquid

Challenge Words

  1. asteroid
  2. meteoroid
  3. galaxy
  4. universe
  5. solar system


  • Elementary Spring Pictures: March 3
  • End of Third Quarter March 13 – Check Power School for Missing Assignments
  • End of 3rd Quarter: March 13
  • School Auction/Dinner: March 14
  • SAT 10 Testing: March 23 through March 27
  • Cal Poly Choir Festival: March 27
  • NO SCHOOL – Easter Break: March 30 through April 6
  • SCHOOL RESUMES – Tuesday, April 7
  • School Resumes: April 7
  • Spring Open House: May 5


Mr. Miranda March 2, 20152016-11-16T22:16:49-08:00

Mrs. Vander Kooi March 2, 2015

FCS Academic

Dear Parents,
It is almost time for our annual Fundraising Auction, which is held on Saturday, March 14th in the FCS gym.  If you haven’t thought about going, please do!  It is so much fun, and such a great time of community for our school! Tickets are available in the Central Office.Each year the classrooms contribute some sort of project or themed basket to the auction.  This is an item that will be auctioned off.    Our class will be making a basket with a spa theme.  Here is a list of the kind of things that have been found in spa baskets in the past:

Bath salts
Massage Gift Certificate 
Facial certificate
Do it yourself facial items
Anti aging cream
Shower scrub
French soap
Manicure items
Pedicure items
Any and all donations are appreciated! Your child will get credit for any donation you bring. We will need all items to be delivered by Wednesday 3/11 at 10:00 am so we can get the baskets assembled.  If you have any questions, please contact room mom Ruth Williams or Mrs. Vander Kooi.


All students will be photographed tomorrow, Tuesday, March 3, with an exciting spring background. No money is needed on picture day. A proof picture and order instructions will be sent home for purchase. A “Retake Day” will not be scheduled.


Congratulations to our Young Author finalists: Max Hinton, Sophia Reynoso and Micah Sue. Their stories will advance to the next judging level with the AP Honors English high school class which will determine 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. The 1st place winners will sign their published stories at a Young Authors table at our spring open house in May.


The required reading for the month of March is autobiography or biography. Students will dress up as their person and give a first person oral report on Wednesday, March 25 and Thursday, March 26. Instructions for the oral report and a grading rubric will be sent home this week.

Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum  of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.


We continue to read this true story about an Indian girl who lived alone for years on San Nicolas island, just off the coast of Santa Barabara. This ties in with our Social Studies curriculum.


This week we continue Chapter 7: Number Theory and Addition and Subtraction of Fractions.


This week we conclude our study of the solar system. The planet foldables are due on Monday, March 2.


This week we continue Unit 5 Gospel Writings: Jesus’ Ministry.


The memory verse for this week is Ephesians 2:10 and the test will be this Friday, March 6. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Ephesians 2:10


SPELLING: Spelling Lesson 26 words will be tested this Friday, March 6.

Lesson 26

  1. column
  2. whether
  3. banquet
  4. scissors
  5. debt
  6. echo
  7. phrase
  8. pneumonia
  9. castle
  10. equipment
  11. wholesale
  12. knives
  13. straighten
  14. receipt
  15. liquid

Challenge Words

  1. asteroid
  2. meteoroid
  3. galaxy
  4. universe
  5. solar system


  • Elementary Spring Pictures: March 3
  • Happy Birthday Christian Swiridoff – March 4
  • Happy Birthday Rayleigh Gong: March 7
  • End of 3rd Quarter: March 13
  • School Auction/Dinner: March 14
  • Happy Birthday Jenna Smoljan: March 14
  • Happy Birthday Azlynn Lipe: March 16
  • Happy Birthday Joseph Igot: March 25
  • SAT 10 Testing: March 23 through March 27
  • Cal Poly Choir Festival: March 27
  • NO SCHOOL – Easter Break: March 30 through April 6
  • SCHOOL RESUMES – Tuesday, April 7
  • Happy Birthday Robert Williams: April 6
  • School Resumes: April 7
  • Spring Open House: May 5
  • Happy Birthday Dev Gopal: May 13
Mrs. Vander Kooi March 2, 20152016-11-16T22:16:50-08:00

Mrs. Witters February 23, 2015

Dear Parents,                                               February 23, 2015


This week we continue to study plants. Our Bible verse is 11 Peter 1:4, “He has given us VERY great and precious promises”. We will continue KINDNESS as our character trait. I will continue to pick one “smilebringer” each day. When it’s your child’s turn he or she will bring home a hatk with all the kind things the class has said about him/her. We will continue until every child has an opportunity to be a “smilebringer”.


We are practicing hard in “K” to get ready for First grade. Please remember to review these things;

Sight Words

Count to 100

Recognize and write 1 – 30

Letters and Sounds

Writing Skills – Capital letter at beginning of

sentence; Period at the end;

two finger space between words


Don’t forget Dad’s Day this Friday! We have a regular schedule. Wear your tennis shoes, guys! Remember – if you can’t come, we will share dads or send a grandpa, uncle, or friend! Come prepared for a fun-filled morning!!!!! (Best time to come – 8:00-9:30)


The class quilt for the auction is going to be beautiful!! You are going to want to come so you can buy it!!! Remember tickets are on sale for the Big event on March 14!


Dates to Remember:

February 27           Dad’s Day- Regular schedule

March 14               FCS Auction

March 9-13           “K” Parent Conferences (Regular


March 27               Fresno State Farm Trip and Easter


March 30-April 6   Easter Vacation

April 17                   Zoo Trip

May 5                     OPEN HOUSE

May 8                    Mother’s Tea Party – 10:15 a.m.

May 19                  Graduation – A.M.

May 20                  “K” Swim Party AND LAST DAY OF


Have a happy week. God Bless You!

Mrs. Witters and your kind Kindergartner


This Friday, February 27th is our last Box Tops for Education collection day. Please send any Box Tops you may still have by Friday. Each Box Top is worth cash for our school. We will let you know the final results of the collection by class. The class that brings in the most Box Top will receive a prize.
Thank you for your support. Go Eagles!





Mrs. Witters February 23, 20152016-11-16T22:16:52-08:00
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