
CHARACTER TRAIT:  Thankfulness

Reference:  Psalm 100:4

Bible Verse:  Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name.

Definition:  Being glad for the goodness of God and others.
Opposite:  Little appreciation for what God and others do for me


Pattern Words-Consonant Digraphs- ch, ph, sh, tch, th, wh

1.  fifth

2.  then

3.  than

4.  which

5.  wheel

6.  shelter

7.  kitchen

8.  catcher

9.  children

10.  whether

11.  weather

12.  watched

13.  matches

14.  branches

15.  sandwich

16.  telephone

17.  dashboard

18.  photograph

High-Frequency Words

19.  recess

20.  subject

Challenge Words





We are still in need of P.E.S.T. (Parents Encouraging Staff and Teachers) to minister to staff this year.  There are 22 staff members and teachers who do not have someone to pray or love on them.  If you are interested in secretly blessing an FCS individual this year through small, uplifting ways with a card, cookie, thoughtful deed, verse, or prayer, you may email Amy Brooks at

Most Sincerely,

Jen Alberta


Monday, November 10th is the deadline for turning in all Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes.  Thank you for all the generous donations of Christmas boxes!!  Let’s pray for all the children receiving them over the next few months.   Feel free to still bring one if you forgot yours!  We will let you know the final numbers for our school.


We will be having a class Thanksgiving feast on Friday, Nov. 21st, at 11:30 AM.  Parents are invited to join us.  Students and parents will participate in a Thanksgiving Reader’s Theater.

Stop by this week  and you are welcome to sign-up on the Thanksgiving Sheet on the wall adjacent to our front door of our classroom.  The following items are needed for 40 people:





Macaroni and Cheese

Green Beans

Cranberry Sauce

Rolls and Butter

Pumpkin Pie

Chocolate Pie


Sparkling Cider

Please also fill free to contact our Co-Head Room Mothers, Jen Alberta and Becky Covington.  After lunch and Friday’s P.E. from 12:30-1:15 PM.,  our class will have Thanksgiving crafts and activities between 1:30-2:30 PM.


Last week we began a new unit in Bible:  Unit 3 Jacob and Joseph.  Jacob was unworthy to inherit God’s promises.  He was a trickster, a schemer, and one who tried to live by his own devices.  Yet God chose him and worked through his schemes to eventually fulfill the covenant promises.

The things that happened to Joseph were unexpected.  Yet God used Joseph to preserve His chosen people during the famine.  The story of Jacob and his family is the story of God working out His plan for His people by turning their often sinful choices into ultimate blessings.

Through the varied events of their lives, God developed His covenant people into the beginnings of a great nation, and God’s promise to Abraham began to come true.  Here are the stories third graders will be studying:

Jacob and Esau:  The Birthright and Blessing

Jacob at Bethel and at the Well

Jacob Marries Leah and Rachel

Jacob’s Sons

Jacob Flees from Laban

God Wrestles with Jacob

Jacob Returns to Canaan

Joseph Sold into Slavery

Joseph in Potiphar’s House

More Dreams

Joseph:  A Ruler in Egypt

The Brothers’ First and Second Trips to Egypt

The Reunion

The Deaths of Jacob and Joseph


During the next few weeks our class will be learning about multiplication of whole numbers in Chapter 5.  You can expect to see work that provides practice in multiplying with  2, 5, 10, 3,  and 4.  We will also be learning about the special multiplication properties of 0 and 1.  We will learn how to represent multiplication sentences using arrays (objects arranged in equal rows and equal columns.  During this chapter students should continue to to practice and memorize  basic multiplication facts.

Next week we will also begin short factor family tests of 36 problems beginning with the factor family of 0, 1, and 2. We will progress through the factor family of 9 in sequence mastering each level with 100% proficiency until we have mastered each fact family.


We will be finishing Unit 2 study of Native Americans, California tribes, preserving culture, and Native American sovereign government today.  We will also focus the next two weeks on the arrival of the Pilgrims to the New World, their survival in search for religious freedom, the providence of Squanto’s life in their survival their very first winter, and the contribution of the Wampanoag Native tribe as we study the First Thanksgiving story.


Once again we have the privilege to help the families of Pinedale this Holiday season!  We will be collecting CANned food Nov. 17th thru Dec. 9th to distribute through the Pinedale Book Buddies program.  Our High School students are already volunteering as Book Buddies and we would like to continue our support for their programs.

Our delivery this year will help families by providing food for Christmas.  Pinedale resource leaders put together a list of items most used in the community  Please make sure to check this list before you shop.

There will be a prize awarded to the classes that bring the most items (1 prize for grades K-3, and 1 prize for grades 4-6).

If you are interested in making a financial donation, please send cash/check to the office and designate “Food – Pinedale.”  We have a program with Food Maxx where we use scrip & S.H.A.R.E.S. so FCS also benefits!

If you have any  questions, please contact Rob Foshee at .



Monday, November 10 – Operation Christmas Child Boxes Due
Tuesday, November 11 – Veteran’s Holiday/No School
Wednesday, November 12 – HAPPY BIRTHDAY MCKENZIE SUE!
Friday, November 21 – Thanksgiving Feast
November 26-28 – Thanksgiving Vacation
November 30 – Scholastic On-line Book Orders Due