PC Pierce

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Mrs. Vander Kooi February 17, 2015

FCS Academic


Thank you to our room moms, Margo Sue and Ruth Williams, for organizing our Valentine’s craft and game last Friday, and thank you to those who generously provided the needed materials and cupcakes. I also enjoyed my sweet treats from you! Thank you!!


The final draft of the Young Authors fictional narrative story is due this Friday, February 20 and must be typed and printed out at home (double-spaced, Times New Roman, size 12). Parents may help students type their papers, but please do not make any changes without the student’s participation and consent.

The top three stories, as determined by Mrs. Vander Kooi, will advance to the judging level. The AP Honors English high school class will determine 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners at each grade level. The 1st place winners will sign their published stories at a Young Authors table at our spring open house.


The genre for the month of February is realistic fiction. The writing response will be “Add a Chapter.” Students will extend the story, writing about what might happen next. The “Add a Chapter” response is due on Friday, February 27.

Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum  of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.


This week we continue Chapter 7: Number Theory and Addition and Subtraction of Fractions.


This week we continue our study of the solar system. Students will research and make a foldable about a particular planet.


This week we continue Unit 5 Gospel Writings: Jesus’ Ministry.


The memory verse for this week is James 1:22 and the test will be this Friday, February 20. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.

James 1:22

SPELLING: Spelling Lesson 24 words will be tested this Friday, February 20.

Lesson 24 – Related Words

  1. ability
  2. able
  3. decompose
  4. decomposition
  5. familiar
  6. family
  7. muscle
  8. muscular
  9. meter
  10. metric
  11. precise
  12. precision
  13. relate
  14. relative
  15. commerce

Challenge Words 

  1. despair
  2. desperate
  3. commend
  4. commendable
  5. commemorate


  • NO SCHOOL – President’s Day: February 16
  • Happy Birthday Max Hinton: February 16
  • Elementary Talent Show: February 20
  • Elementary Spring Pictures: March 3
  • Happy Birthday Christian Swiridoff – March 4
  • Happy Birthday Rayleigh Gong: March 7
  • End of 3rd Quarter: March 13
  • School Auction/Dinner: March 14
  • Happy Birthday Jenna Smoljan: March 14
  • Happy Birthday Azlynn Lipe: March 16
  • Happy Birthday Joseph Igot: March 25
  • SAT 10 Testing: March 23 through March 27
  • NO SCHOOL – Easter Break: March 30 through April 6
  • Happy Birthday Robert Williams: April 6
  • School Resumes: April 7
  • Happy Birthday Dev Gopal: May 13
Mrs. Vander Kooi February 17, 20152016-11-16T22:17:02-08:00

Miss Nolte, February 10th, 2015


Nolte News

February 10th, 2015

Click HERE for my complete Newsletter

Spelling Words:

Review of Lessons 19-23

Check out Spelling City and have fun reviewing 🙂

Bible Verse:

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

1 Corinthians 13:4-5

Miss Nolte, February 10th, 20152016-11-16T22:17:04-08:00

Mrs. Fraser, February 10, 2015




Reference:  John 15:3-4

Bible Verse:  Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.  You are my friends if you do what I command.

Definition:  Supporting someone even when the going gets tough

Opposite:  Unfaithfulness or double-mindedness

SPELLING:  Lesson 22

Lesson 22 Phonics:  Contractions

1.  it’s

2.  I’m

3.  let’s

4.  we’ll

5.  you’d

6.  that’s

7.  they’ll

8.  we’re

9.  you’re

10.  aren’t

11.  they’d

12.  they’ve

13.  there’s

14.  couldn’t

15.  weren’t

16.  might’ve

17.  wouldn’t

18.  shouldn’t

High-frequency Words

19.  direct

20.  captain

Challenge Words

*  president

*  Washington



Thank you for the time spent together during Parent/Teacher Conference Week.  It was very helpful to connect, listen to you share your thoughts and insights, learn more about your family, celebrate progress, and set new goals together.  I appreciate your support, prayers,  and encouragement in this journey of education together with your child.


The third graders are learning about the greatest command Jesus gave us: to love the Lord with all your heart, mind, and strength and to love your neighbor (your study buddy sitting beside you) as much as you love yourself.  Our devotions this week will focus around what it means to be a loyal friend and  love at  all times by knowing, liking, and accepting another person the way God made them.


Friday, February 13, our class will celebrate Valentine’s Day with a party from 1:20-2:40 PM.  Students may choose to participate in exchanging valentines.  A class list was provided so that all students can be included in the valentine exchange.   Please bring your valentines on the DAY of the party, not any earlier.  Thank you!

It is not too late to check the Valentine’s Party sign-up sheet posted by our classroom door.   Stop by to see if there is something you might like to help with our third graders’ special day.

A pizza lunch in our classroom will be provided for our third graders on Friday so you will not need to pack a lunch but just a morning snack.


This is a request  to all who have taken pictures of our class this year.  I would appreciate it if you could put them on a CD and send it to school. This would include all our field trips,  Christmas program, and parties.  We are in need of pictures for our Yearbook, which is prepared online. Many thanks!


We are finalizing plans for the field trip to the Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose on Thursday, February  19th.  We will be leaving at 6:00 AM and returning by 5:30 PM.

The following parents have volunteered to serve as chaperones.  Chaperones, please be sure to pay your admission fee of $17.00 to Central Office (designated to our Third Grade Account) no later than this Friday, February 13th.

1)  Amy Deffenbacher

2)  Kelly Mynderup

3)  Jen Alberta

4)  Becky Covington

5)  Brenda Rocha

6)  Tina Stephen

7)  Desiree Rocha

8)  Kevin Sue

9)  Jaime DeGroot

10)  Judy Williams

11)  Indra Gunawan

12)  Deanna Hazelton

13)  Martha Fierro

14)  Vincent Neal

15)  Nancy Flores

16)  Griselda Chavez

17)  Michelle Garcia

18)  Monique Mason

19)  Quint Marquez

20)  Sara Heath

21)  Tonia Loeffler

22)  Ian Myderup

23)  Rene Cavazos

24)  Petricia Gonzalez

All parent chaperones will need to complete the new Volunteer policy form before attending, if you haven’t already done so. These forms are available in the office and can be turned into Mrs. Roberts when completed. She will let me know who has been cleared to attend the field trip.  If your child will not be able to attend please let me know that as well. All students are expected to ride the bus and I encourage all the chaperones to ride the bus as well. We look forward to a GREAT trip!

Students should bring: Food and drink for snacks, a SACK lunch and drink with their name, a jacket or sweatshirt, and a book to read.

**They may bring spending money for the gift shop. (Optional.)


The FCS auction preparation is underway!  This is our largest fundraising event each year.  We are excited about setting our goals even higher than last year.  The auction is a great way to donate to our school.  Your donations will bless the lives of others.

Please start thinking about your gift or donation. We are asking each child’s family to contact family, friends, neighbors, and merchants to make a donation to our auction.

I am hoping that each family will find that special something to donate to the auction.  I would like to encourage you to support this event by giving or getting donations of services, trips, items, desserts, and/or dinner tickets.  The dinner/silent and live auction will take place Saturday, March 14, from 5:00 to 9:00 P.M. in the FCS Gym.

The California Junior Scholarship Federation (an organization promoting scholarship for service) at Fresno Christian Junior High is conducting its annual Candy Gram fund raiser.  The money collected will be used for books for an orphanage on the China-North Korean border. We will be selling the candy grams for $1 beginning Monday, February 2 and ending at  3 P.M. on Thursday, February 12, 2015.  The candy grams will be distributed on Friday, February 13, 2015.  If you or your child wish to purchase any candy grams, you may ask your child’s teacher for forms, or call the high school office (299-1695 ext. 4), and Mrs. Belmont will see that you get the forms you need.  If you pay by check, make them payable to Fresno Christian Schools and indicate CJSF on the memo line.


As part of our Unit 3 Fresno History study in Social Studies, our third graders will take a private tour of the Meux Home Museum on Friday, March 6th.  We will also take a “Historic Downtown Walking Tour of Fresno” as we relive Fresno’s early pioneer beginnings by visiting such sites as St. John’s Cathedral, Sheriff Collin’s home and stables, Santa Fe Railroad Station, Fresno Water Tower, and Brix Mansion.  Student admission has been prepaid through tuition fees.

**If you would like to serve as a carpooling chaperone on the field trip to Meux Home Museum and Walking Tour, please email me at cfraser@fresnochristian.com by Friday, February 20.

Chaperones need to pre-pay $5.00 admission fee by Monday, March 2nd  in the Central Office to our Third Grade Account.  No siblings are allowed on this particular field trip.  We will meet in our classroom at 8:00 AM on Friday, March 6th and return around 12:15 PM for lunch on campus.  

All parent chaperones will need to complete the New Volunteer Policy form before attending, if you haven’t already done so. These forms are available in the office and can be turned into Mrs. Roberts when completed. She will let me know who has been cleared to attend the field trip.




Friday, February 13 – Happy Valentine’s Day! / Party 1:20-2:40 PM

Monday, February 16 – No School / Presidents’ Holiday

Thursday, February 19 – Tech Museum of Innovation San Jose Field Trip (6:00 AM to 5:30 PM)

Friday, February 20 – PST Elementary Talent Show

Friday, February 27 –  On-line Scholastic Book Orders Due


Friday, March 6 – Meux Museum  and Historic Walking Tour of Fresno (8:00 AM to 12:30 PM)

March 23-27 – Stanford Achievement Testing

Friday, March 27 – Easter Party (1:20-2:40 PM)


Friday, April 17 – Coke Hallowell Center for River Studies Field Trip (8:00 AM -2:00 PM)
































Mrs. Fraser, February 10, 20152016-11-16T22:17:05-08:00

Mr. Miranda February 10, 2015




 valentines heart


Thank you, Mrs. Brooks, for organizing a Valentine’s Day Party this Friday at 1:30. Cards are a great way to express care for one another. We hope to have some fun as we end our short week.


The California Junior Scholarship Federation (an organization promoting scholarship for service) at Fresno Christian Junior High is conducting its annual Candy Gram fundraiser.  The money collected will be used for books for a local group in the Fresno area. We will be selling the candy grams for $1 beginning Tuesday, February 3 and ending at  3 P.M. on Thursday, February 12, 2015.  The candy grams will be distributed on Friday, February 13, 2015.  If you pay by check, make them payable to Fresno Christian Schools and indicate CJSF on the memo line.  If you or your child wish to purchase any candy grams, you may ask your child’s teacher for forms, or call the high school office (299-1695 ext. 4), and Mrs. Belmont will see that you get the forms you need.

WRITING:                                                      Treasure_Planet_poster         

Young Authors judging/competition is fast approaching.  Past winners’ writing pieces have been shared in class with students. This week students will revise and edit their stories. The final draft is due on Friday, February 20 and must be typed (double-spaced, Times New Roman, size 12). Winning pieces are normally  8-10 pages long. Students will be given time in class to work on their writing. Parents may help students type their papers at home, but please do not make any changes without the student’s participation.

READING:          Chapter-11

The genre for the month of February is realistic fiction. The writing response is “Add a Chapter.” Students will extend the story, writing about what might happen next. The writing piece may be 1-2 pages typed or handwritten. Students will be given a grading rubric this week. Papers are due on Friday, February 27.

Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum  of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.

MATH:            DivideFrac

This week we continue Chapter 8 Multiplication and Division of Fractions.

SCIENCE:       solar system nasa    

This week we begin our study of the solar system. Students will research and make a foldable about a particular planet.

Check out this link < http://www.seasky.org/solar-system/solar-system.html>


This week we continue Unit 5 Gospel Writings: Jesus’ Ministry.


The memory verse for this week is Joshua 1:8 and the test will be this Friday, February 13. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

Joshua 1:8

SPELLING: Spelling Lesson 23 words will be tested this Friday, February 13.

Lesson 23 – Words with silent letters

  1. aisle
  2. align
  3. rhythm
  4. crumb
  5. fasten
  6. glisten
  7. knotty
  8. knuckle
  9. often
  10. plumber
  11. reign
  12. bustle
  13. shepherd
  14. soften
  15. sword

Challenge Words

  1. rendezvous
  2. rhinoceros
  3. choreograph
  4. raspberry
  5. handkerchief


  • NO SCHOOL – Lincoln’s Birthday: February 9
  • NO SCHOOL – President’s Day: February 16
  • Elementary Spring Pictures: March 3
  • End of 3rd Quarter: March 13
  • School Auction/Dinner: March 14
  • SAT 10 Testing: March 23 through March 27
  • NO SCHOOL – Easter Break: March 30 through April 6
  • School Resumes: April 7


Mr. Miranda February 10, 20152016-11-16T22:17:06-08:00

Mrs. Witters February 9, 2015

Dear Parents,                                   February 9, 2015


Don’t forget the Red, White and Blue Program THIS FRIDAY at 9:00 a.m. Please invite all your friends!! It’s a GREAT show! Our Valentine’s party will be right after recess (10:15). PLEASE dress your child in RED, WHITE and BLUE. Thank you!

Our teacher is very proud of us. We are learning so much at this time of year. We are growing strong. We are even practicing running. What a challenge! Please have your child wear his or her fastest tennis shoes for the next few weeks. The girls need shorts under their dresses for stretching exercises.

This week we are making a “storm” book and learning about the water cycle.

Many of us are really growing in math knowledge. Most of us can count to 100 by ones without help. We are also learning how to count by tens. In reading we are blending sounds together to make words. We are also writing words and sentences.

Our character trait is friendship. Our Bible verse is “Teach me your ways so I may know you”. Exodus 33:13. Please continue to send us notes demonstrating how your child is allowing Christ to develop His character in your child. We will be writing “smilebringer” crowns in a few weeks. Each child will have a turn to be honored and affirmed by the class.

The Fresno Christian Auction is just around the corner (Saturday, March 14). Be sure and order your tickets/tables as soon as possible. Tickets are going fast! Also remember, WE NEED YOUR DONATIONS! Popular auction items include: boutique items, collectibles, vacation packages, jewelry, art, tools, dinner packages, professional services, electronics, garden supplies, gift certificates, etc. Turn in the forms with your donation (or clearly mark auction donation) and our class will get credits towards a party. You may get these from Mrs. Roberts. Our class quilt will be for sale at the auction.






February 13       Red, White and Blue Program and Valentine’s



February 16       NO SCHOOL ( President’s Day )


February 27       Dad’s Day- Regular schedule


March 14              FCS Auction (Our class quilt will be for sale!)


March 9 – 13       Parent Conferences – Regular Schedul


March 27             Fresno State Farm Trip and Easter Party (more

Info. later)


March 30-April 6        Easter Vacation


April 17               Zoo Trip



I certainly appreciate all the parent help and support this year! Thank you!!

Have a happy week! God Bless You!


Mrs. Witters and your friendly Kindergartner







Mrs. Witters February 9, 20152016-11-16T22:17:07-08:00

Mrs. Tally – February 10, 2015





Dear Families,

Thank you for the wonderful conferences. It’s exciting to partner with you, educating your child to become a life long learner who will love God, and further His Kingdom!

LUNCHEON – Our class is  in charge of  the Teacher Luncheon, Tuesday, Feb. 10th. Thank you to everyone for signing up for the needed items.  It looks like it will be a very yummy luncheon.  If you are able, help is still needed with the set-up at 10:45 AM.  If your schedule permits,  your help would be appreciated.

HELP – This is a request to all who have taken pictures of our class this year.I would appreciate it if you could put them on a CD and send it to school or just email them to bwarkentin@fresnochristian.com This would include all our field trips, as well as the Thanksgiving and Christmas programs and parties. We are in need of pictures for our Yearbook, which is prepared online. Many thanks!

girl-standing-behind-stack-of-big-books-thumbLANGUAGE ARTS – As you read with your child, ask them what is happening at the beginning, middle and the end of the story, as well as the characters, setting, problem and solution in their stories. We will be doing comprehension questions with our study of Abraham Lincoln and  George Washington, looking for details in our text.

bible_samuelBIBLE – We will finish up  with our study of Samuel.

–  We continue with our chapter on money.This has proven very challenging for some children.  Please continue counting change at home and practice counting by 5’s, 10’s and counting by 10’s starting at 5.

FIVE – A DAY – We will begin reviewing Math and Language skills in a booklet called Five -A- Day. There are five problems in both Math and Language for each day of the week. These are done independently. The children will circle in red the ones they miss and correct them. We discuss these together as a class to make our corrections. Please note the kinds of mistakes your child is making as this will be beneficial to you as you work with them. You will see the first Five-A Day in the envelopes on Feb.17th.

SOCIAL SCIENCE – We are learning what country we live in, the state, the city, as well as the seven continents. We will begin Chapter 2 in Social Science entitled “Where People Live”.  We will also focus on the contributions of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington this month..

HEALTH  – February is Dental Health month. We will do a unit on”The Care of Our Teeth,” beginning Feb.17th.

valentine4VALENTINE’S PARTY– We will celebrate on Friday, Feb. 13th. Our party will be from 1:00PM – 2:20 PM. The children will exchange valentines with one another. Please be sure your child brings a valentine for everybody. A class list of names came home in the Monday Envelopes, however, if  you need another one, just let me know. Please add to your list our new boy, Trevor Juve.

SHOW AND TELL – This week will be Team B.

great_big_bear_hug2CANDY GRAM FUNDRAISER
– The California Junior Scholarship Federation (an organization promoting scholarship for service) at Fresno Christian Junior High is conducting its annual Candy Gram fundraiser. The money collected will be used for books for a local group in the Fresno area. We will be selling the candy grams for $1 beginning Tuesday, February 3 and ending at 3 P.M. on Thursday, February 12, 2015. The candy grams will be distributed on Friday, February 13, 2015. If you pay by check, make them payable to Fresno Christian Schools and indicate CJSF on the memo line. If you or your child wish to purchase any candy grams, you may ask your child’s teacher for forms, or call the high school office (299-1695 ext. 4), and Mrs. Belmont will see that you get the forms you need.

PEPHYSICAL FITNESS TRAINING – Mrs. Whipple has begun preparing our First Graders for the Physical Fitness Testing which is in March. Please remember to wear tennis shoes each Monday to avoid any injuries. Thanks!

FCS AUCTION– The FCS auction is underway! This is our largest fundraising event each year. We are excited about setting our goals even higher than last year. The auction is a great way to donate to our school. Your donations will bless the lives of others. Our class will be doing a basket and you will be hearing from the room moms what items will be needed for that. I am hoping that each family will find that special something to donate to the auction. I would like to encourage you to support this event by giving or getting donations of services, trips, items, desserts, and/or dinner tickets. The dinner/silent and live auction will take place on Saturday, March 14th, from 5:00 to 9:00 P.M. in the FCS Gym.

SHOW AND TELL – This week will be Team B.





2-9 – Lincoln’s Birthday – No School

2-12 – Happy 7th Birthday James Emerian

2-13- Happy Valentine’s Day Party – 1:00 – 2:40 PM

2-16 – President’s Day – No School

2-20 – Happy 7th Birthday Lincoln Williams

2-20 – PST Elementary Talent Show

2-26 – Happy 7th Birthday Jordyn DeGroot

3-3 – Elementary Spring Pictures

3-22 – Happy 7th Birthday Braeden Oneida

3-23- 3-27 – SAT Testing

3-30 – 4-6 – Spring Break

4-5 – He Is Risen….HALLELUJAH!!

4-7 – School Resumes

Spirit Day is every Friday. Please wear your favorite FCS shirt.



crsshart_sBible Verse – Feb. 10-13

Help me to love your every wish.  Psalm 119:80  10 pts. 


Spelling – Feb. 10-13  –  Lesson 25

















Mrs. Tally – February 10, 20152016-11-16T22:17:08-08:00

Mrs. Vander Kooi February 10, 2015


FCS Academic


This Friday is Valentine’s Day and the students have voted to exchange valentines. Here are the names of all Vander Kooi’s Joys: Antwon, Sophia, Brawn, Rayleigh, Dev, Maxwell, Joseph I., Natalie, Azlynn, Kamdon, Jenna, Micah, Naty, Joseph V., Robert, Owen, Greg and Noah.


The California Junior Scholarship Federation (an organization promoting scholarship for service) at Fresno Christian Junior High is conducting its annual Candy Gram fundraiser.  The money collected will be used for books for a local group in the Fresno area. We will be selling the candy grams for $1 beginning Tuesday, February 3 and ending at  3 P.M. on Thursday, February 12, 2015.  The candy grams will be distributed on Friday, February 13, 2015.  If you pay by check, make them payable to Fresno Christian Schools and indicate CJSF on the memo line.  If you or your child wish to purchase any candy grams, you may ask your child’s teacher for forms, or call the high school office (299-1695 ext. 4), and Mrs. Belmont will see that you get the forms you need.


The first draft of the Young Authors fictional narrative story was due last Friday, February 6. This week students will revise and edit their stories. The final draft is due on Friday, February 20 and must be typed (double-spaced, Times New Roman, size 12). Parents may help students type their papers, but please do not make any changes without the student’s participation.


The genre for the month of February is realistic fiction. The writing response is “Add a Chapter.” Students will extend the story, writing about what might happen next. Students were given a grading rubric last week.

Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum  of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.


This week we continue Chapter 7: Number Theory and Addition and Subtraction of Fractions.


This week we begin our study of the solar system. Students will research and make a foldable about a particular planet.


This week we continue Unit 5 Gospel Writings: Jesus’ Ministry.


The memory verse for this week is Joshua 1:8 and the test will be this Friday, February 13. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

Joshua 1:8

SPELLING: Spelling Lesson 23 words will be tested this Friday, February 13.

Lesson 23 – Words with silent letters

  1. aisle
  2. align
  3. rhythm
  4. crumb
  5. fasten
  6. glisten
  7. knotty
  8. knuckle
  9. often
  10. plumber
  11. reign
  12. bustle
  13. shepherd
  14. soften
  15. sword

Challenge Words

  1. rendezvous
  2. rhinoceros
  3. choreograph
  4. raspberry
  5. handkerchief


  • NO SCHOOL – Lincoln’s Birthday: February 9
  • Happy Birthday Gregory Tanaka: February 10
  • NO SCHOOL – President’s Day: February 16
  • Happy Birthday Max Hinton: February 16
  • Elementary Spring Pictures: March 3
  • Happy Birthday Christian Swiridoff – March 4
  • Happy Birthday Rayleigh Gong: March 7
  • End of 3rd Quarter: March 13
  • School Auction/Dinner: March 14
  • Happy Birthday Jenna Smoljan: March 14
  • Happy Birthday Azlynn Lipe: March 16
  • Happy Birthday Joseph Igot: March 25
  • SAT 10 Testing: March 23 through March 27
  • NO SCHOOL – Easter Break: March 30 through April 6
  • Happy Birthday Robert Williams: April 6
  • School Resumes: April 7
  • Happy Birthday Dev Gopal: May 13
Mrs. Vander Kooi February 10, 20152016-11-16T22:17:09-08:00

Miss Nolte, February 2, 2015

Nolte News

February 2-6th, 2015

Click HERE for complete newsletter

Spelling Words:

















challenge words:



Bible Verse:

If you love me, you will obey what I command.

John 14:15

(You will have to write the entire verse)

Miss Nolte, February 2, 20152016-11-16T22:17:10-08:00

Mrs. Witters February 2, 2015

Dear Kindergarten Parents,                                    February 2, 2015


We hope you had a happy week. Ours was filled with patriots and songs about our flag and love for our country. We will make a book about the “Pledge of Allegiance.”


Kindergarten PARENT CONFERENCES are MARCH 9 – 13 NOT Feb. 2 – 6. (1-6 grade only). We have regular schedule the week of Feb. 2 – 6.


Don’t forget…Red, White, and Blue Review is next FRIDAY, Feb. 13th at 9:00 a.m. Please practice your child’s poem with them so they are prepared for our program. All parents and grandparents are cordially invited. The program will last about 30 minutes. Please dress your child in patriotic colors if possible. Blue denim is fine too. Don’t go out and buy a new outfit; this is just a fun and educational way to celebrate our beloved U.S.A. After the show we will have recess and then continue the fun with our Valentine Party. Thank you for all your support in helping with our “special” days! Don’t forget your camera!


Our Bible verse this week is “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness”, Matthew 6:33. The character trait is Honesty.

Friday, February 27, we will be honoring our dads. We invite all the dads or grandpas to come for a fun filled morning!! We really need you from 8:00 – 9:30… but you can stay all morning if you want to!! We realize that it is difficult to take time off, and if you can’t rearrange your schedule, we understand. We will also convey that to the children and “spread the dads around” to cover everyone in our class.


Dates to Remember


February 9             Lincoln’s Birthday – NO School

February 13             Red, White and Blue Review and Valentines Party

February 16           NO SCHOOL – President’s Holiday


February 27              Dad’s Day (Regular Schedule)


March 14                 F.C.S. Auction – Lots of Fun!!!!


March 9 – 13             Parent Conferences – Regular Schedule


March 27                 Fresno State Farm Trip and Easter

Party ( more info later! )

March 30-April 6       Easter Vacation


April 17                     Zoo Trip



Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Witters



Mrs. Witters February 2, 20152015-02-02T07:00:33-08:00

Mrs. Tally – February 2, 2015


Dear Families

We had a wonderful time last Monday listening to all the poems from the finalists in Grades 1-3. Congratulations to all  who were chosen to represent FCS at Peach Blossom next month. Sydney Hazelton was chosen from our class.  

This will be a short week academically as we will have noon dismissal each day. I so look forward to meeting with each of you to share about your child’s progress in First Grade at conference time.

conferencesPARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES – Elementary conferences are scheduled for the week of Feb. 2-6.  School is dismissed at 12:00 PM each day during this week. If you need to change your appointment time, please call Kerry Roberts at 299-1695, ext. 103.

School_Clip_Art_151READING – The children are becoming quite independent with their reading and their skill development work. We continue to work on comprehension and now, putting expression in their voices when they read to make it more interesting.

WRITING We continue to focus on writing a narrative about ourself, incorporating adjectives to dress up and make our writing more interesting.

mathMATH – We will start Chapter 7 which covers money.  You can practice at home counting coins which will be helpful to your child.  Start with the coin with the highest value.  We are practicing at school counting by 10’s, starting with 5.

BIBLE We will study Samuel.

val180-aniVALENTINE’S PARTY We will celebrate on Friday, Feb. 13th. Our party will be from 1:00PM – 2:20 PM. The children will exchange valentines with one another. Please be sure your child brings a valentine for everybody. A class list of names will come home in the Monday Envelopes, however, if later on you need another one, just let me know.

SHOW AND TELL – This week will be Team A.

hartbeerCANDY GRAM FUNDRAISER – The California Junior Scholarship Federation (an organization promoting scholarship for service) at Fresno Christian Junior High is conducting its annual Candy Gram fundraiser. The money collected will be used for books for a local group in the Fresno area. We will be selling the candy grams for $1 beginning Tuesday, February 3 and ending at 3 P.M. on Thursday, February 12, 2015. The candy grams will be distributed on Friday, February 13, 2015. If you pay by check, make them payable to Fresno Christian Schools and indicate CJSF on the memo line. If you or your child wish to purchase any candy grams, you may ask your child’s teacher for forms, or call the high school office (299-1695 ext. 4), and Mrs. Belmont will see that you get the forms you need.

PEPHYSICAL FITNESS TRAINING Mrs. Whipple has begun preparing our First Graders for the Physical Fitness Testing which is in March. Please remember to wear tennis shoes each Tuesday and Thursday to avoid any injuries. Thanks!




2-2 – 2-6 – Parent Teacher Conferences -School dismissed at 12:00 PM

2-9 – Lincoln’s Birthday – No School

2-12 – Happy 7th Birthday James Emerian

2-13- Happy Valentine’s Day Party – 1:00 – 2:40 PM

2-16 – President’s Day – No School

2-20 – Happy 7th Birthday Lincoln Williams

2-20 – PST Elementary Talent Show

2-26 – Happy 7th Birthday Jordyn DeGroot

3-3 – Elementary Spring Pictures

3-22 – Happy 7th Birthday Braeden Oneida

3-23- 3-27 – SAT Testing

3-30 – 4-6 – Spring Break

4-5 – He Is Risen….HALLELUJAH!!

4-7 – School Resumes

Spirit Day is every Friday. Please wear your favorite FCS shirt.



crsshart_sBible Verse – Feb. 2-6

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have eternal life.  John 3:16  29 pts



Spelling – Feb. 2-6 – Lesson 24















Mrs. Tally – February 2, 20152016-11-16T22:17:11-08:00
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