Nolte Newsletter

September 2nd-5th, 2014


Parent Teacher Conferences are coming soon. Please check the scheduled time and date you have been given to make sure you can make it. Return the bottom portion to me no later than Sep. 9th.


A letter from our Room Mom is in your child’s Special Delivery Folder. Please read it, and contact Dawn Hinton if you have any questions.


I am doing a weekly Behavior Report for some students that are pulling yellow cards more often then I would like. Please check your child’s folder for one. If you have any questions please email me, and please help me remind them about classroom rules:

*Raise your hand before speaking and getting up.

*Show respect to the teacher and your peers.

*Try your hardest and do your best!!


Spelling words

Test on Friday, Sep. 5th













Please help your child study every night at home. Here are some ideas:

*SPELLING WEBSITE: this site has games, stories, and quizzes all using our words for the week.

*practice tests

*write 3x each

*dictate them orally to you

*cut up the letters and unscramble them


Bible Verse

“The wise in heart accept commands, but a chattering fool comes to ruin.”

Proverbs 10:8

This week’s test will be a fill in the blank. Try your best with spelling. Study at home:

*create hand motions

*word scramble

*write 3x

*oral practice every day


This week in class:

Tuesday: Music & PE

Wednesday: Library

Math: More practice with subtraction as well as Problem Solving and Number Sentences. We are starting timed tests this week. They will be given 8 minutes to complete 100 problems. When a child gets 100% correct they move on to the next test.

Lang. Arts and Reading Groups: First week went great. Working with the students one-on-one has been very beneficial in assessing their strengths and needs.

Science: We are charting our plant’s growth and continuing to talk about living things and what they need to survive.

Social Studies: “The Land Around Us.” We will be finishing this unit soon. The test will be on Tuesday, Sep. 9th. Attached is a list of vocabulary words and their definitions. The students should be studying at home. The test will be multiple choice and fill in the blank.

Bible: We will be talking about the great Flood this week.


Elementary Spirit Days

Fresno Christian Schools Spirit Days are here! Starting this Friday and every Friday after, wear your FCS Spirit Wear. At the end of each month the K-6 class with the highest percentage of Spirit Wear worn will be the keeper of the FCS Eagle Trophy for a month! So wear your Fresno Christian Spirit Wear with pride. Go Eagles!!!

Moms in Prayer

Any woman desiring to pray for our children and Fresno Christian School.

Join us for a powerful time of prayer!

Fridays from 8:00 – 9:00 am

Peoples Church, Room 204

Contact: Janet Moore 448-0947 or


Box Tops for Education

This year we will again be participating in the Box Tops for Education fundraiser. Each Box Top collected is worth cash for our school. As an incentive we will be having a class contest. The class bringing in the most Box Tops at the end of this promotion will receive a “prize”. We will post class totals monthly in the Elementary Office window.

Please hand in your trimmed Box Tops in a Ziploc bag or envelope, labeled with your child’s/teacher’s name and the amount of Box Tops to your teacher. Every Friday the student bringing in the most for the week from each class will get to choose something from the Treasure Box in the Elementary Office.

You can find a list of Box Tops online at:


Upcoming Dates:

Labor Day, No school: Monday, September 1st

Picture Day: Tuesday, September 9th

Parent-Teacher Conferences: Sep 15-19th (Early Release all week)

Grandparents Day: Friday, October 3rd

September Birthdays:

Jack, Sep. 1st

Haiylee’, Sep. 9th

Joshua, Sep. 17th

Weekly Riddle:

What has to be broken before you can use it?