PC Pierce

About PC Pierce

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Mrs. Fraser, February 23, 2015



Reference:  Leviticus 19:11

Bible Verse:  Do not steal. Do not lie. Do not deceive one another.

Definition:  Being honest and just in my relationships with others.

Opposite:  Treating others unequally, either through favoritism or dishonesty.

SPELLING:  Lesson 24

This week is a review week.  Please review all words from Lessons 19-23.  There will be a multiple choice test this Friday.  Please see the attached list of all the words in your newsletter this week.

Lesson 19 R-Controlled Vowels:  ar, are, or, ore, our

1.  yours

2.  share

3. warm

4.  worry

5.  fourth

6.  course

7.  report

8.  corner

9.  before

10.  depart

11.  storms

12.  careful

13.  worker

14.  market

15.  warning

16.  shortest

17.  seashore

18.  forgotten

Lesson 20 R-Controlled Vowels:  air, ear, er, ir

1.  stir

2.  first

3.  silver

4.  chair

5.  learn

6.  early

7.  stairs

8.  skirts

9.  heard

10.  nearly

11.  fearful

12.  airport

13.  answer

14.  upstairs

15.  thirteen

16.  covered

17.  together

18.  shepherd

Lesson 21 R-Controlled Vowels:  eer, err, ur, ure

1.  deer

2.  steer

3.  turns

4.  error

5.  purse

6.  hurry

7.  nurse

8.  curve

9.  merry

10.  nature

11.  picture

12.  errand

13.  pasture

14.  purpose

15.  cheerful

16.  fracture

17. surprised

18.  adventure

Lesson 22 Contractions

1.  it’s

2.  I’m

3.  let’s

4.  we’ll

5.  you’d

6.  that’s

7.  they’ll

8.  we’re

9.  you’re

10.  aren’t

11.  they’d

12.  they’ve

13.  there’s

14.  couldn’t

15.  weren’t

16.  might’ve

17.  wouldn’t

18.  shouldn’t

Lesson 23 Compound Words

1.  cannot

2.  himself

3.  herself

4.  without

5.  suitcase

6.  anybody

7.  everyone

8.  landmark

9.  afternoon

10.  roadblock

11.  something

12.  anywhere

13.  northwest

14.  proofread

15.  downstairs

16.  throughout

17.  watercolors

18.  underground

High-Frequency Words

1.  noisy

2.  mountain

3.  engine

4.  symbol

5.  bottom

6.  straight

7.  direct

8.  captain

9.  electric

10.  business



Wow!!  Thank you  dear parents for your tremendous help with our trip to the Tech Museum of Innovation last Thursday in San Jose.  The children wrote about their special memories and drew wonderful illustrations reflecting their experiences on Friday.  We all enjoyed the generous supply of early morning donuts, muffins, regular and chocolate milk, and deliciously brewed fresh coffee on the bus as we headed out.  Our bus driver with Best Tours, Linda Mendoza, was excellent and had such positive, wonderful comments about our class and the participation of parents.  The parent support was fantastic!  Thank you one and all for joining us in an exciting day of learning!!


On Tuesday, March 3, 2015 all students will be photographed with an exciting spring background.  No money is needed on the Picture Day.  A proof picture and order instructions will be sent home for purchase if desired.  Sorry, a “Retake Day” will not be scheduled.


As part of our Unit 3 Community History study in Social Studies, our 3rd graders will take a private tour of the Meux Home Museum on Friday, March 6th.  We will also take a “Historic Walking Tour of Fresno” as we relive Fresno’s early pioneer beginnings by visiting such sites as St. John’s Cathedral, Sheriff Collin’s home and stables, Santa Fe Railroad Station, Fresno Water Tower, and Brix Mansion.  Student admission has been prepaid through tuition fees.

So far, the  following parents have e-mailed to  volunteer to serve as carpooling chaperones: 1)  Patricia  Mynderup (Caleb’s grandmother) 2)  Brenda Rocha **We are still in need of drivers.  If you would like to serve as a carpooling chaperone on the field trip to Meux Home Museum and Walking Tour, please email me at cfraser@fresnochristian.com by Friday, February 27.  Please indicate in your e-mail the number of students you are able to transport.  I will send a carpool permission form home next Monday, March 2 with the list of drivers. Chaperones need to pre-pay $5.00 admission fee by Monday, March 2nd  in the Central Office to our Third Grade Account.  No siblings are allowed on this particular field trip.  We will meet in our classroom at 8:00 AM on Friday, March 6th and return around 12:15 PM for lunch on campus.   All parent chaperones will need to complete the New Volunteer Policy form before attending, if you haven’t already done so. These forms are available in the office and can be turned into Mrs. Roberts when completed. She will let me know who has been cleared to attend the field trip.


The FCS auction is underway!  This is our largest fundraising event each year.  The auction is a great way to donate to our school.  Your donations will bless the lives of many children at Fresno Christian Schools.

Each class will put together a themed basket.  Our third grade class basket will have a “Garden” theme.   Begin thinking about an item you might like to purchase and add to our garden wheel barrow spring theme.  You may contact Jen Alberta at 273-6045 for any questions you might have regarding our Auction Class Basket.  Please send all items for the “Garden” theme third grade basket directly to Jen rather than the Central Office. 

We are asking each child’s family to contact family, friends, neighbors, and merchants to make a donation to our auction.  Students will be given a ticket for every 10 points they earn in donations.  I am hoping that each family will find that special something to donate to the auction.  I would like to encourage you to support this event by giving or getting donations of services, trips, items, desserts, and/or dinner tickets.  You may send donated items to the Central Office.  Non-refrigerated desserts may be delivered on Friday, March 13.  Please deliver all desserts requiring refrigeration on the day of the auction.  The dinner/silent and live auction will take place Saturday, March 14th, from 5:00 to 9:00 P.M. in the FCS Gym.


 I will once again be donating  a “GET-A-WAY LUNCH WITH MRS. FRASER AND A FRIEND” at the FCS Auction Dinner Night!  One third grade child will be allowed to bring a friend with them as we all enjoy lunch together!  This item will be listed in the Silent Auction section and will go to the highest bidder.  If you are interested in this item and aren’t able to attend, have someone bid for you!


Our Scholastic On-Line Book order is due Friday, February 27.  Use our one-time Class Activation Code when you register:  L9NJ4.  Submit your online order to Mrs. Fraser’s class.  Secure checkout–pay with a credit or debit card.  Books are delivered to our classroom.  Thank you!.


This week we continue our study of writing fictional narratives and are busy on our rough drafts, revising and crafting words with descriptive details.


This week we continue our study of Unit 3 Community History with Chapter 5  How Communities Began and reading time lines.  We will learn in Lesson 3 How Communities Change and discover our own community’s history of Fresno as we prepare for our field trip to the Meux Home Museum.


Thursday, February 26th from 4:30 – 8:00pm we will be hosting a McTeacher’s Night Fellowship FUNdinner to, (first and foremost) gather together for fellowship and also raise money for our school. This night has raised around $800 for us in the past. The students LOVE to see our faculty AND staff in the real world…won’t you please come and support this event?
This Friday, February 27th is our last Box Tops for Education collection day. Please send any Box Tops you may still have by Friday. Each Box Top is worth cash for our school. We will let you know the final results of the collection by class. The class that brings in the most Box Top will receive a prize.
Thank you for your support. Go Eagles!


Mrs. Whipple has begun preparing our third graders for the Physical Fitness Testing which is in March. Please remember to wear tennis shoes each Wednesday and Friday to avoid any injuries. Thanks!



Thursday, February 26 – McTeachers Night at McDonalds/Cedar and Herndon

Friday, February 27 –  On-line Scholastic Book Orders Due


Tuesday, March 3 —  Elementary Spring Portrait Day

Friday, March 6 – Meux Museum  and Historic Walking Tour of Fresno (8:00 AM to 12:30 PM)

Friday, March 13 — End of 3rd Quarter
Saturday, March 14 — FCS Auction Dinner Night
March 23-27 – Stanford Achievement Testing
Friday, March 27 – Easter Resurrection Party (1:20-2:40 PM)


Friday, April 17 – Coke Hallowell Center for River Studies Field Trip (8:00 AM -2:00 PM)

Mrs. Fraser, February 23, 20152016-11-16T22:16:53-08:00

Mr. Miranda February 23, 2015


SPRING PORTRAIT DAY:                ???????????????????????????????????????????????????

All students will be photographed on Tuesday, March 3, with an exciting spring background. No money is needed on picture day. A proof picture and order instructions will be sent home for purchase. A “Retake Day” will not be scheduled.



This Friday, February 27th is our last Box Tops for Education collection day. Please send any Box Tops you may still have by Friday. Each Box Top is worth cash for our school. We will let you know the final results of the collection by class. The class that brings in the most Box Top will receive a prize. Thank you for your support. Go Eagles!


WRITING: young authors

The final draft of the Young Authors fictional narrative story is due Monday, February 23. The top three stories, as determined by Mr. Miranda, will advance to the judging level. The AP Honors English high school class will determine 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners at each grade level. The 1st place winners will sign their published stories at a Young Authors table at our spring open house.


The genre for the month of February is realistic fiction. The writing response will be “Add a Chapter.” Students will extend the story, writing about what might happen next. The “Add a Chapter” response is due this Friday, February 27.

Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum  of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.


MATH:  divide decimals

This week we continue Chapter 9 Multiply and Divide Decimals. There will be a test on fractions this Thursday, February 26 covering the following concepts: finding equivalent fractions, finding the simplest form of fractions, and comparing fractions with like denominators, decimals, and mixed numbers.


This week we continue our study of the solar system. Students’ planet reports are due

Monday, February 23 and those who were ready last week have begun their presentations.


This week we continue Unit 5 Gospel Writings: Jesus’ Ministry.


The memory verse for this week is Proverbs 3:5-6 and the test will be this Friday, February 27. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6

SPELLING: Spelling Lesson 25 words will be tested this Friday, February 27.

Lesson 25 – Words with unusual plurals

  1. allergies
  2. data
  3. bacteria
  4. moose
  5. potatoes
  6. pianos
  7. loaves
  8. canoes
  9. thieves
  10. scarves
  11. chiefs
  12. lenses
  13. quizzes
  14. heroes
  15. oxen

 Challenge Words

  1. cacti
  2. analyses
  3. phenomena
  4. criteria
  5. alumni


  • Elementary Spring Pictures: March 3
  • End of 3rd Quarter: March 13
  • School Auction/Dinner: March 14
  • SAT 10 Testing: March 23 through March 27
  • Cal Poly Choir Festival: March 27
  • NO SCHOOL – Easter Break: March 30 through April 6
  • SCHOOL RESUMES – Tuesday, April 7
  • School Resumes: April 7
Mr. Miranda February 23, 20152016-11-16T22:16:54-08:00

Mrs. Tally – February 23, 2015



Dear Families,

Hallelujah for the five day week!!!!!!! We are looking forward to a very busy week with lots to accomplish, especially getting ready for our Physical Fitness Testing in March!!! Please send a water bottle/thermos each day as the weather is heating up!!!! They are sweaty and thirsty little peeps after playing outside!!!

gby002HELP – We are still in need of pictures, especially from the Valentine’s Party.  You can send a disc or just email them to bwarkentin@fresnochristian.com  Many thanks!


box topsBOX TOPS – This Friday, February 27th is our last Box Tops for Education collection day. Please send any Box Tops you may still have by Friday. Each Box Top is worth cash for our school. We will let you know the final results of the collection by class. The class that brings in the most Box Top will receive a prize.Thank you for your support. Go Eagles!

thLANGUAGE ARTS –  We continue to work on vocabulary and finding the main idea with supporting details in the story.  If your child is reading consistently at home, you will be noticing great growth in his/her abilities. Consistency allows for fluency to develop.  Such fun!

BIBLE – We will be begin the study of David..

mathMATH We will have our Chapter Test on Money on Wednesday, Feb. 25th. The Chapter Review came home last week and is due on the day of the test.  We will then begin Addition and Subtraction to 20.

FIVE – A DAY – You will see your first 5- A-Day in the Work Envelope on Monday, March 2nd. The missed problems will be circled in red and the corrections will have been made at school.  We discuss the answers at school, but with the incorrect answers circled in red you will know the kind of mistakes your child is making.

SOCIAL SCIENCE – We are learning what country we live in, the state, the city, as well as the seven continents.  We will continue with Chapter 2 “Where People Live” through the month of March.  Mapping will also be included in our studies.

HEALTH – We are finishing up our study on Dental Health and the care of our teeth.

school_fund_raisersMcTEACHER’S NIGHT– Thursday, February 26th from 4:30 – 8:00pm we will be hosting a McTeacher’s Night Fellowship FUNdinner to, (first and foremost) gather together for fellowship and also raise money for our school. This night has raised around $800 for us in the past. The students LOVE to see our faculty AND staff in the real world…won’t you please come and support this event?  I will be there from 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM.  It should be lots of fun!!!

PEPHYSICAL FITNESS TRAINING – Mrs. Whipple has begun preparing our First Graders for the Physical Fitness Testing which is in March. Please remember to wear tennis shoes each Monday to avoid any injuries. Thanks!

FCS AUCTION– The FCS auction is underway! This is our largest fundraising event each year. We are excited about setting our goals even higher than last year. The auction is a great way to donate to our school. Your donations will bless the lives of others. Our class will be doing a basket and you will be hearing from the room moms what items will be needed for that. I am hoping that each family will find that special something to donate to the auction. I would like to encourage you to support this event by giving or getting donations of services, trips, items, desserts, and/or dinner tickets. The dinner/silent and live auction will take place on Saturday, March 14th, from 5:00 to 9:00 P.M. in the FCS Gym.

SHOW AND TELL – This week will be Team B.

images booksBOOK ORDER Our book order that came home last week  will be submitted on Thurs. Feb 26th.







2-26 – Happy 7th Birthday Jordyn DeGroot

2-26 – McTeachers Night at McDonald’s 4:30 PM – 8PM Cedar and Herndon

3-3 – Elementary Spring Pictures

3-22 – Happy 7th Birthday Braeden Oneida

3-23- 3-27 – SAT Testing

3-30 – 4-6 – Spring Break

4-5 – He Is Risen….HALLELUJAH!!

4-7 – School Resumes

Spirit Day is every Friday. Please wear your favorite FCS shirt.



img_62cBible Verse – Feb. 23-27

Never forget to be truthful and kind.  Proverbs 3:3  10 pts.


Spelling – Feb. 23-27 – Lesson 27















Mrs. Tally – February 23, 20152016-11-16T22:16:55-08:00

Miss Nolte, Feb. 23-27th, 2015


Nolte Newsletter

Feb. 23-27th, 2015

Click HERE for my complete newsletter

And Click HERE for info about the Insect Report and Project

images books

Spelling Words:

















high frequency words:



Bible Verse:

Do not steal. Do not lie. Do not deceive one another.

Leviticus 19:11

Miss Nolte, Feb. 23-27th, 20152016-11-16T22:16:56-08:00

Mrs. Vander Kooi February 23, 2015

FCS Academic


All students will be photographed on Tuesday, March 3, with an exciting spring background. No money is needed on picture day. A proof picture and order instructions will be sent home for purchase. A “Retake Day” will not be scheduled.


This Friday, February 27th is our last Box Tops for Education collection day. Please send any Box Tops you may still have by Friday. Each Box Top is worth cash for our school. We will let you know the final results of the collection by class. The class that brings in the most Box Top will receive a prize. Thank you for your support. Go Eagles!


The final draft of the Young Authors fictional narrative story was due last Friday. The top three stories, as determined by Mrs. Vander Kooi, will advance to the judging level. The AP Honors English high school class will determine 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners at each grade level. The 1st place winners will sign their published stories at a Young Authors table at our spring open house.


The genre for the month of February is realistic fiction. The writing response will be “Add a Chapter.” Students will extend the story, writing about what might happen next. The “Add a Chapter” response is due this Friday, February 27.

The required reading for the month of March is autobiography or biography. Students will dress up as their person and give a first person oral report on Wednesday, March 25 and Thursday, March 26. Instructions for the oral report and a grading rubric will be sent home soon.

Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum  of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.


We have begun to read this Newberry Medal winning book about an Indian girl who lived alone for years on the Island of the Blue Dolphins. This ties in with our Social Studies curriculum.


This week we continue Chapter 7: Number Theory and Addition and Subtraction of Fractions. There will be a test on fractions this Thursday, February 26 covering the following concepts: finding equivalent fractions, finding the simplest form of fractions, and comparing fractions with like denominators, decimals, and mixed numbers.


This week we continue our study of the solar system. Students will research and make a foldable about a particular planet.


This week we continue Unit 5 Gospel Writings: Jesus’ Ministry.


The memory verse for this week is Proverbs 3:5-6 and the test will be this Friday, February 27. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6

SPELLING: Spelling Lesson 25 words will be tested this Friday, February 27.

Lesson 25 – Words with unusual plurals

  1. allergies
  2. data
  3. bacteria
  4. moose
  5. potatoes
  6. pianos
  7. loaves
  8. canoes
  9. thieves
  10. scarves
  11. chiefs
  12. lenses
  13. quizzes
  14. heroes
  15. oxen

 Challenge Words

  1. cacti
  2. analyses
  3. phenomena
  4. criteria
  5. alumni


  • Elementary Spring Pictures: March 3
  • Happy Birthday Christian Swiridoff – March 4
  • Happy Birthday Rayleigh Gong: March 7
  • End of 3rd Quarter: March 13
  • School Auction/Dinner: March 14
  • Happy Birthday Jenna Smoljan: March 14
  • Happy Birthday Azlynn Lipe: March 16
  • Happy Birthday Joseph Igot: March 25
  • SAT 10 Testing: March 23 through March 27
  • Cal Poly Choir Festival: March 27
  • NO SCHOOL – Easter Break: March 30 through April 6
  • SCHOOL RESUMES – Tuesday, April 7
  • Happy Birthday Robert Williams: April 6
  • School Resumes: April 7
  • Happy Birthday Dev Gopal: May 13
Mrs. Vander Kooi February 23, 20152016-11-16T22:16:57-08:00

Miss Nolte, Feb. 17-20th, 2015


Nolte News

February 17-20th, 2015

Click HERE for my complete Newsletter


Field Trip to Save Mart Supermarket, Friday, Feb. 20th.

Leaving at 8:45am. Returning by 10:30am.

images books

Spelling Words:



















Bible Verse:

Therefore, each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body. Ephesians 4:25

Miss Nolte, Feb. 17-20th, 20152016-11-16T22:16:58-08:00

Mrs. Witters February 17, 2015

Dear Parents,                                    February 17, 2015


Thank you for attending our R.W.B. Review. Wasn’t it awesome! If you have some photos I’d love to see them! Also a BIG HUG for all the Valentines and Birthday gifts!!. I love you all!

We will be studying plants for the next two weeks. Ask your child what plants need in order to live. We will make a Garden Goodie book.

We are also growing in hiding God’s Word in our hearts. This week our verse is “Unless the Lord builds the house, it’s builders labor in vain”, Psalm 127:1.         Our character trait is kindness. We will begin our “smilebringer” crowns this week. Each child will have a turn to be honored and affirmed by the class.

Dad’s Day is Friday, February 27. We hope all dads can come but if not we share! Uncles or Grandpas are welcome if dad can’t come. Be ready for lots of fun – volcanoes, garden snack, hairy heads, and outdoor games!

Don’t forget the auction is coming up on March 14th. Tickets are going fast!! We made a special class quilt to auction off. It is “Priceless”!!!! Hope to see a lot of you there!


Dates to Remember


February 27         Dad’s Day- Regular schedule

March 14               FCS Auction

March 9-13           “K” Parent Conferences (Regular



March 27                   Fresno State Farm Trip and Easter


March 30-April 6     Easter Vacation

April 17                     Zoo Trip

May 5                        OPEN HOUSE

May 8                        Mother’s Tea Party – 10:15 a.m

May 19                      Graduation!!! – A.M.

May 20                    “K” Swim Party AND LAST DAY OF


Have a happy week. God Bless You!

Mrs. Witters and your kind Kindergartner





Mrs. Witters February 17, 20152015-02-17T07:00:52-08:00

Mrs. Fraser, February 17, 2015

CHARACTER TRAIT:  Friendliness

Reference:  Proverbs 17:17

Bible Verse:  A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

Definition:  Knowing, liking, and accepting another person the way God made him or her

Opposite:  Excluding others


Pattern Words- Compound Words

1.  cannot

2.  himself

3.  herself

4.  without

5.  suitcase

6.  anybody

7.  everyone

8.  landmark

9.  afternoon

10.  roadblock

11.  something

12.  anywhere

13.  northwest

14.  proofread

15.  downstairs

16.  throughout

17.  watercolors

18. underground

High-Frequency Words

19.  electric

20.  business

Challenge Words

*  technology

* innovation



Thank you for all of the beautiful thoughtful gifts, chocolates, cards, and other goodies showered  upon me this Valentine’s Day.  I feel truly blessed by your outpouring of kindness.  Our Valentine’s Day class party was wonderful!  Thank you to all who were able to join us and to all those who generously provided delightful crafts and goodies.  The children could hardly wait for their party to begin and enjoyed it so much because of you!!


The FCS auction is underway!  This is our largest fundraising event each year.  The auction is a great way to donate to our school.  Your donations will bless the lives of others.

I would like to encourage you to support this event by giving or getting donations of services, trips, items, desserts, and/or dinner tickets.  The dinner/silent and live auction will take place  on Saturday, March 14th, from 5:00 to 9:00 P.M. in the FCS Gym.


Several of you have taken some lovely photographs at our field trips or various events during this school year.  We would be greatly blessed to have a CD  of these photos to download for the memory book.   If you can help with this, please send no later than this Friday.


LET’S GO!  We are in for an awesome field trip to the Tech Museum this Thursday!!  The Tech Museum of Innovation is designed to focus on inspiring the innovator in everyone it reaches.  Third graders will enjoy hands-on and interactive exhibits, divided among themed galleries, to provide a truly memorable experience. The Tech is the only museum to offer visitors of all ages the unique comprehensive Silicon Valley experience with hands-on, interactive experiences in genetics, earth sciences, alternative energy, virtual design, microchips and lots, lots more!

ARRIVAL:  On Thursday, February  19th parents and students should arrive by 6:00 AM.  THE BUS WILL ROLL OUT AT  6:15 AM and return at 5:30 PM.  Please park your vehicles in the FARTHEST southeast tree-lined corner parking lot near Fir Street of Peoples Church Campus.  Peoples Church has instructed us not park in front of the church near the world globe.  This area is for church events. 

EXPECTATIONS:  All students and parents will check in with Mrs. Fraser before boarding the bus.  Parents will board the bus first, spreading out to cover the entire bus.  Children will sit their parents.  Students without parents will sit across the aisle from chaperones, who will assist with supervision.  Any student unwilling to cooperate with supervising chaperones will not be invited to join the class on the next field trip.


**Supervise your group at all times.  This includes bus behavior, rest stops at Casa De Fruita, visits to the restrooms, exploring  the museum’s  three floors of galleries, using on-board escalators or elevators, lunch in the Cesar Chavez Park area with the class, shopping in the Tech Store, or visits to the Tech Cafe.  Be on time for arrivals and departures.


After confirming our field trip plans with The Tech Museum yesterday, the Tech representative was  so impressed that our class had 24 chaperones instead of 3 coming from Fresno.  The adult fee will be waived and there will be no charge for adult chaperones on this trip!!!!!  What a blessing!!!!!  If  you have paid your $17.00, you may stop by the Central Office this week and receive a full refund.  Now you have extra spending money for the trip!! Praise God!!!!!


1)  Amy Deffenbacher

2)  Kelly Mynderup

3)  Jen Alberta

4)  Becky Covington

5)  Brenda Rocha

6)  Tina Stephen

7)  Desiree Rocha

8)  Kevin Sue

9)  Jaime DeGroot

10)  Judy Williams

11)  Indra Gunawan

12)  Deanna Hazelton

13)  Martha Fierro

14)  Vincent Neal

15)  Nancy Flores

16)  Griselda Chavez

17)  Michelle Garcia

18)  Monique Mason

If a larger capacity bus happens to arrive Thursday morning, the following chaperones are welcome to join us on the bus.   Otherwise, these parents are welcome to follow the bus in their own vehicle or carpool together:

19)  Quint Marquez

20)  Sara Heath

21)  Tonia Loeffler

22)  Ian Myderup

23)  Rene Cavazos

24)  Petricia Gonzalez


All parent chaperones will need to complete the new Volunteer Policy Form before attending, if you haven’t already done so. These forms are available in the office and can be turned into Mrs. Roberts when completed. She will let me know who has been cleared to attend the field trip.  If your child will not be able to attend please let me know that as well. This will free up a seat for another parent.  All students are expected to ride the bus and I encourage all the chaperones to ride the bus as well. We look forward to a GREAT trip!


Food and drink for  morning and afternoon snacks

Sack lunch and drink with their name

(Sack lunches will be packed in boxes and loaded under bus in storage)

Jacket or sweatshirt

Book to read

Small pillow/and or small blanket

Spending Money ($10.00)  for the TECH Gift Shop/Optional


(This is required by The Tech to recognize specific groups without identifying names of children for security reasons.) 



Our annual FCS Elementary Talent Show will be Fri.,  Feb. 20th.  If your child is interested, please fill out the lavender form that came home last week. If you need a new form,  please check with Mrs. Roberts.  This is always a very fun evening.


Thursday, February 26th from 4:30 – 8:00pm we will be hosting a McTeacher’s Night Fellowship FUNdinner to, (first and foremost) gather together for fellowship and also raise money for our school. This night has raised around $800 for us in the past. The students LOVE to see our faculty AND staff in the real world…won’t you please come and support this event?


Mrs. Whipple has begun preparing our third graders for the Physical Fitness Testing which is in March. Please remember to wear tennis shoes each Wednesday and Friday to avoid any injuries. Thanks!



Thursday, February 19 – Tech Museum of Innovation San Jose Field Trip (6:00 AM to 5:30 PM)

Friday, February 20 – PST Elementary Talent Show 7:00-8:30 PM

Thursday, February 26 – McTeachers Night at McDonalds/Cedar and Herndon

Friday, February 27 –  On-line Scholastic Book Orders Due


Friday, March 6 – Meux Museum  and Historic Walking Tour of Fresno (8:00 AM to 12:30 PM)

March 23-27 – Stanford Achievement Testing

Friday, March 27 – Easter Party (1:20-2:40 PM)


Friday, April 17 – Coke Hallowell Center for River Studies Field Trip (8:00 AM -2:00 PM)















Mrs. Fraser, February 17, 20152016-11-16T22:16:59-08:00

Mr. Miranda February 17, 2015

Valentine’s Party:

Much thanks to Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. Thompson for organizing our party, games and other activities. Thank you to all the parents who sent food. Mr. and Mrs. Aguirre, Mrs. Loeffler, and Mrs. Higginbotham deserve thanks for bringing delicious snacks and helping out during the party.


The final draft of the Young Authors fictional narrative story is due this Friday, February 20 and must be typed and printed out at home (double-spaced, Times New Roman, size 12). Parents may help students type their papers, but please do not make any changes without the student’s participation and consent.

The top three stories, as determined by Mr.Miranda, will advance to the judging level. The AP Honors English high school class will determine 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners at each grade level. The 1st place winners will sign their published stories at a Young Authors table at our spring open house.


The genre for the month of February is realistic fiction. The writing response will be “Add a Chapter.” Students will extend the story, writing about what might happen next. The “Add a Chapter” response is due on Friday, February 27.

Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum  of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.


This week we begin Chapter 9 Multiplying Whole Numbers and Decimals.


This week we continue our study of the solar system. Students will research and present a report about a particular planet. Students can choose to accomplish this with a foldable, presentation board, powerpoint, or a handwritten or typed paper.


This week we continue Unit 5 Gospel Writings: Jesus’ Ministry.


The memory verse for this week is Joshua 1:8 and the test will be this Friday, February 20. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.

James 1:22

SPELLING: Spelling Lesson 24 words will be tested this Friday, February 20.

Lesson 24 – Related Words

  1. ability
  2. able
  3. decompose
  4. decomposition
  5. familiar
  6. family
  7. muscle
  8. muscular
  9. meter
  10. metric
  11. precise
  12. precision
  13. relate
  14. relative
  15. commerce

Challenge Words 

  1. despair
  2. desperate
  3. commend
  4. commendable
  5. commemorate


  • NO SCHOOL – President’s Day: February 16
  • Elementary Talent Show: February 20
  • Elementary Spring Pictures: March 3
  • End of 3rd Quarter: March 13
  • School Auction/Dinner: March 14
  • SAT 10 Testing: March 23 through March 27
  • NO SCHOOL – Easter Break: March 30 through April 6
  • School Resumes: April 7


Mr. Miranda February 17, 20152016-11-16T22:17:00-08:00

Mrs. Tally – February 17, 2015


Dear Families, 

I trust you had a wonderful three day weekend spending time with friends and family. After this week we will be back to the five day school week!!!! We are certainly on the down hill slope of first grade. It hardly seems possible that this much time has gone by, but as the saying goes, “Time flies when you’re having fun”, and having fun we ARE!!!

thankTHANK YOU –  Our staff luncheon was delicious. Thanks to all who participated in providing  the meal. You have blessed us so richly and we are grateful. We had a wonderful Valentine’s Day. Our party was lots of fun and the children loved looking at their valentines as well as the hearts with sweet messages from their classmates. Thank you for all who sent goodies for our celebration and our room  moms who did all the preparation work

HELP – This is a request to all who have taken pictures of our class this year.I would appreciate it if you could put them on a CD and send it to school or just email them to bwarkentin@fresnochristian.com This would include all our field trips, as well as the Thanksgiving and Christmas programs and parties. We are in need of pictures for our Yearbook, which is prepared online. Many thanks!

kids-sitting-on-books-thumbLANGUAGE ARTS – As you read with your child, ask them what is happening at the beginning, middle and the end of the story, as well as the characters, setting, problem and solution in their stories. We will be doing comprehension questions with our study of George Washington, looking for details in our text.

BIBLE – We will be studying Saul.

apple_and_slateboardMATH – We continue with our chapter on money. This is still very challenging for some children. Please continue counting change at home and practice counting by 5’s, 10’s and counting by 10’s starting at 5. We will have our test on this chapter on Wed. Feb. 25th.  The chapter review will come home on Wed. Feb. 18th. and will be due on the day of the test.

FIVE – A DAY – We will begin reviewing Math and Language skills in a booklet called Five -A- Day. There are five problems in both Math and Language for each day of the week. These are done independently. The children will circle in red the ones they miss and correct them. We discuss these together as a class to make our corrections. Please note the kinds of mistakes your child is making as this will be beneficial to you as you work with them. You will see the first Five-A Day in the envelopes on Feb.24th.

SOCIAL SCIENCE – We are learning what country we live in, the state, the city, as well as the seven continents. We will begin Chapter 2 in Social Science entitled “Where People Live”. We will also focus on the contributions of  George Washington.

HEALTH – February is Dental Health month. We will do a unit on”The Care of Our Teeth,” beginning Feb.17th

TALENT SHOW – Our annual FCS Elementary Talent Show will be Fri.,  Feb. 20th.  If your child is interested, please fill out the lavender form that came home last week. If you need a new form,  please check with Mrs. Roberts.  This is always a very fun evening.

school_fund_raisersMcTEACHER’S NIGHT– Thursday, February 26th from 4:30 – 8:00pm we will be hosting a McTeacher’s Night Fellowship FUNdinner to, (first and foremost) gather together for fellowship and also raise money for our school. This night has raised around $800 for us in the past. The students LOVE to see our faculty AND staff in the real world…won’t you please come and support this event?

physed2PHYSICAL FITNESS TRAINING – Mrs. Whipple has begun preparing our First Graders for the Physical Fitness Testing which is in March. Please remember to wear tennis shoes each Monday to avoid any injuries. Thanks!

FCS AUCTION– The FCS auction is underway! This is our largest fundraising event each year. We are excited about setting our goals even higher than last year. The auction is a great way to donate to our school. Your donations will bless the lives of others. Our class will be doing a basket and you will be hearing from the room moms what items will be needed for that. I am hoping that each family will find that special something to donate to the auction. I would like to encourage you to support this event by giving or getting donations of services, trips, items, desserts, and/or dinner tickets. The dinner/silent and live auction will take place on Saturday, March 14th, from 5:00 to 9:00 P.M. in the FCS Gym.

SHOW AND TELL – This week will be Team A.





2-16 – President’s Day – No School

2-20 – Happy 7th Birthday Lincoln Williams

2-20 – PST Elementary Talent Show

2-26 – Happy 7th Birthday Jordyn DeGroot

2-26 – McTeachers Night at McDonald’s 4:30 PM – 8PM  Cedar and Herndon

3-3 – Elementary Spring Pictures

3-22 – Happy 7th Birthday Braeden Oneida

3-23- 3-27 – SAT Testing

3-30 – 4-6 – Spring Break

4-5 – He Is Risen….HALLELUJAH!!

4-7 – School Resumes

Spirit Day is every Friday. Please wear your favorite FCS shirt.



Bible Verse – Feb. 17-21

For the Lord is my fort where I can enter and be safe.  Psalm 18:2  15 pts.


Spelling – Feb. 17-21 – Lesson 26















Mrs. Tally – February 17, 20152016-11-16T22:17:01-08:00
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