


Dear Families, Welcome September!!!! I trust you had a wonderful and relaxing Labor Day weekend spending time with those you love. Now we are ready to jump back in the saddle in Room 524!!! It has been quite a ride these first few weeks. It has challenging for some, but the children are doing a good job adjusting to a new grade and accelerated expectations as well. So much progress has already been made. Our everyday routines are becoming more automatic and familiar which begins to build confidence. Thank you to our parent helpers who have helped facilitate this growth. I am grateful for your investment in the lives of Tally’s Treasures.

Dismissal Info – If you have children at different grades with different dismissal times, please pick up your child that is dismissed first and then wait for your older child. Many children are lingering, waiting for their parent to pick them up when the older sibling is ready. This ends up being a 20-25 min wait. If your child has permission to meet you in a different place other than the pirate ship or wait for a sibling, please send written permission with your signature and we will allow them to do this. Many thanks for your help in this matter. We just want to be sure our younger students are safe and secure.

Language Arts – Reading groups are going great, as is Spelling and Writing. Journal writing is a free write, using inventive spelling, and the high frequency words. I am stressing the components of a proper sentence using capital letters and punctuation with legible handwriting……. imagine that !!!! These are all standards based skills. They are encouraged to incorporate descriptive words in their journal entries. Your child will be binging a book bag home on Friday with some books to read.  These will be returned every Friday.  There will be a journal for you to write down all the books they have read, even those you read that weren’t assigned.

Writing – We began working on our Benchmarks for Quarter One.We are are working on an  Expository person.

Math – We have completed Contract 1. Most did an excellent job on their test.Remember to always turn in the Chapter Review on the day of the test because it is with 10 pts. in my grade book. The next chapter introduces subtraction..  The requirements for the First Grade club are facts to 10 in addition and subtraction, completing 100 in four minutes. Requirements for the Second Grade club are facts to +18, 100 in four minutes. Please be faithful in doing a 4 minute drill at home each night. Your consistency will really help your child be successful in this skill. Let me know when you need more drills at home . My goal for some of  them is to get to subtraction facts to 20 and for some multiplication.  Every year some do.

Science – We will study living and non-living things with a focus on Apples. We will make a theme book learning how an apple develops and grows, as well as learning all the things you can do with an apple.We culminate our unit at the end of the month by making applesauce and enjoying other apple treats and activities. Such fun!

Bible –  We will finish up Noah. Please be faithful in practicing the Bible Verse. We say it many times at school as well. 

Social Science – We are studying Land Around Us .

Show and Tell – Show and Tell is for Team A this week. Your child can bring two times during the week.

Portrait Day – Picture Day is coming soon! Elementary pictures will be taken on Tuesday, September 9. Watch for order envelopes in the near future.

Fall Fundraiser – Your fundraising money AND order forms must be turned in on September 11th. Packets must be given to your teacher ASAP that morning. The PST Board will be counting as soon as the packets have been collected from each class. Delivery for items will be Thursday, October 9th behind Building 5.

Elementary Spirit Days
Fresno Christian Schools Spirit Days are here! Starting this Friday and every Friday after, wear your FCS Spirit Wear. At the end of each month the K-6 class with the highest percentage of Spirit Wear worn will be the keeper of the FCS Eagle Trophy for a month! So wear your Fresno Christian Spirit Wear with pride. Go Eagles!!!

Moms in Prayer
Any woman desiring to pray for our children and Fresno Christian School.
Join us for a powerful time of prayer!
Fridays from 8:00 – 9:00 am
Peoples Church, Room 204
Contact: Janet Moore 448-0947 or

Sustained Silent Reading – As a way to wind down and cool off, we are having a Sustained Silent Reading time of 15 minutes after lunch recess. The children will need to bring a book from home to keep in their backpacks. Thank you!!


Grades K-6 will be dismissed at 12 noon, Monday-Friday, September 15 – 19, 2014.



Spirit Day every Friday!!!!


 9- 1 – Labor Day/No School

 9- 9 – Elementary School Pictures

9-11 – Fundraiser Due

9- 15-19 – Parent/Teacher Conferences (Dismissal at 12 Noon)

9-17 – Happy 6th Birthday Kiley Griffin

9-27 – Happy 7th Birthday Allison Inks

10-7 – Picture Retakes




Bible Verse – Sept.2- 5  

Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.  Psalm 136:1  13 pts

Spelling – Lesson 3 – Sept. 2-5











