Nolte Newsletter

August 25th-29th, 2014

Here comes week 3!!

If you still have questions or something comes up, please email me 🙂


Volunteer Sign ups:

Volunteers can start coming in this week on the day they signed up for. 8-9am


If you are interested in being the Second Grade Room Mom, please email me.


Spelling words:

Test on Friday, Aug. 29th














Please help your child study every night at home. Here are some ideas:

*SPELLING WEBSITE: this site has games, stories, and quizzes all using our words for the week.

*practice tests

*write 3x each

*dictate them orally to you

*cut up the letters and unscramble them


Bible Verse:

Test on Friday, Aug. 29th

“For wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her.”

Proverbs 8:11

This week’s test will be a fill in the blank. Try your best with spelling. Study at home:

*create hand motions

*word scramble

*write 3x

*oral practice every day


This week in class:


Tuesday will be the first Chapel for this school year.

Tuesday: PE

Wednesday: Library

Friday: Music

Math: This week we will using subtraction to help with our addition and subtraction from 15 and 20. Continue to work on your math facts at home.

Lang. Arts and Reading Groups: We start our reading groups this week. I have put everyone into a group with other students on their level so I can meet their needs more effectively and in a smaller group setting.

Science: We are planting a bean seed this week. We will keep it here and observe how it grows, making sure it gets everything a plant needs to survive. Eventually they will be taken home

Social Studies: “The Land Around Us.” We will be finishing this unit soon. The test will be on Monday, Sep 8th. I will send a study guide home next week to help practice the vocabulary.

Bible: We begin our Peace Making curriculum this week and work on our new Bible verse.

Upcoming Dates:

Labor Day, No school: Monday, September 1st

Picture Day: Tuesday, September 9th

Grandparents Day: Friday, October 3rd

Weekly Riddle:

What has a face and two hands, but no arms or legs?