thanksgiving clip artREVIEW CHARACTER TRAIT:  Thankfulness

Reference:  Philippians 4:6

Bible Verse:  Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Definition:  Being glad for the goodness of God and others.

Opposite:  Little appreciation for what God and others do for me.


Pattern Words-Diphthongs: oi, oo, oy

1.  oily

2.  loyal

3.  hood

4.  royal

5.  voice

6.  coins

7.  annoy

8.  brook

9.  joining

10.  choice

11.  looked

12.  rejoice

13.  spoiled

14.  pointed

15.  destroy

16.  enjoyed

17.  crooked

18.  understood

High-Frequency Words

19.  divided

20.  exercise

Challenge Words



Visit to study your spelling words under cherifraser33.



Hi Fraser Praiser Parents!  We are looking forward to our Thanksgiving Feast with a Thanksgiving Reader’s Theater Play entitled “Give Thanks for the Pilgrims” this coming Friday, November 21st at 11:30 AM in our classroom.  There is a reminder that there is a sign-up sheet by our classroom door.   Parents are welcome to come!! In the afternoon we will have Thanksgiving crafts, activities, and treats from 1:30-2:30 PM.


Mrs. Savage, a Fresno Christian Parent, does a project each year with student volunteers to make fleece blankets that will be shared with Women and Children in need in the Fresno area.
Students (3rd grade and up) who wish to participate need to bring 2 or 4 yards of fleece fabric by December 1.
Each blanket requires 4 yards. They can pair up with a friend and each bring 2 yards, or bring 4 yards on their own.
In the first 2 weeks of December there will be several time slots available for teachers to send these students to room 526 to assemble their blanket with Mrs. Savage.
Parents who wish to help Mrs. Savage prepare the materials (cutting, etc.) may call her 999-1957.
Mrs. Ainley, our music teacher, is adding two rehearsals to our schedule in the next two week so that 3rd and 4th graders may rehearse with 5th and 6th graders.  These added rehearsals will take place at 8:00-8:45 AM on Monday, November 17 and Monday, November 24.  Thank you for your assistance in helping your child arrive promptly to school for this combined rehearsals.
Be sure to mark your calendars for the Elementary Christmas Program on Tuesday, December 9th in the Peoples Church Sanctuary starting at 7:00 PM.  This will be a dress-up evening for the children in their Christmas Holiday Best!  We look forward to a beautiful evening for all of your  family and friends!!  Watch for a flyer coming soon!!!
Our class will be going to the Stephen Care sing02Homes to sing for the residents there.  We will make Christmas cards and go Christmas caroling to three of their care homes:  Christina Care Home, Anjali Home, and Marian Homes #4.  The date is Friday. Dec. 5th.   We will be taking carpools.  If you are able to help with transportation, there is a sign-up sheet outside our door.  We will leave at 9:00 AM and conclude our trip with a picnic lunch in a nearby Clovis park returning about 1:30 PM.  The Stephen family will provide a pizza lunch.  There will also be a sign-up sheet for other food items for our Christmas picnic lunch.  We look forward to serving our community of Fresno during this holiday season.   


Please remember to send a JACKET daily with your child as the season changes to cooler weather.   Students will eat in their classrooms when the weather drops below 60 degrees or on rainy days.


Once again we have the privilege to help the families of Pinedale this Holiday season!  We will be collecting CANned food Nov. 17th thru Dec. 9th to distribute through the Pinedale Book Buddies program.  Our students are already volunteering as Book Buddies and we would like to continue our support for their programs.

Our delivery this year will help families by providing food for Christmas.  Pinedale resource leaders put together a list of items most used in the community (see back of flyer sent home).  Please make sure to check this list before you shop.

There will be a prize awarded to the classes that bring the most items (1 prize for grades K-3, and 1 prize for grades 4-6).

If you are interested in making a financial donation, please send cash/check to the office and designate “Food – Pinedale.”  We have a program with Food Maxx where we use scrip & S.H.A.R.E.S. so FCS also benefits!

If you have any  questions, please contact Rob Foshee at or talk to your classroom teacher.

Blessings and thanks in advance for helping Pinedale and their families.


Third graders will begin a special level program to learn our multiplication facts.  Each week we will concentrate on a particular factor family.  Students will study the facts at school and students should review them at home.  We will have a daily 3-minute timed test of 36 multiplication facts in that factor family.  Our goal is to pass the fact family each Friday.  This is a progressive test and we will learn facts up through the family of 9.  Students must pass one level with 100% accuracy before moving on to the next level. Students should pass all 9 levels by the end of the third quarter.  We will begin with the factor families of 0, 1, 2, and 3’s.  Now is a great time to purchase a set of multiplication fact flash cards for your child to help with daily practice in multiplication as  well as in addition and subtraction facts if you do not yet have these tools.  The Dollar Tree offers them very inexpensively.  You may also visit   Go to third grade to practice multiplication facts through games on-line.

Factor Family of 0

0 x 0 = 0

0 x 1  = 0

0 x 2 = 0

0 x 3 = 0

0 x 4 = 0

0 x 5 = 0

0 x 6 = 0

0 x 7 = 0

0 x 8 = 0

0 x 9 = 0

0 x 10 = 0

Factor Family of 1

1 x 0 = 0

1 x 1 = 1

1 x 2 = 2

1 x 3 = 3

1 x 4 = 4

1 x 5 = 5

1 x 6 = 6

1  x 7 = 7

1 x 8 = 8

1  x 9 = 9

1 x 10 = 10

Factor Family of 2

2 x 0 = 0

2 x 1 = 2

2 x 2 = 4

2 x 3 = 6

2 x 4 = 8

2 x 5 = 10

2 x 6 = 12

2 x 7 = 14

2 x 8 = 16

2 x 9 = 18

2 x 10 = 20


Mike Pearson’s KIDS4TENNIS after school tennis program will be offered for Fresno Christian Schools students Grades 1-6 on Thursdays right after school at the playground/blacktop from 2:45-3:45 PM beginning November 20th.  There will be no class on November 27th. The tennis program will continue on December 4th, 11th, and 18th.  See flyer attached to Monday’s newsletter for further details, sign-ups, and permission slip.  If you have further questions you may contact Coach Steve (559) 287-7393 or


Watch for a flyer coming soon with details about the elementary Christmas skating party from 9:30-11:30 AM at Cal Skate on Friday, December 12th.

Students will have their individual Christmas parties from 8:00-9:00 AM on Friday, December 12th in their classrooms before departing for the skating party.



Friday, November 21 – Thanksgiving Feast 11:30 AM
November 26-28 – Thanksgiving Vacation
Sunday, November 30 – Scholastic On-line Book Orders Due


Monday, December 1 – Town Hall Meeting / Student Ministries Center Main / 6:30-8:00 PM

Friday, December 5 – Elementary Drama “A Bag Full of Fables” 7:00 PM

Tuesday, December 9 – K-6 Christmas Program 7 PM/Peoples Church Sanctuary

Friday, December 12 – Second Quarter Ends

Friday, December 12 – Class Christmas Party 8:00-9:00 AM

Friday, December 12 – Elementary Skating Party at Cal-Skate  9:30 AM-11:30 AM

Saturday, December 13 – HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUSTUS ROCHA!



December 12-January 2 – Christmas Vacation


January 5  – School Resumes/Happy New Year!!!