Reference:  Philippians 2:3

Bible Verse:  Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.

Definition:  Allowing God His rightful place at the center of my life and giving Him the glory of praise I might receive  

Opposite:  Pride or self-importance


LESSON 19  Pattern Words:   R-Controlled Vowels

1.  yours

2.  share

3.  warm

4.  worry

5.  fourth

6.  course

7.  report

8.  corner

9.  before

10.  depart

11.  storms

12.  careful

13.  worker

14.   market

15.  warning

16.  shortest

17.  seashore

18.  forgotten

High-Frequency Words

19.  noisy

20.  mountain

Challenge Words

*  vitamins

*  minerals



Third graders are enjoying the experience of sharing their poems in class.   They are all doing a great job!   All students should have their poems memorized  by Thursday and should be putting on their finishing touches with hand motions, facial expressions, or gestures.

Classroom participants will be selected for  on Friday, Jan. 23rd.  No parents will attend on  this day.  Keep practicing at home, as there are only a few days left before our classroom participants are chosen.


Parents are invited to the Finalist Round of the Peach Blossom AssemblyMonday. Jan. 26th at 12:30 PM in the North Lobby Chapel.


There will be a math test on Friday, January 23 over Chapter 6 Multiplication Facts.  A pre-test will be sent home to review in preparation for the test on Friday.  Students may turn in Red Homework Folders on Friday of this shortened week.  Be sure to review factors of 6, 7, 8, and 9.


The children are doing a wonderful job selling chocolates!! Check out  your World’s Finest Chocolate boxes  from now until January 31st. Please turn in your money in the envelopes enclosed in your boxes to the campus secretary, Mrs. Roberts, not your teachers , (student’s name and teacher need to be written on them).


 We will celebrate on Friday, Feb. 13th.  Our party will be from 1:20 – 2:40. The children will exchange valentines with one another. Please be sure  your child brings a valentine for everybody.  A class list will be sent home next week so that you can include all students.


This week the story of Genesis shifts to Joseph in Chapter 37.  Running through the Joseph stories is one theme:  the mystery of God’s providence.  The stories our third graders will study show God working out his purposes in spite of and through human evil.  Genesis 37 identifies Joseph as his father’s chosen and the one to whom God gave a dream.  This week we will study the story of how Joseph is despised by his brothers and sold into slavery and eventually finds himself in Potiphar’s house, an Egyptian official.  We will learn about Joseph’s God-given ability to interpret dreams.


We have been studying about “Shaping Up My Choices” and Food Group Finds.  Students have a Family Homework assignment along with the weekly math homework.  Look for the Lesson 2 “My Dinner Foods” in your RED FOLDER.  Complete the student activity and family activity together and return in your RED FOLDER by Friday, January 23rd.  


Elementary conferences are scheduled for the week of February 3-7.  School is dismissed at 12:00 PM each day during that week.  Your scheduled appointment time will be included in your child’s Red Folder on Tuesday, Jan. 20th. Please sign and return by Friday, Jan. 30th.  If you need to change your time, please call Mrs. Roberts at 299 1695, ext. 103.


Parent volunteers are needed to lead Kids’ Clubs this spring.  Kids’ Clubs are fun activities like arts & crafts, sports and games, and food creations that the kids participate in during the second half of lunch recess.  PST is looking for parents who want to volunteer 25 minutes of their time to lead a club this spring.  We’ll give you an idea if you don’t have one and even supply the materials.  You don’t need to be crafty or have teaching experience, just a desire to spend a little time with children.  A flyer will be coming home with your child this week.  Flyers are due back by Friday, January 23rd. Please contact PST’s Kids’ Club Coordinator, Jennifer Dansby, at 681-4605 or



Friday, January 23 – Classroom Peach Blossom Presentations

Monday, January 26 – Finalist Round Peach Blossom Assembly – 12:30 PM – North Lobby Chapel (All Invited)