Dear Families,
Happy Mother’s Day to our great moms. You are loved. I pray you had a wonderful day.
It was so great seeing all of you at Open House. The children were so excited to share all of their projects.
We are winding down our school year and pulling together all our loose ends. We will be doing lots of reviewing in Reading and Math. As the weather is warm, please be sure to send water with your child.
GREAT DAY – The videos we taped with Kopi will air on Tuesday, May 12, from 5-10 am. They will be on the KMPH website that afternoon for an entire month. Go to, click on Great Day, click on Ten Day Forecast and Great Day Faces and everyone can see them on line. Everyone can also share the videos.
LANGUAGE ARTS – Please return to school the Anthology books (red or blue). Also, if you have located any other books that were in the book bags, please return.
MATH – We are on our Measurement Chapter, however, we will not have a test on this chapter. We will spend a couple weeks reviewing all of our Math skills we have learned this year so the children are ready for 2nd Grade.
FIELD TRIP -Our annual trip to Hanford on the train will be on May 13th. We will leave at 9:15 AM and return by 1:00 PM. Thank you to all who have offered to drive. We now have plenty of transportation. All children must be in a booster seat. If you have not returned your permission slip, please do so. It is a requirement to go. Please send your child’s booster seat on the morning of the field trip.
LIBRARY INFO – YEAH!!!! Everyone in our room has returned all their books. Congrats on a job well done!
YEAR END SWIMMING PARTY – Our final celebration of the year will be a swim party on Tuesday, May 19th, from 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM at the DeGroots. All are welcome to attend. Please check outside our classroom to sign up for the needed items. You will meet at Jordyn’s house at 11:00 AM. You do not need to come to our campus first. If you will need a ride from school, please let me know, as we will not be organizing formal carpools. You will also need to pick up your child at the DeGroots after the party is over, or make arrangements for them to get home. We will not be going back to People’s Campus. I am including a Map Quest direction sheet in the envelope on Monday.
BMX SHOW – One of our fundraiser awards is the BMX Show. It will be in the afternoon on May 18th at 2:00 PM. All are invited to attend.

5-13 – Hanford Field Trip – 9:15 Am – 1:00 PM
5-18 – BMX Show – 2:00 PM
5-19 – End of Year Celebration – 11:00-2:00 at DeGroots
5-21 – Happy 7th Birthday Kennedy Schwab
5-21 – Early Dismissal at 12:00 PM
5-22 – Last day of school – Dismissal at 12:00 PM
6-4 – Happy 7th Birthday Brooklyn Medeiros
6-21 – Happy 7th Birthday Arlyn Rylander
8-1 – Happy 8th Birthday Lala Briggs
Spirit Day is every Friday. Please wear one of your favorite FCS shirts!
SPELLING – LESSON 36 – May 11-15
In everything you do put God first, and He will direct your path. Proverbs 3:16 15 pts.