Dear Kindergarten Parents,                                 October 13, 2014



This week our verse is John 14:15,If you love me you will obey what I command.” Our character trait is MISSIONS. We are also beginning to memorize Psalm 100 for our Thanksgiving Celebration. Please help your child with it. We are using the NIV version; it is attached.


Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes due by November 10.



Our DISCOVERY CENTER field trip will be on Friday, November 7. We will meet at 8:00 and be back at 11:30. We’ll be taking a bus. Siblings may come if you drive your car.




Kindergarten Indians and first grade Pilgrims will be having a Thanksgiving Celebration on Tuesday, November 25. We will be coming at 8:00 A.M. and will dismiss at 12:00. Parents and guests are invited to attend our program at 10:45 a.m. (place to be determined soon but it will be somewhere at Peoples Campus). Bring your Cameras!!!!


November 26-28 is Thanksgiving break. There is no school. Have a great time with your family.


Have a happy week!


Mrs. Witters and your Evangelistic Kindergartner


P.S. DON”T FORGET YOUR WHITE PILLOW CASE!! We will be making Indian outfits for our Thanksgiving Celebration!……


                     Important Dates


October 1 7            Pumpkin Patch Field Trip (8:00-12:00)

November 7           Discovery Center Field Trip – (8:00 – 11:30)

November 11           Veteran’s Day ( NO school)


November 25         Our Thanksgiving Celebration – kids come to

school at 8:00 and are dismissed at 12:00.


November   26-28     THANKSGIVING VACATION


December 9              Christmas Program – EVENING (7-8)


December 11             Christmas Party!!!! MORNING


December 12             1/2 Day – come 8:00 –12:00 (Vacation starts